Monday, August 11, 2014

ISIS Butchers Christians…


And yet the World remains silent; eerily reminiscent of the Nazi reign of terror against the Jews in the 1930s and 40s.

This past year alone saw 165,000 Christians martyred for their beliefs, and there’s every indication that this number will be much higher this year given the magnitude of their current slaughter in Syria and Iraq.

Indeed, throughout Africa and the Middle East, Christians are under attack by Extremist Muslims and ISIS is the worst of the worst.

Rape, beheading, burying alive is their standard fare.

All in the name of their beloved Muhammad; but it really comes down to their lust for power. 

And while the World turns its head, it tut tuts about Israel’s attempt to defend itself from the equally misguided and murderous Hamas.   

The goal of Radical Muslims is to unite Muslims into a Caliphate or State ruled by an appointed successor to Muhammad.  From there, the extremists will branch out to conquer the world.

So if you are neither Jewish nor Christian, fear not ..your turn for persecution will most certainly come … as in the immortal words of Martin Niemoller, and when they came for me “there was no one left to speak out.”

A small group of us are not prepared to sit idly by and watch their annihilation go unchallenged.  We met together this past weekend to begin planning for a massive demonstration on Parliament Hill, here in Ottawa.

Time is of the essence and I will keep you posted with respect to our progress.
