Wednesday, January 29, 2020


I have not been all that prolific in my writings of late but when I do write it is often about the Conservative Party Leadership Race currently underway here in Canada.

You know as well as I that if I wrote about the Trump  debacle my readership would swell but the one area I agree with the Trumper is that Impeachment is a contrived witch hunt.  It will not bring him down and may well launch him back into the Presidency this coming November and I say that with sadness.  America and indeed the world needs better.  But continued talk and writing about it is a monumental waste of time.

So I keep coming back to my home country since the divisive issues facing us have the potential of breaking up our 150+ year old democracy.

One of those serious divisive issues concerns Social Conservatives and whether or not they should be allowed to remain in our supposed Right of Centre Party.

As a Social Conservative myself I have felt, for some time, unwanted even though I have voted Conservative since age of majority.  The bulk of the pundits though have concluded that our Party would be best off if it simply jettisoned our ilk and moved closer to the left... liberal lite so to speak.

And that Dear Reader is the last thing our country needs.  Canada is full of Progressives now and look where that has gotten us.

I read an interesting article the other day in which a conservative commentator actually allowed that us social conservatives had "value" to our party.  But not in the way one would expect the word 'value' to mean least in how I define the word.

He spoke of the word from the perspective of a back-room apperratjeck in we need social conservatives solely for their votes..since we are just too numerous in the Party if not throughout the land in general.  He is of course partially right - the Party does indeed need our votes but our real value is to keep the Party true to its traditions while defending and supporting social issues essential to the well-being of Canada.

This includes things like trying to put the brakes on our Society's determined descent into The Culture of Death; Support for the Traditional Family which has been and will continue to be an essential building block to ensure a robust democracy; Pro Parental Rights - why the heck are we teaching serious sex ed to very young children in our schools. Let kids be kids; Promoting Basic Freedoms such as the Freedom of Religion and the Freedom of Speech...our human rights tribunals are nothing more than kangaroo courts that stomp on those freedoms at will; and finally, to Defend Traditional Marriage - we view marriage as a union between a man and a woman...if gays wish to marry, more power to them but do so in a  civil ceremonies we'll get married in our Church.

And, one more thing...Gay Pride Parades...I would find Heterosexual Pride Parades equally offensive.  In a word, they are nothing but a spectacle.  I do not feel superior to Gays..indeed we are all human beings, bleed the same way and we all want to enjoy good health and enjoyment in life.  I know gays in my life who also do not attend these events and I know that they certainly are not the least bit critical of my not attending either.

Okay to sum up:  Social Conservatism is the Conscience and Soul of the Nation.  We will most certainly not go away and if the Conservative Party continues to denigrate our beliefs, we will have no choice but to walk away from it and start afresh.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Monday, January 27, 2020


As we all know, the Conservative Party has gone out of its way to limit involvement in their staged Leadership Convention planned for late this June.

In fact, they have done so well at that, there are now more out than in.  In fact, there is only one serious candidate in the game - Peter MacKay and pundits are now calling June's fiasco a "Coronation".

That said, neither my wife nor I will vote for him and more on that in a later blog.

Strangely, one of the most sought after candidates was Lisa Raitt but she apparently believed her french was too weak to enter the fray.  She became co-chair of the Party's Leadership Convention so what this tells me is that we are all most fortunate that she did not run and even worse - win the Convention.  Obviously she suffers from faulty judgement.

I have said it before and will say it here again - the Conservative Party simply got the cart before the horse.  They needed to have an open Policy Convention first with long time tories present and not the thousands that come on at the last minute at the behest of the leadership candidates.  I can just hear the Lisas now - but 'what if Prime Minister Trudeau called a snap election - we'd be caught flat-footed'.

To that I would reply with two things - first I do not see Young Trudeau being so crass to do that and second-  even if he did - our Party has a Leader by the name of Andrew Sheer.  He could not possibly run an inept campaign twice in a row.

And I well remember his father taking a walk in the snow and resigning only to take up the reins once again when the hapless Joe Clark Government was defeated in 1979.  Trudeau Sr. then when on to win a vast majority the following year.

History does have a tendency to repeat itself.   Maybe it is the Conservatives' time.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell