Friday, March 9, 2018


Alright, a headline for the future albeit only a week or so down the road.

Permit me to Explain:

Donald Trump campaigned on no further negotiations with North Korea...'they haven't worked for countless Presidencies and they most certainly will not work now.  The only thing the current occupant of North Korea's throne understands ...Kim Youg-un force'.

And dear reader, Republican Contender Donald Trump was most correct in his assessment. 

An elected Trump, feeling even more invincible, proclaims he will bury the Yong-un and his bunch of thugs... bragging that he - Trump - has the bigger button (nuclear).

Then in the face of countless provocations on the part of North Korea, President Trump dramatically changes his tune... 'negotiations are now the way to go'.

What the hell happened?

Now today we learn that dear Donald has even promised to meet the Yong-un face to face for negotiations before the end of May.

So what's next... my headline for today's Blog?

And what exactly does Donald Trump expect to achieve from face to face negotiations with a proven liar whose dynasty has never once lived up to its promises?

And that was before the North acquired nuclear capacity.

Now that it has, there is absolutely no incentive for them to scrap the program.

Should Trump not come to his senses and scotch this upcoming meeting with the Yong-un, and even though it would be a most interesting event, you can rest assured that nothing substantive will come out of it certainly as it pertains to America. 

The only party to gain from such a meeting, in the most unlikely event it happens, is the North since it will have bought more time for itself while the Donald will be left with egg on his face.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'