Friday, August 31, 2012




The Republican Convention concluded last evening and from my perspective it came off very well.  I enjoy good speeches and they were in abundance.

So were the personalities … the Republican Party is blessed with some great leaders.

Romney and others said they were saddened that Barack Obama’s Presidency did not turn out more favourably.  The statement can be seen as biased given that the Republican Party now hopes to replace the Democrats at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue but I can tell you, I truthfully feel that way.  Had I been an American in 2008, I would not have voted for Obama but I was secretly hoping he would win given that as America’s first Black President his victory would encourage so many poor and disadvantaged. It was also a major milestone toward putting segregation to rest.

The last 4 years have totally turned me off Democratic politics – so much so, I do not plan to turn on their Convention next week.  Just the thought of watching Obama, Biden, Polosi and Reid share the stage causes me angst. They have proven themselves to be petty little people who care only for themselves and blame others for their own shortcomings.

But they still command the support of nearly half the electorate, as does Romney the support of the remaining half.  I have not seen it written, but it never failed to amaze me when the cameras scanned the Republican Convention it consisted of a sea of White Faces.  Where were the Blacks and the Hispanics?  Had I been a Senior Republican Organizer I would have made sure that the minorities were adequately represented at their shindig.

This divide can be nothing but disconcerting for the folks who really care about America’s future.

The other thing I would have done is to invite Sarah Palin to be one of the Conventions Main Speakers.  The fact that their VP last time and the key spokesperson for the Tea Partyers was shunned is simply inexcusable.  This is the same Sarah Palin who was instrumental in seeing so many Republican victories in 2010 and which to a large extent propelled the Republicans into this year’s Presidential Race.   Besides, as our esteemed for PM Brain Mulroney would say; ‘you dance with the one who brung ya’.

The Presidential Election is about to begin – i.e. the day after Labour Day.  It will be one nasty contest and when the dust settles, the Americans will have a new occupant in the White House.

As I see it …

‘K. D. Galagher’


Monday, August 27, 2012

We’re All Wild About Harry …


Harry Windsor that is !!

Young Harry has been in the news of late due to his sexual antics and the public’s reaction to them has been rather tame; indeed almost supportive.

I have on many occasions noted that ‘things’ seem to have gone off the rails in the mid 1960s and I can tell you, had Harry’s licentious actions taken place back then, he would have been publicly vilified.

But not today.

Indeed, the public’s reaction relates more to his getting caught than what he actually did.  Too often the refrain ‘boys will be boys’ is heard – even from the most elderly.  Despite the fact that this ‘boy’ is now almost 30 and is a Captain in Her Majesty’ Royal Army.

So there is very little criticism of his naked romping's with a bevy of young women; rather, ‘how could he or his handlers be so stupid as to allow cell phone cameras’ in on the orgy.

Boy things have changed.

I just wonder -as a father of two girls and a granddaughter - how a father would view his daughter, in her ‘all together’ on the Nation’s front pages, being groped and fondled by the young prince?  Or a mother seeing her son, in his ‘all together’ taking part in the festivities.  Hopefully it would at least make them both blush. 

Muslims are being criticized, in many quarters, but their belief that the West has slipped into decadence may not be that far off the mark.

So What To Do About Harry?

I guess not much, since he and his antics seem to reflect Society at Large.  Thankfully though, it is his Brother William who stands ahead of him in line for King. 

As I see it …

‘K. D. Galagher’