Thursday, April 21, 2016



Since the 60s and 70s Christianity has been under attack here in the West as Secular Society entrenches itself more and more into our societal institutions - eg. government, social, finance and so on. 

Church attendance has dropped by 45% as a growing number of boomers have opted out of organized religion and accordingly are fertile ground for vocal minorities pitching their anti-religious thoughts.

Prayers are no longer permitted in our schools nor even at public meetings generally.  

Abortion is not only tolerated, but strongly advocated.  Euthanasia is the new death wish.  Life is becoming cheaper. 

We have become Throwaway Societies. 

And marriage, which for millennium has meant a union between a man and a woman, now can mean virtually whatever one wants it to.  Moreover, individuals are now claiming to be whatever gender or non-gender that suits them at the moment. 

I truly believe that God created man and woman to compliment one another, and to unite as one upon marriage.

Indeed, it was only a few years ago that our political leaders were tripping over themselves defending traditional marriage and the resulting family as the foundation of society.  Nothing the non-religious can say or do today will change the validity of that.

But one thing is true - it is harder to be a Christian in modern society.  Just look at the contempt the Progressives heap on the Southern Christians. 

But it gets worse.

In the last century the % of Christians in the Middle East got as high as 20% it is less than 5% and declining.

Much of that decline has occurred because of the discrimination Christians receive at the hands of the Islamic majority.  More recently they have been the victim of Genocide. 

When ISIS entered villages, towns and cities many Christian homes were marked by the sign of a cross for the purpose of selling them out to their Islamic butchers. 

The UN turns a blind eye as does the West - all determined to focus on the need for Muslim Immigration.  (Numerous news reports confirm that UN Refugee Camps are avoided by Christians since they face brutal treatment by the Muslim Majority).

Regardless of the fact that it is the Christians in this part of the world who are subject of genocide, the numbers being admitted to Europe and to North America are pathetically small.  For instance since 2011 only 3% of Refugees from Syria taken in by the USA were Christian. 

Similar anemic numbers exist for Europe.

And don't forget the nearly 300 Christian School Girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria.  Forced to renounce their Christianity, turned into sex slaves and more latterly forced to be human bombers.  Hell is simply too good for these as well as those ISIS Bastards.

So as our Progressives sit back in the comfort of their willful blindness to an evolving death society, the breakdown of the family, the murder, rape and torture of innocent Christians ponder this.

Recently I did an article on the fact that there are only 20 true democracies in the world - all exist in parts of Europe and North America.  All have something in common - they are based on Judaeo/Christian Values. The Jews have gone through their slaughter and the Christians are now encountering their own.  

If the day comes when they - Jews and Christians alike are no longer factors in our modern societies - that day will also include the day True Democracies no longer exist. 

And just think what the state of our world will be then.

It is coming more quickly than any of us think.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'