Thursday, July 4, 2013

And Speaking of Oxymorons…


Here is another one for you -

Democrat Kathleen Wynne

She just called 5 by-elections on less than a month’s notice – in the summer – at the beginning of the busiest holiday weekend of the year.

Do you suppose she did this because:

a) they are all Grit Ridings and as such a quick election call would hinder the other parties from organizing?  or,

b) a summer election – especially one tied to a busy holiday weekend would encourage a smaller turnout in the knowledge that bigger turnouts often signal a protest vote?  or,

c)  the teachers are off for the summer and thus available to work on the Grit Campaigns?  or,

d) all of the above.

If you chose (d) you get full marks.

No one though can accuse Dear Ms. Wynne of being a slow learner.

She has watched her previous master shut down the Ontario Legislature to allow their Liberal Party time to elect a new leader …the one and only Kathleen Wynne.

Moreover, the same Dalton McGuinty just recently called a snap Nomination Meeting in his riding, with under a week’s notice, to ensure victory for his long time aide John Fraser.

No democracy for these folks …it is just too messy and of course dangerous.

What we need is a Tahrir style occupation by the beleaguered taxpayers / voters of Queen’s Park since I believe it will take such an event to shock some of these politicians back to reality.

We have the worst government in Canadian History – except possibly for the Duplessis years in Quebec - and Wynne and McGuinty continue to carry on business as if we are all just dummies there to do their bidding.

It’s pathetic and if the stakes were not so high, it would all be quite comical.

But the stakes are high as our once great province continues to sink lower into have-not status.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Today’s Example of an Oxymoron


Answer – The Democratic Military Coup in Egypt which knocked out democratically elected President Mohammed Morsi.

With thousands upon thousands in Cairo’s Tahrir Square protesting the Morsi Government, the military acted to take him out.

This is indeed good news.

How so?

When Morsi was elected, I along with many others predicted that he was merely a front for the Muslim Brotherhood and he would use his time as President to entrench Muslim Rule on all of Egypt.

As if to script – that is exactly what he did but this did not go down well with moderate Muslims and non-Muslims alike.  They were not going to let their hard fought efforts to secure democracy for Egypt die so easily.

And the military … to its credit, sided with the just and pure.

One could and quite rightly raise the concern that the military will just once again install one of its generals at the helm, as it did in the case of Morsi’s predecessor Hosni Mubarak.  But I don’t think this is in the cards.

There is a genuine well spring of support in Egypt and I believe the Arab Spring is truly coming to fruition.

As far as Arabia goes, Egypt is the linch pin.  It is by far the most populated and influential and if it can settle on the road to freedom, there is indeed hope for the rest.

We will keep our fingers crossed but this is the best news to come out of the Middle East in years.

As I see it…

‘K. D. Galagher’

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Lack of Sunshine in Ottawa…


As in Sunshine List and not the absence of Sun …though that too is missing most days.

Former Conservative MP Brent Rathgeber, had his Bill to disclose the salaries of highly paid bureaucrats gutted recently by his then conservative colleagues on orders from on high (a.k.a the PMO).

His ‘Bill’ would have required the Fed’s to publish an Annual Sunshine List similar to the one in effect in the Province of Ontario.  All those earning $188,000 would be centred out but due to the intervention of the pantywaists from the PMO this already too high ceiling was upped even further to nearly $450k.

Let the light shine in…

Rathgeber did what I consider to be the honourable thing and that was to resign from the Tory Caucus.

In so doing he had this to say:

“I joined the Reform / conservative movements because I thought we were somehow different, a band of Ottawa outsiders riding into town to clean the place up, promoting open government and accountability. I barely recognize ourselves, and worse, I fear that we have morphed into what we once mocked”.

Strong words and yet, for me, so true.

Like Rathgaber, I too joined the Reform Party in the hope that it would return honour, integrity and civility to government.  That unlike the other parties, Reform would stand for the wishes of the grass roots.  In previous Blogs I have recounted how this Hope was soon dashed.  The top reformers came down with the Ottawa sickness quicker than one could say transparency and open government.

Rathgaber’s resignation was not a one event reaction though:  it came about after the disclosure of numerous petty scandals and a concerted effort to control the Tory Backbench.

Commentators speak of Harper using this summer to “reset the dial” and point to a likely cabinet shuffle to see that happen.

Although a shuffle is most likely to happen – it  will not reset any dials.

The only reset button that exists can be found in Stephen Harper’s mind. 

Unless he resets himself – nothing is going to change in the lead-up to the next election.

He and he alone needs to return to those heady days when the Reform Party was first formed – the excitement that existed that for once their supporters and via them, the voter himself would finally be listened to.

Will he do it Galagher?

Can a leopard change its spots?

I personally think he can indeed do it and for the sake of our country I am hoping and praying that he does.  I would not be prepared to bet the family farm on it though.

That is not to say that the Harper Government has been a total failure like the one in Ontario – it has accomplished a number of important things – especially in the area of foreign affairs – for the first time since the War our country stands for honour and integrity which is all the more noticeable when compared to the embarrassment of the little guy in the White House.

At home, for the first time in decades, we Canadians are taking pride in learning and hearing about our history – a history which pound for pound is as interesting and as dynamic as our neighbour’s to the south.

So let’s collectively hold our breath and hope when Parliament resumes in the Fall, it will be a renewed and committed Prime Minister at the helm.

Thanks to Alberta M.P. Brent Rathgeber it has a much better chance of happening.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’