Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Racists Came Rolling Into Town....and I was Embarrassed.

UPDATE:  One of Canada's most renowned columnists...Rex Murphy is in full agreement with my thoughts as set-out below.  He wrote, this weekend, "He (Trudeau) might ave stepped out of the (House of) Commons and said at least hello to the gathering of truckers who had driven all the way ...from Alberta to Parliament Hill.  Rex goes on ..."Most of them were salt of the earth types....the plastering of the convoy with the tag fringed or filtrated by white supremacists etc was a cheap one by many in the media".  

And on the issue of racism generally is a column in our paper today by best selling black author Larry Elder.  Elder consistently combats the assertion that racism is rampant in the United States and puts the blame on professional agitators such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.  To the assertion that whites' are racist he had this to say.."If white people spent as much time thinking about how to oppress black people as black people think they do, white people wouldn't have enough time to oppress black people."

Our Town, as in Ottawa.

Only thing is they were not Racists... Despite what the CBC (aka Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) types spew forth.

For those of you out of country I am talking about the Caravan of Oil Workers ...with some others, who rolled into Ottawa this week from the evermore silent Oil Fields of Alberta.  They left kith and kin too taking the expensive 2,075 mile trip from Calgary, Alberta to Ottawa.  And you don't get great mileage in a Mack Truck.

These are hard working ---when jobs are available--- ordinary Canadians...just like you and me. They want the best for their Husbands, their Wives and their Kids and are prepared to fill the oft times tough, dirty jobs to make their living.

So why am I Embarrassed? 

First off, our Debutante Prime Minister did not even have the courtesy to meet with these common ers.  He too believes them to be racists rednecks. Had they come from Prince Edward Island  our tiniest Province or, especially from Quebec, He'd been there with bells on.  However if you came from the West...especially Alberta ...Whoa For You.  No wonder talk of separation is heating up there!

Most of the Media too were in constant lookout for incidents of racism and continually came up dry as they tried to equate the Caravan with the Yellow Vest Movement.

The fact is, some Yellow Vestors did include themselves in the Caravan.  The other fact is, they were not and are not racists.  Anymore than you or I are racist.

That is not to say, racism does not exist in Society...of course it does.  But it exists in all aspects of Society, be it on the left, the centre or the right.   It amounts though to a tiny per centage even with respect to the Yellow Vests.

In fact, I support the Vestors because I believe them to be a voice for me and for you.  For too long our Democracy has been in decline and all major Parties have played a significant role in seeing this decline come about.  The ordinary citizen has been relegated to the sidelines as the PMO, PCO, and the Party Leaders decide in their wisdom what is best for you and for me.

The fact is, there are lots of issues beyond the plight of the Alberta Oil Fields that can stir one to action: more and more restrictions on free speech, and freedom of religion, high taxes, high food costs, poor healthcare, poor education results, carbon taxes, corporate welfare..especially for their friends, rising debt/deficits, high cost of day care and so on and so on.

So yeah - there is lots of room for the Yellow Vestors and for their issues of concern to all of us.

So when you hear that protesters are all a bunch of racists - realize this, it is simply just our Political Masters Spinning.

As I See It....

K.D. Bell

Humour Corner:  I mentioned Prince Edward Island above - our smallest Province with a population that would barely sustain a small to medium size city.  So what is PEI up to of late...they are conducting a Referendum on Proportional Representation.  It is their second kick at this cat.

In reality, they are in a unique position to lead us all thru the introduction of Direct Democracy ...who needs Politicians anymore - simply have their small number of locales vote on-line.  Quick, Slick and Inexpensive.  And look at the money they'd save ....K