Friday, February 11, 2011

Obama on Egypt...

I hope his is correct....but...

Obama came out yesterday guns blazing saying how proud he was of the Demonstrators in Tahrir Square as they were about to bring Democracy to this former Dictatorship.

Either he is most prescient or his unequivocal statement amounts to nothing more than wishful thinking.

In the case of the latter, I believe it is essential for Leaders of Important Nations, such as the United States, to think before they speak and as you can tell I am not sure he did so yesterday.

So what's the harm?

None, if he is correct.

Much if he is wrong, since his statement may very well bring about the opposite of what he is predicting. That is to say, Mubarak will be replaced either by another Dictator - this one more vicious that the previous - or - Mubarak will be replaced by the Ayatollahs which will be far worse than any Dictator since it is based on distorted religion.

How so?

If it had been me speaking - I would have said that it is the United States' fervent hope that true Democracy will follow Mubarak's Dictatorship but I would caution that much remains to be done. I would warn the world and especially those legitimate Egyptian Protesters that their goal of Democracy is not guaranteed with the simply the removal of Mubarak. That there are sinister players in the wings which will try to take advantage of the current situation and as such represent a very danger.

In a sense - I would put the Demonstrators on notice that their work is far from done but that the United States will be working with them in their ongoing efforts to be successful.

In effect, Obama's comments may lead to complacency which the enemies of democracy will be quick to take advantage of.

On a lessor note - Obama's critics will also be quick to play yesterday's sound bite back to demonstrate how out of touch their President is.

Again - he may be right in his declaration - for his sake and the sake of the world, I hope he is.

But as I setout in yesterday's Blog - I doubt it.

As I see it...


Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Straw That Might Break The Camel's Back

That is to say, if the Harper Tories knuckle under to Quebec's demand to fund a hockey stadium in Quebec City it may well be their final act driving me to vote 'none of the above' in the upcoming Election.

I turned to blind eye to their casting Canada unnecessarily into deficit position - some 50 - 60 billion dollars per annum.

I turned a blind eye to their adding to the civil service some additional 30k employees.

I turned a blind eye to their declaring 'nation status' for Quebec and,

I turned a blind eye to their doing nothing to rein in the authoritarian Human Rights Commissions

However this Proposal would just about do it for me.

If it comes to pass that is and I truly hope it will not but suspect it will.

How can a Conservative Government rationalize helping fund a Private Sports facility where young prima donnas are grossly overpaid and where owners are unduly enriched; at the same time while running a massive deficit?

As a self professed Libertarian it is relatively easy for me, philosophically, to vote 'none of the above' because for the most part I see the major Parties as being Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee.

I am not saying conclusively that I will not vote Tory should they succumb to this nonsense but the odds are most favourable that that is exactly what I will do.

And I will make you a promise that in a Future Blog should the Tories go down that road - I will disclose to you how I voted.

As I see it...


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What's Going On in the Middle East Dad?

When writing these Blogs I often approach them as if I were explaining some facet of current events to my three adult children, who readily admit that they are not always up-to-speed on what's going on in the World.

So let's do the same with the recent events in North Africa especially in regard to Egypt.

Its current Dictatorial Government of Hosni Mubarak is under siege and in fact has collapsed awaiting a replacement.

And this is good? ... my children may say.

Not really, I reply.

Egypt as well as all other countries in Northern Africa are dictatorships save for Israel. Thus being a dictatorship is in keeping with the Region and as such, it is most unlikely their peoples are ready for democracy.

In fact, I predict that when the dust settles, no democracy will have been established.

Which means of course that Mubarak's Government will be replaced by some other form of Tyranny: either by another Dictator supported by their Military or by the Muslim Brotherhood which will install an extreme form of Theocracy similar to what is in place in Iran.

We can only hope for another Dictator and one that leans to benevolence.

Where we in the West have been remiss is in not working more closely with dictators like the Shah and like Mubarak to help set the stage for true democracy - to educate their citizens, establish truly democratic parties and build needed institutions such as a vibrant judicial system to insure the Rule of Law.

When I think of that weak kneed President, Jimmie Carter and how he let down the Shah and allowed the much more wicked Ayatollah to replace him my blood pressure rises.

And now we have another weak Leader in Barack Obama allowing the same to happen in Egypt. Hopefully, as I have said, it will not be the Muslim Brotherhood that will win out but that is truly in the hands of the Egyptian Military - not Obama's nor even in the hands of its citizens in the streets. The latter are mere pawns for a more sinister battle going on behind the scenes.

I have told you about Haiti in past Blogs and how I see it would take some 20 years of Martial Law to set the stage for true Democracy to win out. Egypt is not the basket case that Haiti is but it too requires a period of peace and order to see Democracy triumph and under the current conditions I do not see this happening.

And then we have Lebanon - once an Oasis in a desert and now ruled by the Terrorist Organization Hezbollah. Poor Israel finds itself wedged between these two countries - Egypt and Lebanon. Here I cast blame on Ronald Regan who fled Lebanon at the first sign of crisis during his term in office. Hezbollah would not have been in power today had Regan stood and fought. And the Christians would still be in the majority.

And Bush - and more lately Obama for giving Iran as pass. The day is quickly coming - if it is not already too late - when Iran has the capability to destroy Israel with Atomic Bombs. Once they have it - it will be too late, as we've seen in the case of North Korea.

There are others on the side lines watching how this will play out; Tunisia and Jordan for instance and if the Ayatollahs win out in Egypt you can expect those countries to follow in lock step. A Northern Africa united under Islam and in control of much of the world's oil will soon put the squeeze on all of us. They are dedicated to seeing our way of life end and they will have the resources to see it happen.

The Bible speaks about the end of the World beginning with war in the Middle East and just maybe this is the time it was speaking about.

As I see it..
