Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Are Trump's Supporters Being Had?

I am not the conspiracy type but something seems to be rotten in the State of Denmark when it comes to the way the Trump Campaign is unfolding now that he is guaranteed to win his Party's Nomination.  

Simply stated, his Campaign has gone from confrontation to One Big Love-in.

Most of his previous opponents now profess to like him and many have actually made it known that they would like nothing better than to be part of his Presidential Team assuming he can beat dear Hillary. 

Remember if you will the slings and arrows Donald Trump cast at them all while they were still active candidates.  He was quite nasty; and now, it's let bygones be bygones?

Not only that, but the Republican Establishment now too appears to be coming onside.  These are the same guys and gals The Trumper vowed to axe should he attain office. And it seems like only yesterday when they vowed to support anyone buy Trump and said some very rude things in so doing.  

Oh Yeah - it was but 'yesterday'.

Even Senator John McCain, whom Trump called a coward for being taken prisoner by the North Vietnamese, is now on record as saying that he too will support the Donald in November's Election.  

It begs the question as to what is going on here.

So let's take a step back for a second or two.

The general consensus is that Trump has done well because voters believe they have been taken for granted by their political masters. Politicians say one thing at election time and then once in office, do the exact opposite. 

So now after watching their guy cut and thrust his way to the Nomination, they see him saddle up to the 'enemy' and make lovey- dovey.

Do they see this to be the tactics of a traditional politician?

Frankly, dear Reader, I do not know - I am not American - nor am I a staunch supporter of his.  But it does cause me to reflect.

In the end, would it not be rich to see Trump fall into line like all those politicians before him.

He'll have some very disappointed supporters but probably ones that will not be all that surprised since that is all they have ever known.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Sunday, May 15, 2016

TARAXACUM ...aka...


I like these little critters - their pretty yellow tops gently blowing in the wind on a background of green grass - assuming the grass is visible.

My Wife Anne though hates them - as do apparently all of our neighbours and as likely most of you.

In fact, the whole neighbourhood is at war with these harmless yet valuable flowers ...okay weeds if you must.

And speaking of valuable, did you know that in China the Dandelion is used in some of their medicines.

Not only that, all parts of the Dandelion are edible and even can be used in the making of wine.

Bet your tulips can't compete with that.

Not surprisingly then, up until the 1800s, people would actually pull grass out of their lawns to make room for their dandelions.

That of course was then and this is now when everyone seems to be trying all manner of things to rid their yards of these cuties...including our neighbours and of course Anne. 

And now even me, with some gentle(?) shoves from my wife.

And in this ongoing . should I say near hopeless fight, Home Owners are paying $Billions of Dollars a year to rid their lawns of this most resilient flora:
  • to lawn treatment companies*; and to,
  • ubiquitous lawn treatments available at all local home stores and nurseries.**
*note: last year we hired a lawn maintenance company which promised all manner of things including its ability to deal effectively with the dreaded Lion.  Half way into the season, with no improvement showing, I asked their onsite weeder why the dandelions look healthier than ever - he replied "because we have nothing to kill them with - would hurt the environment ...don't you know."   

**note: this year I attended at a local well respected nursery and asked what if anything they had that would kill off the demon yellow. Their olde time employee just looked sympathetically into my eyes and said "zip...all you can do is dig each and everyone of them up being sure to include the plant's 2 foot root". 

In addition to that, when you check the Internet you will find a number of home remedies which may or may not work for I have not tried them.  They just seem to be so bizarre.

Two for instance- spray them with concentrated vinegar or with a concentrated salt solution.  I just don't see either of those working nor would I be sure how to properly apply them in any case.  If you on the other hand have had first hand experience in either of these home remedies or another other for that matter ... that have worked, please let me know and I will give it a try.

In the meantime, I along with my dedicated and most determined neighbours, are on our knees pulling them out - one dandelion at a time - with hopefully root attached*. 

*I'll let you in on a little secret though - you seldom if ever get much of the root and certainly never 2 feet worth. 

Hopefully what goes around comes around and one day soon we will once again follow the wisdom of our ancestors of the 1800s and let the Dandelion Flourish, ...As It Should. 

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'