Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Ford and Hillier...Peas of a Pod ?

Ford as in our relatively new Premier here in the Province of Ontario and as in Hillier, until recently one of Ford Members' of Parliament.

Ford kicked him out ostensibly because he heckled parents of autistic children who were in attendance at a recent assembly of the Legislature.

Hillier denies this saying he was heckling but only members of the New Democratic Party who sit opposite him.  Those sitting near Hillier back up his assertion and with regard to the heckling charge, that has been and will continue to be an honoured tradition since Legislative Bodies were first invented.

The President of the Conservative Party added in writing that Hillier was cashiered from the Party...not only because Ford accused him of heckling the parents but also because the guy is a rogue MP who cannot be counted upon to always support their Leader ...a.k..a  Doug;as Robert Ford...yes you read that correctly ...Robert. 

And as for the assertion that Hillier is A Rogue Tory Member?  Was it not just a couple of years back when Premier Doug - then City of Toronto Councillor and his hard Drug using brother - Rob Ford, were the laughing stock of the world.  I know...anytime a Canadian says the world is watching Canada, you just know it ain't so...they have their own problems and could not care less about us.  But that said, the Ford Boys and their antics were so bad they did in fact make the front pages both within and without Canada.

Ladies and Gentlemen, they were Toronto City Hall's Rogue Legislators at that time and took great pleasure in so being.

And now Ford et al are calling Hillier out for being a Rogue Member.  It takes some nerve.

It also triggers on of my pet peeves that being that Democracy is missing in action here in Canada and throughout the World.  And here is a classic example, the Constituents of Randy Hillier's Riding - love the guy.  He wraps up big majorities in elections he has run since first elected in 2009.  He is also the former head of the Ontario Landowners Association ...the guy - like Ford himself is a Populist.  Both march to the drum of the people rather than the elites.

I guess the problem comes down to Ford not liking competition.

The other day I was reading an editorial by a columnist I usually agree with ...Brian Lilley.  Lilley was waxing eloquent about what a great guy Doug Ford is and how as Premier he has accomplished so much in the little time he has been Premier.

I had to shake my head ...is this the same Doug Ford I have seen bumble from issue to issue?

Lilley even had the temerity to cite Ford's success in repealing the Province's sex-ed curriculum which though true ...is the cause of the problem we face today.  In repealing sex-ed, they - the Tories, did not replace it with anything.. ergo the School Boards and the Teachers continue to use the olde Liberal curriculum.

And not just that, the woman who ran against him for Leader - one Tanya Granic Allen ran almost solely to get this curriculum changed since it was teaching kiddies as young a grade three about the birds and bees of all 3 plus sexes.  That dear reader - as Granic Allen would attest, belongs with these children's parents.

Granic Allen threw her support behind Ford and to reward her he fired her from the party and would not let her run as a Conservative.  Despite Lilley's depiction of this great success - I can tell you that Tanya is sick at heart for what Ford has done.

I could go on but from the above you get the idea that of the two populists, I much prefer Randy Hillier.

As I see It...

K.D. Bell