Sunday, August 14, 2016

To Keep The Peace And Be Of Good Behaviour...

Many Jurisdictions have provisions whether it is for Bail, or Parole or a Bond - to allow individuals to be at large on their promise to 'keep the peace and be of good behaviour'.

And it works ... so long as the individual is a person of peace.

It is not so effective for those like sociopathic husbands who kill their wives for reasons of control or jealously nor is it effective for Zealots such as Islamic Jihadists.

On average, 3 women are killed by their male partners each day. 

Do you think for one moment that their undertaking to keep the peace etc. makes one bit of difference in their decision to the kill their spouse?  Hardly.

But today I am focusing on the second group - the Raging Jihadists and the effect such undertakings are likely to have on them.

We in this country just witnessed a case this week where a 24 year old male blew himself up even though he was subject to a Peace Bond. The Bond had been issued because of his online support of all things ISIS.  

Due to the excellent undercover work of the FBI - our RCMP was able to intercept this Terrorist as he was setting out to detonate two bombs destined for a nearby metropolitan area.  The Police caught him as he was entering a cab at which time the young chap blew himself.  No doubt his last thoughts were of the 70 virgins awaiting his entry into the hereinafter. 

Sweet Dreams Chump.

  • (We got lucky here - but from news reports around the world we know that too often that is unfortunately not the case). 

The issue that has emerged in our particular case is whether or not promises on the part of Jihadists to keep the peace .... is of any value.

And I think you will agree with me - that it is not.

The only way such promises will work is if the Police place themselves on 24 hr - 7 day watch of these disturbed and ruthless bozos but of course all that is lacking is the manpower and money to do it.

This takes me back to earlier Blogs I wrote where I provided the only solution....lock them up.

We are at War with ISIS and their ilk and in a war situation the only effective measure to stop 5th columnists is through confinement. Full Stop.

And how long should that confinement last?

Until the War has been Won !!

When I wrote this before I knew it was the only solution but I also knew that it was highly unlikely - in our Politically Correct World where bad is good and good bad - our wimpy politicians would ever deign to do this.

But the times dear Reader are a changing and more and more persons in authority are beginning to vocalize this very solution.

Sooner or later our anemic leaders will have to admit we are indeed at War with Islamic Terrorists and once that is done - the rest will follow.

Until then the domestic carnage will continue unabated.  

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'