Friday, December 31, 2010

Predictions for 2011....

First though, please refer back to my Blog of 12/31/09 entitled 'Some Random Predictions' where I set out my Predictions for 2010. As you will see, I have added some commentary.

I had not viewed this Blog since written so was a little concerned about its accuracy but on balance found that it had been quite accurate.

Let's hope I can do as well for 2011.

Here Goes:


  • Elections at the Federal and Ontario levels will see Harper victorious while the Provincial Libs will be decimated by the Hudak Progressive Conservatives. Harper, although victorious, will fall slightly short of his long sought majority and I fully expect the national election will take place this Spring.

  • In the USA, the Republicans will launch their campaign to unseat President Obama in 2012. I predict that Mitt Romney will come out of 2011 in the lead (he should have been their Leader in 2008). The Tea Party will continue to be the King Makers.

  • I will go out on a limb and predict that Britain will be forced into another General Election and if so, the Tories will emerge with a working majority.

  • Berlusconi will cease to be Prime Minister of Italy - at last


  • The US$ will continue to decline due to their horrendous debt.

  • The Canadian $ will stay above Par.

  • The Canadian Economy will out perform the US.

  • The European Contagion will continue to spread throughout that Continent and this coming year it will envelope the US.. (i.e. credit ratings will continue to fall)

  • Interest rates will finally begin to rise for instance, here in North America, 5 year mortgage rates will climb to 5 - 6 %.

  • Oil will average $100 a barrel and more.

  • Gold / Silver / Copper will continue to outperform and will reach record levels.

  • China will continue to Outpace the Pack which will insure that it will sooner, rather than later, succeed the US as the world's ultimate power.

  • Over Legislation / Regulation will finally begin to slow - sadly it will take more time to see it begin to reverse.

  • The numbers of Civil Servants and their Salaries will begin their descent.

  • Social Welfare Programs will stall and then they too will begin their decline.

World Affairs

  • Terrorism will continue with softer targets (read crowds).

  • Haiti will continue to suffer as will Africa.

  • Afghanistan will more or less stalemate as long as NATO (read USA) remains committed as they will for the coming year.

  • Last year I suggested that Iran would be the big story of 2010 and it will continue to be so this coming year. Time has been bought by successful efforts to infect their computer systems. Hopefully, this time will allow for a Regime Change but I do not see that happening in 2011.

  • The Greater Story this year could well be the Koreas. A Nut Bar leads the North and the South is tiring of continuing concessions. It is a powder keg set to go off. As in the case of Iran - steps need to be taken by the West (read USA) to block further Nuclear Development on the part of both rouge nations.

  • Russia will continue to descend into Dictatorship with Putin continuing to perform the role of Dictator.

  • Airport / Border Security will continue to thicken in the face of loss of Freedom / Privacy.

  • Democracies will be upstaged Communist / Dictatorship Governments.

  • The backlash against Immigration will see the Right in Europe grow in strength as will their laws designed to neutralize the Muslim effect.

  • Persecution against both Christians and Jews will accelerate and both their Religions will continue to be under attack throughout the world.

Generally Speaking

This coming year will be a most difficult one. The chickens are coming home to roost and precious few are ready to deal with the consequences. Greater Civil Unrest Can Be Expected.

As I see it...


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Investmentisms...for 2011

With all the year end prognostications I got to thinking - what would happen if a woman news anchor (Sandy), with no background in business - attempted to interview a seasoned financial guru (Mr. Dow Jones)?

Maybe it would go something like this:

I am pleased this evening to have as our guest Mr. Dow Jones who will share with us all his views on the economy for the coming year.

Mr. Jones thank you so much for joining us.

You are most welcome.

Let me begin by asking you generally what you see in store for us in 2011?

Well as a renowned Bear you can just imagine what I have to say so you won't be surprised if I tell you that I believe that currently we have an Ovobody Market.

Please proceed.

I am also a well known Contrarian so don't expect my comments to follow the crowd.

Be assured Mr. Jones that I do not harbour any such expectations. Now what precisely can our audience expect for next year in the markets?

We are going to see much of what has taken place in 2010 that is to say: flashing, one night stands, swaps and stripping.

Well Mr. Jones we are in polite society so I would ask you to please keep your comments civil.

Eh? There are certain things that as a Contrarian I am specifically looking for and that is such things as a Hot Waitress or Fools in the Shower.

I strongly suggest Mr. Jones that you keep your private life out of today's conversation. Now let's get back to our topic - what in particular will need to happen to see the markets advance in 2011?




Will that tell us we are on the right path.

Yes and No.

Yes and No?


Would you please expand on that.

Gladly. Yes Treponomics is the answer but it is a very slow process so it could take a number of years before we can gauge its success.

So we won't know for sure if it is working in 2011

Precisely not. But it must get started in 2011 to be effective so we will begin eventually to see improved EBITDA.



Okay let me come at it from a different angle. Is there anything that could happen in 2011 that would tell you that things are likely to improve?

Of course there is - one could look for a Jennifer Lopez.

A Jennifer Lopez? What pray tell is that.

A nice Round Bottom of course.

Mr. Jones I will not warn you again.

Sandy I am beginning to see that you have not done sufficient Concepting.

There is no need to insult me Dow, I am doing my best, so let's just try to get through this - we have but a couple of minutes left. We hear alot about Index Trading do you have any favourites?

Two of my favourites are Paris Hilton and Lipstick.

Why am I not surprised. Any favourite Bonds?

I guess I would have to say the Chasity Bond.

Well given your other comments that does come as a surprise to me. Is there anything the ordinary investor can do to grown his or her Portfolio?

I would suggest a combination of Arbitrage and Forex. The financial world is getting smaller, so I would recommend to your viewing audience that these types of investments would be to their overall benefit.

Arbitrage and Forex?


Are they listed on the Stock Markets.

Quite the sense of humour you have Sandy. In all seriousness though - for 2011 many businesses will have to adopt detailed Scalping Strategies.

Scalping Strategies? Like the Indians?

You are indeed refreshing Sandy but I do hope there are not too many Aboriginal Investors out there in your television audience.

Oh my. Let's conclude our interview with one final question Dow. Um, if there is one piece of advice you can leave our audience with - what would that be?

Buy low - Sell high.

Well that is certainly something we can all understand. Thank you so much. And perhaps Dow you could leave me your cell phone number in case I have any follow-up questions.

As I see it...


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Something Good About The 60s...

The Emancipation of Women.

I have been oft critical about the 60s and how things seem to have down hill since then, but there is one trend that began then which has benefited our Society greatly and that is the coming out of women into main stream society.

More specifically, women began to join the workforce in great numbers with the result today that nearly 50% of our workforce is female.

This trend started in the 60s and accelerated with the high inflation of the 1970s. No longer could families be sustained on only one pay cheque.

There was a downside and that was the lack of women staying at home and the social repercussions it caused and continues to cause today to our children, but in the sense of fairness, a woman should not be expected to sacrifice herself for others - even her own children.

The greater benefit though has been to Society generally since to deny half of the population access, is to ensure that Society only operates at 50 % capacity.

We are what we are today - one of the world's leading countries - due to the fact that we have utilized the skills and abilities of 100% of our citizens. This in stark contrast to those world nations that deny women their rightful place in society and those countries suffer accordingly.

Indeed, in the liberated world, Women have in many cases surpassed their Male Counterparts - take Education for example where women now out number males in post graduate studies - often by large per centages. It provides us Males with an incentive to pull up our socks and try harder.

So as much as I have been critical of developments dating back to the 60s this is one very important area where we have all greatly benefited.

As I see it...


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Green Energy Fiasco...

Ontario Hydro Users are looking at a doubling and tripling of their monthly hydro bills and have only Dolton McGuinty and his Green Energy Advisors to blame.

Daily calls come into local talk radio attesting to the fact that some Hydro Subscribers are wearing winter clothing inside and burning candles in a desperate bid to keep warm and to keep some lights on.

All the while a select few are receiving 10 x their energy costs back in rebates for providing wind and solar power.

And now we learn that cheap electric power has been available all along to Ontario from neighbouring Quebec and Manitoba. Six (6) cents per kilowatt hour and with no need to upgrade the current grid.

McGuinty's mistakes are too numerous to list but this one tops them all. Tens of billions of dollars have been and will continue to be wasted with his poorly thought out Energy Programme.

The sooner he and his Spendthrift Government is gone - the better.

That said, I look forward to hear what the Provincial Tory and NDP leaders have to say on this important subject.

Ontario Hydro has been mismanaged for the past 30 years and more. Senior Management is grossly overpaid and Union Contracts are out of control.

Privatization is the answer and cheaper sources of clean energy the goal.

As I see it....


Friday, December 10, 2010

Some more Quickies...

First Wikileaks:

More "top secret" e-mails revealed. For example, China apparently has no way to accurately determine its annual GDP. Since the world's monetary system is based on how National GDPs are doing I am sure that such information will be invaluable to the business community. Score another one for Wikileaks.

Speaking of China - we are also told that it is supplying Iran with armaments. Nice to know.

I think much of what Wikileaks is all about is that Governments simply do not have much trust in their own citizens.


Continues to fall apart. Nothing much has been done toward reconstruction since their major earthquake and now thousands are dying from drinking tainted water.

And to top it off, their recent Election has resulted in riots in the streets.

You may recall in my Blog, at the time of their Quake, I said the only cure for Haiti is a United Nations (read USA / Canada) enforced Martial Law for at least 20 years to allow for the education of a knowledgeable and vibrant Middle Class. I also pointed out then that this would not happen and not surprising then, Haiti continues to suffer.

Ontario Landowners:

The head of the Ontario Landowners - Jack McLaren, tried to unseat Norm Sterling's Riding Association last week. They came within 150 votes of doing so and of note, 150 McLaren's supporters were denied the right to cast a ballot. Smell a rat?

McLaren is trying to bring the US Tea Party to Ontario and just like in the States - probably their greatest opponent is the Right of Centre Party - the Tories in Ontario and the Republican Party in the States. I suspect that it is not over yet for McLaren since his next battle will be taking aim at Sterling in next year's Nomination Meeting.

It is certainly not over for Tea Partyers encroaching into Canadian Politics. Hopefully the days of Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee Politics will soon come to an end. We simply cannot afford ($$$) much of the same too much longer.

Students Riot in England:

Charles and Camilla shaken up.

I deplore this type of action but I also am saddened by their Government's move to triple the University Tuitions to $15,000 per year. This coming from the guy who wants to see our governmental budgets balanced and taxes dramatically reduced.

But there are some things that simply cannot cost more and one of those is Education. We in this world are now firmly
in the Knowledge Age. Our future welfare is now tied to how our students perform more than ever. Students here in Canada are currently graduating with debt loads of $50 k and more. Imagine what would happen if our Tuitions were tripled?

Ottawa Policing:

I am getting tired of the excuses being made for the Police re those recently released videos. The same thing happened when the poor chap was tasered at the Vancouver Airport by the RCMP. Videos don't lie and those responsible should be cashiered and charged as soon as the films came to light. This from a fellow who in most cases supports the police.

As I see it..


Sunday, December 5, 2010


My Contrarian View.

As you may know by now, I do not tend to follow the crowd; chalk it up to the Libertarian in me.

Same goes for my thoughts on Wikileaks; I find them refreshing.

Well maybe "refreshing" is going overboard, but in truth I get a kick out of them.

Most - should I say virtually all reports I have read, be they from the Left or the Right, are in high dungeon about them and indeed several are literally calling for the Head of Wikileaks.

Tsk Tsk - I say bring it on. A little candid exposure concerning what our respective Ambassadorial Communities are up to is more helpful than harmful and provides for some unexpected candour and openness albeit involuntarily.

And what I have read so far chiefly consists of a series of derogatory comments about this Leader or That. All of which have been quite amusing and yet quite consistent with the man on the street's view.

The Leaks have also served another useful function - they have shown America's Diplomatic Communications to be - well - 'Leaky', and if Wikileaks can get it hands on these communications so can others with less friendly hands.

But for the moment we can read and enjoy what our respective governing classes think of each other. And it is not pretty.

Openness and Candor in Societies though can only serve to educate the people which in turn allows them to choose more wisely come Election Time. If it takes Wikileaks to help to this process along - so be it.

That said, I do not support the leakage of information that puts individuals' lives at risk as say in the case of operatives in the field but so far I have neither heard nor read of such happening here. Wikileaks would be wise to self censure such if that type of information came its way.

So put me down as one of its few current supporters.

As I see it..


Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Fight for America...

But First - David Warren.

David Warren as some of you will know is probably the only right of centre columnist that the Ottawa Citizens newspaper has on staff.

I usually agree with the content of his articles but the other day agreed with part - but not all.

Mr. Warren was speaking about the effect of the Tea Party in the recent US Congressional Elections and concluded that the overall effect was but marginal.

He broke the US Electorate down into 3 categories - Tea Partyers (Republicans) on the right - 40%; Democrats on the Left- 40% and Independents in the middle - 20%.

In that regard he is basically in cinq with my earlier Blog Analysis that the US of A is split right down the middle - %50% Conservative and 50% Liberal.

Be that as it may.

Warren goes on to conclude that in this Election the Tea Partyers were motivated to get out and vote and brought sufficient numbers of Independents along with them. And this was coupled by the "fact" - in Warren's opinion that the Democrats were demoralized and did not come out to vote in big numbers.

He suggests that next time - in the 2012 Presidential Elections this could easily reverse itself with the Democrats coming out on top.

In essence then - nothing has really changed in regard to the American Political Landscape. The Pendulum has swung a bit to the right this time but the overall numbers have remained unchanged - 40% Republican; 40% Democrat; and 20% Independent.

I agree with part of his thesis - i.e. the overall numbers have indeed remained the same.

Where I disagree is that I see the American Political Landscape has changed big time.

Where once the 40% on the Right represented the "silent majority" they now are activated and motivated to demand change. They see their once great country in a downward spiral and are prepared to at last get involved to try to reverse this trend.

In other words - the Right is finally engaging the battle.

This is a very major development and is entirely lost in David Warren's Assessment.

At this early stage, I do not know if the Right will be successful in its battle but I am assured that one will be fought vigourously to the end.

I also know that if they are not successful the future for the States and for Western Democracies will be a bleak one.

More on that in my next Blog.

As I see it...



Something on the lighter side before I return to heavy..

This from one of my loyalist readers:

It is a slow day in the small Saskatchewan town of Pumphandle and the streets are deserted. Times are tough; everybody is in debt and living on credit.

A Tourist visiting the area drives through town and stops at the Motel, and lays a $100 bill on the desk saying he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs to pick one for the night.

As soon as he walks upstairs, the motel owner grabs the bill and runs next door to pay his debt to the Butcher.

The Butcher takes the $100 and runs down street to retire his debt to the Pig Farmer,

The Pig Farmer takes the $100 and pays off his bill at the Co-op.

The Guy at the Co-op takes the $100 and pays his debt to the Local Prostitute who has been facing hard times and has had to offer her "services" on credit.

The Prostitute rushes to the Motel to pay off her Room Bills.

The Motel Operator places the $100 Bill back on the Counter so the Traveler will not suspect anything.

At that Moment the Traveler comes down and states that the Rooms are Not Satisfactory and picks up his $100 and leaves.

No one produced anything. No one earned anything. However the who Town is now Out of Debt and looks to the Future with more Optimism.

And that Ladies and Gentlemen is how a Stimulus Package Works.

MAKES YOUR HEAD SWIM... Does it not?

On reflection, I do not know if this is how a Stimulus Package Works but it does seem to be how a Bartering System would work.

Given the fall of the US Dollar, the rise of Gold and the increase in Taxes, it may be something that will come back into vogue.

As I see it...


Friday, November 5, 2010

McGinty was obviously not paying attention...

when his fellow Liberal Premier Gordon Campbell resigned this week.

Yesterday McGuinty announced $40,000 per year for Foreign PHD students for a total of 4 years or some $160,000 per Foreign Student. His Plan sees 300 Foreign Students per year receiving these Ontario Tax Dollars or some $12 million per year / $48 million every 4 years.

McGuinty is just so out of touch. The average Ontario family is struggling to get a decent education for their University Age Students, the majority of whom graduate with huge student loans. It is nothing for an Ontario graduate to owe in the vicinity of $40 - $60K for 4 years of under graduate study.

And that is after much sacrifice on the part of their parents as well.

These debts too often preclude the Ontario Student from even contemplating going on for an MA or heaven forbid a PHD.

Think what an offer of $40K per year for 4 years post graduate studies would do for our own Students? In many cases it would allow them to pay off their student loans and would permit them to continue their studies with a clean ledger.

The other problem with his generosity with our tax dollars is the fact that many Foreign PHD Students come from wealthy, influential families. The $40K per year will be gratefully received them, but not all that necessary.

We have seen how middle class anger has affected the US Political landscape this week; I can only imagine what's headed our way.

As I have mentioned before, due to Hydro Rates tripling in the McGuinty world of Green (read expensive) Energy - people on fixed incomes are wearing their winter garb inside and reading by candle light.

Think I exaggerate?

Let's take a look at some facts.

A single pensioner receives approx $1,300 per month - OAS, CPP and the Income Supplement. After paying rent, heat, food, clothes, public transport, telephone, t.v. - they have zip left to pay for tripling hydro rates let alone pay for the HST Tax Grab.

But it is not just the single pensioner who is falling behind. Families struggling with children have less and less disposable income because of these obscene increases in basic services.

McGuinty simply does not get it, but sadly we are saddled with his administration for another year.

Perhaps he will do a Gordon Campbell but I am afraid that the damage caused by our out of touch Premier will be with us for years to come.

As I see it...


Friday, October 29, 2010

My Very Own Parking Spot...

But first,

Yesterday I dealt with interviews with Sports Stars and today I heard another one that nicely fits the bill.

A Sportscaster was interviewing the San Francisco Baseball Manager after his team's 9 to 0 trouncing of the Texas Rangers in this year's World Series. Here's how it went:

Sportscaster - well you beat them 9 to zip - do you have any comments?

Manager - well we are not going to give any of the runs away.

That was it - nothing more. Again, how profound and did he really think he could give away some of their runs?

I can just hear it now -

Manager to Umpire:

"Hey Ump , we won by 9 runs - so in the spirit of fairness we would like to give some of those runs away".

Ump - "to whom exactly?"

Manager - "to the other team I guess - let's say 6"

Ump - "but then the Rangers win 6 to 3".

Manager - "Good point - okay give them 4 and we'll have won 5 to 4"

Bizarre. And it certainly questions the common belief that the game is 90% mental.

Now on to My Own Parking Spot:

It started quite some time ago when Parking Lots began designating certain spots for the handicapped. Not many at first but soon the numbers grew as did the size of each reserved spot. Now each spot seems big enough to accommodate a Mack Truck.

Then in more recent times spots were reserved for pregnant women. Later women with children and then parents with children were added.

And more recently, spots are now being reserved for cars - specific types of cars that is - Hybrid and the like.

You now enter a parking lot - say Loblaws and encounter a vast waste land of empty spaces - all dedicated to someone or another or something or another that has failed to show up. But none of those spots can be used by those who class themselves healthy, with no children or expected children, while driving a gas guzzling relic of the past.

This latter group can be found parked in the parking lot's outer extremes -and easily identified by the area of lot containing all of the cars.

I fully expect that this trend will continue to grow and I am simply delighted with the prospect.

My theory is that there will come a day when all but one spot will be reserved and to save signage the Parking Lot Managers will at that point simply designate that one spot "For All The Rest".

And by that time, I will be the only one left to qualify for it.

Everyone else, the disabled, the pregnant, the parents with children, the Hybrids etc will be in a free fight for

the remainder. Like it used to be.

As I see it...


Thursday, October 28, 2010

You Gotta Love Those Sports Interviews...

Listened to one just this afternoon - and here it is word for word.

Announcer to Baseball Player:

What do you guys have to do to win tonight?


We gotta pitch strikes and keep them off the bases.

Simply Profound.

I can just imagine how the old Yankee Catcher Yogi Berra would have answered the question:

We have to make sure that after the last pitch we are one run ahead.

And here are some real Yogi quotes:

  • a nickel ain't worth a dime anymore;
  • always go to other people's funerals or they won't go to yours;
  • baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical;
  • I always thought that record would stand until it was broken;
  • I never said most of the things I said;
  • I wish I had an answer to that because I am tired of answering that question;
  • If people don't want to come out to the ball park, nobody's gonna stop 'em;

and finally, If you ask me anything I don't know, I am not going to answer.

One thing is for sure, Yogi's answers or non answers are far more interesting.

As I see it...


Peek Behind Governments' Backs

Whenever a government acts in a "clear, concise and fully transparent" fashion it is wise to look behind its back to determine what is really going on.

Take the recent draft refugee legislation for instance.

The Harper Government claims that it is addressing Canada's out of control Refugee System by clamping down legislatively on the Smugglers behind the arrival of Refugees by Boat.

It won't.

Not only because smuggling itself - whether it is in cigarettes, booze, drugs or people - is virtually impossible to control, but more to the point, the smugglers themselves are not the real problem.

Heresy you say.

The real villains in the piece are the Human Traffickers. These criminals arrange for the entry of people, both legally and illegally into a country, and then live off the avails of their work. Most often this work consists of illegal activities e.g. prostitution / drug trafficking. Modern day Slavery.

And, the Real Problem, is the fact that multi millions of migrants throughout the world are on the move looking for a better place in which to live. When I worked for the Refugee Board 15 years ago, the United Nations estimated the number of migrants to be in the range of 50 million. Today that number would be far higher as the 'world' continues to shrink in this modern age of communications and transport.

Plus, contrary to popular belief, Canada is not obligated to accept migrants as Refugees. As a Signator to the United Nations Convention on Refugees, we are only obligated to accept Refugees who are fleeing from Persecution. Although no statistics exist, I estimate that perhaps one out of every 100 refugee claimants would into that category. The other 99 are looking for a better economic way of life.

Add to this the fact that only a very small per centage of Migrants arrive by Boat (90% + come by air) so legislative initiatives directed against Marine Smugglers are but a spit in the ocean - (excuse the pun).

When I was with the Board some 40% of Migrant Refugee Claimants (at that time some 40,000) simply disappeared after making their claim for Refugee Status. Again, today, that missing contingent would be so much more numerous. It is safe to assume that a high per centage of these missing numbers would be actively involved in crime under the control of Traffickers.

Each year approx 40 - 50 thousand Migrants reach Canada and claim Refugee Status. Half receive favourable decisions - most of the remaining 50% are never returned to their countries of origin but are allowed to stay here in Canada. Save for the tiny few who are legitimately in fear of persecution - the vast remainder are, at the very least, queue jumpers and far too often criminals.

So back to Canada's draft refugee legislation - it is not what it appears to be and it will most certainly not curb illegal migration into our country.

As I See It....


Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Tooth For The Killing ...The Finale

Let me begin by saying that I had not planned for this edition but circumstances have overtaken.

We left off the other day at the end of my most recent visit to my new Family Dentist at which time his hygienist applied a protective layer of something or other which would hopefully do away with the sensitivity of my tooth - you know, the second one in, on the Upper Left Hand Side of my mouth.

Sadly, it didn't work.

Another Brief Recap is probably in Order:

  • It all began with a cleaning at my former Dentist's office;

  • She noticed a cavity in my second molar in - on the Upper Left Hand Side;

  • She prescribed a new Crown, a root canal, and finally a fix to the cavity,

  • I told her that if she could not just fix the cavity, all she need do is pull the tooth;

  • She was not at all happy but nonetheless sent me to a Specialist to "do some gum work" that would enable her to fill the cavity;

  • Specialist did the gum work even though I strongly encouraged him to save us all time and money by pulling the tooth;

  • I asked him if he could also do the needed filling but he said that he has never does them - so it was back to Former Family Dentist who fixed the cavity;
  • Former Family Dentist fixes cavity although her heart was not in it;
  • At this point I found a New Dentist - one that was closer to home and came with a smile;
  • Again I went in for a cleaning at which time I pointed out to New Dentist that my Molar - second one in on the Top Left Hand Side - was bothering me (guess Former Dentist was right about the need for a root canal - but then again it could have been simply pulled);
  • In any event, after some give and take and a draconian test with New Dentist and after suggesting that he too just pull the damn thing out - New Dentist decides that I need to go to a Dental Pain Specialist to determine the source of the pain - you know the pain that was originating in the root of my second Molar in ...;
  • Pain Specialist Dentist takes all but 15 minutes to determine the pain's origin - my second Molar in on the Top Left Hand Side and charges $120 for his diagnosis but he allows that a gel can be applied to the source of the pain which has a 50% chance of success;
  • Not surprisingly, he could not apply this gel himself so I am sent back to my New Dentist for this taxing 5 minute procedure;
  • This work is done for free along with an admonition that I may still end up requiring the dreaded Root Canal.

Okay - we are now more or less back to the present.

I go home and a few days later realize that the 'gel' treatment has failed to alleviate the pain.

I then call the New Dentist's office and request the dreaded Root Canal.

New Dentist confirms that he does not do Root Canals and I am shipped off to another Specialist to have this fine work performed.

As I get into the Specialist's chair I foolishly inquire - without vigour - whether or not it is too late just to have the damn tooth pulled. She looked at me like I had to heads and quickly inserted the Novocain.

Work done - bill rendered - another $1,050 for 45 minutes work - I kid you not.

So the final tally - Dentists $2,050.00 // me - a new filling and a root canal and one damaged Crown.

Remember now, this is in addition to the initial $1,000 plus that was paid to have the initial Crown work done.

Next time they won't push me around...

As I see it..


Monday, October 18, 2010

I'll Be Voting For The Towne Clown.

With two Elections coming up within the month; the US Congressionals and the Ontario Municipals, the time is ripe to consider who best to Elect.

For me, the olde tried and true is no longer a viable option.

Simply stated, the Professional Politician has failed miserably to look out for the interests of the humble Taxpayer.

When one says 'Taxpayer' one tends to think only of the poor slob who wrestles with his / her annual Income Tax Return but in truth, this has become only a portion of an individual's annual tax liability. Other Taxes, including Realty, HSTs, various User Fees, Hidden taxes on such things as Gas/Fags &Booze are now taking an ever increasing bite out of the growing tax revenue pie.

Plus more and more government services such as Hydro are going stratospheric to cover the airy fairy 'green costs'.

Let me be clear as well, I am not pointing solely at the individual politician in regard to this failure, in truth the major responsibility for the tax and spend orgy rests with their respective Leaderships. But that said, the individual politician has allowed this to happen by following blindly along.

I have flagged in past Blogs one particular area where any semblance of fiscal control has been totally lost for want of proper management and that is in regard to the Civil Service. And when I say civil service I am speaking about all those who receive their wages from tax revenues. This obviously includes the Politicians themselves plus their Bureaucrats but the ranks also include our teachers, our doctors, nurses, police, firemen, military and so on and so on.

Statistics show that the average civil servant is paid up to 40% more than his private sector counterpart and retires a good 10 to 15 years earlier, on an enhanced pension.

How did this come about you might ask?

For the sole sake of Harmony with the Civil Service Unions. Our Politicians have time and again solde out by awarding far too generous wage and pension settlements. As a result, taxes have continually risen and vital services have been crippled for lack of available funding.

In one particular Senate Race in Deleware, the Republican candidate is accused of being a Witch because she met with a Coven in her University days. (I seem to recall though that one of our former Prime Ministers motor cycled around the streets on Montreal wearing a Nazi Helmet which did not preclude for him electoral success). In any event, this lady - witch? - is backed by the Tea Partyers and is being condemned by both Republicans and Democrats alike. Indeed the GOP's senior strategist Karl Rove is on record in opposing his own candidate.

And why is that? I can tell you that it is not because of her minor fling with the occult during her school years, rather it all has to do with Power and more importantly the Loss of Power. Both main stream US Parties are fearful of losing their clout to the ordinary Jane and Joe via the success of the Tea Party.

I can also tell you that if I was an American living in Deleware, the Witch would get my vote since both she and her Tea Party Conferes stand for Smaller Government and less Taxation.

Turning to our own Municipal Election - I am indeed fortunate since all but one of the Candidates can be classed as a Towne Clown. The odd man out is the quintessential politician and sadly, the likely winner, Jim Watson and it is he that will not garner my vote.

Recently, I did read that a Towne Clown had in fact been elected to an office in some jurisdiction and I smiled in the knowledge that he or she could have counted on my vote, if I'd been there.

As I see it...


Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Tea Non-Party

Much has been said and written about the Tea Party - south of the Border ,and to a much lesser extent here in Canada. From my perspective though much of it is wrong.

Briefly stated, the Tea Party is not a Republican Party initiative - although most Tea Partyers are in fact Republican nor is the Tea Party - north of the Border - simply a re-hash of the former Reform Party. In fact, the Tea Party is not a Party at all.

Rather, it is a grass roots development completely outside of main stream politics.

Tea Partyers are your common folk - average Citizens - who are tired of Big Government, High Taxes, and having their Social Norms of a Century and More demeaned by self-styled Elites.

I get a kick out of so called 'pundits' predicting a re serge in Democratic fortunes between now and the November Elections because "The Tea Party has embarrassed the Republican Party".

In fact, the Tea Party itself - sees both the Republicans and Democrats as having embarrassed and demeaned a once proud US of A. The Tea Partyers are simply using the GOP as the lesser of two evils.

As mentioned in earlier Blogs, America is broke - China for all intents and purposes is now calling the shots economically and there is nothing the US can do about. Its $ drops in value daily as the price of gold continues to rise. The Emperor no longer has any Clothes.

For as long as I can remember, our Leadership has led as if they know best - to heck with what their citizens - the great unwashed want or need. Indeed, many politicians have confirmed this arrogance themselves when their guard has been down.

Majority Rule - the very essence of a healthy, vibrant Democracy - has been replaced in our time by rule of the Special Interests, the Elites and the Courts.

With the Tea Party - the Majority are now saying that this needs to be changed - that from now on Politicians will Bow to their Will and if the Republicans/Democrats/Tories/Liberals dare try to block them - the Tea Party will find other democratic vessels to work through to achieve their goals. Party loyalties will mean less than results.

And, in that sense, the coming November Elections could very well stand out as a Watershed - a time when the average Jane and Joe begin to take back their Agendas.

One thing is for sure, Politics in the Americas will never be the same again.

As I see it...


Friday, October 8, 2010

A Tooth For The Killing...Part Two

First a recap.

When I left off I was in the process of locating a new Family Dentist - primarily to get one closer to my home and thereby save going 'down town' for my frequent dental visits.

It also had to do with the fact that I still had my aching tooth - the one that I wanted pulled. As of the last writing I had avoided a root canal and had retained my original Crown. The Dentists though were up by another cool $1000.

My wife Anne recommended a great dentist much closer to home and I was off for my initial visit. It went on some time and the guy seemed quite friendly and his staff were all over you with friendliness.

I should mention that upon my entering their shop I was handed the usual form for completion - the one that asks for particulars about your dental insurance and what drugs you are on etc. But this form went well beyond the norm. For instance, it asked how I wished to be addressed by Staff and Dentist alike. I filled that out with "Worshipful Sir" believing that just 'Sir' was a bit too informal.

Well the Staff convulsed with this but soon made it evident that my wished for title was not in their vocabulary. I then offered 'Sir' but that too received all but howls of laughter. Makes one wonder the value of these forms?

Anyway, the initial visit went well and I kept my mouth shut - not easy in a dentist office - about by bothersome tooth.

A month or two past and I was back at the new Dentist office for my first cleaning. The nice young lady doing the cleaning asked if any teeth in particular were giving my trouble.

Now was my time - "yes" I responded - "my second molar in on the left top side often aches and is extremely sensitive to both cold and hot". "I'll have the dentist check on it before you leave" said she.

In comes my new dentist - harried this time and not with the friendly demeanour he showed during my initial visit. "What's the trouble?" he demanded. And I recount for him the problem I have been having with you know what. "Well I only have two minutes" responded the Dentist - "I do not have time to diagnose the problem."

Had it not been for the nice young lady present I would have told new Dentist what he could do with his two minute diagnosis. Rather and more to the point, I told him that I had an easy solution for him.

Pull It Out.

Well the look on his face far surpassed the expression of my former dentist when confronted with the same offered cure. He nearly swallowed his dentures if he had any which I well suspect he did not.

He grabbed a jar of something or other - inserted one of his instruments of torture into it - telling me that this would drop the temperature on same to nearly zero centigrade - then he applied it to the outside of my troublesome tooth. Wow did that hurt.

Again, I had the sense that a Dentist was taking particular satisfaction in inflicting pain on me. I was beginning to get the impression that Dentists do not like being told to pull anything out.

Where was olde Doc Dunnett when you needed him - he'd pull your tooth out on demand.

I was truly floored by his next comment - "We will now have to determine where the pain is coming from?"

"The second molar in" I proclaimed.

"Not necessarily" he said - "it could be coming from the teeth on either side of it".

"We will need you to see a Specialist to determine the location of the pain".

Another Specialist? You have to be kidding - I thought, but too afraid now to vocalize.

I paid my bill - including an additional $80 charge for the Dentist's 2 minute consultation and picked up my appointment to see the Pain Specialist.

Back downtown I went. The Dental Specialist took but 15 minutes which included a good portion of time talking about the weather - it's been quite rainy of late. He took out a similar looking jar as my new family dentist had and placed into it the same looking instrument of torture and advised me that this was going to hurt.

I told him that I was quite familiar with the drill but I refrained from offering him my quick fix solution.

And Boy did it hurt - but not as much as when Family Doc performed the test.

His Finding?

It's your second molar in from the top left.

On your way out pay the nice receptionist $120 for my diagnosis.

A day or two later my New Family Dental Office called to say they have received Pain Specialist's report and I am to come in as soon as I can.

In I go - where upon I am told that a gel can be applied to my gum surrounding my second molar in and that with luck that will be all that is required to solve the problem.

Technician applies the gel while New Dentist offers up that if this does not work and there is better than a 50% chance that it will not work - then we will have to do a Root Canal.

At this point I have totally given up on my quest to have the damn tooth pulled - I ask him if he can do the Root Canal?

"No, we will have to send you to a Specialist".

Finally some good news - the Receptionist hands me the Bill for $40 but it is marked paid. "On the House" she proclaims.

If only she had also referred to me as Worshipful Sir.

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Tooth For The Killing...

Upper Left Mollar; First or Second One In.

When we were younger, visiting a Dentist was a 'one stop' activity.

My life long friend John will well remember our visits to olde 'Doc' Dunnett - what he lacked in bedside manner, he made up for in getting the job done. No shipping you out to some Specialist for him.

Sadly, this one stop shopping in Dentistry seems to be no more.

As Rodney Dangerfield would say; take my tooth for instance.

It all started some five years ago when I earnestly went about getting my teeth in good order prior to my Retirement. In those years I visited my Dentist 2x per year and had all my substandard teeth capped.

Not long after Retirement though, I visited my Dentist's Office for a regular cleaning and was told that a small cavity had developed under one of my new Crowns - 'First Mollar In - On My Upper Left Side'.

"We'll need to fix that one", proclaimed my Dentist.

"And how do you propose to that"? I enquired.

She proceeded to tell me that I would be sent off to a Root Canal Specialist and then I would return to her for the needed filling and new Crown. Point; Set; Match.

I told my Dentist that I was under the impression that these Crowns would preclude the likelihood of cavities but she disabused me of that thought; apparently one is more prone to cavities after Crowns are installed. A fine time to find that out.

My mind though was tranfixed on the cost. Some $1k had been spent on the original Crown and filling and now some scant years later, an entirely new Crown was being prescribed. Plus of course the Root Canal and the new Filling. It just did not seem to be worth the price.

"Pull It Out" I demanded.

Well you would think I told her ... Well anyway, the look of disbelief on her face was something to behold.

After some major negotiation we came to the following settlement:

  • She would fix the cavity and work around the Crown to save it from replacement.

There was one small catch however.

I would have to go to a Special Dental Surgeon who would surgically prepare the gum to enable my Dentist to access the cavity and all the while preserve the Cap.

I wasn't too keen about this precondition but reluctantly went along with it. After all, my Dentist had met me more than half way by agreeing to fix the cavity without requiring either a Root Canal or the Destruction of the Crown.

So a few weeks later and in another part of the City I found myself in the chair of the Specialist Dental Surgeon.

"What Have We Here?" he enquires.

I bring him up-to-date and end by asking him how much 'surgery' this will entail?

Apparently quite a bit.

"Pull It Out" I demand.

This guy was a much cooler cat - he did not go into paroxyisms of disbelief. Maybe it had to do with the fact that as a Specialist he was above such common emotion.

Whatever, his response was to just let him 'take a quick look' and see if he could do the job with a minimum of time, bother and of course expense.

Needless-to-say, I was skeptical but reluctantly agreed.

The appliances in place and the work underway there was no time for me to enquire on his progress.

"All Done" he soon announced.

"What is all done - the quick look" I replied.

"The Surgery, you are now ready to have the cavity filled".

Foiled again. I try to make the best of it.

Could he not fill the cavity and I'd be done this very day?

Mr. Cool no longer. He explained to me that he does not do 'fillings' - in fact has never done a filling He is, after all a Surgeon. I thought of old jack-of-all trades Doc Dunnett.

Now back to my original Lady Dentist after having paid Specialist Surgeon some $800.

Original Dentist though is still arguing that I should first have a Root Canal and of course a new Crown.

"Pull It Out" I demand.

This time without the former dramactics she proceeds to work on the cavity. I get the feeling that when she injects the novacane she takes special delight in jabbing it in as hard and fast as possible. I refuse to flinch - but I do have a long memory.

Work done and another $200 paid, I leave her chair with her warning ringing in my ear that I will likely be sorry for not having agreed to the Root Canal - the one that she could not do herself in any event.

I decided then and there that it was time for me to engage a new - main Dentist. I figured I could not do worse and I was fairly philosophical about it - although down another $1,000 bucks - I still had my original Crown and no Root Canal.

As I see it.. part two to follow next...


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Shot Themselves In ...

their collective feet.

This week's vote on the gun registry was a disappointment to me but as pointed out by many pundits, it could be a boon for the Tories.

Indeed, if the Conservatives get their long sought after Majority in the coming Election - it will be due in large part to the position they have taken on the Long Gun Registry - that is to say it is a monumental waste of time and money.

I have covered the reasons why in a previous Blog but suffice to say, we here in Canada already have two gun registries and a third is simply not needed despite the protestations of the Three Opposition Leaders. Hunters are licenced, and Gun Owners, me included, must have an Acquisition Permit to buy both long guns and ammunition.

The Libs brought in this wasted registry following the Poly Tech massacre as a feel good measure that would not have stopped those deaths had it been in effect prior to that tragic event and would certainly not stop future such occurrences today. They simply wanted to be seen doing something despite the fact that it made absolutely no sense yet cost a King's ransom.

The Heads of Police are in favour of its retention - not to save lives - but to secure more money and create more police jobs. I know this may come as a shock to some but I have worked in the past in close association with the police and there is nothing they like more than increased budgets and personnel. But rest assured, the local constable - often a hunter himself - knows well the futility of the registry.

I get a particular kick out of Ignatieff saying that it is now time to "heal the Rural / Urban rift" - just after he and his anti long gun conferes poked the Rural Community in the eye by voting for the continuation of the Registry. Pretty galling to me !!

The long gun to the Rural is like the Watering Can to the Urban. They are simply tools to get the job done.

Enough said about that. But back to the Political Fall-out.

My guess is that 12 seats are now up for grab by the Tories given the naive position taken by the Opposition. Some left wing pundits state that the long gun issue will not last until the Election - "bread and butter issue of the Economy are what count".

These pundits are saying that from the comfort of their Urban sprawl - the long gun issue in the Rural parts of Canada, especially in the more northerly reaches, attains a religious zeal that is not soon apt to be forgotten.

Count me as one of those who believe that the Tories lost the vote but may well have won the coming Election.

As I see it...


Thursday, September 16, 2010


How can one argue about government initiatives that 'just make good sense'. It is fool-hardy to even try.

As I have stated on previous occasions, It All Started With Seat Belts..

It really didn't, it started much earlier than that - but the Seat Belt Requirement stands out in Government's attempt and to date - successful attempt - to take us into the Nanny State.

As a Libertarian my major belief, outside of the Realm of Religion, is that Individual's should be free to do what he or she likes, unfettered by government control ..AS Long AS - his or her actions do not directly harm another person.

Back to Seat Belts.

If an Individual does not buckle up and is thrown from his vehicle and is injured or dies - it is that individual alone who suffers directly. I say, let him or her make that decision for themselves. The State has no role here.

The Elitist / Statist though would say, oh but if he or she is injured the cost associated with their care is borne by all taxpayers and hence "others do suffer" for that person's stupidity (i.e financially). And of course, It Just Makes Sense.

Now let's look at another situation where Libertarians more or less agree with the Politically Correct Class (PCC) - Drunk Driving. In this case, measures are needed to stamp out drunk driving because there is no guarantee that only the Drunk Driver will be killed or injured as a result of his or her stupidity. ( I do take exception to the very low .05 threshold that the PCC has established to infer that a driver is drunk but that is a matter for another time). In essence - their basic premise is sound because the actions of a drunk driver can lead directly to the suffering of others.

I remember saying at the time Seat Belts were made mandatory that soon we would have the State telling us what to eat. In fact, I thought this most unlikely. Silly me - since this is exactly what has been happening of late. "Junk" Food has already been taken out of our schools, Fast Food Outlets are now required to list the caloric count for their foodstuffs, and threats are now being made to force these Outlets like McDonalds to reduce the fat and salt content in their various products.

What the State is saying, is that it does not trust Adults, either for themselves or as Parents, to make the 'right decision'. That 'decision' of course is the one the State promotes.

I say let the People eat what they want and if they die of a heart attack - so be it.

But the Elitists / Statists would say, society is getting too fat, health care costs are skyrocketing and action needs to be taken to stop people from eating unhealthy foods. And of course, It Just Makes Good Sense.

As an aside, I find it interesting when these PCCers point to the costs associated with a heart attack and how much it burdens the health system. They imply that society would save all kinds of money if everyone was more healthy. I am not so sure that an objective study would support this. Indeed, most health care dollars are spent on end of life care - the care of seniors who linger months and years in bed long after their minds and bodies have worn out. Quebec and Holland are currently looking at ways in which to remedy this.

Cigarettes. If someone smokes and ends up ill because of their smoking - he or she is the direct cause of that illness. It affects no others. Libertarians are all for their smoking. They are after all - Adults and in a free society have the right to make their own decisions even if those decisions run counter to their health.

In come the Statists / Elitists - smoking is bad for you and if you are too stupid to realize it we will bring in measures to curb this activity. No smoking in or near public buildings - private or government- it makes no difference. Tax the living daylights out of tobacco - make it too expensive for the average Joe. (I do not agree generally with the illegal activities carried out by Natives in this country but I do agree with their efforts to smuggle smokes and booze because State Taxes are merely a back door attempt to ban these substances. If Government truly thinks these items are in need of banning - then be above-board and bring in legislation to do just that. (As I recall, the USA did just that in the 1920s).

In any case, there is no doubt that smoking is harmful to an individual and that any steps taken by the Government to stop this activity - Just Makes Good Sense.

I could go on and on.

And by the way - have you heard that the Ontario Government wants to ban barbs on fishing hooks. I can see they will soon want to ban gun powder in rifle shells In any case, It Just Makes Good Sense.

I can foresee the day when a future Government will require all of its citizens to enter into a plastic bubble before leaving their homes to venture outside. It will only Make Good Sense since studies will show that citizens outside of plastic bubbles are exposing themselves to injury and even to death. You certainly cannot argue with that.

As I see it...


Thursday, September 9, 2010

To Burn or Not to Burn...

That has become the Question...But, with respect, it is not the Issue.

As we all know by now, a man in Florida calling himself a Pastor and his merry band of but 30 followers is threatening to burn copies of the Muslim Koran on the anniversary of 9/11.

That this chap is a nut bar is beyond question - indeed even as a self styled Libertarian, I would have no difficulty in seeing him charged under Hate Crimes if he goes ahead with his plan, which at this point, it appears may not, given all the negative press.

But I believe the issue itself goes deeper than it has been portrayed in the media and by the politicians and even by senior military.

Their initial reaction is - 'you must not burn the Koran since that will only incense radical Islam to cause death and injury to many innocents'.

I concur with their analysis since it will indeed result in innocent maiming and death. But the fight for freedom over the years has resulted in much more loss of life and injury and is too precious to relinquish without a fight.

And that is what this issue comes down to - Preserving our Freedom.

When we restrict our actions for fear of what Radicals may do to us, we are trading our Freedom for peace. Chamberlain, as some of you older readers will remember, tried that without success.

In fact, if it is not a Koran burning - the Radicals have shown themselves quite adept at finding other reasons to rant and rave and kill and injure.

Moreover, if those same Radicals threatened to burn the Bible or the Talmud it would be met with a collective yawn on the part of Christians and Jews alike around the world. They would not like it, but they would consider the source and would dismiss the act as the ravings of idiots.

Real Rage should be reserved for vile acts such as those continually demonstrated by Extreme Muslims - beheadings, hanging of 7 year olds, stoning of women, bombings and the like.

To go back to our misguided 'Pastor' - it is my hope that common sense will prevail but if he goes ahead - I will keep it in perspective that it so sorely deserves.

As I see it...


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Glenn Beck...

No Longer A Voice Crying In The Wilderness....

Earlier in the year, I said that Saturday August 28, 2010 would be an important date.

And it was.

Glenn Beck spoke to his followers - some 500,000 middle Americans - at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Never before in US history have so many middle of the road Americans come out in such fashion. All worried that their once great country is quickly going off track and thanks in large part to Glenn Beck they finally have a voice.

To many, Glenn Beck is still an unknown. Let me first tell you a little bit about who he is not:

  • He is not a religious fanatic

  • He is not a bigot

  • He is not a Democrat nor even a Republican

  • He is not a politician nor will he ever become a politician

Who is he then?

He is a concerned citizen worried to death about where his once great country is headed. (Many of us in Canada share his concerns for our own country).

Beck also has his own program on Fox News every night at 5 pm est and through the vehicle of television has developed a huge following among Middle Class America. Dare I say, he has become the most popular person in all of the US. At the same time, he has become his country's most unpopular person. Revered on the Right; hated by the Left.

As noted in earlier Blogs, the United States is split 50 / 50. The Leftist Elites and their unquestioning followers on one side and ordinary Americans - the ones who work 9 to 5, raise their families, pay their taxes and go to church on the other side.

In Canada, I believe the same breakdown to be closer to 66 /33 given our more Socialist bent.

Okay - Why all the doom and gloom Galagher? We have it pretty good here in Canada and in the United States -do we not? Food on the table, decent jobs, good roofs over our heads, kids well educated and so on. Why the Scare Tactics?

I concede that we do in fact have life pretty good and indeed it is my fervent wish that it remains so.

But - here it comes - the BIG BUT - my big concern is that everything of importance which we have known since the end of the Second World War is turning itself upside down and inside out. What was Black is now White. What was Right is now Wrong and so on. The question for me becomes can we hold on to what we have gained over the last 200 years and more or are we doomed to lose it like the Romans did in their time.

Let's look as some of these important changes:

  • Nuclear Proliferation is probably the most important change since its inception in 1945. Nut Bars like China, Russia, Pakistan, North Korea and too soon - Iran- have the Bomb. It is only a matter of time before one of the lesser lights in that sterling line-up push the button to eventual oblivion.

  • Related to the first, will be Al Qaeda getting its hands on enough radio active material to launch a hand-held nuclear device. You can bet that New York City and London will be their Targets of Choice.

  • Governments, at all levels, are getting larger - much larger. They are intruding into most aspects of our lives to the point where we are losing our independence. I like to say, it started with Mandatory Seat Belt Wearing. Whatever, the Cradle to Grave Philosophy now so apparent in the West, has seriously diminished our independence and has impaired our ability to challenge the Ruling Elites.

  • Taxes are ever increasing to pay for this grossly expanded Government and its various follies (e.g. the Green Movement). The ordinary person has come to his or her wits end with taxes, fees, taxes on taxes and related charges and sur charges. This has only served to indebt the individual to Government even more and in so doing has emasculated the population in general.

  • Terrorism of all kinds is running rampant throughout the world; Genocide is being carried out with impunity in Africa; Drug Lords Rule; Human Traffickers and Smugglers are coddled; Petty Little Dictators prey on their own People while We in the West stand helplessly by. We have lost the Will to do what is needed to put a stop to these Tyrannies.

  • Freedom has indeed become another word. In Truth, it has become Lost. Security Measures following 9/11 have only been successful in treating all of our citizenry as criminals. Kangaroo Human Rights Courts stomp on the very Human Rights they are there to protect. We are constantly being poked and probed. Legislation, Regulations, Rules and Policy have piled up so fast that it is difficult for us to Breath. Courts have assumed the Role of our Guardians and have used the Charter of Rights to replace Government. Government by the Majority has been replaced with Government by the Minority.

  • Government Debt has gone off the Charts. In reality, the US is flat broke. Some Wag is quoted as saying that even Canada - should only be described as the Healthiest Horse in the Glue Factory. Harper and Co. have also run up greater deficits than at any time in our history. His program spending in the few years he has been in power has doubled. What Pray Tell are we to do when our money is worthless? Gold is not going to record levels for nought and don't think for a moment that Gold is the answer - when Gold replaces Paper Currency and it most likely will, there will be Hell on our Streets.

  • Our Media is mostly controlled by the Left - at least America has Fox News. It used to be that CBC took any flack there was from the right but now, from my perspective, CTV is just as bad or even worse. In sum, our population is being brainwashed daily by our major outlets. (Oh to have the Toronto Telegram and the Ottawa Journal back). So our Governments and our Courts no longer work for us the People and our Media no longer provides a desperately necessary arms length, objective perspective.

  • To top it off, we have become a Social Welfare State - bought by our own money. Stats indicate that one in six Americans receive government assistance, unemployed receive benefits for up to 2 years. I am not sure of the numbers on government assistance here in Canada but I suspect, given our Socialist Nature - they would be even higher. And this only serves to promote lethargy and takes needed money away from an economy in desperate need of it to create more jobs and more wealth.
  • And then we have migration. Stats from the United Nations state that upwards of 50 million persons are on the move around the world to find a better country in which to live. Canada, per capita, accepts the more refugees by far than any other Western Nation. Average numbers total some 40 to 50 thousand per year. This is in addition to the 200,000+ that come to Canada via the normal immigration channels. These immigrants and refugees for the most part come from the third world and tend to congregate in our major cities. They are causing a net drain on our country's GDP. I fully understand the moral issue that is attached to immigration but it is also important that Canadians understand the economic issues as well. Simply stated, if these numbers continue, our standard of living will be negatively affected. The answer is to revamp our Immigration System to ensure that those coming to Canada are a net economic benefit and through this, we will be able to provide more help to those in need throughout the world.

To me though the scariest part of our moral and economic decline is in regard to the Rest of the World. For Centuries Great Britain maintained world order, since WW I, America has performed this role. We all have benefited from this. Now though we are experiencing a transition. America's days of being number one are ending. As noted above, America is broke, and ever increasingly lacks the will to do what is necessary to retain the mantle of World Policeman. Soon it will be replaced by the powers in South East Asia - notably China and to a lesser extent India.

Glenn Beck offers us the chance to delay that Transition.

As I see it...


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Solzhenitsyn...A Most Unappreciative Guest

First, I apologize to you in advance for another rather 'heavy duty' Blog.

This may surprise you; I do try to avoid 'heavy' but there seems to be no escape from it - the world as we used to know it back in the 'good olde 60s' has completely turned on its head. What was right then is wrong now.

What got me started on today's rant is an article I came across recently about the late Russian Writer & Philosopher Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Solzhenitsyn, as you will recall, exposed to the world the Russian forced labour camps through his two most famous writings - The Gulag Archipelago and One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich.

At the end of WW II he was imprisoned in these forced labour camps for being critical of the way in which Stalin conducted the war. He was not released until 1956 - some 10 years later.

As such, I believe it is safe to say that he was an expert on Totalitarianism.

To make a long story short - at least this portion of the story, he visited the USA for an extended period of time in the late 1970s and in 1978 was the recipient of an honourary degree from Harvard.

In his commencement address that day, his topic was 'A World Split Apart' and students and faculty alike sat back prepared to listen to him castigate the Soviet Union. To their amazement the subject of his scorn was the very United States which had welcomed him to its bosom.

Here are some of his comments from that day long ago:

  • The Western World has lost its courage and its Leadership is mediocre;

  • The West is guilty of blind arrogance, of material abundance coupled with spiritual poverty;

  • That Security, brought about by Western Capitalist Welfare States, is both addictive and enervating;

  • He pointed out the Mendacity of our Media and the Decadence of our Art.

In sum, he bemoaned the fact that the gift of freedom had been abused and debased in the West.

Those present had not expected this from their guest - indeed, they had thought he would be thankful for being granted time in their great country. They were sadly mistaken.

Looking back from our vantage point today it is not surprising that Solzhenitsyn spoke out the way he did. Here was a man who had looked into the Jaws of Hell for 10 long years and accordingly, was not about to sugar coat his beliefs for the sensitivities of his Host Country.

The only question I am left with is just what he would think of the state of things today - some 30 years later?

Although Solzhenitsyn is no longer with us I did come across two columnist of late who I believe may just be able to speak on his behalf albeit without the Great One's forcefulness.

David Warren in his Article 'Before the Deluge', speaks about an "impending catastrophe in almost every direction". In the "World at Large" he notes, "tyranny is almost everywhere advancing ...while our ability to rise to each potential crisis is diminishing".

His article then goes on to examine the terrible financial state that our Free World Leader - America finds itself. These Debts and Deficits have not only resulted in Big Government, but more importantly, he notes, has resulted in its Citizens having become mere vassals of the State - so dependent on its Welfare that they have lost the ability to Act and Think Independently.

The Second Article I would like to Reference is by Ken Gray entitled 'The New Abnormal'.

Gray continues on the same Theme. "If people ever begin worrying about the $13 Trillion public debt, it might not hurt to start patrolling the edges of your property with a rifle".

He continues with a review of the terrible financial stats.

  • US Debt is 89% of GDP

  • it has been increasing annually by $500 billion since 2003

  • in 2009 alone it increased by $1.9 Trillion

Sooner of later he notes that both government and individuals will have to get their "debt under control" but this will mean an end to artificial stimulus. And this coupled with the Boomer Retirement will mean that economic activity will tank for many years to come.

So what does all this mean for you and I?

The US will no longer be able to fulfill its role as World Leader. That Role will pass by default to China.

The West has been unable to contain Terrorism to now - under the New World Order it will be less and less able to even try.

There is an answer though and it lies deep inside each of us. A return to basic values of truth, honour and integrity. We have seen an example of this - this past weekend where Glenn Beck brought half a million ordinary Americans to the Lincoln Memorial to pray for the courage to do just that. It is a start - indeed a bid start and I will be writing more on this in later Blogs.

Suffice to say, Beck has been universally put down by the liberal left but then again, Christ was the subject of scorn some 2,000 years ago. I am not for a minute equating Beck with Christ - I am only pointing out that to be scorned by the Leftist Elites

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Death of the Long Gun Registry....

It looks as though a final vote will taken within weeks on the Tory Private Member's Bill designed to kill the Long Gun Registry and put it out of its misery.

This issue comes down to the Rural / Urban Divide. Rural Canadians want it - Urban Canadians do not. As a resident of Ottawa - albeit Rural Ottawa, I fall into the former camp. I also own firearms.

Firearms for Rural Canadians are simply tools - like pitch forks and tractors. Even here on the outskirts of Ottawa we co-exist with coyotes, wolves, fox, fishers and the odd bear. It is nice to have a weapon to help dispatch them if they get too bothersome. A couple of years ago a deer got caught up in one of our fences and badly broke its leg to the point that it could no longer walk. At the time I owned just a 22 cal rifle and I was not sure it would do the job of humanely putting the animal out of its misery. I called a local hunter who was fortunately home and did the deed. We had also called the humane society, the vet, the police and the conservation officers first - but none were willing to get involved.

So to me there is a need.

But more important, there is not a need for the Registry itself. It is just a monumental waster of taxpayers' money.

Gun owners are already Registered. In order to purchase long rifles and ammunition - you must first have an Acquisition Permit and as such - you are registered. So when the Police Chiefs say they need to know if firearms are present before they enter a residence - this information is and has been available to them for some time. The registration of firearms is, in other words, a redundant activity.

It is also a very emotional topic. Born out of the Polytech Massacre in 1989 - it was a knee jerk - feel good initiative designed simply to placate the residents (voters) of Montreal. In so doing it rang up over $2 billion in costs. Police Chiefs say today that the costs are a mere $4 million a year to run the program and if you believe that I have a swamp....

The average cop knows the folly of the Program and if truth be told - so do their Chiefs. But may I suggest that their Leadership's position is less about safety and more about bulking up their resources from the public purse (i.e. in much the same way as their war on drugs which they have been losing from day one).

At this point it looks like enough NDPers will support the Tories in 3rd and final reading and hopefully this boondoggle will be behind us all.

As I see it..


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Green Thumb in the Dike...

a.k.a... Chicken Little on Steroids.

If the Elites of this Country and the World are to be believed, we are in the midst of an Environmental Collapse - one that is likely to destroy the world as we have known it.

And in that regard, you may well think that their little green thumbs are positioned to hold back the Apocalypse, but in reality they are holding back progress - progress necessary to ensure us all of a vibrant and healthy & happy future.

It comes down - as it always does - to an issue of power. The Greenies see an opportunity to inflict their will upon the majority, despite the disastrous consequences that follow. The Al Gores' of this world line their pockets while spouting doom and gloom all the while forcing the rest of us to do their bidding; to recycle, to turn the heat up and down; to use less, to drive less, eat less (e.g. meat) and so on.

Simply stated, it goes against the grain of our 5,000 years of history, a history that encourages a constant betterment of the individual's circumstance.

One of the Greenies' primary concerns centres on Global Warming and in particular the damage caused by Fossil Fuel Poisoning.

There is no doubt that fossil fuels are bad for the environment, there is also no doubt that until a satisfactory replacement can be found, we are stuck with them. Without fossil fuels our way of life would quickly come crashing down. What to do?

The Green Hornet to the Rescue:

  • Eco Fees

  • Wind Mills

  • Solar

  • Smart Meters

  • Carbon Caps

  • Carbon Trading, and the

  • Greening of Taxes to pay for their folly.

All this serves to do, is impoverish the taxpayer who gets stuck paying all the bills attached to this nonsense. He or she will have to forgo many amenities to fund these silly but costly initiatives. In just the area of Hydro alone, Costs are in the process of tripling because the Greens are having taxpayers pay 12 times the going rate to producers of wind and solar power.

Every day, people are calling into the Chat Lines to say that they are in very real danger of losing their homes, their medicines, their dental care etc to these increased Green Costs.

If not the Greens ...then Who?

Why Capitalism, naturally. We desperately need the likes of Edison and Ford to bring their genius to the issue of finding a replacement to fossil fuels and the other serious environmental issues that confront us today. The Market has come through for us before and it will again if given the chance. Its focus is progress not cutting back and doing less with less.

Permit me to provide you with a recent example of what the private sector can do in the face of a very serious problem - Bed Bugs. These horrid little insects have become a plague in recent years in our large cities including in our beloved Capital City. Exterminators tell us that the problem stems from the fact that the Greens banned effective pesticides. Be that as it may, this week's papers tell us that an inventor has now come up with a way to "freeze" these little critters in an effective, cheap and environmentally friendly way. Now hopefully, the Greens are okay with the killing of Bed Bugs!

Had it been up to me, I would have kept the effective pesticides going until this alternate had been invented. It would have spared many a great deal of grief.

Here is the trick - don't tell the private sector what to build / invent- rather tell them what not to build / invent i.e. "do not produce a product that causes damage to the environment". Then let the private market do its thing. It could even mean continuing reliance on oil if it can be shown to the government's satisfaction that new developments can neutralize its injurious affect.

This regulatory / oversight role is what government should be all about.

What we have now are the Greenies telling us to do this, that and the other thing, knee jerking us into ultimate catastrophe.

Since the second half of the last century we reached the moon and beyond. There really are few limits to what is possible for mankind. Greenies are all about restrictions and limits and should therefore be swept up into the trash bin of history where they belong.

As I see it...


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Right of Centre Under Attack

You want to hold a demonstration - peaceful or not - and you are a native or a visible minority - be our guests.

You are Gay and want to put yourself on display - go to it.

You take your clothes off for PETA or any other politically correct cause - no problem.

But if you are are group seen to be right of centre - look out - the State will seek you out and destroy.

Take the Jaworskis for example.

This poor family is facing fines of up to $50,000 for - brace yourself - holding an annual 2 day Libertarian Think Tank on their rural property near Orono Ontario - south of Peterborough.

This nefarious event occurs each summer and hosts up to "a few dozen Libertarians" the likes of Randy Hillier and Jason Kenney. Can you imagine.
(see front page of the National Post August 19, 2010)

Ontario's Ministry of Health first tried to shut them down and when that failed they were charged for using their property as a "commercial conference centre". Yeah - 2 days per year - some conference centre.

It is hard to imagine the Province being so vigilante if the Jaworskis were using their property to hold annual retreats for the Liberal Party of Ontario!!

The Jaworskis emigrated to Canada from Communist Poland so they know first hand all about State Control. I am sure though that little did they think they were in danger of being the subject of such arbitrary action in their adopted nation.

If the Jaworskis are in danger of such arbitrary and discriminatory action - we are all in danger.

If Libertarians cannot hold unobtrusive get-togethers, Parties of All Stripes need to sit-up and take notice because in time they will all be eventually targetted.

As I see it...


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lord Black of Crossharbour

As you know, I am a fan of Conrad Black.

He is his own man and continues to do it His Way: a take on Sinatra's famous song.

Anyway he is now out of jail and I do not see him ever having to return to incarceration.

As many have noted, I too believe the experience has had some benefit for him - again though, not to say he deserved it- he most certainly did not. But it did bring him in contact with those of much lesser ability and he was able to use his teaching skills to enhance their own.

I could talk about the injustice of what befell Lord Black but it has all been said and indeed I covered much of that in an earlier Blog.

But what stands out for me is how Black has been able to keep his individuality - his sense of self - in such troubling times. A lesser person would have been beaten down.

At a time when too many XYers walk around with earrings and necklaces, their hair tied up in pony-tails and sporting pink shirts and spandex, (how can they not help but be 'conflicted') - Black stands out like the quintessential man - the one that Rudyard Kipling was referring to in his famous poem (and my favourite) - IF:

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you but make allowance for their doubting too.

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting or being lied about, don't deal in lies,

Or being hated, don't give way to hating, and yet don't look too good nor talk to wise.

If you can dream and not make dreams your master, if you can think and not make thoughts your aim.

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same.

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to broken and stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools.

If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn of pitch-and- toss,

And lose and start again at your beginnings and never breathe a word about your loss.

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you, Except the Will which says to them 'Hold-on'.

If you can Talk with Crowds and keep your virtue or Walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you but none too much.

If you can fill the unforgiving minute with Sixty Seconds worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it -

And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son*.

*Of note, Rudyard Kipling's son was killed in the Great War of 1914-1918.

In my books, Conrad Black is very much a Man.

As I see it...


Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Absolution of Helena Guergis



You may recall that I wrote about this matter back in April and at that time concluded that Ms. Guergis was being unfairly treated and, in my own words at that time, stated that dear Helena "has been given a bum rap." I went on to suggest that any investigation was unlikely to find anything of substance.

When I wrote the April column, all of the media and politicians of all stripes, were busy crucifying the dear lady. So I got it right - right of the bat.

I also said back in April that I did not think I would like Helena Guergis if I knew her - given her silly antics but that aside, she did not deserve the ill treatment handed out by so many - most notably by our Prime Minister.

He not only fired her from Cabinet, but kicked her out of Caucus and revoked her right to run in future Elections as a Conservative. All over nought.

Ms. Guergis has stated recently that she wants a 'face to face' with Harper to clear the air but I suspect strongly that he will never grant such a meeting even though that would be the decent thing to do since he has utterly destroyed her political career.

Harper should get down on his knees and apologize for his misguided wrath and pettiness but as Adlai Stevenson once so aptly put it - "Hell will likely freeze over first".

As I see it...
