Thursday, August 26, 2010

Green Thumb in the Dike...

a.k.a... Chicken Little on Steroids.

If the Elites of this Country and the World are to be believed, we are in the midst of an Environmental Collapse - one that is likely to destroy the world as we have known it.

And in that regard, you may well think that their little green thumbs are positioned to hold back the Apocalypse, but in reality they are holding back progress - progress necessary to ensure us all of a vibrant and healthy & happy future.

It comes down - as it always does - to an issue of power. The Greenies see an opportunity to inflict their will upon the majority, despite the disastrous consequences that follow. The Al Gores' of this world line their pockets while spouting doom and gloom all the while forcing the rest of us to do their bidding; to recycle, to turn the heat up and down; to use less, to drive less, eat less (e.g. meat) and so on.

Simply stated, it goes against the grain of our 5,000 years of history, a history that encourages a constant betterment of the individual's circumstance.

One of the Greenies' primary concerns centres on Global Warming and in particular the damage caused by Fossil Fuel Poisoning.

There is no doubt that fossil fuels are bad for the environment, there is also no doubt that until a satisfactory replacement can be found, we are stuck with them. Without fossil fuels our way of life would quickly come crashing down. What to do?

The Green Hornet to the Rescue:

  • Eco Fees

  • Wind Mills

  • Solar

  • Smart Meters

  • Carbon Caps

  • Carbon Trading, and the

  • Greening of Taxes to pay for their folly.

All this serves to do, is impoverish the taxpayer who gets stuck paying all the bills attached to this nonsense. He or she will have to forgo many amenities to fund these silly but costly initiatives. In just the area of Hydro alone, Costs are in the process of tripling because the Greens are having taxpayers pay 12 times the going rate to producers of wind and solar power.

Every day, people are calling into the Chat Lines to say that they are in very real danger of losing their homes, their medicines, their dental care etc to these increased Green Costs.

If not the Greens ...then Who?

Why Capitalism, naturally. We desperately need the likes of Edison and Ford to bring their genius to the issue of finding a replacement to fossil fuels and the other serious environmental issues that confront us today. The Market has come through for us before and it will again if given the chance. Its focus is progress not cutting back and doing less with less.

Permit me to provide you with a recent example of what the private sector can do in the face of a very serious problem - Bed Bugs. These horrid little insects have become a plague in recent years in our large cities including in our beloved Capital City. Exterminators tell us that the problem stems from the fact that the Greens banned effective pesticides. Be that as it may, this week's papers tell us that an inventor has now come up with a way to "freeze" these little critters in an effective, cheap and environmentally friendly way. Now hopefully, the Greens are okay with the killing of Bed Bugs!

Had it been up to me, I would have kept the effective pesticides going until this alternate had been invented. It would have spared many a great deal of grief.

Here is the trick - don't tell the private sector what to build / invent- rather tell them what not to build / invent i.e. "do not produce a product that causes damage to the environment". Then let the private market do its thing. It could even mean continuing reliance on oil if it can be shown to the government's satisfaction that new developments can neutralize its injurious affect.

This regulatory / oversight role is what government should be all about.

What we have now are the Greenies telling us to do this, that and the other thing, knee jerking us into ultimate catastrophe.

Since the second half of the last century we reached the moon and beyond. There really are few limits to what is possible for mankind. Greenies are all about restrictions and limits and should therefore be swept up into the trash bin of history where they belong.

As I see it...


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Right of Centre Under Attack

You want to hold a demonstration - peaceful or not - and you are a native or a visible minority - be our guests.

You are Gay and want to put yourself on display - go to it.

You take your clothes off for PETA or any other politically correct cause - no problem.

But if you are are group seen to be right of centre - look out - the State will seek you out and destroy.

Take the Jaworskis for example.

This poor family is facing fines of up to $50,000 for - brace yourself - holding an annual 2 day Libertarian Think Tank on their rural property near Orono Ontario - south of Peterborough.

This nefarious event occurs each summer and hosts up to "a few dozen Libertarians" the likes of Randy Hillier and Jason Kenney. Can you imagine.
(see front page of the National Post August 19, 2010)

Ontario's Ministry of Health first tried to shut them down and when that failed they were charged for using their property as a "commercial conference centre". Yeah - 2 days per year - some conference centre.

It is hard to imagine the Province being so vigilante if the Jaworskis were using their property to hold annual retreats for the Liberal Party of Ontario!!

The Jaworskis emigrated to Canada from Communist Poland so they know first hand all about State Control. I am sure though that little did they think they were in danger of being the subject of such arbitrary action in their adopted nation.

If the Jaworskis are in danger of such arbitrary and discriminatory action - we are all in danger.

If Libertarians cannot hold unobtrusive get-togethers, Parties of All Stripes need to sit-up and take notice because in time they will all be eventually targetted.

As I see it...
