Saturday, January 26, 2019


He who marshaled up the English Language and sent it off to War.

I am speaking of course of Canada's Conservative Party Leader, Andrew Sheer.

In this morning's National Post, esteemed writer Conrad Black writes 'Sheer has a real chance of taking Trudeau down'.

I must respectively differ; he may have a 'chance' given He and his Party are Trudeau's only opposition but to describe it as being a "real chance" is stretching it.

Permit me to count the ways working against him:

First, as the title of this Blog suggests, Sheer is lacking when it comes to Charisma.  That should come a no surprise to anyone since when was the last time a Speaker of any Parliament went on to successfully lead a Political Party?  Ladies and Gentlemen, they are Speakers for a reason and that is for their blandness...i.e. they do not pose a threat to anyone. 

Second, and even more importantly, Sheer and the Conservatives have adopted Liberal Lite and in some cases entire Liberal (meaning left wing) policies.  He who supports the objectives of the Paris Accord.  Need I say more?

Third and also of great importance is the fact that the NDP is as flat a you know what on a paper plate.  It is a truism in Canadian Federal Politics that if the NDP is not vibrant enough to split the left of centre vote, the Conservatives are doomed to failure 10 times out of 10.  Unless of course the Dippers jettison Singh, which is most unlikely due to the rapid count-down to Election Day,.

And there is more.

And that is the current mood in this country as well as in other nations.  Simply stated, the silent majority has had enough of being told what to do by their Political Elites and that unfortunately includes all of Canada's major parties.  Yellow Vests anyone?  And this leads me to Mad Max and his campaign to provide a home to us social conservatives libertarians.  Bernier's new party will do damage to Sheer and company.  Not enough to derail them but added to the 3 paragraphs above he will likely represent the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.  For instance, the last poll I saw from the Burnaby By-election showed Bernier's Party at 9% - not exactly chump change when every percentage counts.

So you be the Judge.

BTW, do you think you will be voting Tory and more to the point, will you be voting Tory come Election Day?

As I See It...

K.D. Bell Esq.

Friday, January 25, 2019


Today's victim of the Mueller Inquiry is Trump confidante Roger Stone...not to worry I've never heard of him either.

His offence?   Are you sitting down?   Lying to Congress.

I call this the Martha Stewart Crime and we all know what an evil person she was and presumably still is.

But it is the far reaching implications of this that should be of concern to all of us and that is why I hope you are sitting down. 

Since if lying to Congress or to the general Public for that matter is a crime, then all of our politicians have broken the law continuously so I guess they too should all be behind bars.

And long time readers of this Blog will know my definition of a lying politician...if you see their lips move you know they are lying.

In their defence though the whole political system is built on that premise.

  • You are racist; no you are.
  • You want to wreck the economy; no you do.
  • They are legal refugees; no they are illegal refugees.
  • We need the wall to keep bad people out; the wall will only keep women and children out.
  • With Global Warming the Earth will be uninhabitable with x years;  no it won't it is all a hoax.
And so on and so on.

And all of these positions are taken not on the basis of what any particular politician personally believes to be the truth but rather on the basis of what his or her Party states to be the truth.

We have a case right now here in Canada that aptly describes the situation within which we find ourselves.   Our Ambassador for China held a closed door meeting this week with Chinese Reporters in Toronto where he provided his unequivocal opinion that Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou has a strong case to avoid extradition to the United States.  (China as many of you know is holding 3 Canadians hostage, one on death row, until this matter is their favour.) 

So was he telling the truth or was he merely parroting his masters in Ottawa's Liberal Government?  In any case, within a day or so he was back-tracking; said he had 'misspoke' during his 40 minute dissertation to the Chinese media.  So was he telling the truth then?

Who cares, save for China and the United States and save for our relationships with them both.  But for you and me what is important here to realize is that you really cannot believe any of what is being said by our politicians or quasi-politicians. 

Sad but true.

So let's return to Meuller and Roger Stone saga and his charge of lying to Congress.

It goes back a long way now but when the Mueller Inquiry was formed, it was to find proof, if it even existed, of Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.  In that regard, it was much like the Ken Starr inquiry into Bill Clinton in the 1990s and whether or not he was involved criminally in the Whitewater Scandal.  Starr like Mueller looked at everything under the sun and  but finally was forced to come to the conclusion that Clinton was innocent.  

As I have said from the beginning of this charade, Mueller Inquiry will have to come to a similar conclusion in the case of Trump.

Now I promised more humour so sadly this is the best I can do here.

There is ample proof of Russian meddling in the 2016 Election and that relates to Hillary and the Democratic Party paying the Russians for dirt on Trump.  But has dear Hillary been charged.  Are you kidding.

And speaking of interfering in Elections,  the Democratic Campaign actively worked to discredit the candidacy of Hillary opponent Bernie the Professor Sanders who mysteriously went on to support the dear lady in the coming Election.

So who you gonna trust...if you still believe in politicians you have my condolences. 

As I See It....

K.D. Bell  Esq.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

I'm Back...The Real Me

K.D. Bell Esq.

I know, I promised you no more but alas that was not to be.  There is just too damn much happening and mostly not for the good.

I have made another pledge which I am just as likely not to live up to and that concerns my plan to  keep my blogs on the light and humourous side as much as possible.

We'll See.

You know as well as I do what the world is facing in this new year but just for the record...

Here in Canada we face a General Election in October where the hapless Justin Trudeau is looking for a second mandate.  Heaven Help Us.

The end of May will see Albertans go to the polls with nothing less than their future in Canada on the line.

Quebec with its quasi separatist government seems to daily make unreasonable requests of Ottawa and to their surprise and delight, the Federal Leadership including all 3 major party leaders lend them their sympathetic ears.  Unbelievable.  Mad Max anyone?

Our Neighbour to the South too is suffering serious convulsions...

Its fearless leader, the one and only Donald Trump, is facing Impeachment.

Its government is partially shutdown and its trading partners shutout.  Soon that $5 to $10 shirt made in China will cost $40 to $50 due to a protected (read inefficient) domestic textile industry.

And it still cannot control its borders from illegal entry.  Banana Republic anyone.

Further South we find our 3 rd member of NAFTA...Mexico...

And boy do they have their troubles beginning with the alleged bribe of $100 Million Dollars from Drug King El Chapo to Mexico's most recent President, Enrique Pena Nieto.  Whether this turns out to be true or not - the truth of the matter is, bribery is a way of life in this sun-drenched nation.

Mexico is in a constant state of civil war with its Drug Cartels and civil rest is rampant.

And like their neighbour to the north, they too cannot control their own borders.

To call Mexico a nation is becoming a bit of a stretch.

Dare I go on?

Britain is going down the drain thanks to Brexit.  For certain it will no longer be the financial centre of the E.U.  It is easy to look back and say what should have been done but I am going to do that anyway...When Ian Campbell implemented his referendum he should have called for a 60% minimum vote in favour of leaving rather than, as he did, a simple majority.  The vote was 51.9 % in favour of leaving ensuring his country was virtually split down the middle.

France is up to its Gaullist Neck in yellow vests and the movement appears to be gaining traction. It is also spreading like wildfire to other parts of the world including here in Canada.

Germany has a lame-duck leader in the person of Angela Merkel.  She lost her voodoo when she allowed 1 to 2 million unscreened refugees into her country.   Right Wing Parties there are thriving for the first time since dear Adolf slithered across the land.

And these three are the best of a bad group ....the rest of the E.U. are mostly basket-cases.

And then you have the outliers, the perpetual trouble-makers:  Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Saudia Arabia, Syria....the list goes on and on.

And that does not even bring into the equation ISIS and their Ilk which ravage the land with death and destruction.  Trump proclaimed recently they were beat...don't for a minute believe it.

All the while much of the world - the  Middle Easterns, the Africans and the South Americans criticize our way of life in the West while scheming on how to sneak in and enjoy our decadence.

2018 was an interesting year ....2019 is going to be even more so.

Now my first attempt at humour...what did the little fish say when he swam head first into a cement wall?        Ans:  Dam

Maybe I should stick to the serious?

As I see it......K.D. Bell