Friday, March 19, 2010

Obama on the health care attack...

Let me predict that Obama is about to get his way when it comes to the passage of his most controversial health care bill. The one that the vast majority of Americans oppose.

Let's recap.

Some 15 to 20 million Americans do not have health care - some of that number do not have it as a matter of choice since they do not want to incur the cost even though they can afford it. Granted, though, most go without because of their inability to pay.

So rather than find a way to incorporate those who cannot afford care, the Obama bill revamps the entire system to reflect the Canadian Health Care System. The System where millions of Canadians do not even have their own GP to tend to their health.

In spite of this, you still hear the old canard that Canada has the best Health Care System in the world. And this despite the fact that World Health Organizations rank the best systems as those which have a true mix of public and private care.

In addition, we all have our own experiences to counter the Myth about Canada's wonderful care. Just last week I went to my GP for a referral to a dermatologist to check out some spots on my face. I was told that it would take at least a year to get in to see a specialist here in Ottawa. It will be interesting to see how Americans deal with such delays when their system begins to sputter along like ours.

And it is just not poor care that comes along with Obama's Bill. It includes at least a Trillion Dollar price tag. The States currently have a deficit that is approaching their annual GDP and with the additional health care costs - it will soon exceed this milestone. Their dollar is going to continue to tank and inflation will eat away at what little value remains.

What will the Danny Williams' of Canada do when the US is reduced to our standard of care? Cuba?

Back to my prediction.

Stats indicate that Obama is but 4 or 5 votes away in the House of Representatives from passage of his notorious Bill. Such a small number of votes will not stand in his way; Obama controls the purse strings and the US Political System is, after all, based on pork barreling.

He has promised a vote within the week and I suspect when the dust settles, the Bill will be on its way to the President for his signing.

As I see it...
