Friday, October 12, 2012

Biden for Prez….


Last eve was the one and only Vice Presidential Debate and I scored it 3:1 for Joe Biden.

That is even higher than the 2:1 I gave Romney over Obama – 2:1.

Biden’s style may not have been the best, but he played with Ryan throughout like a cat plays with a doomed mouse.

It did not have to be so.

Throughout, Ryan let Biden have his way with him.  For instance, Biden continually smiled and smirked when Ryan was speaking – all Ryan had to do was to publicly notice Biden’s disrespectful antics and say something along the following lines:

Mr. Vice President, you seem to find all this very funny – the fact is it is not funny at all – more American’s than ever before are out of work, the deficit is running at over a $Trillion Dollars a year,  the Middle East is burning …and you have the nerve to sit there and laugh – shame on you.

That is all it would have taken.

But sadly, Ryan did not do that.

I predict that his failure will cost the Republicans’ 1 to 2% points in popular support. These numbers would have been even greater had it been the Presidential Candidates slugging it out.

Now the spotlight returns to the 2 main Presidential events left – the Town Hall Session next week and the Debate on Foreign Affairs the week after that. The pressure will be on Romney to win both making it a 3-pete.

But as for last night – Obama owes Biden …Big Time.

As I see it…

‘K. D. Galagher’

Thursday, October 11, 2012

It takes a 14 year old girl…


The Taliban put a bullet into the brain of a 14 year old child because the young girl was defying them by wanting to keep going to school.

Her name is Malala Yousufzai.

This young lady has more courage than the the rest of us put together.  She knew this ugly sect was out to get her, but that did not deter her from the goal of getting an education.

The Taliban has vowed to kill her yet and has placed the young girl’s family on their death list as well. 

As I have mentioned in recent Blogs, the Middle East and Northern Africa have been lost to the Radical Islamists and once the Americans pull out of Afghanistan, it too will quickly revert to Taliban Rule.

This will be viewed as a failure but no so.  The West showed these groups of violent men that it would no longer tolerate their acts of violence and once out of these Regions – the West will be able to continue to wreck vengeance on them from the air with impunity. 

What the West also did by confronting this evil was give the Muslim People an opportunity to stand up against the Islamists.  The fact that Muslims were not able to do so, is probably understandable given the situation they confront i.e. a society that for all intents and purposes is still mired in the middle ages. 

But there was a Arab Spring and for the first time came hope and I predict that the Spring will eventually come to stay despite the best efforts of the Extremist to see it otherwise.  Time is against these fanatics but it won’t happen over night.

The real and only solution then is for the Ordinary People of the Middle East and North Africa to stand up against Islamic Tyranny.  

They will, since a Young Girl by the name of Malala has shown them the way.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’