Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Marc Garneau…


Another politician with sterling principles.

Garneau was the only candidate in the current Grit race that had any chance to beat or at least, give the Hair & Teeth – aka Justin Trudeau – a run for his money.  That he decided to drop out this close to the finish tells me one thing – and one thing only – he wants to endear himself to his about to be elected New Leader.

Any odds on who will be the Foreign Affairs Minister should Justin pull off a General Election win?

There are several losers in this scenario not the least of whom is Garneau himself – he has let himself / his team down by not seeing this through.

He has also let Trudeau down by making his upcoming victory all the easier since Trudeau needs some bumps and bruises to be an effective leader.

Finally, Garneau has let his Party down by ensuring another Coronation which is the last thing the Liberals need right now..  They have had too many of those in recent years and now of all times, when they desperately need to delve into soul searching, new policies and the like – that will all be jettisoned in the search for another Messiah.

Well hopefully it will all work out for Garneau since a bitter price is being paid for his actions.

I sat beside Garneau at a dinner many years ago and found him to be a rather cold fish – not the hail hardy politicians I was more accustomed too.  But of course, he was only an astronaut at the time.  But in following his career since then, I have seen no reason to change my initial assessment. Indeed, if I had been a Liberal voting next month – I think I too would have voted Teeth and Hair over him – the latter being likely much more fun to share a beer with.

The fact is though, I would not have been voting for either gentlemen – rather my vote would have gone to Martha Hall Findlay since of all the candidates, she seems to have been the only one who has made an effort to think through some policies.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Finally, The Supreme Court of Canada Pt 3


At the end of Part 2, I left you to contemplate our ‘MIA’ Politicians, which sadly is the case whenever our courts pontificate, regardless the subject. 

But here their standard mode of operation is even more egregious since the issue here represents the underpinning of Democracy - Freedom of Speech, and more to the point, the restriction of same.

We can only hope that our politicians are using the silence to beaver away on plans to invoke the notwithstanding clause to neutralize the SCC’s unanimous decision or are drafting laws to abolish Human Rights Commissions …but if I were you, I would not bet the farm on it.

Rather, the Court’s decision appears to be another successful step in the relentless march to impose the will of special interest groups upon the majority. 

The fact that the Court’s action is consistent with similar steps being taken across Western Society, is of little comfort.

So dear reader, if you can’t beat them – join them and that is just what I plan to do.

Going back to Ezra Levant’s article, he also talks about a recent episode of CBC’s This Hour Has 22 Minutes.  During the course of the show a skit was conducted mimicking a Catholic Holy Communion but in place of wavers and wine representing the body and blood of Christ, the Show used Tim Horton’s Coffee and Timbits.

Funny Fellows Those CBCers.

Except I did not find it all that funny.  Indeed, I did not find it to be funny at all; I was offended.

More to the point, I believe their offensive skit is likely to expose a person (me) to hatred or contempt.

The question then becomes whether or not as a Catholic – I am part of a vulnerable group which clearly I think I am since Christians and especially Catholics have been under attack throughout the world in recent decades.  Many – far too many have been killed in less stable areas; our absolute numbers are in decline. Next to the Jewish, we are fair game for obnoxious slurs, slings and arrows.

Admittedly, we have not always acted in a pure and Christian like fashion – i.e. the sex scandals and cover-ups, but I take comfort in the Court’s finding that truth is not always a bar to a successful Human Right’s Claim.

I will keep you current with my ongoing efforts.

Rest assured, that any monetary award I may garner, will be immediately donated to Christian / Jewish Charities which will do more good than remaining with CBC. 

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’