Saturday, March 28, 2015

You Have To Hand It To Ontario’s Liberal..


Government, it is becoming more and more Transparent.

Though just as underhanded and sneaky as ever; but so blatant their actions, they are obvious to all but the most dimwitted.

I am of course speaking of the Grit’s announcement this week to subsidize the hydro bills of low income Ontario households.

But it is not Government which will be doing the subsidizing – rather it is all the rest of us hard-pressed taxpayers. 

Quite the trick if you can get away with it.

And I can just imagine the discussion in Cabinet that took place in the lead up to this week’s announcement. 

It would have gone something like this:

Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli would have led off by saying ‘the time has come to assist low income families in coping with their high hydro bills’.  (Bills which have increased over 300% in the last 10 years.)

Other Members would then have voiced concern that having the Government subsidize rates would likely focus public attention on their mismanagement of the energy file.  (You know the non-performing Green Energy, the endless sunshine list of Hydro Managers and Employees etc.)

‘Not to worry’ come-back Bob would say – it won’t be us – the Government doing the subsidization – it will be all the other hydro users.  

A few Other Members would still voice concern that such an admission has the potential of turning voters away from our Party.

‘Not so’ would say Bob – we have been elected, re-elected 4 times and there is no reason to suspect that the electorate will be any less gullible come the 5th time.

Chortling all around.

Before I leave this topic and leave come-back Bob, one more thing.

Chiarelli boasted that maximum savings for low income hydro users would be up to $500 Million Dollars per year knowing full well that it will never come close to that number though the cash grab from the more well off users may very well reach that height and more.

A family of 4 making less than $28,000 can expect but $38 dollars of subsidy per month and for a family to get the maximum $50 dollar discount they would have to total some 7 members – almost enough to field a baseball team.

If, as Chiarelli has said, it often comes down to a choice between eating and heating – all thanks of course to their twisted green energy policy – sadly this week’s subsidy will do little to reduce the latter in favour of the former.

It will though screw more money from the hapless taxpayer into the coffers of Ontario’s incompetent Government.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’



Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Ideal Running Team.


With the US Presidential Election officially launched by this week’s entry of its first candidate – Canadian born Ted Cruz, I think it is a good time for me to put forward what I see as the ideal Republican Presidential Team to run for President / Vice President in next year’s general election.

But before I get to that, I would like to point out the obvious deficiency in the current makeup of the Party – it is too white and too elderly.  At their convention in 2012 it was difficult to find youth, blacks or hispanics.

Moreover, studies show that 90+% of blacks and 75% of hispanics voted Democrat.  These two groups account for some 100,000 million voters.

Bottom-line here – how can the right possibly win when it gives this much of an advantage to its leftist adversaries.

So that brings me back to my ideal team … for President – Florida Senator Marco Rubio (hispanic) and for his V.P., Neurosurgeon Ben Carson who is black.

Both are actively considering officially announcing their candidacies.

And both appeal to the current Republican constituency – the older white folks and both would – almost by definition, make significant inroads into the minority populations.

Will this happen – not likely.  Money and contacts rule in American politics regardless of whether or not you are a Democrat or a Republican.

But whoever ends up as the Republican team will most likely face Hilary Clinton who at this point is destined to be coronated as her Party’s flag bearer. Much of this has to do with the fact that her Party has set the stage for this by actively discouraging other qualifieds from running.

More recently though, dear Hilary has looked  vulnerable on a number of fronts and with a good Republican opponent – she can be beaten.

It will not be by an old guard Republican such as Jeb Bush.

But whoever ends up in charge - after 8 years of the worst presidency in US history – they will have their work cut out for them. 

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Monday, March 23, 2015

What To Do With ISIS et al …


With Canada now entering into debate on whether to extend its 6 month campaign in the Middle East (it will of course) it seems to me to be a good time to state how I would proceed, if I was Commander in Chief.

First off – for all those who believed an air campaign was doomed to failure – let’s be clear - it has succeeded admirably;  ISIS is now on the defensive.

But we in the Western World need to continue to avoid ‘boots on the ground’ other than for employing the special forces folks.

Occupation has not worked since Vietnam and will continue to fail.

So we need to continue to assist the local good guys with everything we can .. short of invading.

We also need a plan:

So starting with Iraq – we should continue to support the local good guys – the Kurds, the Jordanians, the Egyptians and so on.  We should though discourage evil states, such as Iran, from getting involved.

With Syria – we need to leave well enough alone – it is too difficult to determine good from evil there – so let Assad (Shia) fight it out with ISIS and when one side is victorious – we then deal with the victor.  That said, we need to do whatever we can to rescue the innocents there and get them to safety.

Lebanon – leave the bad guys there to the Israelis.

Egypt – the army is in control and can handle things quite well.

All the rest –save for Iran – should be the problem for the good Muslims to deal with – again – Jordan, Egypt and so on.

Iran – is a special case – first off it cannot be allowed to build the bomb – though the little guy in the White House seems hell bent on letting them do just that.  It needs to be cut off and isolated and may well need intervention from Israel if the USA continues to bury its head in the sand.

Nigeria and other African nations in similar circumstances must be helped by African Nations themselves with the help of NATO Special Forces led by the US.

This will work but if worse does come to worse – the ultimate solution is one that I have written about previously and that is to cut off the Middle East – save for the good guy countries – nothing comes in – nothing goes out and that pertains to Saudi Arabia and Turkey too should they continue to support terrorism.

In the meantime, Islamic Immigration, from these terrorist ridden nations - to the West – must be put on hold

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’