Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My Prognostications for 2015… Pt. 1


Some of you may recall that I came at this a little differently at the beginning of 2015 – first a look at the coming year generally and then followed with more concrete predictions.

So first, my generalizations with my self grade in Bold Italics:

1. International … (grade A+)

Iran remains the world’s number one issue as the US continues to diddle around, making no significant attempt to force Iran to roll back its atomic program.  When Iran is able to ‘deliver’ its bombs all bets are off for peace in our time.

Russia will continue to threaten the former USSR nations.  With the drop in Oil / the Ruble, Putin is a wounded bear and is more dangerous than ever.

ISSIS will remain the beasts they are throughout Iraq and Syria.

Terrorists will continue to stalk the jungles of Africa preying on the innocent – mostly girls and young women.

The fires of the Middle East will continue to burn brightly.

Europe will continue to struggle economically.

The US will continue to be led by its most inept President in its history and since he cannot seek re-election – he is at his most dangerous.

Another $ Trillion will be added to the US debt.  The Government is on life lines.

Black militancy will continue to threaten.

International foes will continue to not fear the States and friends will continue to realize that they can no longer depend on America as it once did.

2.  National … (grade B – solely for my erroneous prediction of a minority government but in truth, this outcome was not predictable until the dying days of the October never ending campaign)

Canada will face an election this year which at this point will likely end in minority government.

The plunge in the value of oil will severely dampen the economies of Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia and as such will put pressure on Canada’s ability to balance its budget.  It will also put a strain on the equalization program.

We will continue to be involved militarily throughout Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Pipeline construction will continue to idle.

3.  Ontario ….  A

Will continue to be governed by the worst government in its history – the McGuinty / Wynne Regime.

Our debt will continue to rise with no balancing of the budget in sight.

Public Service Unions will finally start to be told ‘no’ or perhaps ‘maybe’ but it will be at the margins and will have little effect on the ill state of the Province’s finances.

Green Energy will continue to get the green light despite the fact that our Auditor General just told us that since the Grits came to power, Ontarians have paid $50 Billion more for hydro than we should have.

Our Health and Education Systems will continue in decline.

4.   Municipal …A

Ottawa will continue to spend too much on its operations, too much of it is wasted on too many expensive employees and too many pet projects not aligned with the city’s core service responsibilities.

The biggest issue in that regard is with respect to garbage collection as residents continue to be subjected to only twice monthly pick up of real garbage.

Gang Shootings which reached a record level last year, will continue unabated.

The above are not predictions as much as they are just statements of fact - that is to say it is just a rehash of how things were last year and will continue to be in 2015. It takes no genius to identify them.

Note:  Overall I place my mark at an A – but in truth, generalizations are much easier to make than are specific predictions which follow in my next Blog.  Wish now though that I had stuck with just doing generalizations. G

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’

Monday, December 21, 2015




This past week we were exposed to these two rhapsodizing about one another.

It was to gag.

Putin has become a petty little dictator who, as a former officer of the infamous KGB, is only interested in restoring the USSR.

And, he let’s nothing stand in his way to see this accomplished.

While here in Ottawa plans are going forward to build a public momument to the memory of the Victims of Communism.

I have said repeatedly that if I was an American, I would only vote for Donald Trump if it came down to him against Hillary Clinton; I have now changed my mind – I would no longer vote for Trump even under that circumstance.

But please realize, this does not mean I would now vote for Hillary since I cannot see myself going so low.  Rather I would probably just spoil my ballot.

I stand by my initial assessment that Trump’s candidacy has been good not only for the Republicans but indeed for all of America.

He has singularly forced Americans to address important issues that they would otherwise just like to avoid – e.g a porous Southern Border and just as importantly, he has fired back mercilessly at the Self-Serving Politically Correct.

It has been an absolute joy to watch.

But the time has come to say goodbye to The Donald. (I suspect many of you in Russia would like to do the same to Vlad Putin).

In Trump’s case it will not be that easy since he holds quite a lead over his many rivals but I am hopeful that even his ardent supporters are beginning to have doubts with his recent complimentary comments about Putin and his proposal to deny all Muslims entry into the US.

And hopefully this will translate into a win for Marco Rubio which I will now extend to Carly Fiorina – one tough, knowledgeable broad.

As I see it…*

‘K.D. Galagher’

*Note:  My next two blogs will deal with my predictions for this year about to end - 2015


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Donald Trump and The Listeners

One of my favourite poems in high-school was Walter de la Mare’s ‘The Listeners’ and it comes to mind when I read about Trump’s critics going hysterical every time he supposedly makes a campaign-ending statement.

Is there anybody there?” asked the Traveller

“But only a host of phantom listeners … that dwelt in the house .. stood listening in the quiet of the moonlight”.

“Tell them I came, and no one answered, that I kept my word, he said.”

“They heard his foot upon the stirrup, and the sound of iron on the stone, and how the silence surged softly backward when the plunging hoofs were gone”.


Unlike The Listeners in de la Mare’s poem, Trump’s Listeners are neither anonymous nor do they hide in the shadows; his Listeners are well known as they impatiently watch & wait for him to fatally slip up; their eyes focus in on him like an entomologist’s microscope on a bug.

When a perceived ‘slip’ comes – The Listeners’ eyes bulge in contrived shock and mocked outrage … they turn to one another, speaking in gleeful tongues, high fiving, trying to convince one another that this time Trump has gone too far and will not recover.

But then come the new polls showing once again that Trump’s popularity continues to rise.

And it’s back to the microscope awaiting his next pronouncement which will surely result in his undoing.

Why are the Left and indeed many Insiders on the Right aghast at The Donald’s success?

The major reason I believe is that he is their antithesis; they who like to tell others how to live and what to think cannot stand it when a ‘clown’ dares to respond to them in kind. 

And the ordinary Joe and Jane are sick and tired of these Elites, Politically Correct Politicians and a Left Biased Media lying to them day in and day out.

Indeed, ever since Obama’s Election in 2008 the average American has watched in utter disbelieve as their once powerful and proud Nation has descended into irrelevance.

Its allies no longer trust it, its enemies no longer fear it and to boot – its national debt will exceed $20 Trillion Dollars, (more than its total GDP) when Obama’s term ends in January of 2017.

So America is not only broke but is a shadow of its former self.  But the Movers and Shakers act as if everything is A-OK.

But of course everything is not okay:

  • ‘Islamist Terrorists’ have declared war on America and yet the President cannot even bring himself to say who these Terrorists actually are while continuing to pretend they are just run of the mill criminals, bandits, and jv’ers.
  • All the while its Southern US Border is a sieve.
  • Guantanamo Inmates are cut loose to fight again.
  • It has given Iran the right to build an Atomic Bomb at the end of 10 years – their stupidest decision yet.
  • Followed closely with its buying into… or more appropriately… selling out to Climate Change Charlatans. So we go to War against a colourless, odourless gas used by plants for growth and the production of life-giving oxygen; a War wet hopefully lose.

And at every turn these self-styled Elites dismiss anyone who dares criticize them as racists, homophobes and the like.

In the face of this, Trump, has come along to poke these know-it- all-primadonnas in the eye.  And I am particularly incensed when these Bozos compare Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler.  Hitler, like Trump is an Egotist but the comparison ends there since Hitler was also a Psychopathic-Hater.

That said, as many of you know, I am not a Trump supporter - from the start, my preferred candidate has been and continues to be Marco Rubio and I still believe he will ultimately win out.

I am glad though that Trump has appeared on the scene to shake things up and get Americans focused on the really important issues – many of them set out above.*

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

* One issue that I did not specifically deal with above is with respect to Muslim Immigration. I would like to see a freeze on it until the War with the Islamic Terrorists is over.  On the other-hand, The Elites’ /The Politically Corrects’ attitude is ‘the more the merrier’. So for you, the Reader, I pose the following:

Why is it that in Muslim dominated Countries  Non-Muslim Minorities cannot be left to live their lives in peace?


Why would the West expect Muslim Immigrants to be able to live in harmony with others in their adopted countries?

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Promises, Promises.


I know that I promised not to deal anymore with issues relating to our once proud…, now backward country known as Canada.

So I won’t.

Rather I will deal with a country similar to Canada – let’s call it Backwater Pays.

And let’s say the issue of the day relates to the reform of Backwater’s Senate.

That is to say, in the words of its Left Leaning Government – to make it more representative – more open, more respected and so on and so on ….

…You know, the usual Bull.

So that is the theory of the proposed reform – let’s see how it will work in practice:

The current Backwater Senate is composed of Hacks, Flacks and Ne’er-Do-Wells.

What the Government has promised to do in its recent Throne Speech is to create a Distinguished Panel consisting of Five (5) Distinguished Personages.  This Distinguished Group of 5 is task with identifying Distinguished Canadians for inclusion in the about to become Distinguished Senate.

You know the Order of Canada types – the Maude Barlows and the Margaret Atwoods.

Sounds great – does it not?

So you might ask what is wrong with this – aren’t Distinguished Canadians an big improvement over Hacks and Flacks?

Well no, not really.

You see Hacks and Flacks know they are Hacks and Flacks while Distinguished Canadians think they are… well… Distinguished.

As such, Hacks and Flacks will not unduly challenge legislation passed by the Elected House of Commons whereas Distinguished Canadian Senators are most likely to think they are at least equal to and even better than, the Commoner Member of Parliament elected by the Great Unwashed.

The only problem with this is that in a true Democracy the Peoples’ Representatives should be Elected and Accountable to them. 

In an Unelected and Non-Accountable Senate – the Distinguished Members are neither.  They would though fit quite nicely in with Communist China.

So, dear Reader, Backwater Pays is going from Bad to much Worse.

On a positive note – thanks to the Senate’s upper age limit of 75 years – we need not worry that either Maudy or Maggie will make the cut.  That is not to say they are not still totally Distinguished … only that they are Distinguished Elderlies and thus too olde for the cut and thrust of Senate Politics.

Oh, and one more thing – any similarity between Backwater Pays and the Country situated directly north of the US of A is purely coincidental.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Monday, December 7, 2015

It Pains Me So To Say…


Note: after this Blog – Donald Trump came out recommending that all Muslims be denied access to the Unite States for which he has been skewered from all sides  – my recommendation pertains only to immigration as I am okay with access for travel, holidays, business and so on.  I must admit though that I am somewhat uncomfortable about sharing this issue with the Donald but know too that the average person – the Silent Majority if you will – is on side with me – and sadly, on side with Trump’s more extreme approach as well.  For me you can liken this to a virulent virus affecting a significant minority in the Middle East; it would only be prudent to take steps Medically to contain the virus in place for the benefit of all.

So too with Religious Radicalism – not to isolate them will only invite more death and destruction throughout the West. And in my Blog below – I am only referencing Terrorism – it does not mention the third class treatment of women / girls nor even worse - genital mutilation – abortion of female babies etc.  Good Muslims need to discredit the radical jihadists as well as those who continue to hold onto such out-dated convictions in situ.  To import this virus now will only serve to dramatically under-mine or way of life.

In the meantime, we need to reserve a place here for Muslim immigration in the future for the benefit of us all – Muslims, Christians, Jews and Atheists alike.   G


Muslim Immigration is just not working.

The current Saw spells it out quite clearly; not all Muslims are Terrorists, but all Terrorists are Muslim.

The recent attacks in Paris and last week’s attack in San Bernardino aptly stamps ‘proved’ to the saying.

In recent years, Muslim Immigrants have relocated to Europe in large numbers but tend not to merge into general society. For some reason, their religion tends to keep them separate and apart.

At the same time ISIS and others are trying to establish a Caliphate in the Middle East, with their eventual goal to conquer the World.

As the ‘Saw’ states - not all Muslims are sympathetic to their objectives, but a significant minority appear to be okay with it.

In the past century the common thought was that radical Islamic thought existed but it was confined to the ancient Arab Homelands still living in the 12th Century. But recent history has shown us that this way of thinking has taken root in Muslim Communities throughout the West even to the point where it is now infecting native born Muslim-Europeans and North Americans.

Our Politically Correct Leadership though continues to turn a blind eye to this and tell us that we cannot discriminate on the basis of religion.  US President Obama has carried this to the extreme by having Muslims comprise nearly 100% of Middle Eastern Refugees entering over the last few years.

It comes as little surprise to us that this political correctness coincides with modern secular societies’ antipathy to Christianity.

And dear Reader things will only worsen with the millions fleeing from Syria and Iraq to the West to flee the carnage going on there. Middle Eastern Societies are suffering breakdown. And via Immigration and acceptance of Refugees, the West is merely importing the problem which if unchecked will see our own civilization go down the tubes. 

Call it Discrimination if you want – since it is,  but the fact remains if the West wants to remain the Beacon for the World we cannot allow ourselves to be destroyed from within.

Many remark of late that the Terror of the Middle East cannot be subdued by bombs alone and they’d be right.  But bombs do buy us time.

What is needed is for the moderates in Muslim Society to come forth in overpowering numbers to defeat the Islamic Nut-bars on their own turf. That requires Muslims to stay in place until they can bring these Radicals kicking and screaming into modern time.

When Radical Muslims have been truly and thoroughly discredited, the time will have come to welcome the Muslim Religion back into the fold. 

As I see it… 

‘K.D. Galagher’

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Donald Trump … Still Number One !!


As we get closer to the beginning of Primary Season, ‘The Donald’ continues to lead the GOP Pack by an ever growing margin.  The recent Islamic attacks in Paris and just last week in California have consolidated support for him and, in contrast to the dwindling ratings for Obama – the do nothing President of the United States.

Whether this will translate into ultimate victory for Trump remains to be seen but what is no longer in doubt is that he is in a much better position to win that he was when he announced his candidacy this past Spring.

I said then, and I say now – Trump has been good for American politics; he has shaken up the complacent, politically correct establishment and has focused America no election issues of importance to the average Joe and Jane.

That said, I would still not vote for Trump if I was an American; unless, of course, he was running against the opportunist Hillary Clinton.  Let’s face it, the only reason that dear Hillary is even a factor in the Democratic Party is the fact that she is married to the more popular former Prez. Bill – even with his many peccadillos.  Accomplishments in her own right are barely better than they were for Obama 7 years ago.

My favourite continues to be Marco Rubio and I fully suspect he will in the end attain the Republican nomination.

The Trump factor has been a plus for not only Rubio but for all the many Republican Presidential Candidates – his Star status has also greatly enhanced all of their profiles and from my perspective anyone of them are head and shoulders above the motely Democratic Contingent. 

But all of this does not change the fact that the Republican Party is at a disadvantage – it is rightfully viewed as being both Olde and White.  There are over 50 million Hispanics in America and more than 75% of them vote Democratic.  It is even worse for the 30 million plus Blacks since 90 plus % of them do likewise. With those odds against you it is virtually impossible to win.

A Rubio candidacy though would address this problem in a big way – as a Hispanic he would certainly cut into the Latin vote and would likely do well in the Black Community as well. Imagine a ticket of Rubio for President and Black American Dr. Ben Carson running as his V.P.  That would most certainly shake things up big time.

My preference for V.P. though is the only woman Republican Candidate, Carly Fiorina.  She’s tough and she knows her files cold. The US would be so much better off with this combo heading up the State.  - 

So its on to the Primaries in the early Spring – let the best man or woman win out – that is to say – Rubio and Fiorina.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

We Have Sinned So Now It Is Time To…


Pay Up.

So says American President, Barack Obama at this month’s Paris Climate Conference.

The ‘We’ in this case is the USA for indiscriminately pumping CO2 into the atmosphere over past decades – you know the colourless, odourless gas needed by vegetation to grow with its useful by-product oxygen.

The fact that Obama apologized on behalf of the States is not at all surprising…. before he was elected, he sat in Church for 20 years of Sundays where the Minister’s fondest saying was “Gawd Damn America” and then began his Presidency with a Tour of the Muslim World where he again profusely apologized for America’s destructive history.

Of note this guy never, ever apologizes for any of his own shortcomings of which there are many.

And although he was talking about America’s carbon history - dear reader, rest assured that the Third World will ensure that the “We” in this case will extend to all industrial countries which can now be expected to pump even more money into the pockets of petty third world dictators.

Indeed, this UN Conference has asked Western Countries to pony up another $10 Billion to help the Third World manage their own climate change issues. (Do you really think this dough will make its way Green Energy?)

Chump change you might say and you’d be right but add that to the Trillions being misspent on Green Energy, Cap and Trade and the like.  Just think what that money could have done in the eradication of ISIS and their ilk and in finding clean water and bringing the 3rd world into modern and productive farming.

Having said this, there may be one good thing to come out of Paris and that is the initiative of a bunch of Billionaires led by Bill Gates to use their vast resources in Research and Development to find ways to run our industries, heat our homes and fuel our cars other than through the use of fossil fuels.

Indeed, the mistake the West made was to jump into Green Energy as if the R&D had been done when in fact it had not.  It was governments’ experimenting on a humungous scale which nearly brought us to our knees and might still yet. If the Gates initiative is what it appears to be – there may be hope for us yet – regardless of whether or not CO2 is causing Global Cooling / Global Warming / or Climate Change.

The fact is, we will all be better off getting off fossil fuels as quickly as possible but we need to make sure the processes which will enable us to do so – are available, effective and affordable.

Failing that, we will continue to throw good money after bad while issues which we can influence - like Global Poverty,Global Terrorism, Clean Air and Water… go unaddressed.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Thursday, November 26, 2015

My Solution To The Middle East Debacle.


For what it is worth, here is what i would do, in conjunction with NATO to end the death and destruction that stalks the Middle East.

First, establish no fly zones in areas not occupied by ISIS and then move threatened minorities to those areas – i.e. Christians to one area, Kurds to another, minority Muslim sects to another and so on.  (flooding Europe and North America with Middle Eastern Immigrants will not work since a significant minority of them despise our way of life and cannot be expected to meld into Western Society)

Second, bomb the heck out of ISIS controlled areas including the oil wells which fund their butchery.  (Obama’s half measures will not work but thankfully we finally have other NATO Allies like France and England stepping up to the plate including non-NATO Russia .. things are looking up)

And Third, force the rich Arab States – most notably Saudi Arabia to both supply ‘boots on the ground’ and provide $ aid to the various refugee camps.

I say this because the issue of ISIS is a Muslim one and can only be dealt with by having the moderate Muslim countries buy-in and be actively involved in solving the problem. 

American / NATO ‘boots on the ground’ may well work in the short-term and even if they successfully destroy ISIS, in due course, another equally radical Islamic extremist group will arise from the ashes.

Simply stated, the West’s boots on the ground have not worked in countless battles since Vietnam and will not work in the Middle East.

As many of you know, I do not agree with much of what Obama does or say but I did agree with him when he called ISIS a Jr. Varsity group (j.v.) since that is exactly what they are.  They have survived and caused so much death and destruction simply because no one has properly challenged them.

With this plan and given the recent positive awakenings since Paris, I believe the days of ISIS may be coming to a quick end. 

It will though depend on the involvement of all interested parties.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’



Wednesday, November 25, 2015

ISIS May Be Masters At Killing Innocents..


BUT OBAMA (worst president in US history aka WPE) now has a strategy to beat them.

It is called The Paris Conference on Climate Change which is scheduled to take place beginning the end of this Month.

According to Obama (WPE), the Conference will show these killing machines that the modern world has its priorities straight by targeting CO2 rather than ISIS and that somehow this will translate into the demise of ISIS.

You can just imagine if Ronald Reagan had used a similar strategy against the USSR during the height of the Cold War…

‘Rather than we Americans spending $trillions on munitions and such, we will now focus our spending on reducing CO2 emissions.’

The Wall, dear Reader, would still be up and quite possibly we’d be learning to speak Russian.

Flash ahead to today and you can almost visualize the glee of ISIS supporters rolling around on the ground giddy at the thought of wasted trillions being spent by the West in the nebulous pursuit blocking climate change.

Some 50,000 (half of whom will be official delegates) are expected to attend the Conference.  Talk about waste as well as the generation of a lot of Carbon Dioxide. 

Plus the Conference attendees are not likely to be attacked by ISIS since it is too devious to destroy – as Lenin is famous of having said – useful idiots such as they.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’



Friday, October 30, 2015




Is the Iron beginning to Rust?

A number of issues have arisen of late which appear to have tarnished her reputation – two of which can be considered major:

First, the bailout of Greece seen by many Germans as a continued drain of their Treasury to the absolute benefit of Greece.

Second, and more importantly, Merkel’s promise to settle 800,000 of the Middle East’s Refugees.  As a daughter of a Lutheran Minister, her compassion is quite commendable however it is not resonating all that well with all of her countrymen. 

For instance, Germany has a population of only 80 million whereas the United States, 4 times its size, has taken in but 1,500 refugees this year and promises to absorb another measly 10,000 over the course of 2016.  

Moreover, leaked reports indicate that the actual number Germany is planning to accept is nearly double Merkel’s public figure or up to one and half million.

And Germany is not necessarily the poster child for such a humanitarian initiative – especially when it comes to foreigners. It was only in the 1930s when Hitler came to power promoting the superiority of the Aryan Race – blonde, blue eyed only need apply. (Does beg the question how Hitler himself qualified?)

Polling also shows that a streak of thought still permeates German Society to support the believe that natural born citizens are superior.  This, coupled with the natural fear of trying to accommodate so many dislocated, is frightening not only its citizenry but also the citizens of its neighbouring EU Partners. 

In the last two months, Chancellor Merkel’s popularity has dropped 14 points – and now stands at 54%.  If the slide continues - as it likely will, she will soon be in minority territory.

Added to her difficulties is the fact that while her numbers are dropping significantly, her most outspoken critic – Horst Seehofer (Chairman of the Christian Social Union – CSU) has seen his popularity rise of late to 39%.

The CSU is also partner with Merkel’s own Party – the Christian Democratic Union and together, in coalition, the two Parties garnered 41.5% of the vote; close but not quite a majority in their Parliament. 

At this point, I would not bet money on the likelihood of Merkel’s survival – especially once the onslaught on some Million and A Half Refugees begin arriving in earnest. 

If this does in fact bring down the Iron Chancellor – not only will it have long term implications for Germany but will have an even greater impact on the European Union as a whole.

More on that in a future blog.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Tuesday, October 27, 2015




To be more specific, Israel has a population of only 8 million souls – not much more than were butchered and gassed in the infamous Nazis Concentration Camps.

This tiny oasis finds itself in the midst of over 200 million Muslims, a number of whom would love to see Israel obliterated from the face of the earth.

I call this Blog – one is the loneliest number for a reason; until last week, Canada was arguably Israel’s only true friend and ally left.  But with the election of Liberal Justin Trudeau, we now can no longer be counted upon. 

Before Canada, support came from the United States but that too deteriorated with the 2008 Election of President ‘Baroque’ Obama.

The bottom-line here is that the Israelis are now truly on their own.

And where to they find themselves?

The Middle East continues to burn while the neighbouring Palestinians have just launched another one of their infamous Intifadas. Innocent Israelis are being knifed and gunned down in their own streets. 

And Heaven forbid if an Israeli strikes back – the anti sematic world has a hissy fit.

The United Nations then issues a raft of censures.

But dear reader, that is not the worst of it.

Thanks to ‘Baroque’, Iran now has a clear flight path to development of its long worked on Bomb.

To complicate things further, Iran’s ally on the ground – Russia is now securing Syria to become one of the new satellites and soon the Russian – Iranian Axis will control all things in that very volatile part of the World.  At least until other Arab States successfully arm themselves with Atomic Weapons themselves.

And I haven’t even mentioned ISIS and the numerous other Islamic Terrorists groups that roam about almost at will.

And standing alone in the midst of all this is Israel -the Region’s only functioning democracy.  They have taken a desert and transformed it into a garden; if the Arabs would only do the same, there would be peace in this very troubled part of the world.

Students of the Bible know that the Good Book predicts that the end of the World will begin with death and destruction in the Middle East – much like today.


As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Monday, October 26, 2015

1 + 8 = …


What might have been.

As in what we did not see accomplished over the course of the past 10 years by the Harper Tories, Non-Conservative… but rather Liberal Light – Government.

And I say that as a Real Conservative …aka  Libertarian Conservative.

First though I know I promised you that I would not do any more Blogs on Canadian Politics until the whole mess comes tumbling down – but I need to make an exception here for the edification of my target audience; my three adult children and their families. 

They of course did not experience the beginning of the drift in countries like Canada starting in the  1960s.  I created this Blog in an attempt to provide them with a better understanding of why current society is what it is and where we are likely headed.

That is not to say that I do not appreciate other readers – I most certainly do and hope that you hang in there with me.  Indeed, from past Blogs where I have dealt with international topics of interest, readership has greatly increased and expect will again given my new focus.

Again, I am pleased with that but realize my target audience remains the same.

So back to the Blog … how does 1 + 8 = what might have been?

This is the number of main areas where I had hoped Harper and company would have acted decisively.

There are of course 9 in total but the first one outweighs the others in importance and for that reason needs to stand alone.

Number 1

Each year over 100,000 babies die in this country from abortion; in that, Canada finds itself in rather unsavoury company with the likes of China and North Korea – all of us having no limits on when an abortion can take place. Polling shows that the majority of Canadians favour the imposition of reasonable limits but even given that, the Harper Conservatives failed during their 10 years in power to act.  He will have to live the rest of his life with that on his conscience.

The Other 8 In No Particular Order

#1.  The CBC

Failed to cut the $1 Billion Taxpayer funded subsidy.

#2.  Sun T.V. News

Failed to ensure its viability even though it was the only television provider that provided a voice for conservatism.

#3   Nortel

Failed to ensure the survival of this jewel of high technology – the worst decision of its kind since the scuttling of the Avro Arrow.

#4  Huge Debt/Deficit following the 2008 American Financial Meltdown

Failed to turn back the Opposition Parties’ demands that it incur massive unnecessary debt (nearly $200 billion).  Our Banks – thanks largely to the stewardship of Finance Minister Paul Martin were in no danger of failure.

#5.  Marriage Redefined by the Supreme Court

Failed to invoke the Notwithstanding Clause on the SCC’s decision to open up the definition of marriage.  Whether one supports the concept or not – this is a matter for Society to deal with and not by 9 unelected jurists.

#6.  NATO’s Request for the expenditure of 2% of GDP

Failed to meet this modest target and in doing so consistently spent less than 1% GDP on our Military.  If Canada cannot achieve this modest level of support how can we expect other lesser NATO countries to do so and how can we expect to stand up to an ever growing evil throughout the world.

#7.  Human Rights Commissions

Failed to abolish these kangaroo quasi judicial bodies which are neither promotes rights nor freedoms.

#8.   Isolated Indian Reserves

Failed to begin the process of winding up isolated reserves which only serve to keep our native children in worse than 3rd world conditions.

So there you have it.  If Messr. Harper was not prepared to address any of these important areas you can bet your bottom dollar that Young Trudeau will most certainly not either.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Friday, October 23, 2015

I have read the writing on the wall…


And it tells me the Left has it.

Not only for now – but for long in the future – at least here in Canada.

I am speaking of this week’s Liberal win in the Canadian Election and the recent Liberal election win in the Province of Ontario – (which followed 3 other electoral victories for the – ‘Dolton’ McGuinty and ‘Kate the Winner’ – Wynne – coalition).

Both at the National and Provincial level, they are solidly supported by an electorate that is 66 to 70 % centre left.

And it is not that they are intellectually socialistic; rather it goes beyond that – it is imbedded in their genes.

So until things crash around our ears – the Conservatives will be on the outside looking in.

In past Blogs, I have fully set-out the lunacy of the left’s policies but will not be doing so any longer.  For me to continue in this vain, is like spitting into the wind.

Suffice to say, we have the worst Government in Ontario’s history and the worst Government in US history.

Young Trudeau’s Government will never occupy that special place for Canada’s Federal Government – since his late Father, Pierre-Elliott, has a lock on it.

The Young-un though has a good chance of causing the most damage to the Canadian economy.

So that’s it – the Electorate has spoken and despite how misguided I believe it to be – I accept their decision and will move on.

The last bastion of common-sense remains the nation to our south where the right / left split is 45 / 55 and so still retains some hope that common sense prevails.  My focus will be here, as well as on important developments around the world.

I will though pay little or no attention to our own country which has taken itself out of play. 

Enjoy the ride My Fellow Lefty Canadians; you have paid dearly for it.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Deja Vu Yes!… But Why?

Well Not Entirely, But We Do Have A Trudeau Lodging At 24 Sussex Again.

And it begs the question – WHY?

But there is an important difference this time, the new occupant – Young Trudeau, thankfully lacks his father’s intellect so will not structurally damage Canada the way his dad did; YT will confine his activities to matters of wrecking the economy.

Speaking first about his father – Pierre – he was one of the prime reasons I came to Ottawa to work at Progressive Conservative Party Head Quarters in the hope of helping get the Elder out of Office.

The 1984 Election of Brian Mulroney saw that come pass with his massive win of 212 seats.

I was working at the time as a small time lawyer in rural Ontario and had clients losing their homes / their farms and jobs as interest rates topped 22%.  Trudeau Sr. made it clear though that his only interest was in bringing home the Constitution.

With it, he added the Charter of Rights which has only served to restrict our rights and freedoms which were once adequately protected by the virtue of a thousand years of Common Law.

But the real reason for my Blog today is to answer the question Why – as in Why did the Young Lad garner a majority in yesterday’s election.

I have heard the pundits – and read the letters to editors and they all have their considered opinions from ‘Harper was just too controlling to Trudeau is just so darn good looking’, but they miss the point.

The fact is 70% of Canadians identify themselves as centre left, leaving now a scant 30% in the ranks of the Conservatives.

In earlier Blogs, I have spoken of this as the one third //  two third split but over the course of this Election the numbers have worsened and will not return to balance until Canada literally finds itself flat out on the floor like a skid-row drunk.

The USA too is on the cusp of tilting left – and I used to say it was about a 50/50 split between Conservative and Liberal Progressive thought.  After nearly two terms of Obama – the number now is more like 45 / 55.  The Republicans still have a shot at winning next year’s Presidential Election but the split definitely favours a repeat for the Dems.

So who are these Progressives?

I am glad you asked.

They are the Trade Unions – the numerous organizations that applied to Elections Canada for intervener status to advertise against the ruling Tories;

They are the nearly 4 million workers who are employed by governments – add spouses, voting age kids and that number doubles;

They are your next door neighbour who has his / her hand out for more all the while not caring a whit who is going to have to pay the freight or what damage it will cause to Canada’s economy;

They are the Media who have yet to find a Conservative they like, nor a Progressive that they will not fawn over;

They are the Provinces / the Territories / and the Cities which think Federal Dollars are Free Dollars and demand ever more;

They are the Indian Bands who demand more and more money to cure their ails which you and I know, will not;

And They are the so-called Elites who think Politically Correct and buy into all things left.

So from where I am sitting, it will be a long time before sanity returns to our country and only then when we are all on our knees – economically speaking.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’



Saturday, October 17, 2015







My thanks to the Mammas and the Poppas.

Well let me be quite honest here – I don’t mistrust all Mondays – rather just this coming Monday – October 19th. It is Election Day here in Canada and sadly, unless we are struck with a nationwide earthquake, – the Grits – aka – the Liberals under YT – aka Young Justin Trudeau, are headed for a minority and, quite possibly, – a full majority.

In a recent Blog, I listed a dozen serious reasons why such should not happen .. for the sake of our country and now present below the damage the the young fella will do:

I am going to focus on the economic fallout and will use our once proud province – the Province of Ontario - as the prime example what to expect.

To do this, I will be referring to this month’s respected Fraser Report which sets out fully and effectively how the McGuinty / Wynne Era, beginning 10 years ago and continuing to this very day, has taken our Provincial Economy off the rails:

The Report begins with a general look at Ontario over the course of the last decade and sadly reflects on the fact that it is no longer the economic engine of Canada.  The Report’s prime author – Philip Cross, former chief economist for Stats Canada - notes that the Liberal policies “are to blame for turning the powerhouse economy into a laggard.”

        He goes on:  

Their policies, he notes, are the cause of “sluggish growth, … rising unemployment, .. high youth unemployment, …weak business investment, …. (and) high electricity prices.”

  So that is the Report’s general thrust – here are its specifics -

  • IMMIGRANTS ARE NOW GOING ELSEWHERE: Ontario attracted more than half new immigrants to Canada in 2002, but is no longer the preferred destination.
  • VOTING WITH THEIR FEET: Ontario used to be the preferred destination for immigrants and migrants from other provinces; since 2004 it has been experiencing a "net loss" to other provinces.
  • UNEMPLOYMENT: Ontario's unemployment rate was lower than the national average from 1976 to 2005; from 2007 and five years into the recovery, the provincial unemployment rate was higher than the national average.
  • IDLE YOUTH: Five months after the 1982 recession, unemployment among Ontario youth dropped to 8%; five years after 2008 recession, youth unemployment was averaging 16%.
  • LESS TAKE HOME PAY: Ontario household income used to surpass national average, usually by 10-20%; Ontario's real per-capita incomes fell below national average for first time ever in 2012.

So this is what we can expect from Young Trudeau and his Government since he has consistently told us how much he admires the ‘Wynner’ and his policies are a mirror image of her own.

So come this Monday don’t be surprised if a ‘little tear lets me down’.

But do not feel sorry for me – I am already looking forward to my ‘I Told You So’ Blog on the first anniversary of YT’s Election.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Wednesday, October 14, 2015




Mohamed Fahmy recently entered Canada and spent yesterday bad-mouthing Stephen Harper and his Conservative Government for not acting more quickly to obtain his release from an Egyptian jail.

In my opinion, it would have been better if the dear man had thanked our Government for his release since I, for one, would have let him rot in that faraway jail.

The guy was foremost an Egyptian since he lived there most of his life and held Egyptian citizenship. 

Second - his was charged and convicted by their Judicial system, and

Third – he was working for Al Jazeera, what many view as a mouth-piece for radicals terrorizing the middle east.

Some other relevant background:

  • Fahmy came to Canada, from Egypt with his family in 1991; and, just prior to leaving Canada, to begin his journalistic career in the Middle East, he conveniently took out Canadian citizenship.

This smacks to me as ‘citizenship of convenience’.

Plus, I like many of you, do not believe in dual citizenship and I really have great difficulty when a person gets caught up in the legal system of their mother country and looks demandingly to Canada to bail them out.

Do you think for a moment that had Fahmy been sentenced and jailed here in Canada that Egypt would come to his defence?

And then to to it off, he has the gall to criticize his supposed adoptive country for not getting him out sooner.

This reminds me of Maher Arrar – the unfortunate chap who was returned to his mother country of Syria – by the Americans – and then allegedly tortured by the Syrians and then had the gall to sue Canada for allowing it all to happen.

In so doing, he pocketed a cool $10 Million Dollars++ from us Canadian Taxpayers.

No wonder there is such a back-lash against Muslim women insisting on wearing a mask at our Citizenship Ceremonies.

Canadians a sick and tired of all of this Political Correctness and I can tell you that under a Liberal or NDP Government Political Correctness will only get worse …much worse.

And yet it was also announced yesterday that Young Trudeau shared a beer with ingrate proving once again the old Aesop Moral that a man is indeed known by the company he keeps.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Obama Turns Political …


And For Once, He Is Right – as in correct.

Not surprisingly – it is one of the only times that I agree with him.

All this in regard to the October 1st shooting rampage at a Community College in the State of Oregon where 9 were slaughtered.

Here is what Obama had to say:  “we are not the only country on Earth that has people with mental illnesses or want to do harm to other people.  We are the only advanced country on Earth that sees these kinds of mass shootings every few months”. 

Pundits were quick to label the President’s comments ‘political’ but even so – they trailed Obama, since he, himself acknowledged this as part of his overall statement.

I personally did not find his comments to be political but more of a plaintiff cry for a nation that has succumbed to the culture of death by firearm.

Obama mentioned several examples of past examples of this but notably did not include the experience of his home city of Chicago which sees a shooting occur every 3 hours or so and a death at the rate of slightly more that one per day.

So if there was a failing in his message – it was that he failed then and indeed since the beginning of his Presidency to shine a light on the fact that most gun killings occur between ghettoised Blacks.  

I am though getting off point – since the matter he addressed – that the US of A needs stricter gun control – seems like a no-brainer to me.

And yet the majority of Americans parrot like trained seals the second amendment to the Constitution that permits citizens to bear arms.

Recall though that this amendment was written at the time of the one shot musket and recall that at that time – the sense that citizens had the right to bear arms was intended for a Citizen Militia and not for individuals per se.

despite these annoying facts, today individuals fall back on this law to support their right to carry automatic weapons – some capable of piercing metal.

It surprises me that some nut has not used the 2nd amendment to allow him right to drive a tank down main-street on the basis that it too is merely a type of armament.

But the real knee slapper is the position taken by the totally deranged National Rifle Association.  In the face of these continuous massacres the NRA’s position is that they would stop if all Americans – even presumably students – were packing.

What utter nonsense.

All that that would do is increase the carnage.

Here is what the United States needs to do:

1.  If the US Supreme Court continues to follow its errand ways – move to revoke the 2nd Amendment out from under it;

2.  Hunters be required to store their weapons – ones that can really be used for hunting and not for mass killing – at a suitable depository (e.g. a gun range).  No one, save as per #3, needs to keep their gun at home.

3.  Farmers – those with farming acreage and those living in wilderness locales be allowed to keep a shotgun on hand to deal with dangerous wild / sick / injured animals.

Will the United States get around to doing this?

Yes it will, but it will probably take another 50 years before Americans come to their senses.

Too bad that so many are going to pay the ultimate price for this tardiness.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

It Is Probably Just A Matter Of Time…


Before The Conservatives Come Out In Favour Of The Wearing Of The Niqab and The Burka whenever and wherever a Muslim Woman wishes.

I say that because just the other day, the Tories unceremoniously dumped their Toronto Area Sikh Candidate – Jagdish Grawal from their list of candidates for the October 19th Election.

Grawal’s offence was that he had written an article supporting the proposition that homosexuals could be medically treated to transition them into heterosexuals.

His position was based upon his religious belief that the state of homosexuality is not normal.

Many Christian Faiths – as well as the Muslim Faith – share his belief.

Grawal was not saying – that Homosexuals were not equal to Heterosexuals or that they are deserving of discrimination.  He was saying that Homosexuality is not normal.

Nor is it; certainly not in the statistical sense.

Statistics show that only 2% of the world’s population consider themselves to be homosexual.  (One would think otherwise, given the Media’s propensity to depict homosexuality the norm).  But the ‘norm’ would have to go to those 98% who deem themselves to be heterosexual.

It is though a very emotional topic and I really do not like dealing with it – but I believe I have to since I foresee the day coming when it is just not candidates like Grawal who are punished for their thoughts and their religious views – but our Church leaders will soon find themselves on the wrong side of this Politically Correct Equation.

Indeed, one Catholic Priest in Calgary has already been prohibited by the State from preaching passages of the Bible which condemn the practice of homosexuality.

So to sum up, if Grawal was calling for the beheading of homosexuals – course he should be condemned for his hateful speech.

But to simply have a personal and/or religious belief that Homosexuality is not normal and to be punished for it - begs the question of whatever happened to the Rights of Free Speech, Expression and Religion the corner stones of a free and vibrant society.

So if you are still wondering why Donald Trump is making such a big splash in the Republican Presidential Race – look no further than to Politically Correct Decisions like Mr. Grawal’s.

As I see it…

‘K. D. Galagher’


Monday, October 5, 2015

And Of Course He …


Does Have Nice Hair.

I was not going to do this Blog until closer to our Federal Election which some outside Canada may not know is coming up quickly – Monday October 19th.

It has been a long campaign – frankly too long but still not the horror show South of the Border where it consumes the best part of two (2) years.

And during our long campaign – each of our three main parties have at some point held the lead.

But if today’s polling is correct, the Liberals under Justin Trudeau appear to be pulling away from the pack and since time is running out – I am obliged to start taking the polling numbers more seriously.

In my plan to do this Blog later, I was going to recite the troublesome policies of the Liberals and the New Democrats (NDP) but with the latter Party in apparent free-fall, I have decided to just concentrate on the Libs.

So here is why I will not vote Trudeau / Liberal and am hoping that you will be inclined not to as well:

1.  Trudeau and his Party are about death – they support unrestricted abortion and euthanasia. In fact, Trudeau prides himself on being so open and that his Party is a ‘Big Tent’ – but no one is welcome in that Big Tent unless they support death over life.  

2.  On the foreign front – Trudeau does not want to fight ISIS – those Barbarians who behead men, rape and kill women, and bury babies alive. He’d rather send blankets to refugees hiding in the hills.

3.  Connected with this and like his father before him – he will let our military dwindle away.  If you do not mind ISIS freaks terrorizing the Middle East and think peace comes from the end of feather – he is your man.

4.  He is okay with extreme Muslim Women taking our Oath of Citizenship with her Niqab on.  I am strongly opposed that as per my very recent Blog.

5.  He does not want Islamic Terrorists to be stripped of their citizenships – presumably so they can trollop unfettered across the world all the while doing their worst.  Chretien took Conrad Black’s Citizenship away from him solely because Black wanted to become an English Lord.  I guess those who commit heinous crimes against humanity and treason to boot – get a pass from the young guy.

6.  The Guy loves deficits – again eerily similar to his father in the 1970s and 80s.  In fact he has pledged to have 3 of them right off the bat and if you believe those deficits will miraculously disappear in year 4 – I’d like to introduce you to fellow Grit – Kate ‘the spender’ Wynne who never met a deficit she did not like.  Plus both he and Wynne claim to worry about the negative affect our environment will supposedly have on our children – but do not seem to share the same concern when leaving these self same kids to face repayment of our ever growing and behemoth debt

7.  His support of oil and gas pipelines is tepid at best and if Harper – who is supportive – cannot get even one pipeline through in the 10 years he has been in office – guess how successful Trudeau is likely to be.

8.  When asked recently how much his Election Promises added up to – he had to confess that he did not know.  But I can tell you they add up to plenty.  There is no way in hell that he will be able to restrict his projected deficits to $10 Billion per year.  If the young lad gets in I look forward to reproducing this Blog on the 1 year anniversary of his election.

9.  He said he will make voting mandatory and I thought we lived in a democracy that valued freedom of action. I have never ever missed a vote in my life but I can tell you if this was to come about – yours truly would not be voting.  I would go to jail first.

10.  Related to 9. Trudeau wants to get rid of first past the post elections and is prepared to replace it with proportional representation which is just another word for the Leaders to install whomever they wish.  Margaret Atwood anyone.  This is not democratic.

11.  He wants carbon taxes implemented.  A tax by any other name and it will only serve to generate a steep rise in the cost of living for all – including his so called beloved middle.

12.  Like his mentor – Premier Wynne – he is in love with Green Energy even though it has destroyed Ontario’s economy. Once the proud engine of Canada – it is now wallowing in Provincial Have-not Status.  The recent Report by the renowned Fraser Institute sets out the facts in clear and unadulterated fashion.  Hopefully I will get the time to do a Blog on their Report before the 19th.

I could go on and on but the above are most of the highlights of what we can expect from this misguided individual.

Will it happen – that is to say will he get elected.

Quite possibly – many of you know my saying – Never Over Estimate The Intelligence Of The Electorate – as amply evidence by the 4 successive election victories of Ms. Wynne and her predecessor Dolton McGuinty.

Say a prayer.

As I see it…

‘K. D. Galagher’


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Eyes Have It …


Or Maybe Not.

Who would have thought that the lowly niqab would become such of an election issue that it could very well decide the outcome of October’s election.

Mulcair, who just recently was cleaning up in the Quebec Polls recently came out to defend the use of the Niqab during Citizenship ceremonies – this despite the fact that over 80% of Canadians generally and over 90 percent of Quebecer’s are opposed.

Either Mulcair is the most principled politician to ever come down the pipe or he is the dumbest.  You decide but since his courageous stance his polling numbers in the Belle Province have tumbled.

Even Young Trudeau claims to have no difficulty with Muslim Women wearing the veil during the service.

As some of you may know – I have a theory about the Hand of God directing events unexpectedly and it seems to me that this issue has the potential to fall under that category.  I often refer to the Battle of Gettsburg where the great Southern General – Robert E. Lee inexplicably threw victory away guaranteeing the eventual loss of the War by the South as an example of His Hand directing events.

But let’s get back to the Niqab itself and our Citizenship ceremony.

Initially and consistent with my Libertarian beliefs, I was inclined to think that this was a very minor issue – so let the dear woman expose her face in private to a female official and then move on to the actual ceremony itself where she could appear with her Niqab intact.

But then I got thinking about this more.

By permitting a Muslim Women wear the veil during the Citizenship Ceremony sends the wrong message not only to the woman herself but to the World at large.  Woman here have fought for over 100 years for equality and sadly, still have a little ways to to go.  For women coming here from male dominated societies that demand of they women hide their face – among many other discriminatory practices it would be most wrong for Canada to permit a woman to start her life as a Canadian citizen as a subservient being whether she is aware of that or not.

Hopefully taking the oath without the Niqab will at least plant the seed in her mind that we here in Canada do not expect her to import discriminatory practices from her former homeland.

But regardless of whether or not the seed takes root – it at least sends a very strong message to the world – especially to those male dominated countries that we here in Canada do things differently and respect the Human Rights of all of our Citizens both new and old.

I get the feeling that grumpy Mulcair and Young Trudeau are stuck in the original thought that it was no big deal – which does not speak very strongly for either of them becoming our Prime Minister.

As I see it‘

'K.D. Galagher’

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Signs of Fall …


And it has nothing to do with the changing colour of the leaves.

Rather it is the Election Signs sprouting up in advance of October 19th’s Federal Election.

Like me, do you happen to notice that one Party’s signs are consistently being ripped out – ripped up or taken away?

And if so, you will of course know the signs targeted are those of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Liberal and NDP signs seem to go untouched.

Which is somewhat strange given how the Left is constantly berating the Right for being mean spirited when it is mean spirited itself to stalk in the night destroying Tory lawn signs. 

These petty vandals with hat sizes larger than their IQs really tick me off and I would love to see them caught out punished … but it never seems to happen even in this day of ubiquitous camera equipped cell phones.

And this from amongst the ranks of the left who view the Conservative’s quest for profit obscene not thinking for a minute that it is these self same profits that pay for their airy fairy, expensive schemes and as often their public salaries. 

I started putting up Tory Election signs before I even reached my teens and although I cannot honestly recall ever tearing down an opponent’s sign – though I may have covered the odd one up – I soon grew to know that it this activity was wrong and quite juvenile.

And yet nothing – absolutely nothing in the Press or other media to condemn this one-sided practice.

These signs are not only expensive they use up the valuable time of volunteers who spend hours putting them up and having to replace them because bozos.

Now I have a confession to make. 

A number of years ago I did intentionally take down a few strategically placed election signs.

The Liberal Candidate for our riding was a personal friend of mine and on election day I received a frantic call from his wife -

“How dare you … you have placed Tory election signs in close proximity to the voting polls.”

I knew exactly of which signs she spoke and told her that they were carefully placed ensuring that they did not infringe the election law – that is to say – they were beyond the required setback.

Nora was not satisfied – “technically maybe but morally you guys are reprehensible”.

“Okay Nora, I will take them down” and with that I got in my car and in broad day light took down the offensive signs all the time thinking would it not be funny to get caught by the cops taking down our own signs.

I did not get caught and often think back to that time … to bad the pin heads out there do not have similar memories to temper their actions.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Move Over RCMP–Now It’s The OPP That…


Always Get Their Man !!

This week, the OPP laid charges against Sudbury Liberal Supporter – Gerry Lougheed - ostensibly because he offered a bribe to - then Liberal candidate Andrew Olivier - to drop out of the February 5th 2015 By-election in favour of a Queen’s Park anointed replacement.

Let you be the Judge as to whether or not they – the Ontario Provincial Police - have sufficient cause for their action:

In a telephone call recorded by Olivier, Lougheed said the following:

“We should have the broader discussion about what is it that you’d be most interested in doing and then decide what shape that could take whether it’s a full-time or a part-time job at a constituency office, whether it is appointments to boards or commissions, whether it is also going on the executive.”

Looks pretty conclusive to me – don’t you think.  They’ve got dear Mr. Lougheed ‘dead to rights’ !

But of course those quotes were not made by Gerry Lougheed – local Sudbury Grit – but rather by Wynne’s Deputy Chief of Staff – Patricia Sorbara.

Below is what Lougheed was actually caught on tape saying -

“The Premier wants to talk to you. We would like to present to you options in terms of appointments, jobs, whatever,” .

And I guess, by mere happenstance, shortly thereafter Premier Wynne did in fact call and speak with Olivier.  Quelle Surprise.

So why dear Reader was Lougheed charged by the OPP and Sorbara not?

Excellent question – could it be connected with the OPP’s Union …’forcefully’ .. so to speak – supporting Wynne during the last election?

Even Ontario’s Chief Electoral Office when referring both Sorbara and Lougheed to the police for investigation called their attempts at bribery “unprecedented”.

To conclude – the OPP certainly ‘Got Their Man’ in this case but just a certainly ‘Not Their Woman’ or more correctly – ‘Not Their Women’.

As I see it…

“K. D. Galagher’

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Don’t Grow Old …


Since there’s no room in the Inn.

My Elderly Aunt – in her 92nd year – admonishes me ‘not grow old’ since she has found it to be not so much fun.

I tell my Aunt that I will do what I can to avoid it and we laugh.

But what many of you may not be aware of is the fact that when you do grow old and sick  – don’t count on Ms. Wynne or her Liberal Ontario Government to come to your rescue.  Hence the ‘no room in the Inn comment.  I guess they are just too busy jacking up Hydro Rates and building Windmills.

My Aunt was diagnosed many years ago with Alzheimer's disease but with modern drugs and although her short term memory is totally gone – she still recognizes and is able to communicate with my wife and me but that is all.

My Aunt lives in a Seniors’ Retirement Residence and for the privilege she pays nearly $6,000 per month.

About a year ago, it became obvious to us that her health needs were no longer being met by the Residence despite its horrendous cost so we placed her on the Province’s list for a Nursing Home via the Province’s Watch Dog - CCAC. 

Nursing Homes not only are a third of the cost of a Retirement Residence they also are equipped with more staff and the ability to provide greater care to folks like my Aunt.  The only problem, it is virtually impossible to gain admission to one.

In my Aunt’s case, in addition to her long time Alzheimer's diagnoses she has become so frail that she no longer participates in any of the the activities of life – she does not participate in any of the Home’s activities, she neither reads or watch television.  She told me recently that she just “cannot understand what is being said”.  This is partly due to her poor hearing and of course to her Alzheimer’s.

But dear Reader – if you can imagine – it gets worse.

For the last month or so my Aunt has even stopped eating or drinking for the most part.  You could always count on Aunt Joyce to wolf down a dish of ice-cream but even that decadence has been lost to her.

And more recently my Aunt has been complaining of great discomfort and pain. This has been met by the staff and residence’s doctor more or less with indifference more out of not being able to do much for her than neglect.

Given this, my wife and I decided to have her admitted to a local hospital’s emergency ward this past Saturday to see what was going on.

The Parameds who came for her – made it clear that they thought my wife and I were wasting everyone’s time.  I suspect they have heard the message from on high (i.e. Ms Wynne and company) ‘don’t clog the system with the elderly’.  We met with a similar reaction from the Emergency personnel.

We told them that we really did not care what they thought – our Aunt was in great pain and discomfort and we wanted to know why.

We spend nearly 10 hours with her – through many tests and finally the results came in confirming that my Aunt was suffering from heart difficulties and was experiencing minor heart attacks.

Attitudes of the hospital staff changed for the better.

Her hospital doctor recommended that my Aunt be admitted to a Nursing Home ASAP and I told her that I would get on the phone this past Monday to let CCAC know about the deterioration in my Aunt’s health.

Monday came and I called – I advised the nice woman on call about my Aunt’s health deterioration and although she sympathized with me – she made if very clear that the dramatic deterioration in my Aunt’s health meant nothing insofar-as gaining access to a Nursing Home Bed.

Not only that, she advised me that my Aunt’s place on the Nursing Home Waiting list had actually gone down.

I was astounded to some extent albeit my wife Anne works in the Seniors’ Home Care Health field and the horror stories she tells me about the sad condition of our Province’s health care would truly frighten you even more than my Aunt’s case.

So thank you Ms. Wynne – the next time you hear her or one of her entourage brag about the great state of Ontario’s health care – think of my Aunt and 1,000s like her here in Ottawa who are so sick and suffering and yet shut out from proper care.

I don’t think it is too much of an exaggeration to say that our Provincial Liberal Government not only wants the elderly to die awaiting proper care – but is also actively helping that to come about sooner than necessary.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

They Treat Hardened Criminals With …


More Respect.

The ‘They’ in this case are the Airlines.

Take this past Thursday for instance:

But let me begin first by saying I hate flying- not out of fear – but about how one is treated …like criminals – like cattle.  I do not think I need to convince you of that but I now have an even greater example of this lack of respect and inhumane treatment.

Thursday past, at noon, I flew from Sarasota Florida to Chicago on route to Ottawa.  I got to Chicago at 1:30 pm central time and was scheduled for a flight out at 5 p.m. so I had lots of time to make my connection.

The Big Board said my flight was ‘on time’.

Great I thought – I would be in Ottawa by early evening.

But then the slippage started.  The Big Board, in hourly increments, set back departure timing claiming the delays on “awaiting an aircraft”.

After several of these hourly add on’s I was beginning to think that ‘They’ – in this case ‘United Airlines’, had more than enough time to drive the damn plane to our Gate.

At around 5 pm, with our departure now scheduled for 9 pm – the O’hare Airport was hit with a thunder and lightning storm – it was quite a display and went on for the best part of … one half hour - giving ‘Them’ another excuse – “weather” now added to “await aircraft” as reasons for the continuing delay.

We remained positive throughout given that we were still scheduled to fly out – albeit much later than we had planned.

At 10 pm a plane rolled up to our gate and it soon became common knowledge that yes indeed it was our long awaited – lost?- bird.  Problem though – it came without crew, but not to worry an announcement over the speaker indicated that a replacement crew was on route from Dallas Texas.

11 pm still no sign of the awaited crew so time of departure was once again set back … this time to midnight.

Midnight came and with it - our hopes were finally dashed – the flight “was cancelled”.  Throughout we had no personal contact from Airline staff and were offered not so much as a bottle of h2o.

A voice over encouraged us to head to ‘Their’ Customer Service Desk – so off we rushed where we found an existing line-up of more than an hour – our group added a second. I could still count so I figured it would take until 2 am before I got to speak with a live person. 

I then noticed a sign which offered help via ‘Their’ 1-800 number which I quickly dialled.

A nice ‘Lady’ answered and she advised me that ‘Their’ computer had already rearranged for my return to Ottawa by 1:30 pm – problem being – for Saturday and as you will recall, we were now in the early hours of Friday morning.

Not to worry ‘Nice Lady’ said – “we can do better” – a 6:15 am flight out of Chicago that very morning bound for Baltimore – then to Newark and finally to Ottawa.  In desperation I said I would take it.

All the while – we most unfortunate passengers were offered zilch – no meals, no drinks, no hotel, no compensation – zippo.

I was though offered a COT.

And with that Dear Reader the real fun began.

I had to walk miles to reach the COT Encampment – which when found consisted of hundreds of COTS – each about 6 inches shorter than my height.

It gets worse.

The COT area was lit up like the 4th of July.

And not only that – Public Service Announcements carried on – every 5 minutes; No Smoking, No Restricted Items Thru Security … and so on.

These announcements shook the Room.

My mind thought back to the movies where Spies were subjected to Sleep Depravation in an attempt to get them to break.  Our COT Area had been reduced to that.

It was now 1 am and I was given a blanket – thread thin with a pillow – 6 inches by 6 inches.  The former was problematic since the COT Room was kept at subarctic temperatures.   The latter was of little use.

So let’s recap – Flood Lights, Constant Noise, A COT too small, a blanket too thin – nighty night to one and all.

But Dear Reader there is more.

These 100’s of COTs were placed end to end – side by side – so that you were quite literally sleeping with the guy or girl next to you.

I remedied this somewhat by finding a COT Space – beside an aisle so I only had a COT beside me, above and below me.  I felt pretty smug.  That would soon disappear since the Aisle refuge turned out to be an artery to the main Bathrooms.

All night long; well really ‘not all night’ as I will  explain shortly – a constant stream of humanity passed by me on their way to and from the toilets. It felt like Time Square.

It was also like a gulag with some pretty strange characters cruising about.

To finish my inmate analysis – special security personnel, dressed in what would easily pass for jail guard uniforms – stalked the Halls of COT Area continuously.  They looked upon us as the enemy and we considered them … well like jail guards.

But the final insult was yet to come – at 4 am it as UP and At’em – Rise and Shine – and the Jailers did not take no for an answer.

COTS were literally pulled out from under tardy risers and that included the infirm as well as the healthy.

If you are counting – that is 3 hours sleep – bearing in mind of course that no one in their right mind could have slept in that din anyway.

Finally, I was given a tooth brush and tooth paste on my was out – the brush was less than 3 inches long and the tooth paste … well you get the idea.  I guess ‘They’ were afraid we would carve a larger one into some type of a weapon.

So no – I don’t like flying.  Maybe next time I will ask for a nice comfortable jail cell – Inmates have it better.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Friday, August 28, 2015

He Just Cannot Take ‘Yes’ For An Answer..


I am speaking of course about the former Prime Minister of Greece … Alexis Tsipras.

Tsipras, as you will recall, was elected P.M. earlier this year – January 25th to be precise.  He and his Party literally came out of nowhere – from left field as it were, to seize this coveted post.

We all know why – Greece was struggling under European sanctions designed to get Greece’s finances under control.  The average Greek did not like it and turned surprisingly to Tsipras and his left wing Party for relief.

So if anyone had a mandate to deal effectively with those mean spirted  Europeans – it was Tsipras.

But no – that was not good enough for Alexis.

He needed a Referendum to give him real authority and a concrete mandate to tell Europe to go to blazes.

The Referendum came and went and low and behold Tsipras got what he wanted – overwhelming support to take a tough stand with the EU.

Two strong ‘Yeses’ within months of one another.

So off to the EU within days of the Referendum and what does he do … why of course he capitulates – that is to say, he totally surrenders to Europe’s demands.

You may ask what was the purpose of the January Election and the follow-up Referendum?  And you’d be right.  What was their purpose.

It gets even more bizarre.

I said in an earlier Blog that we could now expect his party to revolt and kick their leader out for his outlandish betrayal.

And indeed, that is just what happened this week – Tsipras resigned after calling another election.

But surprise, surprise – he is not riding off into the sunset as he should – rather he is running for the Prime Ministership once again – within 8 months of being elected to the same post.


I cannot wait to see what happens.  Shoudl he wins – he calls another Referendum to be followed by another election.

He just gets too many Yeses – hopefully this time he will get his no and Greece can begin to move on and do what they need to do to get their house in order.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’



Wednesday, August 26, 2015

So It Was All About The Students’ …


Welfare …. AFTER ALL !!

Or… Maybe Not !!!

Two Big Ontario Teachers’ Unions – The Ontario High School Teachers Union and the English Catholic High School Teachers Union have tentatively settled with the Province pending approval with their respective memberships which is thought to be a mere formality.

This is indeed great news, since the benefits for our students must be most significant – after all, was it not the Unions and even their respective membership who said that the students’ welfare was paramount for them in the discussions with the Province?

But wait, what I have read so far in regard to the proposed settlement this week include bonuses, increased wages (apparently the current top level- after 10 years of teaching – of $95,000 was just not enough), another PD Day and no change in class size.

If you count another PD as a benefit for students – that is to say – another holiday for them (I know, I know) there really is zippo for our kids.

But lots for the Teachers.

Imagine !

In a blog last week on the subject of the bargaining I laid out as follows what I had been told the real issues of concern to the Teachers and their Unions:

  • Class sizes are too high - 30+ class size cannot be properly managed;
  • Classes include numerous ‘special needs students’ which often disrupt the class and always slow the learning process for the non-special needs children;
  • The old core curriculum has been replaced by politically correct studies;  and,
  • Students are not allowed to fail.

I could add to this list the inability to properly discipline and the need for more teacher assistants to help manage the huge class sizes and lack of effective training material such as computers.

As an aside dear Premier Wynne is quoted as saying while the teachers receive more under the agreement – they really didn’t because it comes out of the education envelope and it will not increase.

I guess translated this means the teachers are getting bonuses and wage hikes but the over all budget for things like teacher assistants and computers etc etc is reduced.  Seems hard to understand since these were included in the issues of concern to the Unionites.

But not too worry dear reader – the memberships of both Unions have yet to vote on these deals and of course they are most likely to turn the proposed settlements down given their sincere assurances that increased wages / bonuses / and more PD Days were the last thing they either wanted or expected.

Again, to translate this for you – ‘like a snowball’s chance in Hell’.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Monday, August 24, 2015




The National Opinion Polls, leading into the dog days of August, are not all that favourable to the Conservatives; indeed, some show the Tories mired in third place but even if split is even, with the other Two Major Parties, it means at best Minority Government status for the Tories.

And that dear reader, would end up in their defeat as since as sure ‘God made the little green apples’; the left leaning Liberals and the New Democrats would team up to form the Government.

That said, these are still early days but if this trend continues into late September … watch out.

I say that because, as bad as Harper and company are – the other two are far worse.

So that leads me back to the title of today’s blog which I could have also called ‘Is It Time For A Hail Mary Pass’ and in that regard, two possible subject matters come to mind:

The First, is in regard to the annual $1.2 Billion Dollar subsidy Canadian taxpayers pay to the Canadian Broadcast Corporation more widely known as the CBC.

Harper should have already ended this subsidy over the course of his 10 year stint as Prime Minister but could pledge to do so if re-elected.  The Lefties would of course go wild but the majority, like you and me, who find it unfair to subsidize one broadcaster over others such as Global and CTV would cheer Harper on.

A ‘Trump’ moment if there ever was one.

But there is even a bigger area where Harper could promise action which would also sit well with the majority of voters but admittedly would take even more guts on the part of Canada’s Ruling Party. That dear Reader would entail Harper promising to de-unionize all public servants – including the armed forces and the RCMP.

We have long ago reached the point in our country where we have two classes of employee – the haves who form the public service and the have-nots who work in the private sector and pay the salaries and benefits of the former.

There are many reasons this has come about but I do not have the time to itemize them here - but have dealt with them in previous blogs. The bottom-line is that the public servant needs no union – they are not working in coal pits suffering from black lung.

But the reason to see Public Service Unions disbanded go way beyond this. 

Simply stated they are undemocratic.

And not just because they often act without their membership’s approval.

They are undemocratic since they take taxpayers’ money via their membership and spend that money to politic against parties – like the Conservatives – which many voters / taxpayers support.

It is unfair, it is undemocratic and it needs to be addressed.

As a concrete example of what I am referring to is the fact that 3rd parties can advertise during the current Election under the Federal Elections Act. I was even surprised to learn that this was even possible since I suspect like you I had been led believe that once the Writ was dropped and the Election called – all 3rd party involvement ceased as of that date.

In that regard, The National Post published recently a list of nearly 2 dozen outfits – mostly Public Servant Unions and supplemented by other left-wingy groups that have been granted the right by Elections Canada to spend their membership’s money to defeat the Conservatives during the current campaign. Included in this list are the following:

Third parties registered with Elections Canada (as of Aug. 19):

§ Animal Justice Canada Legislative Fund


§ BC Government and Service Employees’ Union

§ Canadian Health Coalition

§ Canadian Media Guild

§ Canadian Medical Association

§ Canadian Union of Postal Workers

§ Canadian Union of Public Employees

§ Canadian Veterans ABC Campaign 2015

§ Diane Babcock

§ Dogwood Initiative

§ Downtown Mission of Windsor Inc.

§ Fair Vote Canada

§ Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec

§ Friends of Canadian Broadcasting


§ International Longshore & Warehouse Union Canada

§ Leadnow Society

§ Les Sans-Chemise

§ National Citizens Coalition Inc.

§ NORML Canada Inc. NORML Canada Inc.

§ Ontario Public Service Employees Union

§ Open Media

§ Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario


§ Voters Against Harper


Do you remember several weeks back that a right wing group formed to advertise in favour of the Conservatives.  Well the Media and the left wing went ballistic- “no fair” they spewed – but you will not find even one conservative group in the above list of those approved by Elections Canada.  All of the above have as their goal to see Harper and the Conservatives defeated and not so much as a whimper.

This is not democracy and if Harper fails to take this Trump Like Initiative – you will certainly not see the other parties do.

Do I expect Harper to do either of these?

No I don’t.

But if the polls hold for another month, I would also not expect him to win.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’