Saturday, October 9, 2021



This past week saw a Whistle Blower appear before a US Senate Committee breathlessly condemning Big Tech eg Facebook for all and sundry crimes against humanity.

Something must be done ...she raged.

I agree, the poor woman needs to get a life.

That does not mean the Internet has not caused damage but so did the invention of Television as I can personally attest given my age.

The cure in her opinion is that The Government Must Do Something... which is always the solution put forward by the Progressive Left.

Between us, I am very skeptical that Government can get anything right including successfully  organizing a two car funeral.  When it involves censorship... I am particularly on guard.

But permit me to digress a bit...I am not speaking about High Tech stealing information / news from others... such as main street media fact, I believe they should pay for what they use otherwise main street media is doomed.  My concern here really comes down to the matter of censorship.

We already have enough laws on the books to prosecute internet abusers to the full extent of the they should be.  But expressing differing opinions on line and wanting to control what is said, is a different kettle of fish entirely.  That is why Dictatorships are so good a doing just that.

But Canada too has several Bills lined up that will start to take us down that same path.  Canada's recent Federal Election prevented them from becoming Law but you can bet your bottom dollar that once Parliament Resumes ...our Leftist and Apparent Communist Loving Justin Trudeau will be sure to pass them into Law as quickly as He can and he can count on the even more Left Wing New Democrats to back him to the Hilt.

Even though one of my favourite sayings is 'Do Not Over-Estimate The Intelligence Of The Average Voter' (which the recent Election proved in spades) I would rather trust Society in General to use the Internet Wisely than have Politicians Police It.  I would be lost without having Internet at my fingertips and your Mother / Grandmother would have no idea of the latest news regarding you, other family and friends. 

That is not to say that Individual High Tech Companies like Facebook should not police themselves - of course they should but if they do not we are free to deal with others companies that do.  In fact, if an Internet Company wishing to ban all comments favourable to us Conservatives / Libertarians - be my guest - I will simply deal with ones that have similar beliefs as mine  ...much like in print media where the Toronto Star is very cozy with the Liberal Party so I read the Sun which is more to my liking.

But there is another serious issue surrounding the Internet and it relates my earlier comment about T.V..

The concern then was that this new invention in the early 1950s would turn viewers - especially children into Zombies. It did not but it did cause problems in many families.  So my concern relates to children and often adults who have their heads buried in their I-Phones.  Playing games...hanging out in in the basement for hours on end.  And this is a general Internet Phenomenon and not a Facebook etc issue per se.

I do not know what the answer is ...or if even if there is one.  In the case of young children it is the responsibility of their parents to monitor what they watch and do on the internet and for how long. I know though that to think that even a majority of parents are capable doing this is likely wishful thinking and does nothing whatsoever for those of legal age. 

Having said that, I do know what is not the answer to this and that is Governments' involvement.  

Society survived the Television...let's hope and pray it can survive the Internet.

As I See It...

'K.D. Bell'