Thursday, May 25, 2017


Note:  My Following Blog is not intended for those of the Progressive Left persuasion since nothing I nor any of us can say that would convince them of the validity of what is being said here.  Rather it is for the Rest of Us - you know, the ones who work hard for their families ...the doers and not the takers...the ones that are too busy to tell us others what to think and how to live their lives. G


In other words ... It Ain't Gonna Happen.

In a recent Post, I promised to continue with this follow-up to explain why America's Justice Department appointed an Independent Special Counsel and although probably necessary given all the histrionics on the part of the Progressives, it will end with a Whimper... not a Bang.  

Barely 100 days in and the Left is clamouring for Trump's Head yet not a peep out of them during the 8 years Obama was in power.

You might rightfully think that he had no scandals and yet...several come to mind:

1. IRS targets Obama's enemies; 2. Benghazi; 3. Spying on The Associated Press; 4. Rosengate; 5. The ATF's Fast & Furious; 6. HHS  Sebelius demands payment from companies HHS might regulate; 7. The Pigford scandal; 8. Solyndra; 9. The New Black Panthers (voter intimidation in the 2008 Election); 10.  Waging war in Libya without the okay from Congress; 11. Top CIA Operative in Afghanistan outed by Obama White House; etc. etc.

Plus prior to being elected Prez, he sat in his Church's pew and listened to his Pastor of 20 years condemning the very essence of America while the same pastor was living in a $10 million dollar home in a white conclave.  And even his dear wife was quoted as saying she had no use for the United States until it deigned to elect her husband President.

So 8 years of Obama and zip about investigations or impeachment and but 100 days in for Trump and half the country is screaming for exactly that.

Something stinks here.

And we won't even get into Hillary and her escapades other than to say the FBI (Comey) was severely negligent in not having brought charges against her.  If she had been a Martha Stewart, or a you or me, she'd currently be a resident of the crowbar hotel.  

With those anomalies in mind, let us now look at the alleged charges against The Donald:

The Special Counsel is authorized to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated” with the Trump campaign.

This of course is consistent with the Left's claim that Russia interfered in the recent election with the purpose of derailing Hillary's Campaign.  Let's be honest here, Hillary did not need any help in this...she was quite capable in doing that all by herself.

Second, it would be surprising if Russia was not involved in this, in some fashion, since this is the state of world affairs today and for long past.  I suspect other countries like China and North Korea were in there like dirty shirts too.  And to think that the good olde United States of America is too good to engage in such antics is to laugh...I can recall back when I first got interested in politics President Kennedy and his Administration were actively involved in the assassination of South Vietnam's President Diem.

For the Leftist to express shock reminds me again of Inspector Renaud's pretend shock in finding out that gambling was taking place in Bogart's (aka Rick's) Bar.

And their Hypocrisy extends even further in the Left's silence in the face of Obama's recent open campaigning for the eventual winner of France's Election ...Emanuel Macron.  

A related part of the current investigation includes what if any business associations, may have existed or currently still exist, between Russians vis a vis Trump and his Administration.

Well blow me over with a wet noodle.  Just imagine Trump and Company having international business dealings all over the world and not having ties with a country as large as Russia.  Of course they would and it would be out of the ordinary if they did not.

That said, there is one chap who has rightfully come under the microscope ...Trump's former National Security Advisor General Flynn.  He who was in his new position for a grand total of 6 days. And dear Reader, it was President Trump who swiftly saw to his removal. 

Flynn'a alleged offence was failing to disclose that he worked for Turkey as a Consultant.  Don't forget Turkey, like the USA and 20+ others are members of NATO.  So the allegations did not even relate to consulting for a non-friendly especially if his work was prior to and not during his appointment.  The investigation will rightfully shed light on this issue.

The bottom-line in all of this is that the Left and their Media Lackies will go to any lengths to discredit / destroy President Trump and his Administration.  The fact that Donald Trump has such strong faith in himself and his abilities is the only thing that stands in Their way.

But realize this is not about Trump rather it is about the changing face of America.  Big Government, Big Taxes, Big Entitlements and much Less Personal Freedom are the Progressives' Goal and Donald Trump is but today's convenient target.  Should Trump resign tomorrow, Their insidious campaign would continue unabated.

We the People still have a choice but the Window is slowly but surely closing.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

MANCHESTER....Suffer The Little Children...

Most of whom were little girls.

President Trump calls these Islamic Terrorists "Losers"...I would add to that descriptor the word 'Cowardly'.

I was going to release today a Blog on why the Appointment of a Special Prosecutor into Donald Trump's alleged ties with Russia is going to turn out to be a monumental waste of time but have held it back since yesterday's senseless killing of innocents provides a much better answer.

Simply stated, we may not like Putin and his Oligarchy but it is ISIS that has Declared War On Us...not Russia: and as the 4th Century BC saying so aptly puts it...'your enemy's enemy is your friend'.

Just think what Obama would have done...or, to be more precise, what he would not have done.  If you, as a Progressive, say he would not have worked with Russia to help to bring these Terrorists down you'd be correct.  But in fact, Obama would not have worked with any country to see this done...including Israel which has the most skin at risk. His policy throughout his long 8 year term was to disengage America from the World Stage and in so doing he allowed this vile cancer to grow.

And something else Obama would never have done ...and that is to call these cowardly losers ...Islamic Terrorists.  Sort of on par with calling the Manchester Slaughter an incident.

I, for one, am glad that finally the West has a Leader who is not afraid to stand up against this Evil and for Lives of Our Little Children.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'