Thursday, August 25, 2011

It May Be Legal....

But It Certainly Is Not Ethical - nor is it Democratic.

I am speaking about the 'Friends of Lansdowne' and their ongoing efforts to frustrate the Will of our Elected Representatives on Ottawa City Council.

A little background:

Two consecutive City Councils have approved plans for the revamp of Lansdowne Park - the one, until this year, hosted the annual Ottawa Exhibition.

These 'Friends' are for the most part Glebites - those privileged few who live in lands adjacent to the Park. They want to retain the Park in its current dilapidated form as a place to walk their spoiled pets amongst the weeds.

Annually, the City pays over $3 million to maintain (?) this large, crumbling vacant lot.

With development, the City would be in the plus as a result of tax revenues from a restored site.

It is a no-brainer.

But it is also a travesty to see such a small biased number be able to frustrate the will of the people via court challenges.

'Friends' to date have gone through the Ontario Municipal Board and First Judicial Level to no avail. Costs to the City (aka taxpayer) total well over $1 million.

And now, these dear 'Friends' are appealing their negative decision to Ontario's Superior Court.

What if all decisions of Council were challenged in a similar fashion - there would be gridlock.

But sadly it is Legal.

But that's not all that may be Legal but is neither Ethical nor Democratic.

CUPE - Ottawa City's largest union is funding 'Friends of Lansdowne' to the tune of $15 k.

Of course, CUPE is not there to protect the right of a few to walk their dogs - they are not so civic minded. Rather, one suspects (i.e. knows) it is to preserve its members jobs which would be lost in the privatization of the Park.

From my perspective, both as a student of Political Science and as a former Bureaucrat, Civil Servants are to remain non-partisan. It follows for me, that their Reps - in this case CUPE - should be similarly apolitical. Civil Servants and Unions have ample processes available within their Collective Bargaining System to advance their positions. They do not need to appeal to the Judiciary to thwart democracy.

Moreover, to financially support private groups like 'Friends' is a conflict of interest and if not illegal, should soon be made so.

After all, there is only one Taxpayer and with 'Friends' like 'Friends' and 'CUPE' frustrating the will of the people and costing millions in the process...

We do not need Enemies.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Where Does This Leave The NDP?

Note: in the following, I mistakening refer to Paul Dewar as being unilingual English - apparently this is not so. But recent reports state he does speak French. That said, I am not certain how proficient he is in French - but even if very proficient, he will be seen as Anglo and will need a Quebec Lt. - especially with a Quebec centred caucus. And that is where dear Nycole comes in. Also note, just because I think such a team makes sense for the NDP please do not assume that I would in any sense endorse it; I wouldn't, if for no other reason than Turmel's separatist leanings. G.

Before I get into this topic let me reiterate my sentiments from yesterday's Blog, namely:

Jack Layton was a nice man but a dangerous politician given his left leaning and Separatist friendly bent.

Now though the question turns to the NDP and its future without Jack.

Had Mr. Layton lived to lead his Party in another Election, I believe he would not have enjoyed the success he realized this year. His Caucus' Quebec Separatist focus would have, over the next four years, been his undoing. With his passing though, we'll now never know.

So what is in store for the NDP without Jack Layton at its Head?

From my perspective, the Party is most likely to self destruct. I say this since Layton was the only one who could have had some success in holding this mis-be-gotten group together. (The Liberals, under interim leader Rae are most likely salivating at the thought).

And, this is surely to happen should Nycole Turmel run for its Leadership. If she wins - she will alienate the ROC / NDP and if she loses, gone are the Quebecers.

There is though a possible winning solution and that involves a successful Leadership bid by Ottawa Centre MP - Paul Dewar.

Dewar is a well respected, contained individual who would bring needed gravitas to the job.

As a non-Francophone and unilingual Anglo, he would need a Lieutenant and this is where Turmel could come in.

But it would of course take a few things to accomplish: 1. Dewar would need to run for the office; 2. Turmel would need to see the writing on the wall and throw her support behind Dewar before the Leadership race even begins; and 3. the Dewar / Turmel Team would need to get sufficient support from the NDP Delegates.

I would say this scenario has less than a 20% chance of occurring - but if it does not happen, I would say the NDP has a 100% chance of flagging come next Election.

Once again, you heard it here first...

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Monday, August 22, 2011

Jack Layton...


With Jack Layton's battle with Cancer ending earlier today, along with it went his constant optimism and continued cheerfulness.

Until the end, Mr. Layton showed amazing courage in the face of one of nature's greatest scourges.

On a human level, we will all miss the man though not necessarily the politician.

I, for one, will not be a hypocrite and say the political scene will poorer as a result absence.

Mr. Layton was unapologetic in his support for big, invasive governments like the ones that are now teetering on the brink.

As NDP Leader he certainly sympathized with Separatist Quebec. He wanted to further Quebec's road to Nation State and was quite content to see separatism come about by a simple majority vote (i.e. 50% plus one vote). His appointment of Nycole Turmel was to me further evidence of his soft spot for separation and in all of this, Jack Layton was a dangerous politician.

Even more dangerous than Bloc Leader Gilles Duceppe in that Duceppe is open about his wish for Quebec's separation. For Mr. Layton it was more subtle.

In my earlier Blogs I was first to point out that Jack Layton would not be returning to Parliament in September 2011 nor ever and I was first to point out that his appointment of Turmel would come back to haunt him - at a time, you will remember that others - the Media and Pundits alike were saying the opposite.

Today I continue in that vain - the same Media and Pundits are allowing how much of a loss Mr. Layton's death is for our Politics in general - while I am saying the opposite. The truth will win out - as it has in the past.

So rest in peace Mr. Layton, you were a valiant warrior albeit a misguided one.

As I see it....

'K.D. Galagher'