Friday, June 12, 2020

The Progressives Are Once Again Way Over-Reacting...

Green Energy Racism is Everywhere. 

Well at least they keep themselves busy.  Too bad for the great damage they cause in so doing.

Not being an American, I do not feel qualified to speculate on how prevalent racism is south of the border but my educated guess is that it is not as bad as many on the left portray it to be.  But that said, our southern neighbours do have issues that we in Canada do not such as its History of Slavery and the fact that it is a Gun Society.  Maybe more on that in a future blog.

I can remember well taking my wife and grandson 2 years ago to Harlem where it once was almost signing a death warrant for a white person to enter its boundaries.  We did touristy things there and had many meals in the abundant patios filled with Blacks, Latinos, and Whites like us - all enjoying one another's company.  But again, I will leave it to Americans to deal with the issue themselves.

In regard to Canada though, I know that we are most certainly not racist.  That is not to say we do not have citizens who are racist...we most certainly do as all societies do but the vast majority of Canadians are hard-working Men and Women trying to make a decent living for themselves and their families.  Simply stated ...they have neither the time nor interest in pursing racism.

Recently one of my most favourite Columnists came out in a hard-hitting article to totally debunk the suggestion that Canadians are Racists.  And as you can imagine, the Left went ballistic.  Nothing it likes better to that to tear down societies. 

As I said above, there are though racists in societies including are own. Anarchy is preferable than Democracy and in many ways I truly fear that that could well be our future.

A couple of sad cases have been in the news recently - the first... where an Aboriginal Chief was tackled  and had his nose broken by a burly cop for no other reason than his licence plate had expired.  It was all caught on tape.  The officer should have been fired and then charged with assault but the only assault charge levied was against the Native Chief.  I have no trouble chalking that one up to racism but that does not mean for one minute that many of his colleagues are similarly tainted.  Police hiring should be done in such a way as to weed out such bad apples in the hiring process.  Failing that, quick firing and criminal charging would soon set an example for anyone harbouring racist tendencies. 

The other case that caught my eye was a young black woman who fell to her death from a Toronto balcony.  She had mental health issues and her mother had called 911 to seek psychological help for her.  In burst 6 burly cops and the next thing - this poor young woman lay dead from the fall.  A Police spokesperson said she had jumped, her family said that the cops pushed her over.  Realistically the poor woman was overwhelmed by 6 cops coming at here all hell bent for leather that she tried to escape her apartment by climbing over the raid and trying to reach the apartment next door and then slipped and fell to her death.

So what went wrong-- you do not send a swat team to subdue any young woman ...or any person for that matter - that is having a mental breakdown. Whoever sent in the cavalry should be fired. And all the police who participated in this debacle should be disciplined.

The Police should not be 'Defunded' rather parts of its duties should be 'Repurposed' so that the Full Monty is reserved for the truly bad cases the truly bad guys.  Militarization of the Police needs to stop and be reversed save for Swat Teams again, for use only in cases of last resort. And certainly not against citizens peacefully protesting for change.

And calling out everyone as Racist has got to stop ...we're not and nothing good comes from such labeling.

As I See It...

"K.D. Bell"