Friday, May 31, 2013

The Little Man In The Whitehouse …

Called for the end of the War on Terror this week and he was right to do so.


Because the concept of ‘terror’ has little or no meaning.

But that is not why the little man (L.M.) made his pronouncement.

He simply wants to move on and put 9/11 behind him …but of course, as we all know, it is not that easy.

Let’s talk first about the misleading name ‘War on Terror’.  It is only recently that the L.M. started to even use the word ‘Terror’ in his speeches.  Rather, for most of his presidency, he has talked around the word.

Regardless, the Public was left without really knowing who fell into the enemy category;  was it minute men hiding in the Ozarks; a lone deranged gunman who shot up his local high-school; was it Basque separatists; was it Al Qaeda; was it Islamists generally; or a nutty neighbour next door?

Whoever it was, the L.M. now wants the ‘war’ to cease.

But how can you end a war without knowing who the enemy was?

And how can you end a war when there is a certain group out there that continues to hate your guts and wants you dead.

But that is just what the L.M. is trying to do.

In fact, we all know, as does the L.M. who the real enemy is …it is Extreme Muslims everywhere.  There is no need to give examples since we all read about them virtually everyday in the newspapers and see them work their wicked will on television.  They hate everything about the West, our beliefs, our societies, even our right to breathe.

No dear Reader, the War on Terror a.k.a. the War against Extremists Muslims will be with us for a very long time to come.  And, sadly, it will last all the longer due to the L.M.’s refusal to honesty and courageously address it in his 8 year presidency.

This failure on the L.M.’s part is not his biggest … his most grievous failure is his failure to reel in the debt / deficit which now stands north of $17 Trillion Dollars.

But it is his second greatest failure and when combined with the first, condemns America to a very bleak future.

As I see it…

“K.D. Galagher’