Wednesday, April 25, 2018



TODAY MARKS MY FINAL BLOG AND WITH IT, I RETURN TO MY HOME TOWN WHERE I GREW UP IN THE 50s and 60s..Brighton, then a village of some 1,500 souls.

The street I grew up on, along with my lifetime good buddy Johnny, ran East and West approx. 200 yards north and parallel with King's Highway 2, then Canada's only National Road System.

It was not a big street in the scheme of things, our house was situated in its eastern portion while Johnny's home rested in the western part.

My side was named Sanford, while his ...Sandford.

Agreed, not a big difference in the scheme of things but different nonetheless.

Not that it mattered all that much since in those days, everyone knew everyone else ...including our Post Office folks, so even if our street had no name, the mail would have reached us on time and at pennies per first class stamp.

But the name difference did cause Johnny and me numerous problems especially when we often ended up in the wrong end of the street confusing the name Sanford with the name Sandford or vice a versa.

Okay, I exaggerate a little.

So enough about our street.  Let's return to our home town.

Brighton, in those days, was set in a much simpler time and as I have mentioned before, the change within which we find ourselves today, had its beginnings back then.  It is amazing how many other writers hone in on this same theme.

That is not to say the 1950s and early 1960s were Utopia...they were not.  For instance, women for the most part were confined to the home, which was wrong.  But at the same time, their children benefited greatly from their presence.

The bottom-line though was not right, nor fair, to place that burden solely on the household's wife and mother.

I am not going to review the many other societal changes that have occurred since those days and if you are unaware of those, I suggest you read my earlier blogs.

But I will tell you about my first encounter with our new age. It happened in our grade 8 class.  Each morning we opened with the Lord's Prayer and with the signing of God Save the Queen.  This one particular morning one of our classmates, Joey, refused to stand for the Queen.  I was shocked.

But as the 60s rolled into the 70s and so on, there would be many such shocks.

To my 122,623 reads, I leave you with my sincere thanks.

As I Saw It...

'K.D. Bell'

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Finally, The Tide Might Just Might Be Turning Against Canada's Enviros

As In The Power Of These So-Called Environmentalists To Block Pipeline Construction In Canada. 

I was beginning to think that I would never see the day when the whining of the anti-pipeline lobby would begin to fall out of favour with the regular folks, as well as with the elites, but with Kinder Morgan's halt to its Trans Mountain Pipeline (TMP) Project this past week, it now appears that the Canadian Public has finally had enough.  Thank Heavens.

I will not bore you with the background but as citizens wherever you may live, you are well aware of their predictions of doom and ability to, in many cases, paralyze growth especially in left leaning countries like our own Canada.

In fact, it has been over a decade since our last pipeline was constructed and today we see existing lines maxed out. Our Trains of the worst possible ways to transport oil and gas, have been dragooned into use while our agricultural products, especially grain, remain in their bins.  It is costing our Prairie Provinces in the Billions of Dollars.

As a result of the Trans Mountain stoppage, two of our Provinces are now in a vicious battle of wills...Alberta which wants to transport its oil and gas to the Pacific via British Columbia and B.C. which wants Alberta's oil and gas kept in the ground..forever. As of this writing the Province of Saskatchewan has joined the fray on the side of Alberta.

Alberta and Saskatchewan are so incensed that they are threatening to cut-off existing oil and gas shipments to BC needed by that Province for domestic use.  If that were to happen, the latter's gas prices at the pumps double.  A similar threat is being made to central Canada which too will result in steep increases at the pump and with respect to home heating costs.

But on the positive side, this feud has resulted in the Canadian Public finally coming to its senses on the need to find reliable ways (aka pipelines) to effectively get the major product of Western Canada to market.  The lack of pipeline capacity has resulted in a 50% drop in investment in the oil sands and their oil being sold at a discount. The reason for this is that 99% of our oil and gas is exported to the United States and as that country moves closer to self-sufficiency they can and do depress greatly the price they are willing to a foreign country like ours. 

And let's not pretend that this is the result of the current progressive Liberal Government we have in Ottawa since its predecessor, the pro-business Conservative Governments under Stephen Harper too was rendered helpless in the face of the vocal Enviros who were often funded by outsiders such as the Saudis and the Soros Open Society Foundations.  

With Public Support turning, our Federal Government is finally getting the courage to get actively involved in seeing the Trans Mountain Route built to conclusion. In the face of this, British Columbia and the Enviros wrongly claim that the Feds do not have the constitutional power to force the TMP through... but of course it does...The British North America Act of 1867, Canada's Constitution, makes that abundantly clear.

Despite this, there are still many citizens out there who believe the dispute should be left at the Provincial Level but that would only ensure nothing would change and of course that would be the ideal outcome for them. One of those is a reader of mine ...Gerry.  Here is what he recently wrote:
It feels like most Canadians would love to see BC and Alberta come up with their own solution to this environmental degradation that will occur to one province while another profits financially. We know from past experiences that if an accident can, then it will happen like the Exxon Valdez crashing  or pipelines leaking and they will in the volatile Canadian Rockies.  Can we as Canadians live with that? Can the people of B.C. or Alberta live with that?  This is why the Federal Government should not get involved.
If the Federal Government does involve itself in favour of cross-provincial energy transmission, it will be one of the first times ever.  Its usual position is to stay neutral and to keep its head buried in the sand to speak.

The worst example of this occurred in the late 1940s when Newfoundland tried to run hydro electric power from its Churchill Falls Generating Station to the United States.  To do that, the power lines first had to cross Quebec.  Quebec's reaction was to say we'd gladly help out but want to be compensated for doing so.  


The contract runs until 2041 and by its terms Quebec pays Newfoundland $2 per Unit and resells it for $85 per Unit... a pretty good return in anybody's books. 

Before signing this entirely one ended agreement, Newfoundland appealed to the Federal Government to intervene and force a decent, fair agreement.  The Feds refused even though it was generally accepted that they had all the jurisdiction needed to do so.

To add insult to injury, the profits Quebec receives from its hydro electric sales are not even counted when determining how much Quebec is entitled to under the national financial redistribution program for have-not provinces.

And to add even more insult, Quebec has been receiving consistently $10 Billion Dollars per year under that program while the Province of Alberta has been paying out that exact same sum.  To date Alberta's payments exceed $100 Billion.

 So no wonder why readers such as Gerry think the Federal Government should stay neutral...this has always been their mode of operation. 

And one last example involving Quebec and Ontario.  This past year, the West tried to run a new pipeline through those two provinces to refineries in New Brunswick.  It was called the Eastern Pipeline and the above two Provinces scuddled the initiative. How Quebec had the nerve to do so given the annual largess it receives from Alberta...but it did.

The purpose of this pipeline was two-fold, first, to sell Western Canadian oil to the folks in Eastern Canada and to replace the current oil and gas coming into Eastern Canada from Saudia Arabia. 

And, guess what... Canada's Federal Government stayed mute.

Let's hope that this time, with the TMP, things will be different.

But as I often say, the Proof Is In The Pudding.  

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Trump Huffed And He Puffed And He Blew....

A small lamp off the table.

Otherwise, the House of Assad stood in tact.

In the lead-up to today's attack, on a few alleged chemical weapons buildings, President Donald Trump had drawn his Red Line in the Sand and just like his immediate predecessor, it turned out to be imaginary.

It did not impress the Syrians, nor the Iranians nor more importantly the Russians and life in that desolate part of the world continues as is. 

And all this means that Bashar al-Assad will continue with his ruthless killing ways.

Just prior to Assad's recent chemical weapons attack on his innocent citizens, Trump had been speculating on the need to pull all of America's troops out of Syria.

And if today's lackluster effort by the States is any indication, Trump might just as well proceed with the withdrawal.

And just next month, Trump is scheduled to sit down face to face with the murderous Young-un of North Korea.

I still do not believe such a meeting will take place since I think sanity will prevail but if it does go ahead, it will have even less value for the West than this morning's inept fireworks. 

You be the Young-un for a minute...(I know that is not very nice of me but it is solely in the interest of proving my point).

Communism came to North Korea in 1948 and by happenstance it is the year I was born.

Its first Leader was the Young-un's Grandfather; to be followed by his Father, and now the mantle of power has devolved to the Young-un himself.

They fought a war against the UN ...primarily the United states in the early 1950s and were roundly defeated being saved from oblivion by the last minute entry of Red China.  A Truce...not a Peace Treaty, was signed in 1953 meaning that the War technically continues despite a 65 year ceasefire.

From the time of Kim the Grandfather, North Korea has worked feverishly to acquire the Nuclear Bomb.  Under the Young-un they have succeeded to the point where they can now send nuclear warheads to the mainland of the United States.  A note of thanks to Obama, Clinton, Bush and so on down that road.

When The Donald campaigned he promised to end these useless negotiations with the North and rightfully said, you cannot trust a thing the Young-un promises.  He only understands force.  Full stop.

So at first Trump huffed and puffed about all the bad things he would do to the Young-un and his plans to nuclearize.  

And now, and now... he plans to sit down with him and ....negotiate!!

So back to you dear reader, you are the Young-un for the moment and you are thinking ahead to next month's alleged meeting.  Are you seriously going to begin to scrap your missile program that three generations of your family worked so hard to attain?

I can hear you loud and clear...Hell Will Freeze Over First you say.

And you'd be right.

And add to that the fact that for the first time, North Korea's petty little tyrants are the receiving the attention so they so richly relish and so richly do not deserve.

The best that can come out of such a meeting is nothing.

Kinda like what came out of this morning's bombings.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


News out this past weekend that the Mueller investigation obtained numerous search warrants to seize documents from President Donald Trump's personal lawyer.

As a lawyer myself, I have to ask whatever happened to Solicitor-Client privilege heretofore the cornerstone of criminal law?

And dear reader, the need for these warrants relate to an alleged sexual dalliance Trump had with a prostitute. 

Regardless of how you and I might feel about his and her rendezvous it has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump conspiring with the Russians to effect the outcome of the 2016 Election. 

Rather, all this does is to confirm Trump's claim that he is the victim of a Witch Hunt. 

And regardless of what the leftist media has to say, there has never been one iota of proof that Trump conspired with the Ruskies...even though there is lots of evidence that Hillary Clinton and her Campaign did that very thing.

It all comes down to the fact that the Left could not accept the outcome of the Election and have been doing everything in their power to see it undone.  

Whatever happened to Democracy?

The foundation of civilized democratic societies is that they accept the will of the people even though they may not personally agree with the outcome.  To do otherwise is to invite chaos and anarchy. 

I have mentioned before a similar case close to home here in Ottawa.  A businessman ran for the Mayorship and won.  This came about after years and years of double digit tax increases and he promised to put a stop to it.

The Unions here had other ideas and through false charges were able to effectively neuter the Mayor's platform.  He was finished from politics.

The only difference between the two examples is the size.

So if I was Trump here is what I would do:

First I would fire Mueller since by his actions he has shown that he is the problem and not the answer;

Second I would then fire Attourney General Jeff Sessions since by his inaction, he has shown that he has lost control.

Would the Progressive Left Howl?

As Sarah Palin would say 'You Betcha'.

But know ...they brought it upon themselves.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher' 

Sunday, April 1, 2018


Two items in the news lately caused me to LOL; one literally and the other figuratively.

Let's deal with the literal one first.

Ontario's New Budget and our Finance Minister Charles Souza:

Souza was quoted in this weekend's newspapers as saying that the United States is playing catch-up with Ontario's Economy.

I nearly choked, I certainly convulsed in laughter as my wife can well attest.

"Playing Catch-up" ??  Indeed.

Fifteen Years ago when Souza's Liberals first came on the scene, Ontario was the Economic Engine for our Country.  Today, it is broke...has been lowered to 'have-not status' and is dependent on our fellow provinces for handouts.  Rating agencies are continually downgrading our credit, the most recent occurring right after this week's Budget was released.

So what Planet has our Finance Minister been living on for the past decade and a half?

Can't wait for the June 7th General Election.

Okay now for the second laugh and a half which you will see is more sad than funny:

Our country went through a useless inquiry into the sorry state of  our Indian Reserves.  Its report came out in late 2015 and contained 94 Recommendations few if any will ever be acted upon in our time ...many deservedly.

Inexplicably, Prime Minister accepted all 94.

One in particular stands out for me a Roman Catholic.  The Report Recommended that Pope Francis apologize for its part in Canada's Native Residential School System.  This system provided housing / education for native children who were in many cases forcefully taken off the reserves and it ran from the 1870's well into the 1960s.

Some students claim today that this School System enabled them to escape poverty and led to them having productive lives off the reserve.  Many others though claim that the system stole from them their Indian Heritage* and allege many types of abuses including sexual abuse. I have no doubt as to the veracity of these claims but am suspicious that in a number of cases it is motivated more by their interest in obtaining monetary compensation.

But all that aside, the Catholic Church was not the only Church engaged in the operation of these residential schools.  Nor do I doubt for a minute that they believed they were doing God's work in helping these young kids escape total hopelessness.

*Don't forget that by the time these Schools were established, the Indian Heritage existed no more.

The other thing lost in this effort to embarrass the Catholic Church is the fact that these Residential Schools were the Policy of the Governments in power during those times. 

Whether you believe they were rightfully established or not, the blame or the credit goes to those Governments.

That is the background ...sorry for its length.

So now flash ahead to today.  Canada's Prime Minister in his naivete accepted all 94 Recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. 

But the one that got me was his acceptance of its request that the Pope apologize for his Church's role in those Residential Schools.

To me it was totally inconceivable that this arrogant pup thought himself sufficiently powerful that he could make such a demand of the Leader of well over 1 Billion Catholics.

This past week the Pope answered Trudeau's pompous request with a well placed N'yet.

Let me play the Pope for a minute:

"Please bring the Young Prime Minister in.  Have a seat Mr. Trudeau.  I understand that you have a request of me".

"Yes I do your Grace, I would like you to apologize to Canada's Aboriginals for the damage done to them by the Residential Schools some of which were operated by the Catholic Church"

"I would indeed be happy to do that Mr. Trudeau on condition that you apologize for the millions of babies who have been prematurely killed in the womb as a result of Canada having no law whatsoever that prevents such deaths."

Trudeau, goes red, tugs at his collar, nervously coughs and then ...

"I simply cannot do that your Grace.  I have told my whole caucus that they cannot even voice their concerns for the unborn so how can I now say otherwise?"

"And Mr. Trudeau in that case I simply cannot apologize for being involved in a System promoted and endorsed by Canada's Governments of the Day".

Trudeau with his tail between his legs heads for the door.

The Pope speaks up one more time.

"Oh, Mr. Trudeau on the way out would you please pick up the letter awaiting you just outside."

Trudeau - "What is it."

"It is your Notice of Excommunication"

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Sunday, March 25, 2018





The First is the tragedy of the Parkland School Shooting. It has exposed Trump and the Republicans on their irrational support of the National Rifle Association. As I said in a recent Blog, he had an opportunity to establish himself as a proponent of real gun control which polling shows the majority of Americans favour.  

Unfortunately, Mr. Trump let this opportunity go and by so doing, lost the chance to see his popularity bump up.

The Second major hit to his popularity was caused by his pig-headed move to isolate the United States economically, via the imposition of tariffs, to the point where they are on the brink of a world tariff war.  It is a war the United States cannot win.

The Third and last major hit that I will deal with today is in regard to the Debt & Deficit.  The current Debt has gone well beyond $21 Trillion Dollars ...larger than the annual GDP.  The Budget the President signed into law this past week will in and of itself add an additional $1.5 Trillion to the annual Deficit.  These levels surpass even those frivolously racked up by Barack Obama. 

A pundit the other day opinioned that these were still early days for Trump and that there was lots of time for him to set things straight.

He is wrong of course; the clock is ticking down toward the November Congressional Elections and from my perspective the outlook is not looking very good...see above.  At this point, the Republicans will not be able to hold the Senate and even the House of Representatives is in danger.  

And once the Democrats regain even one those Chambers, it will be over for Trump and Republican legislative agenda. 

And I would be remiss to not comment on the chaos that the President is causing through his revolving door dismissal and replacement of his top Administration Personnel.  I said before if I worked for The Donald and thought my job at risk, I`d be out of there quicker than you could say...

As I see it...

`K.D. Galagher`

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Ontario's Premier Is Acting Like She Is Insane...

In the Liberal Government's Speech from the Throne yesterday, Premier Kathleen Wynne promised the people of Ontario Billions of new spending if they unwisely (the italics are mine) re-elect her Government in the coming June 2018 Election.

You will notice that I did not quantified the Billions to be spent since I could not find any estimates by financial experts at the time of this writing.  But they will come and they will be in the multi-billions.

What I can tell you though is that under the 15 years of Liberal Government Rule, the Province's Debt has risen from $132.6 Billion in financial year 2002-03 to an astounding $301.00 Billion Dollars for f.y. 2017-18.  In fact, during that time our Province has gone from Have Status...the engine of the Country Have-Not Status and forced to beg from our neighbours.

And of course those dreadful numbers do not even include yesterday's announced spending spree. 

Wynne will often talk about her grandchildren and how she does not want them to suffer from Global Cooling, Global Warming, Climate Change (you can pick one or all 3) as tears come to her glassy eyes.

So you might well ask the dear Premier if she is so concerned about their welfare when it comes to climate, why is she so insensitive when it comes to accumulated debt since it will be those self same grandchildren who in the end will have to pitch in and pay off debt they did not contribute to?

And with the Debt and endless Deficits have come loss of millions of good paying jobs, hydro electric rates once the envy of North America have tripled and more to the point where poorer folks can no longer properly heat their homes and both the health and education systems are grossly underfunded.

And all this in the face of scandal after scandal and wasted billions on pet self-serving projects.

The title of this blog again is Ontario's Premier Is Acting Like She Is Insane. 

For you progressives out there note that I did not say she is Insane, rather that she is acting like she is insane.

How else can you account for her determined drive to bankrupt our Province.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher' 

Monday, March 19, 2018


In my most recent Blog, I rightfully trashed President Trump for many of his recent antics, but now find that I must come to his aid.

In a recent tweet, Trump had this to say about his firing of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe:

Andrew McCabe Fired, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI - a great day for Democracy.  Sanctimonious James Comey was is boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy. He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!

As per my last Blog, I view McCabe's firing as wrong and it brought to mind today's Heading.

This of course being the famous quote of the late Ronald Reagan which was one of the few quips in a Presidential Debate that really had an affect on an Election's ultimate outcome:

"There you go again" was a phrase spoken by Ronald Reagan during the 1980 Presidential Election Debate to his Democratic opponent, Jimmy Carter. The context for Reagan's statement does not matter at this late date, what is important was its outcome which in Carter's case sealed his fate in that Election.

So with that, back to Trump's Tweet.

Initially, I thought 'oh no, Donald you are simply pouring more fuel on the fire'.

Then I had second thoughts.

From the time of the Election Trump has his own words...been the subject of a "Witch Hunt'.

As I have said countless times, I do not know of any other person who could have survived the sustained vicious attacks on him over the course of his first year in Office.  

And when he says the top echelon of the FBI has gone rogue he again has much reason for his opinion.  One that I share.

And when it comes to the Mueller Inquiry, the only proof of collusion with the Russians is on the part of both Clinton and Obama. And yet the Mueller Inquiry plods along on trying to find any dirt on Trump when it now knows full well there never was never any collusion involved on his part.

And dear reader, bear in mind that the only reason the Mueller Investigation got off the ground is because the top folks of the FBI colluded to see that it did.

Why Mueller does not do the honourable thing and pack up his Witch Hunt is beyond me?  At the very least, why does he not start to follow-up on the real proof that has been uncovered especially against Hillary and her Campaign?

It stinks to high heaven and in that regard, I fully understand Trump's frustration via his above-noted Tweet.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Saturday, March 17, 2018



After some astute moves such as dramatically curbing illegal immigration and substantially reducing corporate and individual taxes, Donald Trump now appears to go out of his way to do dumb things.

For instance, the specific tariffs he has placed on steel and aluminum, and the tariffs he is contemplating to levy on a host of other products against U.S. major trading partners such as China which also happens to be their Banker.

The cashiering of a number of his closest advisors all the while speaking publicly about dumping more. Thus, I had to laugh when a Trump spokesperson said they were assured by his Chief of Staff, John Kelly, saying there were no more firings planned for the time-being.  Yuk, Yuk, Yuk...since there has been much speculation that even Kelly is on the chopping block.

Me thinks The Donald still believes he is hosting The Apprentice rather than being the President of the United States. 

If I suspected I was on such a firing squad list, I'd be out of there faster than you could say "you're fired".

And then to add insult to injury, Trump via his Attourney General Jeff Sessions, fired Ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe yesterday and by so doing denied him his pension.

How mean spirited.  And Sessions too is one of the top candidates to be dumped next by Trump.  Had I been Sessions I would have told Mr. Trump, 'I will not fire McCabe' while handing him my own resignation'.

There appears to be a consensus that McCabe may well have been engaged in illegality and if that turns out to be the case, criminally charge him and let the courts decide.  But to take away his pension is simply much too much.

And we won't even get into his planned face to face with the lying, murderous Young-un of North Korea. 

The Republicans of late have lost two election races in Congress they should have easily won. 

If Donald Trump keeps up with his erratic behaviour between now and November, both Houses of Congress could well end up back in Democratic hands.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


The Ontario Conservative Party elected a new leader this past weekend and his name is.................


I can just hear some of my American readers saying ...that name rings a bell....wasn't he the out-of-control cocaine using former Mayor of Toronto?

And for that you'd be close... but no cigar.  Rather it is the out-of-control cocaine using former Mayor Bob Ford's older brother ...Doug, who won this past Saturday.

Both men were on Toronto City Council and both kept the local media occupied with their antics of the day.  Many of those antics, especially on the part of brother Rob, made the headlines south of our border in the United States.

Rob Ford died of cancer in early 2016 or he might very well have run and won last week's Conservative Leadership.  Another historical what-if?

Anyway, back to Doug.

Like his deceased brother, Doug is a populist...he speaks for the common people much the same way Donald Trump does.  Indeed, his campaign was styled in the Trump mode.

His literature stated that he was the only conservative running in a field of 4 candidates and in that he was right.  We in Canada have lost Real Conservationism... all our parties have become different shades of Liberal.  And we are paying a dear price for it. 

Under Liberal-type leadership our Debt and Deficits have swollen, government has grown to unimaginable size, millions of manufacturing jobs have been lost, politicians have drunk of the green coolaide, interest groups - such as the public service unions are controlling the politicians and our health and education systems are on life-lines.   

We desperately need a Conservative at the helm and hopefully Doug Ford will be the man for that job.  Time will tell.

But for the Opposition Parties that think their prayers have been answered with Ford's election permit me to put the record straight.

The next General Election in Ontario must be called by June 7th of this year, when the dust settles, it will be Premier Doug Ford at the helm of Ontario.

Ford hails from the City of Toronto which historically has been a core constituency for the Liberals. But given his popularity there, he will take a good portion of that away from them.  Rural parts of Ontario historically go conservative and these two factors combined will ensure his electoral success come June. 

As a reminder to all, it is no coincidence that I call my Blog ...Real Conservatives.

As I see it...

K.D.  Galagher

Sunday, March 11, 2018


On a recent trip to Florida my friend Pat and I went shopping for prescription glasses.

We arrived at the optometrist's office shortly after 12 noon only to find out that it was closed over the noon-hour.

So to kill some time as well as to fuel up, we headed out to find a nearby restaurant that served sandwiches.  Being a commercial district, it did not lend itself to much (anything) in the line of restaurants but we did stumble upon a Bar....a genuine for real Biker Bar and in we went.

There was absolutely no one there save for the barmaid who introduced herself as Genie and said that she had been tending bar since 'before the war.' We were both polite enough not to inquire as to which one.

We asked Genie what type of sandwiches they had.

"We do not have Food of any kind" she pronounced, "it's Booze or Nothing".  

So Booze it was, we both ordered a Beer.

To keep the conversation going I asked her what she thought of The Donald?

"We don't talk politics in here...only Sex" she impishly replied.

And by the decorations that adorned every square inch of the Bar, one could readily see the truth of her statement.

At that point 2 Biker Patrons roared into the Bar's Parking Lot on 3 wheeler's, albeit Harley-Davidson's.

They dismounted with obvious discomfort, with one even pulling out a cane from underneath his seat.

They had to be in their 80s if they were a day.

They then cozied up to two bar stools and ordered their drafts.

They turned out to be the nicest guys imaginable.  Whatever happened to the fearful Hell's Angels or even the lawless Satan's Choice?

Then in came 3 more, one of whom rode a real bike.  Again, all three were most gentlemanly and were most interested in the fact that Pat and I came from Canada.  

"We road with some Canadians in our day" they allowed, "wonder if any of them are still alive." 

I then asked Genie what was her most busiest time?

"Commemorative Days by far" she opinioned.

You mean like the 4th of July?

"No, I mean when one of our boys gets needlessly killed on the road by those irresponsible, inattentive blankedy blank drivers."

She went on.

"We had one just yesterday, the Bar was packed"

I looked around, the place was quite small so by "packed" I guess she was talking at the most 20 patrons.

I also wondered whether these 'Commemorative Days' had more to do with the Bar's bottom-line than it did for commemoration of the recently deceased Biker... but kept those thoughts to myself.

Pat then piped up and asked Genie how long did her shift last?

"I'm here till closing each and every day" she offered.

What time is closing then?

"7 p.m."

A Biker Bar that closes at 7 p.m. !!

"These guys are not as young as they once were" she quickly responded.

Those assembled merely nodded their heads in agreement.

Well after-all this is Florida.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

P.S.  When we finished our beers we returned to the Optometrist's office which had now reopened.  The Optometrist turned out to be a veteran of the Vietnam War and for the next hour or so regaled us about his War Experiences. At one point I asked him if he had ever come across a Barmaid over there by the name of Genie?  He said he had not but that there was a cute young thing by that name who tends bar just down the street...

Friday, March 9, 2018


Alright, a headline for the future albeit only a week or so down the road.

Permit me to Explain:

Donald Trump campaigned on no further negotiations with North Korea...'they haven't worked for countless Presidencies and they most certainly will not work now.  The only thing the current occupant of North Korea's throne understands ...Kim Youg-un force'.

And dear reader, Republican Contender Donald Trump was most correct in his assessment. 

An elected Trump, feeling even more invincible, proclaims he will bury the Yong-un and his bunch of thugs... bragging that he - Trump - has the bigger button (nuclear).

Then in the face of countless provocations on the part of North Korea, President Trump dramatically changes his tune... 'negotiations are now the way to go'.

What the hell happened?

Now today we learn that dear Donald has even promised to meet the Yong-un face to face for negotiations before the end of May.

So what's next... my headline for today's Blog?

And what exactly does Donald Trump expect to achieve from face to face negotiations with a proven liar whose dynasty has never once lived up to its promises?

And that was before the North acquired nuclear capacity.

Now that it has, there is absolutely no incentive for them to scrap the program.

Should Trump not come to his senses and scotch this upcoming meeting with the Yong-un, and even though it would be a most interesting event, you can rest assured that nothing substantive will come out of it certainly as it pertains to America. 

The only party to gain from such a meeting, in the most unlikely event it happens, is the North since it will have bought more time for itself while the Donald will be left with egg on his face.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Friday, March 2, 2018


Is being laid to rest today.

A child asked his son and successor, Franklin, if it was true that his father was dead, he replied "no, his father had simply changed his address".

My wife Anne and I were fortunate to see Billy Graham in person several years ago at one of his 'revivals' in our home city of Ottawa. 

As an aside, we were also privileged to see Mother Theresa in person and why I combine the two is that both were the leading icons for God and Religion over the course of the last half century and more.

Graham spoke from the heart or should I say 'soul'.  He was one of the good evangelists who was not out for glory or money but to save as many souls as he possibly could.  And boy did he save souls.

I saw a cartoon the other day of Billy Graham meeting Saint Peter at the Gates of Heaven where Peter said to him, since your preaching began we have had to open up a lot more spaces here.

He walked with Kings and Presidents and yet was comfortable with the common man and they with him.

Canada has a claim to Graham's success via George Beverly Shea even though Shea was known throughout as America's Best Gospel Singer.  He was arguably the closet person to Graham other than for Graham's wife and was born some 25 miles south of Ottawa in the small town of Winchester.

With Religion under attack it is unlikely we will soon see the like of Billy Graham any time soon even though the need for such is greater than ever.

You served us well Mr. Graham, enjoy your new digs.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Wednesday, February 28, 2018



Let's address the lesser emotional one first...Infrastructure.

One of President Trump`s election promises was to spend great wads of money to restore America`s worn out infrastructure.  As far as election promises are concerned this was a good one since quite frankly the roads, bridges and sewers and such, are desperately in need of upgrading.   

But as I have pointed out in the past, his promise was Dead on Arrival simply because the Federal Government is flat busted broke.  It`s Debt is larger than the annual GDP and sadly it continues to grow at a rate far exceeding inflation.

So Trump`s recent tweet that there will be Infrastructure if necessary but not necessarily Infrastructure, came as no surprise.  In making this statement he turned the matter over to Congress ...where it rightly belongs but he also said that any Federal contribution to renewed infrastructure spending would pale in comparison to what he expects the States and Private Sector to pony up.

I knew from the outset, that he would wiggle out from under this election promise and all things considered, I believe he did a good job of getting out of it.

The second issue is Gun Control in the wake of the mass shooting of students and teachers in Parkland Florida.

President Trump has a real opportunity to reduce the chance of future such mass killings even though, by doing so, he will upset a core Republican Philosophy i.e. that the Second Amendment is sacrosanct.   But Trump is in a unique situation since is not per se a Republican... the constituency he has carved out for himself is his and his alone.  Plus he should be able to count on Democratic Support since this is one of the pet policy. 

He has indicated that he will promote changes to gun procurement including raising the qualifying age, greater scrutiny of prospective buyers and a longer waiting period.  All good, but really do nothing substantive to ensure the likelihood of future such tragedies are significantly diminished.

The one thing that would make a difference is if Trump came strongly out against Assault Rifles...that would really make a difference.  But the likelihood of him doing so a slim to none. 

So on the issue of Gun Control he is partially correct but it will be seen a mere window dressing.  More problematic for Trump and the Republicans is that it will reduce their chances for electoral victory come this November.

As I see  it...

K.D. Galagher

Monday, February 26, 2018




Well first let's review the 5 candidates and a motley crew it is:

Patrick the recent leader Brown; Tanya the 1 issue Granic-Allen; Caroline the famous daughter Mulroney; Doug the less famous brother Ford; and finally, Christine two-time loser Elliott.

In that order then:

Brown - he should not have resigned as leader, he should not have entered this race and for his stupidity he will finish dead last..assuming current reports of him dropping out are not true.

Granic-Allen - surprisingly, has the best chance of winning it all if her social conservative followers voted for her enmasse.  It will not happen though since she is an unknown and has not had the time needed to effectively mobilize her base.  For her then, 4th place.

Mulroney - big name, no experience as was evident in the debates.  Third for her, but if she gets elected in the upcoming General Election and hangs in there, she may earn serious consideration next time.

Ford - the only conservative in the race, will come in second, for that reason alone.  And the winner is...

Elliott - it is a case of third time lucky for Christine.  A compromise candidate, in every respite, who will go on to defeat the worst Government in the History of Ontario. 

Sadly for the Conservatives the Big Guns never materialized which is most puzzling given that the winner of the March 10 Leadership Race will go on to be the Premier of the Province.

Could it be that after 14 years of Liberal ( read Progressive) Rule the state of the province is so bad that no one in their right mind would want the job of trying to restore it to its once vaulted place.

As I see it...

K.D. Galagher

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

IN THE both Canada and the United States.

FIRST...Another day, another mass school shooting.  This time in South Florida.   I have a novel idea ...ban guns!

SECOND...President Donald Trump yesterday stated that it would be up to Congress to consider the issue of infrastructure renewal.  He made clear though his personal ambivalence with his following statement:  'if they allocate money to it...that's fine...if they decide not to do that...that's fine too'.  As many of you know, I never took seriously Trump's promise to pump multi federal dollars into Infrastructure.  The cold hard fact is ...the United States of America is dead broke.

THIRD...Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau and his Justice Minister who is of native blood, have vowed to reform the Justice System in the wake of a Jury verdict which found a farmer not guilty of murdering a young native indian.  Why not just dispense with the Jury System and deem the defendant guilty whenever the 'victim' is from a minority community.

FOURTH...Ontario's Conservative Party finds itself in a Leadership Race mere months from a general election.  Despite the fact that the Party has a massive lead over its opponents, there is a paucity of candidates...only 3 and none particularly stellar.  This could be the result of 14+ years of Liberal / Progressive rule which has literally destroyed the province's economy...once the engine of the country, Ontario is now a have-not province relying upon the generosity of its sister provinces to pay its bills.  I believe the winner will be Ms Caroline Mulroney, daughter of one of Canada's Prime Ministers, with that being her only claim to the brass ring.  As with our current Prime Minister, nice hair and nice teeth are more important than experience and earning your stripes.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Tuesday, February 13, 2018






In Canada, we had a Prime Minister in the 1950s who was fond of saying that the only protection a Conservative had "was under the game laws". 

I am not sure that even that applies any more!

Let me be clear, when I say Fiscal Conservative I am defining those who favour the smallest government possible, and one that pays its own way without going into debt.

Over the course of the last 50 years, governments of all stripes have added greatly to its Growth while Debt & Deficits have become the norm. Why the United States Debt exceeds its annual GDP while Japan is in even worst shape with its Debt totaling 250% of its GDP.

We are heading for a reckoning may not happen today or even tomorrow but you can rest assured it is coming.

In this vain, a few days ago, US Senator Rand Paul made an impassioned plea for common sense in the debate to pass a 2 year budget extension for the Federal Government.  Estimates suggest that this Budget will add at least an additional $3 Trillion Dollars to the already $21 Trillion Dollar Debt.  If those sums do not appear scary it is only because of its enormity.

Back in 2009 in Senator Paul's own words he said, 'a $Trillion Dollars, stacked in $100 Dollar Bills, would extend 789 miles into the sky'.  Today, multiply that by 21 Trillion Dollars....realizing that this number continues to grow exponentially.  

Senator Paul's plea did not change the debate ...the budget was approved by all sides, but it also did not go unnoticed. 

Here is some of what he had to say:
SEN. RAND PAUL: When the Democrats are in power, Republicans appear to be the conservative party. But when Republicans are in power, it seems there is no conservative party.

You see, opposition seems to bring people together, and they know what they're not for. But then they get in power and they decide, we're just going to spend that money too. We're going to send that money to our friends this time.
The hypocrisy hangs in the air and chokes anyone with a sense of decency or intellectual honesty.

The right cries out, 'Our military is hollowed out!' Even though military spending more than doubled since 2001.

The left is no better. Democrats don't oppose military money as long as they can get some for themselves... for their pet causes.

The dirty little secret is that, by and large, both parties don't care about the debt.

The spending bill is 700 pages, and there will be no amendments.

The debate, although it's somewhat inside baseball that we're having here, is over me having a 15-minute debate. And they say, 'Woe is me! If you get one, everybody will want an amendment.'

Well, that would be called debate.

That would be called an open process.

That would be called concern for your country, enough to take a few minutes.

And they're like, 'But it's Thursday, and we like to be on vacation on Fridays.'

And so they clamor. We've been sitting around all day. It's not like we've had 100 amendments today, we're all worn out and can't do one more. We're going to have zero amendments. Zero, goose egg, no amendments.

It's a binary choice. They love that word, it's a binary choice.

Take it or leave it. You know what? I'm going to leave it. I didn't come up here for this. I didn't leave my family throughout the week and travel up here to be a part of something that is so much inertia, and so much status quo, that they're not leading the country. They're just following along, and it's a big ball rolling down a hill grabbing up your dollars as the boulder rolls down the hill, it gets bigger and bigger, it's going to crush us.

But nobody has the guts to stand up and say no.

Over the past 40 years, only four times have we actually done 12 individual department of government appropriations bills. You've heard of like the Appropriation Committee? This is where the spending is. You have the Department of Defense, the Department of Commerce, Health and Human services.

We're supposed to pass each individual bill, and what would happen when we pass the bills, they would go through committee and each committee would look and see, well, this spending seems to be working. We're getting a great result, and we want some more next year. And this spending appears to be, have been put in a closet and lit on fire, and so next year we're not giving that person who put the $10 million in the closet and lit it on fire, we're not going to give them any money.

Guess what? That doesn't happen. So people keep putting your money in a closet and lighting it on fire.
God Bless Rand Paul.  It is just too damn bad that those like him are so few these days.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Friday, February 9, 2018


Well I certainly do...especially if it is a Santa Claus Parade.

Way back, in one of my earliest Blogs, I mentioned being in one cross-starred  Santa Parade in my home town of Brighton where the wind was so strong that day it blew every float away save the sturdy Santa Float.

The parade consisted of that one float plus a station wagon which provided the only music...Gene Autry's Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer with yours truly winding the gramophone and its 78 rpm record.  

So it probably comes as no surprise that upon Donald Trump's return from Paris earlier this year where he witnessed its annual Bastille Day Military Parade, he started planning one of his own.  

A Parade with marching bands, armed forces personnel and tanks.

After all, what is a parade if it does not contain tanks and hopefully a bucket load of nuclear rockets thrown in.

I am sure that you, like me, this brings to mind such worthy defenders of Democracy as Vladd Putin, Xi Jinping and North Korea's Yong-un and their impressive military shows of power and might. 

Not to leave out a plethora of petty dictators and tyrants that circumnavigate the world.  And their need for such displays has more to do with scaring the bejeepers out of their countrymen to ensure none of them have the temerity to challenge their enlightened rules.

And we know of course that this would never be Donald Trump's goal... why he is only out to have a nice sunny 4th of July and enjoy America's delicacy... the Hot Dog.

At least I hope that this is the intended goal for his parade.

But maybe...just maybe there is something else at play here.

Maybe it has something to do with xxxxx envy as was evident recently when the Yong-un bragged about the seize of his Nuclear Button to which Trump quite rightly responded that his Nuclear Button is much Bigger and in fact can kill more than any other country in the world. 

Not though in the tradition of Teddy Roosevelt and encompassed in his oft repeated quote,  'walk softly but carry a big stick'.

From the beginning of Donald Trump's Administration there were several areas where I had reservations about the direction they might be going.  One of those and one of the most important was his reliance upon elderly male Generals.  Indeed his top 3 Advisors all fall into this category.

As a Libertarian, I do not trust Big Government including Big Military especially a Military which is not held in proper civilian check. 

I have written about the Cuban Missile Crisis where had it not been for President Kennedy and to a lesser extent his brother Bobbie, the world would have likely experienced its first nuclear war.  The Joint Chiefs wanted to go into Cuba with guns blazing but thankfully neither Kennedy trusted the Chiefs all that much and devised a less confrontational response, namely, a naval blockade.

I say thankfully since post crisis, America discovered that the Russian Troops on the ground had been instructed from Moscow to respond to any attack, with nuclear missiles.

So have a parade and enjoy your hot dog President Trump and leave the scare tactics to those leaders who are insecure enough to  need them. 

Monday, February 5, 2018


This past Friday saw the long-awaited release of the above-noted memo.  

It was light on specifics but the following are the facts I was able to glean from it:

  1. In October of 2016 at the height of the bitter Election Campaign between Republican Trump and Democratic Clinton, the FBI and the Department of Justice applied to the Courts for a warrant to allow surveillance of one of Trump's campaign workers...Carter Page.
  2. This same Carter Page had been the subject of their investigations prior to the time that Donald Trump came onto the scene.
  3. Key information, without which, it is agreed by all, the Judge would not have allowed the issuance of the Warrant was supplied by Hillary Clinton's Campaign and by the Democratic Party at great expense ($) to them both. 
  4. All of this Information in due course turned out to be false.
  5. It was obtained by Clinton et al from the Russians through an intermediary by the name of ChristopherSteele ...a self professed 'Trump Hater'.  
  6. Finally, the application to the Court did not expose the fact that Hillary / Her Party were the principals involved in obtaining this data, but it did allow that it had come from a 'political rival of Trump. 

Trump claims that the Nunes' Memo 'completely vindicates him'.  It does not, but in truth does not matter since he never needed vindication...there has never been any evidence tying him to Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 Election.

The Democrats on the other-hand  say 'there is nothing there ...move on'.

'Nothing there?'  Other than the fact that it confirms both the FBI and DOJ were fully aware of the fact that it was Hillary and her Campaign who were playing footsies with the Ruskies in advance of Election Day.

So in the post Election period is it not the height of hypocrisy for Hillary to blame the Russians and their ties to the Trump Campaign as one of the major reasons for her election loss?  The woman has no shame. 

And how is it that the Meuller Special Prosecutory  Commission was allowed to form to investigate the non-existent Trump - Russia connection when these senior FBI / DOJ officials knew all along that the real culprit in this sorry mix was Dear Hillary?

Talk about being in the bag for one candidate over the other.

Long time readers will know that I jokingly say that you can be sure a politician is lying as soon as their lips start to move.  Sadly this is more often true than not.

But at least you get an opportunity every 4 years to vote the most notorious out of office.

What can you do though in the case of faceless senior enforcement officers who try to influence the outcome of our democratic elections.

More on that another time.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher' 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018


As in the Senior Cops like the FBI and the Justice Department.

In that regard, we are waiting breathlessly for the release of a memo which will chronicle efforts by both of the above to discredit Donald Trump.

As an aside, I can say that even in my home Province and Country the Ontario Provincial Police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police..have been caught out from time to time giving succor to one party or the other...usually in support of the Liberals.

The same thing has happened in America especially during the 8 year tenure of Barack Obama.

Permit me to list but a few of the most egregious:

  • The Black Panthers were never charged even though they intimidated voters from voting against Obama in 2008.
  • The Internal Revenue Agency launched a campaign to specifically to audit Conservative Non-Profits Organizations. Again, no one was charged.
  • The ATF's program named Fast and Furious which put guns in the hands of Mexican Drug Cartels resulted in an agent's death. The White House blocked all attempts to get to the bottom of it.
  •  In the Benghazi fiasco Hillary Clinton and her senior officials in the State Department tried to blame it on some obscure video when they knew all along it was a pre-planned terrorist attack and when they had all along turned a deaf ear to their Ambassador's request for greater security.  Again no inquiry.
  • Then there was Hillary's use of insecure servers even though she was the second most powerful person in the Obama Administration.  Again no follow-up.
  • And in regard to Hillary again.  Senior Officials in the Democratic Party were actively working for her against her main competitor Bernie Sanders.  Little was done to rectify this certainly nothing was done for poor Bernie.
  • And to get back to the infamous memo about to be released, it will confirm that it was one and the same Hillary who had her campaign pay the Russians for dirt on Trump.  
And all the while Hillary was accusing Trump of working hand and glove with the Ruskies.  

Why it even led to the Meuller Special Prosecutor's investigation of how Trump et al worked with Russia to turn the last Election in his favour.

It wasn't Trump who was doing it...again it was dear Hillary.

But you would never know it from the Left Wing Media.  Silence.

I have said from the get-go that Trump was not working with the Russians or any other country for that matter in his victory over the Dems.  

But I cannot comprehend how Meuller did not come to realize that early on in his investigation.  He should have at least expanded it to include malfeasance on the part of Hillary and her Campaign Team.

So why is this so important?  Why is it not just interesting reading?

I will tell you why.  A Democracy without the Rule of Law is not worth the Constitution it is written on.

And in order to have Rule of Law, a country needs Impartial Enforcement.

This has been lacking in the United States for too long and if that state of affairs continues, the net effect of that is just too dangerous to contemplate regardless of who calls the White House home.    

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'