Thursday, May 8, 2014

And We Thought Young Trudeau Was…


Nothing More Than A Pretty Face.

Turns out, the young lad is also a Dictatorial Little Czar.

And, in that, he makes Stephen Harper look like a piker.

Our first hint of His Ruthlessness occurred when he injected himself into ongoing local riding nomination meetings making it clear that only candidates approved by Himself would be allowed to run for His Party.

Indeed, one such rejected candidate has taken the young guy to court in a $1.5 million dollar defamation case.

He then fired all Liberal Senators from His Party’s Liberal Caucus, without so much as a warning to them.  Good luck to Him if he does get elected and looks to these self same fired Senators for help in getting His legislative agenda through.

It would almost be worth fun to see it – but I said ‘almost’, since the little guy would be a disaster in the Big Chair (i.e. if he is so ruthless now, just wait until he has the resources of the PMO and PCO at his beckon call).

And then just yesterday, the little dip announced that no longer would candidates for nomination to His Party, be allowed to support Pro Life; this despite the fact that the vast majority of Canadians are in favour of limits being placed on unrestricted abortion.

So all Grits must now have the same belief as their Fearless Young Leader.

What issues are next for his dictatorial whims?

How can it be said that we live in a democracy if everyone has to have the same beliefs?

In that regard, have lamented on many occasions about the growing loss of democracy in our Parliamentary System of Government and Trudeau’s above actions serve only to greatly accelerate this dangerous trend.

If I was a Grit, working at the riding level, I would tender my resignation after first telling  Young Trudeau what I thought of his management style.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Okay Galagher …. Who Will Win The


June 12th Ontario Election?

Glad you asked.

Tell me the Polls and I will tell you the outcome.

For instance, as things stand now the Tories will win a minority … the Grits will follow a close second and the Dippers will bring up the rear.

This is based upon current polling which shows Tory support in the mid 30s, the Liberals 2 or 3 points below that, and the NDP trailing in the mid 20s.

But the dynamics of the campaign await and in that regard I have some thoughts for you.

But first, I would like to clear up a misconception.  Pundits are almost unanimous in their belief that Andrea Horwath courageously brought down the Wynne Government.  She did nothing of the sort.

Wynne and Company were in full campaign mode a month before their budget came down – billions and billions of $ were being handed out like confetti.

Anyone tuned in would know the Grits were going to the polls come hell or high water and this included Ms. Horwath.  Her so called ‘principled’ stand to at last cease their support of the Grits was a desperate last minute bid to be seen doing something honourable.

She, who is the least honourable of the bunch, having propped up the worst Government in Ontario’s history for well over a year.

But now for some of my analysis in regard to the campaign.

Let’s start by saying that none of the three leaders deserve to be elected Premier.  I will just leave it at that.

The Tories with their mid 30s support is a floor in a sense since that number basically includes their base and is not likely to drop.  By the same token, it will not necessarily rise either.

The Liberals, low 30s, represents to me a ceiling since after a decade of power, they have bungled things so badly it is difficult to see that number increasing.  Their current 32 – 33 % support is about as high as they are going to get.

The NDP in the mid 20s is the Party most likely to grow over the next month.  I see this happening with a bleed to them from the Liberals.  I don’t think it will be enough for them to form the government, but it could place them in second place.

So at this point in time, without the benefit of final polling, here is my guess as to the final result:  Tories win with a minority.  The Grits and Dippers fight it out for Official Opposition Status.

Indeed, the three Parties may each end up with a vote total in the 30 per cent range.  In other words – a three way split of the electorate.

So what this means is that we could be back into another election within the year.

But of course I will know better when I get the final polling results.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’