Friday, May 13, 2011

Sun T.V…..


Best Thing Since Sliced Bread.

This past month, Sun Media launched its Cable TV Channel here in Canada – it is described as Fox News North and I can tell you that it is a most welcome development.

Outright Conservative and non-politically correct it is a refreshing change from the lame street media we have been forced to endure for so long – i.e. CBC and CTV.

Sun T.V. prides itself on being right wing focused while the Left Wing Media pretends to be impartial all the while promoting their own left of centre agenda.

Honesty vs. Subterfuge

Take last evening for instance.

I was watching Ezra Levant’s segment which included a couple of most interesting items.

The first was a look at the “non-partisan” poll CBC had placed on its website during the recent election.  CBC promoted the poll as a tool for ordinary Canadians to use in determining which party best suited them.

A large number of Conservatives complained that they had taken the poll with an outcome that they were in fact Liberal.  I believe Ezra indicated that he too was described as such when he first went through the exercise.

So last eve, Ezra went through the Poll twice again.  The first time he answered each and every of the 30 questions with “the no opinion” option.  - The Result was that he was still a Liberal.

The next time he went through the poll he alternated with picking the most extreme answer for each question – first on the left and then on the right.  And guess what?

Liberal again.

So according to the Survey, Liberals have either no opinions whatsoever or they are totally Bi-Polar. 

So much for a balanced Survey and so much for CBC being impartial.

And Guess what else?

The First Official Act of the New Conservative Majority was to approve Funding for the Mother Corp.

It of course should have been to deep six the olde girl.

The Other Story that Ezra dealt with concerned the Provincial PC’s in Ontario.

As we all know, Ezra Levant has been hounded by the Human Rights Commissions the most notable time being when he had the temerity to publish the Mohammad Cartoons.

A year later and a hundred thousand dollars lighter he was successful (?) in his fight against them.

Anyway, until this week he and Tim Hudak were of a like mind in wanting to see Ontario’s Commission disbanded.

Imagine Ezra’s surprise when he read that Hudak was back-tracking on this pledge and was now going to make ‘adjustments’ to Ontario Human Rights Legislation if he successfully wins this October’s Election.

Levant invited Hudak onto his show but Hudak sent Randy Hillier in his stead.  You know Randy – the no nonsense Libertarian who boldly goes where others fear to tread.

Well Ezra’s interview last eve of Randy was something to behold.

Is it true that your boss (Hudak) has back-tracked from his pledge to disband Ontario’s Human Right’s Commission?

Well Yes, but he is going to improve their legislation.

How so?

Well we are going to make it more in keeping with the Rule of Law?

How so?

Well, I just answered that question.

No you didn’t Randy – I respected you as a no nonsense politician but you are now behaving as a nonsensical politician.  So just tell me – how are you going to amend the legislation.

We are going to bring in more Judges to deal with the backlog of cases.

(Yeah so they can render their stupid decisions more quickly)

Anyway the exchange went on and on with Randy Hillier looking ever more foolish.

It ended with Levant giving up and vowing to get Hudak on the program – ‘since he was the one that should really be answering  for his reversal on this important topic’.

My point is – beyond being personally saddened by Hudak’s change of heart - you would never see such an exchange on the Lame Street Media because they are too much in love with the discriminatory Human Rights Commissions.

If you get a chance tune into this new Station – you will not regret doing so.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Is It Just Me …


Or are You equally offended by the facts stated in the following two newspaper articles?

Case One:

A child is kidnapped in Quebec and the body found this past September.

Rather than notify the parents – whom the Police knew were totally innocent of any wrong-doing – the Police delayed telling them about their find until just recently.

So the poor parents went over half a year not knowing the whereabouts of their child – and whether or not he was alive or dead.

Can you think of anything more humane?

The Police excused themselves by saying they withheld this information in order not to jeopardize their investigation.


The newspaper article rated a page six and 1 mere  paragraph in length.

Can you believe it?


Case Two:

In today’s paper, I found an article about a driver charged with Dangerous Driving – and oh yes – leaving the scene of an accident.

Again, it was down-played appearing in the Ottawa City Section rather than on the Front Page where it belonged.

This Fellow had killed a pedestrian who had the temerity of placing his hand on his sports car while walking past it.

To me, anytime you aim your car at someone and deliberately run them down – causing their death, it has a name – and it is not Dangerous Driving…

It is Murder.

What am I missing in these two cases that causes them to be handled in such a cavalier fashion, by both the Police and the Press?

As I see it..

‘K.D. Galagher’