Sunday, October 15, 2017


The Ontario Liberals have been in power since going on 15 years and during their tenure have turned our once great Province into 'Have-not status'...once the Economic Engine of Canada, Ontario now is its Caboose, pretending for a moment that this relic of railroad history still exists.

It is not surprising then that 15 years ago, Ontario had North America's cheapest Hydro-Electric Rates, today those rates, thanks to the Liberal's Green Energy Fiasco, are the Continent's most expensive, all the while thousands upon thousands of manufacturing jobs have gone missing in action.  Who'd a thunk so much damage could be sustained in such a relatively short period of time?

The only sector to grow and flourish during their decade and a half in power is the public sector....police, fire, teachers, nurses, along with armies of other bureaucrats and government officials.  Public Service Unions, once the champions of coal miners, factory workers now shill for those on the public purse...the ones with best salaries, best pensions, best working conditions and best job security.  Their Unions have become so rich and powerful that they are the ones largely responsible for keeping the Liberals in power for these past decade and a half.

This may or may not be coming to an end since next year, June 7, 2018 to be exact, will see a General Election held here in our Province.

And with this in mind, I would like to itemize a number of specific policy initiatives that I simply will not be able to vote for:

Sex Education as early as grade 3;

A  32% increase in the Minimum Wage;

Carbon Tax and/ or any versions of the same;

Allowing Unrestricted Abortion up to and including the time of birth;

Removal of an Individual's Sex on the Provincial Birth Certificates;

Riding Nomination Meetings manipulated by HQ.

So Dear Reader, I am not going to Vote For That Party.  Full Stop.

"But Galagher, as a Life Long Conservative, you were not likely to have voted Liberal in any event".

Who said anything about voting Liberal?  The above policies are certainly those of the ruling Liberal Government but they have all been adopted holus-bolus by the Opposition Progressive Conservative Party.

"So which Party will you vote for Galagher?"

Good Question, ... More on that in my next Blog.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'