Sunday, December 22, 2019



I recently turned 71 and if you had told me in my 40s that such holiday tunes would have dominated the airwaves I'd have said you were high on drugs.  (BTW we did have marijuana back in those olden days).

My favourite, and according to my wife...our son Scott's favourite too is Silent Night.  To me that is the quintessential carol ever written.   But I guess today's media know better.

I do have to wonder why in this age of diversity, it is the olde traditions that keep falling by the wayside.  One gets the feeling that the only victim of diversity will be diversity itself.

Christmas is another example.  Happy Holidays is what has replaced it and the other day I saw even saw Happy December.  It stirs the soul....there I go again ...another bygone term.

So I'd like to wish each of you a very Merry ....?  Whatever.

As I turn on the radio for the latest number one Seasonal Song...Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You.  It doesn't get any better than that !!

Or Does It !!!

As I See It,

K.D. Bell

Friday, December 20, 2019

News' Flash: 'President Donald J. Trump Has Been Impeached'...

Would you Please pass the Poupon.

Wednesday saw the Impeachment of Donald Trump and Washington was in mourning.  Or at least the Democrats professed to be- they who brought it all about.

And there was their intrepid leader all decked out in black claiming it a sad day for America.

And the dear House Leader was for once correct.... the Country was in mourning- but not for Trump but for the way the Democrats have ruthlessly pursued Trump after he had the nerve to defeat their flag bearer of the day - Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Seldom have such a bunch of decrepit politicos come together to try to defeat the Will of the People.

And in this, they have failed miserably - so much so that their antics could very well propel The Donald back into Office for another 4 years come November 2020.

So I ask you again...Please pass the Poupon.  

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Monday, December 16, 2019


UPDATE:   fyi. my letter ...see below, was the lead letter in today's (Dec. 17) National Post.  

This weekend, saw a brilliant Editorial appear in the Saturday Edition of the National Post concerning the desperate need (my belief) to return to conservatism.   The paper has recently printed a number of articles by various personages on what conservatism means to them, but this Weekend's effort captured it in its entirety.

I wrote to the Post thanking them for their insight... as per in italics below.  At least we appear to have one news outlet on the right side of the equation.

And even that is surprising since I cannot recall the last time Canada had a truly Conservative Party in Power, in Ottawa and I am in my early 70s.  During my time, we have had nothing but shades of Liberal Light and are now moving quickly to full-on Liberal.

Here is what I wrote:

As a life-long social / fiscal conservative, I was simply blown-away with your weekend editorial. Bravo.
I would encourage all those who believe themselves to be conservative to read it.

With the Leadership Race just getting underway, there will be numerous opportunities
to meet the various candidates locally and I would hope Tory members will share copies of this
editorial with their fellow attendees as well as question the Candidates themselves on whether or not
they are in agreement with it.     Sincerely,   Keith Bell

One unofficially declared Candidate has already voiced her unequivocal support of the Editorial ...Michelle Rempel..

Good for her and our job is to ensure that she really means it ...should she end up actually seeking the role.  

As per my letter to the Post we also need to grill the other Official Candidates to see if they too are prepared to 
follow the Post's Blueprint realizing that deep down most (all?) may not have the faintest intention of doing so.

As I See It...

K.D.  Bell

Tuesday, December 10, 2019



Long time readers will know that I seldom follow the crowd - thankfully and many of you have indicated that this is one of the main reason you read my blog.

The following then may surprise you, not because I do not follow the crowd here, but rather, I suspect more than a few of you will find yourself in their camp.

How is that for a confusing beginning.

Today's Issue concerns Prime Minister Trudeau's recent visit to the NATO Conference in London England where he was caught 'gossiping' about The Donald.  May the Saints preserve us.

I say that knowing We All Gossip and having worked in the political field for many years, there is nothing Politicians and their Minions like better than good gossip and this goes for the 4th Estate...The Media, as well.

Those who express shock at 'Trudeau's antics' are ... pardon the expression...being gossipy.

I am embarrassed to say that I was listening to CBC Radio the other day; in my defence, the headphones I was wearing could only pick up the Mother Corp and thanks to its over $1 Billion Taxpayer Subsidy its signal was strong enough to reach even my my dime store device.

The topic on air was Teenagers and their proclivity to gossip.  It was presented as if this was a passing phase and that when they grew up ....   But I thought to myself 'That is not likely to happen'.

And then a day or so later came the tape of Trudeau speaking (gossiping) off the cuff with some of his NATO colleagues including the Queen's very own daughter Anne.  (As an aside, as time goes on I feel sorrier and sorrier for Members of the Royal Family having to stand in in bore-fests like that).

Anyway, it would have been the non-even of non-events save for the fact that the subject of his scorn (?) was no other than Donald Trump.  And what pray tell did Young Trudeau have to say.

He first commented on his lateness to the gossip fest on the basis that Trump went overtime on a Press Conference.  The event went a shocking 23 minutes and should have concluded earlier.  I know it doesn't get much worse than that. But hold on ..there is more...much more.

Trudeau then went on to spill the beans that Trump's entourage's collective jaw dropped...And Why?  Because Trump had announced that next year's NATO gabfest would take place at Camp David.  If there is anyone out there that did not know this, beforehand, I sincerely apologize to you and only hope that someone nearby you has some smelling salts or something even stronger. 

Trudeau, belatedly realizing the error of his ways, quickly tried unsuccessfully to cover-up by saying how pleased he was that next year's event would be held there... but you and I know, a guy like Trump will see through this subterfuge like a hot knife through butter. 

So there you have.   Demands for Trudeau's Head were ubiquitous.   NAFTA lay in ruins, as did the Steel and Aluminium Tariffs, there was no limit to the vengeance Trump was gong to rain down on Canada's Head.

 Oh, what's this?  Just in... 'It was just announced that NAFTA has been signed and Tariff Agreements re Steel and Aluminum have been entered into.'

So what was all the kerfuffle?

Oh, word has it that John Diefenbaker is coming out of Retirement to Lead the Hapless Conservatives.  Well it is about time.

As I See It, 


Saturday, December 7, 2019


UPDATE:   Yesterday, Andrew Sheer did the right thing and announced that he was stepping down as the Leader of the Conservative Party.  Although I agree with his decision as per below, I am yet saddened by it...Politics is a dirty albeit interesting business. Now the real fun begins.  Many pundits are already predicting that a large number of candidates will seek the Tory Crown and moreover, that the Tories are most likely to beat Trudeau when the dust from the next election settles.  Not so fast say I.  The majority of those pundits are predicting that the Party will move further left so rather than the Liberal Lite Party we now words...the Tory Party will be full-fledged Liberal.  So what does one gain when one sells out?  Stay Tuned.

I say this with a certain amount of sadness since I believe Mr. Sheer is just  too nice for politics.  As I have told my wife on several occasions (to her chagrin, she is my sounding board), Speakers of the House, do not usually make good Leaders.  The only exception might be the retiring Speaker of the British House, but it is a sure thing, we'll ever know that for sure.

At this point, for his own well-being and that of his family's, he should resign and perhaps he could even do so on his own terms which I will come to shortly. 

My wife and I both had votes for the Leadership Contest that saw Sheer win in May of 2017.  Neither one of us voted for him despite his apparent Social Conservative credentials and this in spite of the fact that we are both strongly of that persuasion.  We simply believed, even then, that he was too weak & too silent on the social issues of concern to us both.

So why, so close to the end of this October's Canadian General Election, do I believe he needs to go??

Simply stated, he ran a very poor campaign.  If you cannot beat Justin Trudeau after his first term of miscues and just ain't going to happen.

Related to this, is the fact that no-one supports him ....not the Social Conservatives, not the Red Tories, and certainly none of Society's Progressives which make up between 65 and 70 % of the voting public.  The way I have it figured is that Andrew may be able to count on his family voting in his favour at this coming April's Leadership.  Okay, I exaggerate a bit but you get the idea.

If I was advising Andrew Sheer I would encourage him to resign but to insist that he stay on as Interim Leader until a successor has been voted in at at full blown Leadership Convention. I would also insist that that  Leadership Contest be delayed as long a possible to help ensure that some good candidates come out of the woodwork.  Too often quick Leadership Contests results in limited ...B and C level contestants.  The Tories are in desperate need of an A Leader.  John Baird and Pierre Poilievre come readily to mind.  But delay is needed in case there  are others of that ilk.

Admittedly, these decisions do not rest with the Leader of the Party but rather with the Party President and if I was that person, I'd take the offer.  A failed Leadership vote in April would only expose more division and embitterment throughout the Party.  And it would be a win / win for both Sheer and the Party.  Sheer is young and has lots of years left to serve the Party and our Country in Parliament.  And he is not the type to pose a threat to whomever comes out victorious. Sort of like another Joe Clark but even better.  And he'd make a great Party Statesman.

So say the Tories get a good should he / she lead?

Well is it not obvious?  With up to 70% of the voting public left of centre - of course you would want to move the Tories to the left as well ....indeed this is what past Tory Leaders have done consistently including, Stanfield, Clark, Mulroney, Harper and currently Sheer.  The only trouble with this very sensible approach is that it does not  work.  More government intervention, more debt, issues of genuine import get ignored with the unelected courts only too glad to step in to fill the void.

We need a truly Conservative Government.  Small Government, Balance Budgets, and Social Issues such as open season on Abortion get addressed.  For instance, in the case of the latter, a reasonable term limit could, I believe, be negotiated such as 3 or 4 months.  With modern birth control there is absolutely no reason a baby can be aborted right up until the time of birth and sadly despite the denial of left radicals, this does happen.  In this atrocity we are right up there with the North Korea and Red China.

We also need a society consisting of more givers / more doers and less takers.  That is what made the West Great and that is why billions around the world are so anxious to reach our shores.  Sadly though and by example of our resident progressives, immigrants and refugees are now too often coming to receive rather than contribute.  And who can blame them!  Religion is under attack, Capitalism is discredited despite the fact that is has literally raised billions out of poverty.  We have become morally bankrupt and the world economy is listless and heading down.

So how did we get here?  Well in the case of Canada, The Right -  Conservatives and Libertarians have failed to sell the need for values at the core of Conservatism, Rather they have adopted Liberalism over the course of the last 50 years so no wonder the electorate has been brainwashed wth liberal / progressive thinking.

The Right needs to finally enter the debate and I can assure each and every one of you that the task will not be an easy one.  In fact, we will likely suffer more defeats along the way but at least - at long last - the voter will be given a real choice.  Less Big Government, more Independence and we can do this with our heads held high in the knowledge that Socialism Simply Does Not Work !

The only country left where the battle between left and right  continues is the United States of America but the division lines are split 50 / 50.  Unless the world's democracies get their respective acts together the day is quickly coming when we will see American numbers reflect our own miserable figures.

Here in Canada we need to get started and the opportunity for that begins with the Tory Leadership Vote in April.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Sunday, December 1, 2019


My most recent post was not about Teachers...this one though most certainly is.

I cannot recall any teacher I did not like...well maybe there was one - he liked to fire his male students across the class-room floor.  Indeed in some cases I even love them - my daughter Natalie, my Sister Linda and he nephew... Michael.  With not a biased bone in my body I can say all three were (my Sister is retired) or are, great at their chosen profession and their students were / are lucky to be taught by them.

And all of us no doubt have our favourites from our school days.  I have three -my grade 6 teacher - Robert 'Bob' Raymond, my grade 9 english teacher Miss Joanne Jones and my grade 11 geography teacher Nancy Stantial.  In the case of the latter, at a parent-teacher evening she told my parents that I was most definitely "university material" and being that no one in my family had ever gone to university her statement had a greater impact on me than she could ever imagine.

Bob Raymond was nothing but a character ...from Toronto, fresh out of Teachers' College. For instance, he would hand out detentions like they were going out of style and then permit the offenders to work them off by picking pick weeds in the playground.  Our Public School had the most weed-free lawns around.  He also roamed quietly around the classroom with a pointer and would sneak up on the unsuspecting student who exhibited poor posture.  A sharp stab in the victim's back was all it took.  Can you imagine what would have happened to this novice teacher had he tried to do that in today's progressive environment?

And Miss Jones had the ability to read passages from varied literary offerings that would take the listener directly into those pages.  What a gift.  It was most certainly the beginning of this sport's minded boy's interest in the beauty of literature.

I have never asked my Daughter or my Nephew who their favourite teachers were but will be sure to do so when I see them next.  I do though believe I know who was my Sister's or at least who one of them was ...Ms McAuley ... her kindergarten teacher.  Am I right Linda?

And you know what - I don't even know my wife's favourite.  Better get on that a.s.a.p.

Anyway the bottom-line here is that Teachers perform a very great service to society and even they I suspect, do not always realize what a positive lasting impact they have on the lives of their students.

A Sincere Thank You From The Bottom Of My Heart To You All !!!

Now for a humourous story ...or Not.

In my day, grades 7 thru and including grade 9 were the most eventful and dramatic.  Blame it on hormones, if you will.

So here I am sitting in Mrs. Gibson's Grade 8 Class minding my own business when all of a sudden I was hit by a flying piece of chalk or an erasure.

I looked around and there with a big smirk on his face was the Class Troublemaker (C.T.).  I won't name him to save the guilty but I suspect my childhood friend Johnny will quickly know who this culprit was..  Of even greater note, C.T. was the first in our class to refuse to stand for God Save The Queen, an essential part of the day's opening.  I was shocked more with that than with the chalk...but I digress.

Anyway, I picked up the chalk and was just about ready to fire it back at him when Mrs. Gibson yelled "STOP"...and I did.  This was the same woman who could not catch a cold in mid-January but she caught me that morning.  C.T. was beside himself with guffaws and what should have been over in a matter of minutes...was not.  It went on for months.

Permit me to explain:

Johnny and I grew up in a small town where everyone and I mean everyone, knew everyone else.  As it happened then, Mrs. Gibson's son was married to my father's secretary and for the next several months the 'chalk throwing incident' was the prime talk at our table.  Well you would have thought I had punched C.T. out ...which between you and me I could have easily done.

In closing, if you have any reminisces about how your teacher(s) positively affected you or any humourous stories from your day to day classroom life, please just let me know and I will try to cover them in one of my future blogs.

In the meantime,

As I See It,

K.D. Bell

Monday, November 25, 2019

Ontario Teachers and Their Unions

"We're Doing It For The Children"

At least that's what the Teachers' Unions continue to peddle to us, however this Blog is neither about the Unions nor the Teachers, as you are about to see shortly.

For the life of me though it is most difficult to understand why their Unions seem always to be be on Strike or Threatening To Do So and it makes no never-mind which Party is running the Shop at Queen's Park.

Lately all 4 Major Teachers' Unions fall into either the above categories and in every case, their Teacher Members have voted in the high 90%s to go on Strike. Their major Unions include the following:  i) The Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation; ii) Ontario Elementary Teachers' Union; iii) the Ontario English-Catholic Teachers' Union and finally  iv) the Ontario French-language Teachers' Union).  Would you not think that one Union or two at the most would suffice?  No wonder then at least one of them seems to be on strike at any given time.

Anyway, things must be very bleak in Mudville for Ontario Teachers to support Strike Action in those high numbers.

But you have to wonder why:  Ontario Teachers' Salaries are most generous, so are their Benefits and their Pensions what is fostering such discontent.

Well my guess is that this labour unrest is causd by the Unions themselves. And, if I was Premier, I would outlaw them ...not only on the basis that Teaching is an Essential Service but more importantly, in these Strikes and Threatened Strikes, no one has the interest of the Taxpayer at heart. So we have the Unions never satisfied and the Politicians willing to spend any amount of taxpayer money just for labour peace.  Do you ever stop and think what a politician might do if he or she had their own salary at stake in these labour negotiations?

But again and despite the Title of this Blog, my effort here is not about Teachers' Unions nor is it even about Teachers' Benefits; it is about a much more important issue.

The Elephant in the Room aka the Major Problem Facing Education Today is with respect to the make-up of the classes...and not class sizes, as the above Unions would have you to believe.

The Unions call it Inclusion as do many so-called experts in education but I call it bogus Progressive Thinking gone mad.  (note: those self same persons would likely refer to me as Right Wing Thinking gone mad and I am okay with that).  So it is up to you the Reader to decide who has the better handle on this.

And just to be clear, I am not talking about disabled students per se, rather I am referring to those children who have Marked Learning Disabilities or are Prone To Causing Disruption. Such 'inclusion' in my opinion makes it impossible for the majority of students to effectively learn their studies.  It does no good for the minority as well. Although my search on the internet finds many who agree with the Progressive Thinkers, there is an equal number out there who agree with me.

Let's look at the rising number of physical attacks on teachers by their students ...beginning as young as kindergarten.  Below is a passage I found on line authored by the Gates Foundation substantiating this:

Behavior issues that interfere with teaching and learning have notably worsened, according to an astonishing 62 percent of teachers who have been teaching in the same school for five or more years. The results were reported in Primary Sources: America’s Teachers on the Teaching Profession. The report, recently released by Scholastic and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, shows that the increased level of behavior problems has been seen across grade levels: 68 percent of elementary teachers, 64 percent of middle school teachers, and 53 percent of high school teachers say the same.

No wonder our schools are falling behind when it comes to trying to teach basic subjects like math and science. 

So what is causing the problem ?...One of the major reasons is that the Teachers' Unions and their Progressive Supporters are deliberately failing to flag this obvious fault. And our children - all of our children, are suffering accordingly.

I say that because if classes were to be homogenized with children of comparable intellect and mental well-being, all would learn more effectively and at a faster rate.  This is simply common sense.

But please do not think that I am suggesting for a minute that those with intellectual or mental health issues be thrown under the bus.  Hardly!!   My motto in life is leave no one behind, since to do otherwise would not only be wrong for economic reasons, it would simply be inhumane. We need everyone on board, happy and contributing to ensure our Society is Just and Works for All.

Resources need to be made available to students to ensure that they learn at their own speed and where appropriate, receive the mental health that is otherwise not available to them.

Call or write to your School Boards and to your Politicians to right this obvious wrong. 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Reduced To Minority Status & The Young Woman At The Back Of The Room

Okay, let's take a look at how the Trudeau Liberals went from Majority Status to Minority Status in last month's Canadian Federal Election and what this means for him in the days and months ahead.

Let's begin by noting that the Election Results were not the least bit surprising since the Liberal policies and stumbles over his 4 year term of Majority Government were disastrous as evidenced by the following:  he reneged on his promise to reform the Electoral Process; he introduced the very unpopular Carbon Tax; and related to that, was anti-oil- pipeline, he interfered with Canada's Judicial System when, behind close doors, he came to the aid of a company by the name of Lavelin...based in Quebec and successfully charged in the past with illicit business practices including bribery; he dumped two his most popular female Members of Parliament both of whom had been shining stars in his Cabinet; he was the hapless subject of the Kokanee Grope (for you non-Canadians who do not have a clue what that all entails I urge you to look it up on-line); and of course he admitted during the recent campaign that he has worn 'black-face' at least 3 times in the past.

There is more I could include but the ones mentioned are, I believe, sufficient to show why the Canadian Electorate punished Trudeau by taking away his Majority.

I see a hand up at the back - yes, the Young Lady in the Mauve Shirt has a question.

Not a question per se but rather a comment....What you have said is simply not true, Trudeau was brought down by the Province of Quebec voting in 37 Separatists to the BLOC Quebec Party.

You make an excellent point, indeed when I think about it, the Bloc won only 10 seats in the previous election so in this past election they won 27 more and if Trudeau had secured those seats, as many thought he would, he would have easily maintained his Majority Government. (There are 338 seats or members in Canada's new Parliament, the Liberals took 157 Liberal, and if they had won another 27 in Quebec, it would have given him 184 seats whereas he only needed 170 for a Majority.)

But permit me to ask the young lady in the back if any of the failures I noted had a negative influence on the Quebec Voters who voted for the Bloc rather than traditionally voting Liberal?

Not at all, what was at issue was Quebec's notorious Bill 21 which discriminates against the public wearing of any religious symbols such as a cross, yarmulke or hijab including while working in government jobs.  Polling shows that up to 70% of Quebecois' support this most discriminatory law and quite correctly although none of the federal parties came out in support  of the Bill, save for the Bloc.  Sadly none came out strongly or vocally enough against it either.  

Good Point.

Okay so let's now get back to the subject at hand namely, what does this new Minority Status have in store for the Governing Liberals.

Well first and foremost it means, as in the past, that the Trudeau Government is not likely to survive more than 18 months...2 years at the most, before the other parties gang up and bring it down with their superior numbers.  Remember , the numbers we are dealing with - 338 seats in the House, less 157 held by the Liberals, leaves 181 outstanding against them.  That 181 can come together any time they want to force the Trudeau Liberal's out of Office but they will likely hold off a year or two before they do, as is per convention (i.e it takes any Party time to gear up for another Election).

Oh, Oh, I see the Young Woman's hand up again.  You have another point you wish to raise?

Yes I do, but I don't think you are going to like it.  I say that because what you have just said is also wrong.  I agree with you that usually minority governments last but a short time but this time Trudeau can count on his mandate lasting at least 3 years and even up to 4 years... the latter being the expiry of his term.   I say that because the Progressives Parties in the House, which include the Liberals, are not about to bring a fellow Progressive Party down.  The Progressive majority is but a reflection of Canadian Society itself which is 65 to 70 per cent of that persuasion.

Well thank you again for that; I must admit that you once again make good sense.  So given what you have just said, we can safely assume that Canada will not be plunged into another General Election for the next several years.

Hardly, since just because the Liberals will not be forced into an early Election does not for a minute mean that there will not be one.  In the best traditions of the former Liberal Prime Minister Chretien, Trudeau himself will be looking hard for an opportunity to pull the plug...and by that I mean, if the Polls show him that he can likely win back a Majority he will be on it like fleas on a dog, so to speak regardless of the timing.

I get the feeling young lady that you and I should trade places since it appears to me that you have this all figured out and for the life of me, I cannot see where you are wrong.

As I See It, 

K.D. Bell


#s of seats before and after....??

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

I'm Back: 3 Heart Stoppages Later and since my last Blog on 21.06.19, Donald Trump still commands the News.

You read that correctly, I had 3 heart stoppages over the course of this past July and August and have been in the hospital close to 6 weeks and owe my life to my son Scott and to our good friend Kristen ...a CPR Instructor and to the health care teams at the Bomanville and Oshawa Hospitals and to the renowned Heart Institute in Ottawa.

Thank you everyone!!

Now back to Trump and the latest... the Impeachment Inquiry.

But first, let me remind everyone that the story surrounding the Donald back in June was the Mueller investigation about purported Russian Influence in the 2016 Presidential Election.  Fortunately for Trump, and no surprise to me, it all came to naught.

So the Dems are now coming at Him in a different way ...via the Impeachment Process.  Again another bogus, hollow claim that will hurt the Democrats far more than the Republicans.

That said, I am not a Trump fan indeed I believe the guy has been a disaster - his Trade Tantrums, Isolationists Views, and treating US Friends like Dirt while Praising the Bullies and the Dictators.

The only thing I support him on is with respect to The Wall - a country that cannot control the inflow of illegal refugees is not a country within the meaning of the Webster Dictionary.

So I fully agree with those who believe that for the sake of all, the Trumper needs to go !

But the fly in the ointment is the fact that there is no one and I mean no one on the scene who has the needed qualities to replace him. Much like our Election in October, Justin Trudeau got in because there were no viable alternatives.

What complicates the situation in the States is the fact that it is split right down the middle - Conservatives on the Right and Progressives on the Left...50/50.  There are too few Moderates in the Middle which likely means that when the Dems stop their infighting, their numbers for next November's Presidential Election will be reduced enough to allow the Donald another four years in office.

Quelle Dommage you might say to which I would respond ...Yes and No.

The fact of the matter is regardless of what a disaster Trump has been in Office, he does not deserve the Treatment he has received from the Progressive and more to the point, from the Left Wing Media.

But permit me to restate that:   Democracy does not deserve the treatment it has received...

With the Ballots barely dry from the November 2016 Election, the Left Wing Media and Progressives combined to try to destroy the Presidency with any and all means possible.  Simply stated, they could not stomach the outcome and were and continue to be determined to nullify what the Electorate had wrought.

The Progressive Left has done such a great job of this that I truly believe American Politics will never be the same in our lifetime.  It used to be that when a Party was unsuccessful at the polls, their numbers would roll up their sleeves and undertake publicly that their Party would do better next time.  Not anymore.

Now back specifically to the current Impeachment fiasco.

It purports to be about the President's conversation with the Head of Ukraine and Trump's alleged blackmail of the latter to get the 'goods' on a son of Democratic Contender Joe Biden.  Biden's son, it is claimed by some, was involved in shady busy practices that took place in the Ukraine.

To which I respond so what.  The Dems have already admitted to having done similar investigations against Trump with Russia and besides, I fervently believe the President, as the highest politico in the world, should be able to count on his conversations with other world leaders being confidential.  I heard it said that in a meeting with Putin, Trump is alleged to have said, 'dear Vladimir don't worry if Russian interfered with our 2016 Election since our Country is the world's worse offender by far'  and of course he is right.  A most recent case in point is our October Election just past where Liberal heavies have stated publicly that without former President Obama's intervention on their candidates behalf they would not have one.  Not a word of criticism from the Left Wing Media or America's Progressives.

It is all nonsense with the danger that it will only serves to help Donald Trump win another 4 years in office - which again is not what I personally want to see happen.

But what makes this all so futile is the fact that in order to complete a successful Impeachment it requires a two-thirds vote in the Senate, a body which consists of a majority of Republicans so the chances if such happening range from nil to not likely.

And one last comment.  It was not long ago that a President...Bill Clinton... was deservedly Impeached in the House of Representatives but it failed in the Senate.  His crime, he had sex, despite his denial of same, in Oval Office with a vulnerable intern.  I still can hear his words these many years later, as I suspect you can too - "I did not have sex with that woman".  He threw her under the bus all the while Dear President Clinton being a card carrying Democrat.

That was where a charge of Impeachment was warranted:  not though in the case at hand.

As I See It, 

K.D. Bell

Friday, June 21, 2019


So said the Pundits about Premier Ford's Cabinet Shuffle yesterday.

But Ford missed one...Himself and to a lesser extent ...He missed firing his Chief of Staff Doug French.

That said I see French as another dead-man-walking thus his firing will come sooner than later.  With respect to Ford himself, that will naturally not come now but will be left to either his Caucus in the medium term or to the Electorate in the longer term.

So why do I say that.

Thursday's blood-bath came about as a result of Ford and Co. first year in office which though Ford himself said it had been a great success and although he was quoted as saying he had the best Cabinet ever, his actions yesterday prove that to be all puff and nonsense.

And Dear Reader, if anyone one person is responsible for the slips, retractions, and poor policies generally, it falls at the feet of the Leader - aka Doug Ford.

So let's look at the main casualties:

First the size of Cabinet went from 21 to 28 and startling increase of some 25%.  How do you rationalize this in an apparent time of restraint?  Well you can't.  And how to do face Toronto Council when your first job as Premier was to drastically reduce their ranks?   No can do as well.

Rumour had it that Vic Fedeli was toast and would be dropped  entirely from Cabinet.  He who held the Party together when Star-Crossed Brown imploded. And He who would have made the best candidate for Premier...indeed it was his for the taking if he only wanted it.   Fortunately, although a major demotion, Ford kept him on as Minister for Eco Development.

And then there is Ottawa's Lisa MacLeod - humiliatingly demoted to the next to useless role of Tourism, Culture and Sport.  Macleod was one of Ford's biggest cheerleaders and now I would suspect you will not see her stay on for the next election.

And another Lisa...Lisa Thompson who was unceremoniously dumped from the Education Ministry and ended up in Government and Consumer Services whatever that happens to be.

Where the two Lisas went wrong is they followed Ford's instructions to their joint detriment.

And then there is Caroline Mulroney...she who traded on her famous name or to some ...her infamous name similar to the only thing Justin Trudeau had going for him in the last Federal Election.  Just for the record, I personally subscribe to the infamous descriptor for both.

Now one thing Ford did not do -  and I mean did not do---he left Christine Elliott in place as Health Minister though he hived off certain of her heretofore responsibilities.  Elliott should have been Leader instead of Ford.  Word has it though that she sustained a serious fall and head injury recently so her time too maybe be limited.

Bottom-line here, I am not enamored with the Ford shuffle.  For year two he needs to take more responsibility for his own leadership which primarily entails getting rid of the debt / budget deficit  and showing his pride and his team's pride in doing so.  In other words, they all need to quit pandering to noisy little self interest groups and work for the hardworking taxpayer.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

The second major person in Cabinet was Christine Elliott

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Italy is often mocked for the number of Parties it has in its Parliament ...six (6) to be exact.

But Dear Reader, so do we ... permit me to list them:

1.  Liberals

2.  Conservatives

3.  NDP

4.  Greens

5.  Bloc

6.  Madd Max's Peoples Party

And if you count the independents, we actually have one more than Italy.

Why do I raise this, you might add?

A person very close to me has great trouble believing that Justin Trudeau will be defeated in the October 21 st Election - despite  my assurances to her that JT is a dead-man walking.

The main reason I say this is because his greatest opponent is none other than himself and as such - he goes from blunder to blunder.   Many of these have been discussed in my earlier blogs.  Those blunders are so numerous, he simply does not have the time to undo the damage they have caused him.

So despite the fact that Two Thirds of the Canadian Electorate is centre left and only One Third is centre right , the latter is being bolstered by Trudeau's blatant ineptness which alone will ensure a Conservative victory.

But there is another important factor at work to doubly ensure his electoral demise --- Our Pizza Parliament of course.

Five of the above-noted Pizza Pieces reside in the Centre Left Spectrum so the usual advantage to the Left (read Liberals) is split 5 ways to Sunday.

That leaves but two Centre Righters and that is split between the Tories and Madd Max.  However recent polling shows that split to be 34% to 1%.  Ergo the People's Party will not be a factor in the Election. Bye Bye Max you will be missed since you are the only real conservative in the mix.

Bottom-line, the Conservatives will win a majority government this year but will not win a majority of the votes.  That majority of votes will go to a very splintered left. 

Pizza Anyone ?

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Canada's Inquiry Report Into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

Update: Since writing the Blog below, I have had the opportunity to read Anthony Furey's column on this self same subject.  He provides the following very interesting stats:

"An RCMP report from 2014 looked at data going back to 1980 and came to a number of conclusions. One was that while Aboriginal Women make up only 4% of the population they disproportionately accounted for 16% of murder victims."  The data though also revealed that the solve rate was 88% almost identical to the national average and the majority of the women were murdered by Aboriginal men and people known to them."

Bottom-line you and I have been conned!!

Of note as well, when the request for this Inquiry came before Prime Minister Harper...he turned it down - like you and me - he knew nothing would come of it other than a monumental waste of money.  Smart Man

That said, wouldn't it be nice if the wasted $100 million had been used to provide all our natives with potable water.  I can tell you if I was Prime Minister this would be my first priority in addressing the real needs of Aboriginals.  KDB

Came out yesterday with some 230 Recommendations !!

Admittedly, I have not read the report and quite frankly do not intend do so.  I say that because, in regard to the Report's 230 recommendations, I can tell you what the main ones are and more importantly, which ones are not included.

First what's there:

A call for huge increases in funding* from Canada's Taxpayers and the Rest of Society is to blame** for their dire circumstances.

     *if I could be convinced that such expenditure of money would help to significantly reduce the suffering experienced by these unfortunate women, I would fully support seeing this aspect of the Report implemented.  I just know from oodles of past will not.

     **the report concludes "that colonial violence, racism, and sexism against Indigenous people has resulted in many Indigenous people becoming normalized to violence".

So even if they are culpable for their own circumstances...they are entitled to a pass.  What nonsense.

This then is a good place to consider what the Report ignores...personal responsibility to begin with. It is always someone else's fault and taking this insupportable position means that nothing of substance will be gained until hopefully that the far off day finally arrives.

And the Report cheapens itself by focusing just on aboriginal women...what about the men and children being brought up in the squalor as well.  Indeed, the murder rate among aboriginal men far and exceed the rates among the women.

Finally let's look at the Inquiry's bottom-line stated by the Chief Commissioner herself, it is nothing less than a "Canadian Genocide".
The Indian Culture was destroyed some 300 hundred years ago and actually began with the arrival of Columbus. It was nothing more or less than a clash between a Stone Age / Nomadic Way of Life with then Modern Civilization.  It was no contest.

The fact is the Aboriginals have failed to replace what was lost and to call that 'Canadian Genocide' in the year 2019 it is an over-stretch and a great disservice to all Canadians ...Natives as well. 

If I had written this report here are the main recommendations I would put forward:

  1. The need for reform must come from the Aboriginals themselves and from their supposed Leadership.
      2.  And the Reserve System needs to be busted up. 

I now brace myself to have to listen to our Apologetic Prime Minister speak at length about the great value of this Report and how he looks forward to implementing the 230 backward thinking and self serving recommendations.   

As I See It:

'K.D. Bell'

Thursday, May 30, 2019


Yup ...Canada's part-time drama teacher and full time Prime least for now - the Rt. Honourable (?) Justin Pierre James Trudeau.

Later today, he meets with US V.P. Mike Pence here in our nation's capital, Ottawa.

The meeting is ostensibly about moving forward the passage of the latest rendition of the Free Trade Deal recently negotiated between our two countries and Mexico.

But what does the young lad plan to raise with the V.P. first?  Why his opposition to all things pro-life.  And who is the most visible supporter of Pro-Life in the nation directly to our south, none other than Mike Pence.

The guy has to be brain-dead and I am not referring to the V.P..

And speaking of the need to ratify the Free Trade Pact, it was our same gadfly Prime Minister who insisted that Canada's negotiators put on the negotiating table essential free trade components, like gender diversity,  native entitlements and of course a woman's right to unrestricted abortion right up  until the time of birth.

It almost derailed the talks before they even got started.

What a jackass.

And from his plan to raise this again, later today, with Vice President Pence shows the guy is simply incapable of learning.

In the lead-up to October's General Election, I will soon be reviewing the legion of miscues committed by our P.M. but could not resist the opportunity to once again expose the vacuousness of his thinking.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Thursday, May 23, 2019

There are so many topics to Blog on so ....

I won't !!

Rather let's deal with my experience in regard to recent purchases of fruits and vegetables.

And just for the record, Governments' claim that inflation hovers around just is to laugh.

The other day, my wife and I were shopping at the local Loblaw's Super Store and one of the items our her list was celery.  The cost was pushing $8.00 for the sorriest celery you could ever imagine. I said to Anne,  you can not be serious in buying such a miserable imitation of the real thing.  She was.

It gets worse.  Yesterday I went into the local Farm Boy grocery store ostensibly to purchase a bread stick to go with the Boston Clam Chawda I had prepared earlier in the day.  Didn't know I had some hidden talents.  I found the bread okay at a cost I viewed as expensive but as I say, it got worse.

I thought I would purchase some fruit while there and came across some nectarines.  The puniest things you ever did see but I thought what the heck they were sure not to cost too much. 

But when I got to the cash with my 4 'silver dollar' sized takings I was literally floored to find out the price for same was 4 1/2 dollars - over a buck ten for each of these miniatures. 

It reminded me of a joke I heard years ago where this chap went into a store where he too bought something extravagant like I did ...he paid the clerk the over-sized price and threw in an extra quarter.  The clerk ask him what the extra 25 cents was for and he explained, that upon entering their store, he had inadvertently stepped on a grape.

I really do not know how the average consumer can cope these days with the truly outrageous cost of food.   Couple this with the high cost of gasoline and you can see why it must be virtually impossible for the average Jill and Joe to make ends meet. 

As I See It...

'K.D. Bell'

Sunday, May 19, 2019


As a rule, I am not impressed with others who continually name-drop ...I view it as showing  their insecurity.  I will though make an exception in my Blog today, and the exception pertains to my wife Anne and me.

A week  and a half ago, we both had dinner with Lord Black ...a most enjoyable affair but also one of the most expensive dinners we ever had the privilege of attending.

The cost though was immaterial since I have always liked Conrad Black and in my opinion and in the opinion of many, many others, Lord Black has a command of the English language that rivals the great Winston Spencer Churchill himself.

I am writing today about Lord Black, not because of the dinner but because mere days later, President Donald Trump called him to offer a Pardon for the inexcusable way in which Black was railroaded into spend 3 years in an American Prison.  America by the way has more prisoners per square inch than any other country on earth.  Just ask Martha Stewart who too was locked up for ....lying to the cops.  Does it get any more serious than that.

Our criminal system has a well deserved reputation for being to lenient...America for being too ruthless.  Here in Canada, the prosecution is bound by law to see justice done even if that means letting a defendant off or giving a slap on the wrist where it is truly warranted.  Let me go off topic to give you a good example.  A farmer appeared in this weekend's papers for having killed his young son who fell off a piece of equipment the father was driving.  He has been charged with the very serious offence of criminal negligence causing death.   How I ask you can he be charged with anything given that he accepted from the get go that he is responsible for the death of his son and he will have to live with that each and every day of the remainder of his life. Is that not punishment enough? Of course it is.

The US views the judicial system as a challenge  - how many convictions can they get and the prosecutors ride to power on the backs of conviction rates well into the 90 percentile.   The more the charges are Trumped up...pardon my pun, the happier they are.

That said, I am not going to get into the merits of what took place leading up to the charges against Black since in his own words, 'if you believe he was falsely charged, you need no further proof and if you believe he got his just desserts, no proof to the contrary will convince you otherwise'.

What all of us should though agree upon is that Lord Black took his unjust a Man.  When in jail  and when others in his position would wail and moan about the injustice of it all, or write books telling what a raw deal he got, Black went to work teaching  and helping his fellow inmates to enable them to attain their high-school diplomas.   What class.

At the time of his sentencing my wife and I wrote to the little guy then in the White House requesting a pardon for Lord Black.  We did not even receive the courtesy of a reply.   Conversely on the few occasions I have written to President Trump I have always received his of which can be found in one of my earlier Blogs. 

In closing I am simply delighted that the President saw fit to pardon a class act like Lord Black.  He most certainly deserved it.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Friday, May 17, 2019


UPDATE:  More Dead Men Walking Plus Now ? Women.  

Just after I penned the Blog below, I read David Pugliese stellar article on Mark Norman which not only confirms the rightness in my belief that Jonathan Vance is headed for the trash bin of history but so are several other unworthies.  This updated list includes the RCMP Commissioner ..the not so.. Brenda Lucki, Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan (he should have been dumped eons ago), DND Deputy Minister John Forster, and another woman -former PMO Staffer Zita Astravas.  They will be lucky to last until the Election and if they do, will be gone soon thereafter.

NO NOT YOUNG TRUDEAU although his is a dead man walking and he knows it but unless his spineless troops rebel, his demise will have to await October's Election Day.

The latest to join this illustrious club is no other Chief of Defence Jonathan Vance.  Even as I write, Vance and Trudeau are sniping at each other ...blaming one another for the Norman debacle.

From the start it was obvious to me that Vance played a leading role in seeing Vice Admiral Norman relieved of his duties while Trudeau worked the judicial system to ensure that he was criminally charged.

What I could not understand was what had Norman done to upset Vance so?

Well of course now it has all come out.  Norman took the position that his Navy needed an oil supply ship since they had none.  Just imagine his temerity.  In particular, he wanted to go with the former Tory Gov't plan to have a ship refitted at the Davy Ship Yards in Quebec.

Vance, for some inexplicable reason, wanted to go out for a 3 year tender for a new vessel - and when I say 3 years ..given DND's track record are talking 10 years and likely by then the whole thing  simply collapses.

Do you get the impression that Vance may have a touch of jealousy when it comes to Norman?

Whatever the reason, Vance has put himself in the position that now he too has to go.  Indeed, how can Norman come back to work... as the Grits are promising him, and at the same time continue to report to an obvious enemy?

If Vance was smart ...which I question, he would simply walk the plank now rather than be pushed sooner than later.  Either way he is going to go.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Xi Jinping has met his match...Donald John Trump...


The current Trade War they have launched against one-another...albeit mostly the Trumper's fault, will severely harm both their countries along with numerous other countries throughout the world.

I am not going to get into it other than to point out that Americans will feel the pain when they go to their local Walmart and find the shirt marked made in China which they could buy pre-trade war for under $10 dollars will now cost them $50 bucks with the only difference being the made in USA tag. 

China too will suffer since their massive population will be denied critical things like good safe reliable foodstuffs.

What is surprising in this is that the pain is being caused primarily by a supposed businessman in the Presidency.  Who'd a thunk?  At least Obama had the excuse of being a left wing academic.

But the Donald's failings do not stop there.  Remember his peace in our times talks with the little murderous dictator of North Korea?  Today those talks have broken down and missiles are flying out of the Hermit Kingdom...left, right and centre.   The Chamberlain Peace Award anyone?

And then there is Venezuela.   They are fighting for their very existence all the while Trump has sat back and allowed both Russia and Cuba to fill the void.  Things are coming to a head ...thanks to dear Mr. Trump, and any resultant bloodshed will be laid at his size 10 feet.  Obama, you will recall made the same mistake in Syria and the Middle East is paying the price for that now.

The only place I can see where Trump is on the mark is his determination to plug the vast flow of illegals through their southern border.

Maybe one for four is not too bad of an average?

As I See It...

'K.D. Bell'

Saturday, April 27, 2019


UPDATE:  Talk about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing...the Federal Government now too has indicated it will also Declare a Climate Emergency.  Doesn't it know the City of Ottawa has already done this?  Does it not know that several other Canadian Cities have also gone this route?  Don't the Feds realize we cannot do better than that?

Another waste of time and energy and of course the Taxpayers hard-earned money.  KDB

Following is what our city's left wing paper had to say:

Ottawa’s city council voted overwhelmingly to make the declaration as a way to show how serious the municipality is about protecting people from the impacts of climate change.
It was a big win — and a somewhat surprising one — for Coun. Shawn Menard, who first brought the proposal for a climate-emergency declaration to the environment committee last week. On a council that doesn’t care much for making symbolic gestures, Menard managed to push through a motion that won over most of council’s leadership.
For a supposed council that does not like "making symbolic gestures" I cannot think of any other gesture that can be construed more as 'symbolic' (read empty).
This motion came before council this past Wednesday, with only 3 councillors having common sense enough to vote against it.  And it is not like this afflicts only Ottawa, since a number of councils throughout Canada are passing similar totally unenforceable and ineffectual motions.
And with it comes costs... in the case of our city - new staff and support to the tune of $250k per year.  And watch that number climb dramatically over following years.
Whether you agree with the proposition of there being a Climate Emergency ...or not, I believe like me, you would be of the view that this matter rests at the national and international levels...not with your municipal government which should be focused on fixing pot holes.
The local talk radio had a field day with this subject, first reading on air the gobbledygook, cliche ridden text that only a mother could love.  They asked for listeners to call in with actions Ottawa City should now take and they ranged from all Councillors must now ride to work on bicycles, to the closing of our International Airport.  It is to cry. 
And this leads me to another criticism of local municipal government is filled with left wingers ...i.e. socialists.  Types that have never had to account for a private sector payroll.
And that is probably not surprising since who among us would want the responsibility to their neighbours for water, sewers, bus service and the like.  The Left gets the nod by default.
So maybe in their defence it must get pretty mundane dealing with such basic, albeit, important issues. 
Why not pretend for a minute that they are on the same level of societies' more senior politicos.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

I've Been Away....So...

Time for a little update:

First, Alberta's Election today - when the ballots are counted this evening we will see Jason Kenney's Conservative Party cruise to majority status.  News-casters, Pundits and the like are trying their best to say it will be a toss up - but they are only seeking ratings.  The Dye is Cast.

Second, Donald Trump has made two more critical faux pas:  He came out saying he was going to resurrect his attack on Obama Care using the Courts. Not only that, but he plans to await until after the election to introduce his own plan.  So he is not only helping the Dems to make health care a bigger election issue than it already is but at the same time is offering zip for Americans to consider in its stead.  Dumb, Dumb, Dumb.  He also continues to disrupt trade patterns via his totally illogical tariff implementations.  How better to destroy the world's commerce ... eventually this will engulf the U.S. along with everyone else.  The guy has a death wish.

Third, Young Trudeau continues to shoot himself in the foot.  I need not repeat all of his recent blunders but only remind you that His Party is dead in the Water and the only question remaining is whether it will allow him even to run for the Prime Ministership come October.   My guess right now is that the odds stand at even but Trudeau is doing his utmost to turn those odds against him.  I encourage him to keep up the good work.

Fourth and last - the Tory Opposition Leader until just a few weeks ago had little chance of beating Trudeau - he was bland and really nothing more than a smile in a nice suit.  All that changed with YT's recent shenanigans...overnight the electorate is actively looking for bland and Sheer of course has all the relevant qualifications.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Ford and Hillier...Peas of a Pod ?

Ford as in our relatively new Premier here in the Province of Ontario and as in Hillier, until recently one of Ford Members' of Parliament.

Ford kicked him out ostensibly because he heckled parents of autistic children who were in attendance at a recent assembly of the Legislature.

Hillier denies this saying he was heckling but only members of the New Democratic Party who sit opposite him.  Those sitting near Hillier back up his assertion and with regard to the heckling charge, that has been and will continue to be an honoured tradition since Legislative Bodies were first invented.

The President of the Conservative Party added in writing that Hillier was cashiered from the Party...not only because Ford accused him of heckling the parents but also because the guy is a rogue MP who cannot be counted upon to always support their Leader ...a.k..a  Doug;as Robert Ford...yes you read that correctly ...Robert. 

And as for the assertion that Hillier is A Rogue Tory Member?  Was it not just a couple of years back when Premier Doug - then City of Toronto Councillor and his hard Drug using brother - Rob Ford, were the laughing stock of the world.  I know...anytime a Canadian says the world is watching Canada, you just know it ain't so...they have their own problems and could not care less about us.  But that said, the Ford Boys and their antics were so bad they did in fact make the front pages both within and without Canada.

Ladies and Gentlemen, they were Toronto City Hall's Rogue Legislators at that time and took great pleasure in so being.

And now Ford et al are calling Hillier out for being a Rogue Member.  It takes some nerve.

It also triggers on of my pet peeves that being that Democracy is missing in action here in Canada and throughout the World.  And here is a classic example, the Constituents of Randy Hillier's Riding - love the guy.  He wraps up big majorities in elections he has run since first elected in 2009.  He is also the former head of the Ontario Landowners Association ...the guy - like Ford himself is a Populist.  Both march to the drum of the people rather than the elites.

I guess the problem comes down to Ford not liking competition.

The other day I was reading an editorial by a columnist I usually agree with ...Brian Lilley.  Lilley was waxing eloquent about what a great guy Doug Ford is and how as Premier he has accomplished so much in the little time he has been Premier.

I had to shake my head this the same Doug Ford I have seen bumble from issue to issue?

Lilley even had the temerity to cite Ford's success in repealing the Province's sex-ed curriculum which though true the cause of the problem we face today.  In repealing sex-ed, they - the Tories, did not replace it with anything.. ergo the School Boards and the Teachers continue to use the olde Liberal curriculum.

And not just that, the woman who ran against him for Leader - one Tanya Granic Allen ran almost solely to get this curriculum changed since it was teaching kiddies as young a grade three about the birds and bees of all 3 plus sexes.  That dear reader - as Granic Allen would attest, belongs with these children's parents.

Granic Allen threw her support behind Ford and to reward her he fired her from the party and would not let her run as a Conservative.  Despite Lilley's depiction of this great success - I can tell you that Tanya is sick at heart for what Ford has done.

I could go on but from the above you get the idea that of the two populists, I much prefer Randy Hillier.

As I see It...

K.D. Bell

Thursday, March 7, 2019



In my most recent Blog, I indicated that Trudeau had two options in front of him...either to stay the course or start afresh.

At his 8 a.m. Press Conference today he chose the latter.

Speculation had been rife in the lead-up to it that he would be contrite, he'd be apologizing all over the place.  One long time and well respected Liberal Pundit went so far as to say he thought the Prime Minister would use this morning's format to call an early Election.

Rather, he continued with the blame game and today, in addition to continuing to blame Jody Wilson - Raybould, he now included his long time trusted friend and advisor Gerald Butts.  It doesn't get much lower than that.

And just to be sure the Press was hearing him correctly, one Wag asked him straight up - are you sir apologizing today?  Yes he replied, but not here, rather I was going to Iqaluit to give one of his standard and totally hollow apologies for something that no one alive today had spit to do with. 

Trudeau has the apology business down to a science, just never expect him to apologize personally for any action or actions on his part.  As Andy always said to Barney ...'You Just Beat Everything'.

And the words he consistently bandies about:  'Reflect', 'Lessons Learned' and 'Moving Forward'.  What do any of these words mean? ...does YT even know ?- Reflect On What, Lessons Learned about What and Move Forward to Where.  Who gives him this dribble speak - or does he pen this nonsense himself?

And of course his vacuous talks are full of his needing to protect jobs in Quebec - a.k.a. Votes.

So dear reader, we now know what Trudeau's strategy 'going forward' is.  It will not save him from the coming election defeat and it may not even save his Leadership in the interim.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Tuesday, March 5, 2019



And believe me...there will be more to follow.

This type of crisis did occur once before in relative recent history.  It was known as the Bomarc Missile Crisis of 1963 and led directly to the defeat of then Conservative Prime Minister John Diefenbaker's Government.  As with today, there were two prominent Ministers involved ...George Hees, Minister of Trade and Commerce and Defence Minister Doug Harkness and as is the case today both resigned on a matter of conscience.

So it is not totally unknown in Canadian Political History for key Ministers to resign on matters of principle.  Sadly, there have not been enough.

So where does Young Trudeau go from here assuming he doesn't just resign...from my perspective he has but 2 options:  either he tears up the rule-book (no pun intended) and starts afresh or he hunkers down and simply keeps on doing what he has been doing.  Both have pros and cons attached to them which I am about to get into.

But first, he will likely await the results of the Butts' and Wernick  testimonies before the House Justice Committee tomorrow.  That said, between you and me, nothing positive for the Government will come out of their testimony...only more trouble.   In addition, Trudeau would be wise to fire Wernick before tomorrow...Wernick is a dead man walking so why not get it over before the Clerk of the PCO can do more damage to his brand.

So now back to the only 2 viable options the P.M. has before him - do nothing or start over.

Realizing whichever he chooses, he and his Party are now toast come the October General Election ...a repeat of the Diefenbaker Electoral Loss in 1963

And realizing that whatever option He picks, his immediate future - i.e. whether he even makes it to the Fall Election depends on two things ...whether or not Caucus will continue to support him and more to the point, whether the polls continue in decline.

Option #1.   Do Nothing ...Stay the Course

Con- he will continue to incur bad press and voter contempt.

Pro - it will likely work since for caucus their political futures depend on Young Trudeau pulling off a miracle at the polls.  So expect more talk about saving SNC Lavelin jobs etc as he attempts to woo the woo-able Quebec.

Option #2.  Start Over

Con - as mentioned above, it is too late to influence the outcome of the General Election ...they are destined to defeat.

Pro - At least He will gain respect - albeit grudgingly, for finally doing what is right - starting with the firing of those left who share responsibility for this fiasco including Wernick, the Finance Minister and his Chief of Staff, All PMO Staff from Katie Telford right on down (isn't it ironic that Telford and Butts came to help destroy Trudeau's administration having done the very same thing for the hapless Ontario Premier McGuinty).  And I am not by any means finished:  make it publicly known that any legal loopholes for SNC are forever closed; get on with the pipelines on an urgent basis; drop the nonsense about the carbon tax; and start to seriously address the Debt / Deficit.

Which option will he choose - you dear reader decide.

Finally, the question arises on how we ever got into this predicament and I blame the assault on democracy.  Simply stated, we do not have much Democracy left.  Over time...since Pierre Elliott, power has been consolidated in the Prime Ministers Office, since the Charter, power has been hijacked by the Courts, Human Rights Tribunals do not protect individual rights and freedom of speech, Vocal Interest Groups have seized the agenda, the Local Member of Parliament no longer speaks for her or his Constituents, Voter Participation understandably is in steep decline.  I could go on and on and most certainly will deal with this topic again in a future blog since I fervently believe this is where Canada has gone off the rails and sadly it may be too late to do much if anything about it.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Monkey In The Middle....Stuck Between Two Scumbags

As in The Donald stuck between severely integrity challenged Michael Cohen and the Butcher of North Korea ...The Yung-Un named Kim.

Let's deal first with Cohen .. he who is speaking right now before a Committee of Congress  allegedly to expose dirt on his former boss Donald Trump. Cohen, remember was President Trump's personal lawyer at all relevant times.

If I was a Committee Member, I would ask the dear gentleman but two follows:

First...was it not you Mr. Cohen who stated publicly that you would "take a bullet for Donald Trump"?

Second and final question...Mr. Cohen are you familiar with the legal concept of Attorney-Client Privilege?    Please answer just Yes or No.

That's it dear reader because he has to answer both my questions in the affirmative and in so doing says it all.

Next the Yung-Un.. Again, as I write this Blog, President Trump is meeting of all places in Hanoi with this murderous wretch.  The guy is a mass murderer and starves his people.  And yet Trump calls Kim a good friend and great leader.   

Enough said.  Scumbags all !!  And this includes The Donald.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Me Thinks Jody ....The Principled Former Justice Minister...Has Sold Out.

UPDATE:  Boy did I blow it.  I sat glued to the t.v. and watched Jody W-R give her testimony before Parliament's Justice Committee for nearly 4 hours yesterday.  She was the most believable politician I have witnessed in the nearly 60 years I have been following politics.  As long time readers know I have a belief, likely shared by many of you, that you can trust what politicians have to say right up to the time their lips start to move.  I will now have to amend that to say ...other than for the Honourable Jody Wilson Raybould, you can trust what all other politicians have to say right up to the time ...

And I am starting to lose count of the number of Canadians wishing out loud that this dear woman be our next Prime Minister.

There is one thing though I do not understand...why did Young Trudeau remove his self-imposed restriction on her ability to speak out?  He had to have known what she was going to say and that it could very well end in his resignation.  Does that indicate that he has a political death wish?  KDB


Why So?

Hardly two weeks ago, the Globe and Mail came out and said that our when Jody Wilson Raybould was Justice Minister, had had been bullied by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Hacks and Flacks to make a legal decision in favour of one of Quebec's chronically troubled corporations.... SNC Lavelin.   Troubled, as in the doer of fraud, graft and payoffs.

In a matter of days, the same Jody W-R quit Cabinet but said zip... claiming erroneously that she was bound by solicitor-client privilege.  I will not waste time getting into this since enough has been said to disprove her assertion.

Nor am I getting into Gerald Butts surprise resignation which I saw coming ...but just not quite as fast as it did.

Rather there are a few other things I would like to rehash with you here.

First, after the Globe story broke, Trudeau clung to the solicitor-client raft as it - in his vast experience, applied to the Justice Minister but not to him.  Indeed, he was quick to say there was absolutely no interference on his or his staff's part and that if Jody W-R believed otherwise she should have come to him to let him know.  He then proceeded in countless venues to say how disappointed he was with her.

The former Justice Minister kept her own counsel throughout all the while looking like a severely wronged person.  I'd say woman but of course can no longer do that due to P.C..

And then something changed.  Jody was going to the Liberal Caucus, to Cabinet and sitting in her olde front bench seat in the House of Commons.  The Dear Woman and Justin were suddenly all smiles and best of buddies.  And Trudeau was up on his feet apologizing for all the negative comment Jody had hereto endured...most of which of course had come from this most distinguished gentleman himself.  And dear reader, surprise, surprise, Jody was now prepared to give her testimony to the Liberal filled Commons Justice Committee.  This meeting is expected to take place as early as tomorrow.

Smell fishy to you?  I have been involved with Politics for many years and it certainly does to me.

Just wait until the dust settles on this and we'll find out what incentives are involved here.

The last issue I want to apply some light to includes the defence of Trudeau et al by the Clerk of the Privy Council...Michael Wernick this past Thursday.  This non-partisan functionary gave the political speech of this whole sorry affair.  Chastising Jody W-R all the while confirming that yes she had been pressured to let Lavinlin off the hook.  Indeed he proudly proclaimed to be one of the lead harassers.

But dear reader was all in a good cause.  He and others applied undue pressure on the Justice Minister in order to protect the 9,000 jobs at Lavelin that were at risk should the noble company go under.  The fact that another company would have picked up the slack and preserved those supposed in jeopardy never came out.  Nor did the fact that due to misguided Liberal Government policies over 100,000 jobs to date have actually been lost in the Western Oil Fields. 

So what gives?

Why would Wernick change from his standard sheep clothing into those of a partisan wolf?

The olde saw...the best defence is an offence.

Wernick believed that his defenseless bullying of Jody W. R. would eventually get out and better he get it out before Jody or someone else did.  That is why he proudly took credit for his disgusting behaviour all the more wicked since he is supposed to be the neutral guy in the corner.   So he thrust out his chest to say was all done in the noble cause of preserving jobs in Quebec.  Barf.

Knowing all along that the electoral success of his current boss is tied to the Liberals doing well in la Belle Province.

As I said, I was not surprised to see Butts go, and equally would not be surprised to see Wernick take the plank as well.

That leaves the other main player ...Young Trudeau himself.  If this continues to unfold toward October's Election, he too may be missing in action.

And don't forget we have the trial of Vice-Admiral Mark Norman waiting in the Wings.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Racists Came Rolling Into Town....and I was Embarrassed.

UPDATE:  One of Canada's most renowned columnists...Rex Murphy is in full agreement with my thoughts as set-out below.  He wrote, this weekend, "He (Trudeau) might ave stepped out of the (House of) Commons and said at least hello to the gathering of truckers who had driven all the way ...from Alberta to Parliament Hill.  Rex goes on ..."Most of them were salt of the earth types....the plastering of the convoy with the tag fringed or filtrated by white supremacists etc was a cheap one by many in the media".  

And on the issue of racism generally is a column in our paper today by best selling black author Larry Elder.  Elder consistently combats the assertion that racism is rampant in the United States and puts the blame on professional agitators such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.  To the assertion that whites' are racist he had this to say.."If white people spent as much time thinking about how to oppress black people as black people think they do, white people wouldn't have enough time to oppress black people."

Our Town, as in Ottawa.

Only thing is they were not Racists... Despite what the CBC (aka Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) types spew forth.

For those of you out of country I am talking about the Caravan of Oil Workers ...with some others, who rolled into Ottawa this week from the evermore silent Oil Fields of Alberta.  They left kith and kin too taking the expensive 2,075 mile trip from Calgary, Alberta to Ottawa.  And you don't get great mileage in a Mack Truck.

These are hard working ---when jobs are available--- ordinary Canadians...just like you and me. They want the best for their Husbands, their Wives and their Kids and are prepared to fill the oft times tough, dirty jobs to make their living.

So why am I Embarrassed? 

First off, our Debutante Prime Minister did not even have the courtesy to meet with these common ers.  He too believes them to be racists rednecks. Had they come from Prince Edward Island  our tiniest Province or, especially from Quebec, He'd been there with bells on.  However if you came from the West...especially Alberta ...Whoa For You.  No wonder talk of separation is heating up there!

Most of the Media too were in constant lookout for incidents of racism and continually came up dry as they tried to equate the Caravan with the Yellow Vest Movement.

The fact is, some Yellow Vestors did include themselves in the Caravan.  The other fact is, they were not and are not racists.  Anymore than you or I are racist.

That is not to say, racism does not exist in Society...of course it does.  But it exists in all aspects of Society, be it on the left, the centre or the right.   It amounts though to a tiny per centage even with respect to the Yellow Vests.

In fact, I support the Vestors because I believe them to be a voice for me and for you.  For too long our Democracy has been in decline and all major Parties have played a significant role in seeing this decline come about.  The ordinary citizen has been relegated to the sidelines as the PMO, PCO, and the Party Leaders decide in their wisdom what is best for you and for me.

The fact is, there are lots of issues beyond the plight of the Alberta Oil Fields that can stir one to action: more and more restrictions on free speech, and freedom of religion, high taxes, high food costs, poor healthcare, poor education results, carbon taxes, corporate welfare..especially for their friends, rising debt/deficits, high cost of day care and so on and so on.

So yeah - there is lots of room for the Yellow Vestors and for their issues of concern to all of us.

So when you hear that protesters are all a bunch of racists - realize this, it is simply just our Political Masters Spinning.

As I See It....

K.D. Bell

Humour Corner:  I mentioned Prince Edward Island above - our smallest Province with a population that would barely sustain a small to medium size city.  So what is PEI up to of late...they are conducting a Referendum on Proportional Representation.  It is their second kick at this cat.

In reality, they are in a unique position to lead us all thru the introduction of Direct Democracy ...who needs Politicians anymore - simply have their small number of locales vote on-line.  Quick, Slick and Inexpensive.  And look at the money they'd save ....K 

Friday, February 1, 2019

Its The Elephant in the Room...

Well actually it is two (2) Elephants in the Room...

Or more to the point, it is two (2) Elephants, each in a different Room.

The Two Rooms represent the differing types of Health Care being promoted in America and the Elephants are .. well just stay tuned.

In the most recent Mid Term Elections, the Democrats did better than I had predicted for one reason...they focused on Health Care whereas Trump focused on the need for the Wall.  I thought Trump's issue would ...pardon the pun - Trump - Health Care but I was wrong and in that respect, learned a good lesson.

Next to food security, I now believe people generally are concerned about their health and the health care available to them.  The Dems will use this again in the coming General Election of 2020 and could well do it again successfully.

But permit me to digress a bit, first off I have to be totally honest with you... I do not understand how health care works in America. For instance, polling shows that up to 90% of Americans are happy with their health care.  How does that jibe with the horrors one hears all the time about how deficient their health care is e.g. disqualifying preconditions and so on.

These studies go on to say that but 10% of Americans find themselves shut out of health care.  So I am most simplistic, given that America spends more on health care than any other country on earth and given 90% like their care ...couldn't pocket change be used to incorporate the disenfranchised  10%?  In other words if the current system is viewed favourably by so many, why do both major parties argue for an entire revamp of the process?

But let's return to the two (2) Elephants in the room.

The Elephant of the Democrats they who want to mirror our Canadian model where Health Care is paid by the State, delivered by bureaucrats and drastically rationed.  It satisfies no one.  Just the other day I heard a radio announcer tell his audience that his daughter was born with spina bifada and in need of an MRI.  The wait list here in Canada was between 6 months and a year here in Canada.  Heaven help you if you want to get a new knee.  This same announcer the told of moving sshortly thereafter to the US - took his daughter to a Doctor who too suggested the need for a MRI and one was done at the time of their appointment.  If the Canadian system is adopted, those good outcomes will be relegated to history.  So the Dems are on the wrong track.

But so to are the Republicans since they are in the grip of a strong private health care companies, especially the Pharmaceuticals.  That's their Elephant and at one point with Debt and Deficits getting so high, less and less people will be able to afford proper care.  Permit me to give you an example.  Until recently we had a condo in Florida and while there the past November, I got to know a clerk in one of the stores we frequented.  One day she was not there and her replacement said she was off sick and he went on say 'if she takes off sick...she is really, really sick'.

Flash ahead to my next visit.  Female clerk is back and I inquired if she had recovered from whatever illness she had had.  Yes she told me "I had a temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit - (that is getting into fatal territory) and I stayed in my bath tub for several days until my temperature broke ..trying to keep cool."  I asked her why she had not just gone to the nearest Emergency but she said she could not afford it ...apparently her health policy had a $6,000 deductible and as clerk making 7 bucks an hour ...that was out of her range.

I was dumbfounded...and presumably because she had coverage... albeit sorely deficient, she probably does not count in the 10% of Americans without coverage.

So the Elephants in the Two Rooms are Public vs Private Health Care.

Whereas studies show that the best health care systems are in Europe where hybrid public and private systems are the norm. They are cheaper, better run and result in much improved outcomes.

America would save bundles of bucks, at the same time Health Care improved for all.

But it won't happen of course.  Republicans will continue to rely upon Big Private Health and Democrats on Big Public Service Unions and given the 50/50 split in America, no compromise will be possible.   Pity.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Humour Corner:  

There is a lesson to be learned from typing the wrong email address.

A Michigan couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out and planned to stay at the same hotel they stayed at 20 yrs ago where they honeymooned.  Because of schedule conflicts the husband flew down first.

He checked in and immediately went to the computer room to email his wife however left one letter out of her email address.  His email went somewhere in Houston where it reached a widow just returning home from her husband's funeral.   She read the email and then screamed and fainted.

Her son who was in the next room heard the commotion and came running to find his mother passed out on the floor.

He also saw the open computer screen which read as follows:

To: My Loving Wife    Subject: I have arrived      Date:  January 10, 2019

I know you're surprised to hear from me.  They have computers here now and you are allowed to send emails to your loved ones.  I've just arrived and have been checked in.

I've seen that everything has been prepared your arrival tomorrow and am looking forward to seeing you then.  I hope your your journey is as uneventful as mine was.

P.S.  Sure is freaking hot down here !!!