Thursday, April 16, 2015

It’s All About … Olivia.


As in Premier Wynne’s granddaughter.

So said our distinguished leader when she announced the Province’s latest folly  …the 2 billion dollar annual cap and trade tax.

She brought this stupidity in since she wanted “to tell her granddaughter Olivia that she did something positive about climate change”.

Too bad she is not equally concerned about leaving her granddaughter the massive Ontario debt – currently some $300 Billion Dollars – to pay off.

This from a Premier who, with her predecessor, lost 350,000 well paying manufacturing jobs to their totally misguided green energy program.

No less an authority than Warren Buffet is stated as saying that his decision to take Kraft out of Ontario was greatly motivated by Ontario’s inflated energy costs.

So now we have a new tax – Cap and Trade, which will further decimate Ontario businesses at a time when senior GM Union Officials are predicting the end of its manufacture in this province thereby creating further loss of jobs to the tune of 30,000 plus.

And I have yet to even refer to another of its major job loss initiatives – Ontario’s Retirement Pension Plan.

Having gone from the Engine of Canada to its Basket Case in 10 short years, Wynne and Company are making sure that our new have-not status will stay with us for many years to come. Indeed the very real danger exists that this status is now irreversible.

Some legacy to leave young Olivia.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’