Wednesday, March 28, 2012

More Important Than Ontario’s Budget…


I was reading today’s papers regarding Ontario’s miserable attempt at reigning in its out of control debt / deficit with yesterday’s budget.  The papers were unanimous in saying the Grits missed an the opportunity to do things of significance and certainly it did not follow the advice given in its very own Don Drummond Report.

That said, I did not expect much more than was offered up.  It will be the next budget that will begin to seriously deal with the Province’s out of control spending.  But sadly, once again, the Dalton and boys have postponed the inevitable and by doing so ensures that the remedy, when it comes, will be much more severe than it needed to be had they acted sooner.

Many are clamouring for an election but not your humble servant.  McGuinty has spent 9 years digging himself into this hole and it behoves him to be the one to dig himself out.  Moreover Ontarians have elected this bozo on three separate occasions so I am not too to sympathetic with their plight either. 

But that is not why I am writing this column.  In the scheme of things, McGuinty and Company really do not matter when compared to the following story.

Yesterday a British Student, Liam Stacey, was sentenced to 56 days in jail for ‘tweeting’.  A Black Footballer had suffered a heart attack on the field and Stacey reprehensibly wrote the following: “LOL F*** Muamba.  He’s dead!!!” 

The Footballer is recovering in hospital.

The issue here is not whether or not the statement tweeted by Stacey is obnoxious – rather, it is whether or not in a free society the right exists to make such an obnoxious statement and not be fined or go to jail for doing so.

I am a regular viewer of Fox News and many times they have shown clips of militant blacks calling for death to whites even to the point of declaring that this should include “their white babies.”  I would say these types of statements do cross the line since they appear to actively promote the killing of white citizens and in that sense go beyond what Liam Stacey was saying.  But in another sense, I am glad in a free society to be able to hear such things said since it shows that relations between the races are in serious trouble.  As citizens, we not only have the right to know this, but steps to improve relations between the races are unlikely to improve unless we do know the extent of the alienation.

Note too, other than for Fox News, you would never hear what the Black Militants are saying since the main stream media avoids the issue entirely.

But going back to the British Student and his 56 day jail sentence.  If he is not free to say what he wants, when he wants, then we are not free to say what we want, when we want and democracy withers and dies.

Democracy does not come about freely, a heavy price has been and will continue to be paid for it.  It is not without pain and to be truly free means having to hear others say things we would rather not be exposed to and yet must be.

In the scheme of things, it makes McGuinty’s situation seem small.  He is simply bankrupting us, jailing the Stacey’s of the world is taking our freedom away.  As for me, I would rather be poor and free than rich and forced silent.

As I see it ..

‘K.D. Galagher’

Monday, March 26, 2012

I Have Done It Again…


I picked Mulcair to win yesterday’s NDP Leadership vote.

How is it that I am always correct?

“You, in the back, with your hand up…what is it?”

Oh yes, I did also say that ‘in the end, common sense would prevail and he’d not get elected’.

“Thank you so much for pointing out that little inconsistency”.

So I hedged my bets…

That said, it was Mulcair’s to lose and in the end, he didn’t.  But to me, the big losers in all of this are the NDP itself, and more importantly, Canada.

Permit me to explain:

First let’s look at what the NDP has gained with Mulcair as its new Leader.

Until very recently, Mulcair was a Liberal having served in Jean Charest’s Cabinet in Quebec.

He then toyed with the idea of joining the Tories but finally decided to go with the NDP – a reverse of what Pierre Elliott did, that stalwart Liberal, going from the Dippers to the Libs.

And he so loved his newly adopted Party that he donated not one red cent to its coffers.  You cannot put a price on love.

Add to this the fact of his being the only Federal MP who sees 9/11 as an inside job by the USA and its Jewish friends. The guy has astounding insight.

And I haven’t even dealt with his pettiness and quick temper but as you can readily see, the NDP has inherited a real gem.

Now what about Canada?

I mean in addition to inheriting this most principled of men.

Well first off, he is on record as wanting Quebec’s infamous Bill 101 extended to Federal Institutions in that Province.  You’ll remember Bill 101 – it is the one that the United Nations called discriminatory and asked for its repeal in that it provides for French Only in our supposed bilingual nation.  Bourassa, then Premier, had to use the Not Withstanding Clause to implement and retain it. 

Mulcair is also a strong opponent of Alberta’s “dirty oil”.  You know – the oil that is paying for Quebec’s outrageous annual Federal Transfer payments.  He would be far more principled, if at the same time he was condemning this ‘dirty oil,’ he came out against receiving monies that stemmed from it.  Maybe now as Leader he will do just that.  (Only kidding)

And, despite the fact that he hails from Quebec, one of his first actions was to install a Quebec Deputy Leader.  Redundant, n’est pas?

The greatest danger though, I see here, is that Mulcair is now the Leader of a Party mostly based in Quebec – 58 of its 102 members.  The Bloc is coming back to life and I can see that he will do his damnedest to try to out bloc the Bloc.  They are his real opponents in Quebec and will be so at the time of the next election; it will be neither the Liberals or the Conservatives.

Okay so his loyalties are split between Quebec and Canada but at least they are confined to the geography of North America resting above the United States.

“What’s that?”

Oh yes, I had forgotten – Mulcair is also a citizen of France.

Oh well how can you criticize someone who is loyal to everyone – to the Liberals, to the Tories, to the NDP, to Quebec, to Canada, to France … the guy just has loyalty to burn.

As I see it..

‘K.D. Galagher’