Thursday, October 3, 2013

Finally … A Politician With Some Common Sense.


As in British Prime Minister David Cameron and his plan to drop all those under 25 years from the roles of the dole and unemployment insurance.

Rather, he wants these loafers to either get a job or continue in school / job training & apprenticeship.

What a novel sensible idea.  If allowed to be implemented, it would - with one fell swoop – end what too often ends in a life time of dependency on the State.

I can just hear the left wing now moaning and groaning about how inhumane this would be, but in fact, it would restore their dignity and self reliance. 

It would also save the Treasury a great deal of money.

In contrast, food stamp usage in the United States has ballooned to over 50 million citizens under the current occupant of the White House and those on Government Assistance exceeds 100 million – 1/3 of America’s population.

In order to have a healthy vibrant society, we need to have as many as possible positively contribute and PM Cameron’s proposal will go a long way indeed to ensure that this happens.

In the current Nanny State Mentality evident here in Canada and in the West generally, it is difficult to see this happening.

Too bad; especially for those for whom they are intended.

As I see it…

‘K. D. Galagher’