Saturday, September 17, 2011

Or I Could Have Written My Last Blog ...

as follows.

McGuinty's my main man.

He's got my vote come October 6th.

The Guy Listens !!

Take for instance my out of control hydro bills.

They have been tamed and its all thanks to McGuinty.

I am sure of it.

Rather being charged high, medium and low rates for hydro - since early August we are now paying just the low rate of 6 cents per kwh for all of the 24 hours. You need to multiply that by 2.5 mind you to incorporate all the other charges - but heck it is a real deal given what we had been paying.

Now some will tell you it is because the Smart Meters are misfunctioning.

Cynics all.

I'd prefer to believe that our distinguished Premier has seen the light and has backed off his userous hydro charges.

Others tell me it is simply a ploy to get through the Election.

Can you imagine Mr. McGuinty doing that?

Of course not - the guy is a true as they come.

No sir - cheap hydro rates are here to stay.

You can count on it.

So I hope you join with me in voting Grit on the 6th our new cheap Hydro Rates depend upon it.

As I don't see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

More on McGuinty....

The Subterfuge continues.

I am not one to readily believe in Conspiracies but in the case of Hydro - I smell a Rat and he is the Premier of our Once Great Province.

We have had the Smart Meter for well over a year now and our hydro rates have increased 2.5 fold under this new McGuinty regime.

When Hydro advertises its three daily rates - .11 peak, .9 median , and .6 low, - you can multiply those numbers by 2.5 to take into account the 'other' hydro charges - eg debt reduction, line usage etc.

Th1s increase was inevitable of course since Dolton needed the extra hydro income to pay for his 82.5 cents per kwh paid to the Green Energy providers (e.g. solar).

But did you know that the "debt" in debt reduction we are currently being charged was repaid over two years ago?

And did you know, another tax is slated by dear olde Dalton to come into effect this January to pay for the Smart Meters - despite the fact that we are all ready paying for the cost of these meters in the current 'line charges'. Plus this new tax will attract more HST - so you have tax on tax.

Even the Grits have acknowledged that Hydro rates will dramatically increase in the short term.

"All bad news Galagher, but where does the 'Conspiracy' come in"?

Glad you reminded me.

This past Spring a freeze was introduced on the extension of Smart Meter installation until November.

Correct me if I am wrong - but isn't there a Provincial Election in October? What a coincidence Dolton's freeze expires right after the vote.

But that's not all.

Since earlier in the summer our Smart Meters have gone off service - they are not working. So all usage is being charged at the low rate of 6 cents per kw.

How convenient.

I would not be the least bit surprised if they miraculously started working again after October 6th assuming of course McGuinty and his totally bankrupt Party returns to office.

Call me a cynic.

But this is the basis for my Conspiracy Theory.

On October 6th you'll be the Judge as to whether or not it has merit.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

McGuinty and Company...

Lie Lie Lie

And sometimes remain Silent.

The Lies:

  • He lied about not raising taxes;

  • He lied about all the Green Jobs he had produced - "20 some thousand" he said - but in reality only a handful;

  • He lied about all the power that would be produced through Solar and Wind while Hydro Rates doubled plus;

  • He lied about Ontario's Economy being the best in Canada - when studies show we are tied with PEI for dead last;

  • He lied about creating an employment fund for Immigrants and when confronted said he really meant Skilled Immigrants and then he corrected that again to say he really meant new Canadians. His nose gets longer and longer.

But dear reader sometimes he remains silent:

Like in the case of 21 year old Brandon McCarthy. Brandon suffers from muscular dystrophy a terrible fatal illness that taxes your muscles and results in other nefarious conditions. Brandon is slightly over 65 pounds.

In order to survive he needs a special high caloric diet and until recently the province paid him $250 per month to assist in buying special foods - foods liquid in nature since he can barely swallow.

Without warning his food supplement of $250 was cut off - no word from the Man McGuinty - not a word from his responsible Minister the infamous Madelleine Meilleur.

A stream of protest went up on Brandon's behalf but only...


So even when McGuinty doesn't lie - he has the ability to cause destruction by just being quiet.

And then there is today's poll showing he and his Party ahead of the PCs.


So unbelievable in fact that I still do not see McGuinty's Grits winning on the 6th.

There is an olde expression in Politics that sadly I adhere to:

"Never underestimate the intelligence of the voter".

But there is another one that goes like this:

"You can fool some of the people all of the time; and some of the people some of the time; but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time".

I am hoping that after two previous mistakes the latter will prove correct and McGuinty and company will get their just desserts at last.

As I see it..

'K.D. Galagher'

Sunday, September 11, 2011


So today is the big day came and went at last.

Given all the coverage in the lead-up, I was beginning to think it would never come.

As I stated in my recent Blog - I think there should be this 10th Anniversary - but that should be it. We in the West need to get back to normalcy.

Much of the commentary in the lead-up has queried whether or not "we are safer 10 years later"?

I can understand why this question is raised so often but to me, it misses the real point. The Real Point being; have we lost our footing during this timeframe?

And I believe we have done just that. But I also believe we will eventually regain it.

Since 9/11, $trillions have been spent on 'security' while at the same time our freedoms have been slashed.

The very serious problems we now face in regard to the economies of the West can be directly linked to the tragedies of that day.

So too can be the invasion of our collective privacy and the indignities suffered when travelling, visiting government facilities, the thickening border, our growing suspicions of neighbours and so on.

In that regard, the Islamists have won a great victory over the course of this last decade. Not for the heinous 9/11 attack itself but because we have turned ourselves inside out in the face of fear.

When we needed Roosevelt's "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" - we got shoe removals, and invasive x-rays when attempting to board a plane.

Little olde ladies bent over and frail get searched by those sometimes looking more like terrorists themselves.

We needed strong leadership and got pygmies (my apologies to pygmies but I am not talking about size rather courage).

In the next 10 years we need to look fear in the eye and say "get out of my way". Bypass the airport security lines and get right on board. Tell government to get out of our e-mails. Open up the Borders like they used to be pre 9/11. Stop issuing Terror Alerts - let the Authorities deal with those behind the scenes since all these Alerts accomplish is to terrorize the citizens.

Continue to go after the Terrorist Cowards behind the scenes and in that regard, the unmanned drones have been most successful in eliminating this cancer.

Collapse the many Security Organs into a few well coordinated ones. The monies saved can be used to restore our economies and return to us our lost freedoms.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'