Thursday, March 31, 2022


 As I continually tell your Mother.

Take today's National Post for instance:

Under the Heading 'Canada Tries measuring the meaning of life'.

Our esteemed Department of Finance launched a program to determine "people's sense of meaning and purpose..."

What in Sam Hill has this issue got to do with Finance - better with Health and Welfare but even then I would not personally or as a taxpayer want some bureaucrat meddling in my life.  Disgusting.

The question that arises though is how much did this nonsense cost?

That said, there is one question Finance could have asked and in fact should have as in 'If taxes were lowered would your sense of well-being - a) improve, b) stay the same, or c) decline.

You and I of course know the unanimous answer but given the stupidity of their initiative it is not at all that clear Finance would. 

The Other Bone Head Idea ...Canada to pay $290 Million for but Five (5) Soccer Games

You got that right ...Chris Selley writes that given the United States, Mexico and Canada have been awarded (?) 2026 World Cup of Soccer.  Toronto Mayor John Tory is committing $290 Million for the honour...for 5 games.  What possesses these politicians to spend taxpayers money with such abandon.

It is Election Year for Tory and His Ilk and hopefully someone will come along to represent the plain folk and throw these bums out.  Where is Rob Ford when you need Him.  

You can't make this stuff up. Indeed, every day it seems that similar boondoggles are but common fare.

As I See It...

'K.D. Bell'



In my most recent Blog I made mention of the fact that President Biden had called for Butcher Putin to be ousted from office.  

Since then, His White House has gone into damage control and the Progressive Media is beside itself in their condemnation.

Regime Change...don't you know.

As I said in my recent Blog...I seldom agree with Biden but in this case He is bang on.

Only in Today's Woke Environment would this even be questioned.

Putin is a killer, he has invaded a neutral country ...killed thousands of its Citizens and displaced millions more.  He does not allow any freedom in his own homeland - but heaven forbid if someone suggests He needs to go.  Of course He needs to go and the quicker the better.

I have said from the outset of this Invasion that Putin's days are numbered - and I stand by that.  With His Nuclear Stockpile this makes things much more dangerous.  But it will not change the outcome...Putin is a Dead Man Walking and even He knows it.

In the unlikely event that He escapes a purge from within, He will eventually go on Trial at the World Court for Gross Crimes Against Humanity and will spend the rest of his life behind bars.  Hopefully this will send a message to the other Dictators of the World for which there are far too many. 

As I See It...

'K. D. Galagher'


Sunday, March 27, 2022


 Home from holidays and nothing has changed.

This Blog will deal with the continued invasion of the Ukraine.

Ukrainians  continue to hold off the Hun at great cost.

Biden's visit to Poland this week should have included a meeting on his part with his Ukrainian Counterpart. That he did not shows him to be once again a man of poor Judgement ...if not a Coward. 

He did say one thing though that was Brilliant...'Putin is a butcher and should be replaced...'.

But then the White House immediately began backing down from His statement.  How absurd...since Putin is indeed a Butcher and is indeed in need of replacement.  Only in this time of  The Woke would such a valid statement be criticized. 

It is obvious too that NATO has continued to fail to provide the Ukraine with the wherewithal to properly defend itself.  Thank goodness for the spirit and determination of its Citizens.  

It is reminiscent of London's Bravery during the early part of World War 2.  Then equipment and material were provided by the United States to England even though the US was technically neutral.

Canada's biggest air field was less then 10 miles from my home town of Brighton and stories told by our veterans saw American Planes fly in ...their Pilots walk away and our own Canadian Pilots hop on board and fly them over to Britain's beleaguered Capital.  

In fact, during the crucial Air Battle of Britain ..., Canadians counted for 25% of the crews.

Without American Planes and Canadian Pilots it is more than likely that the Nazis would have prevailed. 

And now reports our out that the Ukraine may have to sue for peace...with this Butcher Vlad and if that does come about ...NATO will be to blame.

As I See It...

'K. D. Galagher'