Saturday, September 4, 2021


 In a recent blog I said that JT was quick to condemn others for sexual harassment but not himself.

UPDATE:  Just after I published this Blog two things occurred - first new polling came out suggesting that Trudeau was up a solid 2% points which put the Tories at 35% and the Liberals at 33% - really in statistical tie territory.  My comment below that "this election is not over yet" is more prescient than ever.  Second and right on the polling heals came the announcement that Liberal Candidate Saini had resigned from the Campaign.  No mention of Trudeau's hand so I assume the dear fellow simple read the tea leaves and is sparing himself a humiliating defeat since he was of course the incumbent. KG

Well he still does not see anything wrong with His former transgression but suddenly He now sees nothing wrong with sexual harassment claims by seven ...count them women, one of whom was so distressed she attempted suicide.  The Culprit - Raj Saini, the Liberal Candidate running in the Ontario Riding of Kitchener Centre.

So why the double standard now?  Could it have something to do with Election Day fast approaching and it is now too late to replace this bozo?

So even in the few areas where Trudeau appeared to get things somewhat right - His Principles could not hold in the face of Electoral Advantage.  Shame.

And He dares to call Himself a "Feminist" Prime Minister.

O'Toole, on the other-hand, ditched one of his candidates in Nova Scotia upon a mere hint that he had sexually harassed a woman.

I suspect Trudeau is ruing the day when He decided to Call This Election !!

And speaking of fading Principles, He is obviously afraid to participate in Public Debates.  How else can you explain but One (1) English Debate ...the one that pertains to the vast majority of Canadians.  What about His Claim that His Government Is the Most Open and Transparent in Canadian History? 

And how can you explain the one and only English Debate includes Bloc Quebec Leader Yves-Francois Blanchet...i.e. the guy who wants to break-up Canada.  In many countries around the world Blanchet would be in prison convicted of Treason.  Here in Canada he has the freedom to work for the Separation of his Province and is paid a salary and a pension for doing so.  I kinda like the rogue and can even understand somewhat his taking part in the Two (2) French debates in Quebec since he is speaking to other like thinking Quebecers but there is no excuse for him participating in the English Debate.

The Polls continue to decline for Trudeau but this Election is not over yet - So, 

Stay Tuned.

As I See It...

K.D. Galagher     

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Democracy Can Be Sooooooooo

 MESSY !!!

Just ask our traveling roadshow Prime Minister currently touring the country and encountering...are you ready for it - Protests.

Why the nerve of some people !!

You can almost understand His surprise at this turn of events since when first elected Prime Minister in 2015 it was after an Election that saw 'Justin' Mania -- adoring fans from coast to coast couldn't get enough of his nice teeth and beautiful hair.  

That of course was then and this they now.

I wonder though what his deceased father Pierre Elliott would say. He who stood up to real thugs ...the FLQ during his time in Office.  Below is what the Canadian Broadcast Corporation had to say at that time:

After calling an election just three weeks after he became Liberal leader, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau has promised to stem the rise of Quebec separatism and turn Canada into a unified, bilingual nation. On the eve of the election, Trudeau ignores threats of separatist violence and attends Montreal's St-Jean-Baptiste parade. When other officials flee as rioters hurl rocks and bottles, Trudeau refuses to back down. This French CBC Television clip shows Trudeau smiling as the projectiles fly. 

By contrast, Justin claims to be afraid, is just not safe.  And speaking of safety do you wonder if he gives a minute's thought to those poor souls he left behind in Afghanistan?

I understand that many - not all, are anti-vaxxers.  Well even though I do not agree whatsoever with their stand, I understand that we are still supposed to be a Democracy and an important part of being so is to allow dissent as long as it is non-violent.  And yet Trudeau is appalled with their antics. But the media has found that there are many others present with various other complaints against Trudeau's Liberal Government which is totally understandable given the turmoil it has caused throughout Canada.

I have not seen any significant violence at these campaign stops but if any occurs it should be rooted out forthwith by the authorities.  But it is interesting to recall that last year the Natives protested - blocking commerce and nothing was done to reign them in.  More recently, 50 or so Churches have been destroyed by arsonists and Trudeau's reply being that this was only understandable. Yuk. 

The other reason I believe He is so appalled at opposition appearing at his rallies is that for the past year he has hidden out at Rideau Cottage - facing no hecklers and a docile media there by invitation only.  

So as Truman once famously said, if He cannot stand the Heat.. Get Out Of The Kitchen and Go Back to The Cottage.

As I See It...

K.D. Galagher

Monday, August 30, 2021

Justin Trudeau Is Dangerous...

 And Has To Go.

I could begin this blog by reviewing the numerous gaffs and serious mistakes Trudeau has committed since becoming Canada's Prime Minister in 2015 but you know them as well as I do.  I will therefore concentrate on general themes.

First off, the guy has a thin skin.   It is always someone else's fault when things do not go right.  Must be hard to be perfect.

Second. and related to the first, he is not nice - he goes out of his way to point out 'his' perceived imperfections in others.  Harper was mean, Doug Ford is a neo-conservative and the new Tory Leader O'Toole is "even worse than Ford".  (As an aside, if I was O'Toole I would have responded 'this coming from the worst Prime Minister in Canadian History'.)

Third, he is bankrupting Canada to pursue such follies of zero carbon emissions when the real culprits - like China continue their destructive ways.

Fourth, and speaking of China, Trudeau simply adores this country how else can you explain his putting all of his covid eggs in their vaccine basket resulting in the death of innocent Canadians. 

Fifth, he beats the drum proudly telling all and sundry that Canada is a Rule of Law Country and then behind the scenes tries to influence our Adjudicators to turn a blind eye to the Law to help his friends.  Bye, Bye Jody Wilson Raybould and Jane Philpott.

Sixth, and speaking of women, according to our Feminist Prime Minister they are always to be believed and many men have been turfed by the PM and his cronies for just that reason.  But when the alleged offender is Justin himself he adeptly explains this away by smugly saying "Women see things differently from men".  How convenient for him and him only. 

Seventh and while on the subject of Sexual Harassment, let's not forget the fiasco that has taken place in our Military.  A detailed report was completed by Marie Deschamps in 2015 the same year that saw Trudeau come to power.  Deschamps provided a plan for the Liberals to follow which would have gone a long way to improving things for women at National Defence.  The Liberals though did squat and the only action taken upon being found out earlier this year was to order another Investigation by another retired Supreme Court Justice.  But not only that, they let a retired Lieutenant Colonel and a Woman - Karen McCrimmon face the music as Chair of the  Defence Committee when the matter hit the fan during this last session of Parliament.  Daily she tried to defend the impossible.  Coincidentally, she was my Member of Parliament and after one of these gong shows I emailed her asking her 'as a Woman and a Former Military Senior Officer how can you sleep at night knowing that you are defending a Department of Male Privilege and your tone deaf Leader Trudeau?  Not surprisingly, neither she nor her office replied to my email but it was not long before she announced her retirement from office and in a resignation article she confirmed what I had thought - she did have trouble sleeping at night because she knew of incidents of sexual harassment at DND "which would curl your hair".  I guess I should have been asking Trudeau and his equally delinquent Defence Minister how they are able to sleep at night. 

Eighth, our Democracy is on life-support.  Decisions are made not by our elected members but rather by the Prime Minister's Office and Parliament itself has been treated as merely an inconvenient pest.  Filibuster, Prorogue or Simply Shut It Down. He could always count on the suppliant New Democrats to support him in his anti-democratic ways. 

Ninth, Trudeau is very much a champion of Death - none of his Members are allowed to voice their opposition to Pro Choice, nor can they speak out against Assisted Suicide.  And you thought we were a democracy where at least matters of conscience could be verbalized safely.  

Tenth, and speaking of free speech, His Government is bound and bent to mussel the Internet.  Free Speech and its related Freedoms such as Freedom of Religion, Freedom to Congregate to Peacefully Protest and Freedom of the Press are Cornerstones of Vibrant Democracies.  Should Trudeau get back into power those Freedoms will continue to be in serious jeopardy.  

Eleventh, Trudeau loves to diss our Country point out its deficiencies as determined by You Know Who.  Nothing the Guy loves better than to give an Apology - again as long as it does not involve something he has done wrong. For months now our flag on Parliament Hill has flown at half staff - but in Trudeau's mind Canada's Flag always flies at this reduced height.  He has made it known that if push came to shove he would return to his home Province of Quebec or should I say Nation of Quebec since that is what He has endorsed.

Despite all of the above, the day that Trudeau called this snap and totally unnecessary election He and his Party were headed for Majority Government Status.  That same day however, Afghanistan's capital Kabul fell to the Taliban.  Now he will be lucky to attain Minority Status.  Daily Canadians see that our Citizens and our Allies trapped to their fate at the hands of the blood thirsty Taliban.  The resultant shame and humiliation for Canada has decidedly turned the Election on its head.

So will the Grits (aka) Liberals squeak out a minority?  For that we will have to await the polls that come out closer to Election Day - September 20th and much with respect to that will depend on which of the two major parties does better in the 905 Region of Ontario since that vote rich area will determine the Winner.

As I See It...

K.D. Galagher