Saturday, February 22, 2020


As you know, I was not a fan of the endless Impeachment Debate that, until recently, had plagued Trump's Presidency virtually from the get-go.  Like many of you, I saw it for what it  was - the Democrats seeking revenge against The Donald for having the temerity to win the 2016 Election over their fair-haired - Hillary Clinton. 

I will not rehash this embarrassing period- embarrassing for all participants, other than to say its most recent alliteration - of  saying Trump tried to bribe the Ukrainian President regarding matters relating to V.P. Joe Biden and his son.  When the President of the United States - the strongest politician in the world, cannot say what he wishes to his counterparts throughout the world without it landing on page 1 of the New York Times ... we're all in trouble.  Folks that is simply how politics works - or if you like...doesn't work in the big leagues.

However, that does not entitle a President or any other leader of one of our few democracies to personally interfere in the workings of the administration of justice.  And that is just what he did - when he directly involved himself in the sentencing of his good friend -  Roger Stone earlier this week.

This has been verified by none other than the Justice herself and by his own Attorney General - William Barr.

It is called interfering with the Rule of Law and not even the President of the United Statesd has the right to do this.

If I was Barr, I would resign immediately - it would be nice to see someone of principle leave on their free will than be dropped kicked out as has happened to so many of his contemporaries. 

Strangely, and you will know from my recent blogs, we have the similar problem here in Canada but from the reverse angle.  Our Prime Minister - Justin Trudeau, will not invoke the Rule of Law to prevent some Natives from tying up our Commerce via rail and road blockages. 

So in our case, Trudeau ensures special legal treatment for some - just like he has shown in the past for special legal treatment for some of his influential friends in our Province of Quebec.

So while Trudeau ignores the Rule of Law like the plague - Trump stomps all over it for a friend.

In both cases it is gravely damaged.   Can one Impeach our Prime Minister too?

As I See It ...

K.D. Bell

Friday, February 21, 2020



Permit me though to quickly put your minds at ease.

We here in Canada are currently undergoing 3 weeks of Indian Blockades of our rail systems which has greatly adversely affected our economy.   These environmental thugs are blocking our rails attempting to shut down various large mineral and oil extractions.  What they do not seem to realize is they can stand-down easy since our Prime Minister - the one and only Gadfly Justin Trudeau has always been willing to do their bidding for them - and there is no indication he will do differently in the future.

So why I am becoming a Proponent for these Shenanigans?

Well to tell the truth the idea is not mine - but belongs to my friend Johnny who grew up with me in our village of Brighton Ontario on the same street.  I have mentioned this street in past blogs - as you may recall - it has two names - at the one end it is called Sandford and at the others - the d is dropped. I lived at one end - Johnny's home was more toward the other end so I guess we really did live on separate streets...

I spoke with John last eve by phone - by way of our land phones if you can believe it.  Johnny currently lives nearby the Tyendinaga Reserve which has reveled in this self-destructing tactics for many years now.  In keeping with Peter MacKay's vocal support for Albertan vigilantism, I asked John if he and his wife would be renting a pick-up truck and routing out these marauders just like the fellows did a couple of days ago out west.  Sadly Johnny said "No" - I was naturally disappointed but now hold MacKay in somewhat greater regard.

Okay here is his idea.  Many reserves in Canada are simply places for illegal business - cigarettes,  marijuana, booze, gambling and the like.  In recent years, routes into these reserves have been lined with state of the art prefab illegal sales outlets and all while the police turn a blind eye to the general public coming there on mass to seek out spectacular but illicit deals.

So what would happen - Johnny opinions - if the cops were to block off the general public from their Merchandising Bonanza?  I could see his point immediately - their lucrative misadventures would immediately be ruined.  Bet you would see their rail blockades come down pretty darn fast.  And no one would get hurt.

But the chances of this happening are most unlikely despite the fact that it is so common-sensical.  Common sense appears to have less and less relevance in the affairs of man as time goes on.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Western Society Continues It's Relentless Descent Into Oblivion

Take our Country - Canada - for example.

We have different laws for our 9 provinces and 3 territories than we do for one of our provinces - Quebec.  Well in fact, we have no federal laws applying to that province.  Similarly, we have different laws for the average citizen than we do for our natives - indeed, like Quebec, neither federal nor even provincial laws appear to apply to them.

We now have a significant portion of our economy seriously being damaged due to Indian rail blockades.  Our provincial police were shown recently approaching one such blockage with a peace offering - maple syrup.  Only in Canada you say.

In addition to lack of law enforcement, Religion too is in steep decline.  The Christian / Judaic Principles that built our land are long gone despite the fact that these very values were the reason millions of the world's poor, weary and huddled masses came to our shores seeking and finding a much better life.

Given this, it comes as no surprise that the culture of death is extending its tentacles into our society's most vulnerable.  Death once had it is becoming just an inconvenience.

A former Prime Minister famously said 'our Members of Parliament became nobodies when they traveled but 50 feet from our Parliament'.  Today, our Members are nobodies even when they attend that self-same Parliament...Government is run by the Prime Minister, The Head of the Civil Service and their personal coterie of advisors in 'short pants'.

But dear reader, there is even a greater threat to our democracies and that is the Courts.  When I went to Law School I was taught that our Laws were made by politicians and administered by the Courts.  Today, the Court has assumed responsibility for actually making the laws despite the fact that its membership is neither elected nor accountable to the public.

Capitalism is also under attack.  Polling shows that societies' young vastly favour Socialism over Capitalism and all of our Parties are simply various shades of Progressivism.  No wonder then, a septuagenarian leads the race for the Democratic Candidate for President - socialist Bernie Sanders.

The Environment has become our new religion -  our new economic underpinning.  Significant construction projects take years to navigate the cumbersome reviews and then, most likely,  are turned down.  Indeed the McKenzie River Project took over 40 years to study and finally, ended in failure.  At the other extreme we see dictatorships, like China build an entire 1,000 bed hospital in but 10 days.  Better start taking Chinese language lessons folks

And last but not least is the issue of Debt and Deficits.  Progressives' love them.  Everything they could possibly want - their little hands are thrust out to receive.  Forget about the American tradition of earning your own way and Margaret Thatcher's apt warning - Socialism works only until progressives run out of other peoples' money to spend.  Just like your chargex bills at home -  the day will come when the balance is due...and what then.

It doesn't work for you at home and it won't work for your government.  Here in Canada we have a master spender of hard-earned taxpayer dollars... our one and only Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  When he ran for office in 2015 he promised a modest deficit of $10 billion - modest to him - large to you and I.   But that soon proved to be chump change for him. The debt then at the national level was $628 Billion.  Today it has morphed to $699 Billion while the deficit has increased to $20 billion annually and is predicted to rise even more.  These numbers do not even include the dismal figures at our provincial level.  In the USA it is even worse.  When Trump came into power the national debt stood at $20 it is $3 Trillion more...some businessman he.  This number exceeds that country's annual GDP.  He is adding to the debt at a rate of $1 Trillion per year - the same high number experienced by his predecessor Barrack Obama.

 When does it end it surely will.  And do not forget, America's Banker is now China. 

You might have noticed that I have not mentioned Europe in my above analysis.  I did not do so - since those countries are in worse shape than us.

So what is the solution.  That's easy ...citizens of western democracies need to take back power from the elites and the small but vocal interest groups.  I can be done but time is running out ...for us all.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell