Saturday, December 17, 2011

They Just Are Not Listening...

To our Esteemed Premier, Dalton McGuinty - that is.
The "They" are the Province's Auditor General, Moodies Credit Agency and the entire German Government.
As many of you will know, I did not vote for the McGuinty Liberals in the recent election because I did not believe what he was saying - e.g. that Green Energy was creating jobs and that Ontario's economy was the best in the land and so on.
Post Election I realized I had been wrong on the basis that how could I have possibly been right when our dear Premier returned to power with a virtual majority - the voter had to be right and conversely, I had to be wrong.
So since then, I have fallen in line behind our dear Leader and now accept what he is telling us without reservation.
Now that leads me to the "They" in this piece.
How is that they are not listening to Premier McGuinty and accepting at face value what he has to say?
Let's take the AG first. His recent report is scathing on a number of fronts but almost a quarter of the report is devoted to the 'scam' of green energy. Get this - the AG says the Green Energy plan 'was not thought out - costs billions of wasted dollars and for every job it creates 2 to 3 jobs in the private sector are lost'.
The nerve of the man. Where do they come from - and I would bet you a donut to a dollar that he is not even bilingual.
But as you can see - he is just so out of touch with reality.
I would though like to focus in on one of his spurious claims - that being for every green job - two or three private sector jobs are lost. I say that because if what is being said in some circles that no green jobs - esp. lasting jobs - are being created - then you private sector jobs be lost? McGuinty needs to point this out in his rebuttal to the AG's Report - but I digress.
And then you have Germany announcing this week that it is scuttling its Green Energy Plan - it does not work - they say -it only has resulted in lost money and jobs. What do they know and their new position is certainly out of step with our Divine Leader.
Germany, as many of you will know, was the European Leader in Green Energy and was regularly referenced as a model for Ontario to follow. For them to claim now that it was a complete failure borders on the treasonous.
Anyway they are simply out to lunch.
And then there is Moodies. How dare them.
They have placed Ontario on a 'Negative Credit Watch'. A Negative Credit Watch - why this is the same Province that only months ago - in those pre Election -when in the words of our Esteemed Leader - Ontario was creating jobs at a record pace and was out performing every other Province economically.
(I know - he did not dwell on Ontario's new found 'Have Not Status' but give the guy a break).
He told it like it is and it is for this reason I just do not understand where Moodies gets off. It's a conspiracy - I tell you.
But there you have it dear readers - Our Esteemed Leader being maligned once again by more and more Lies.
And How Do I Know?
Why McGuinty Told Me So.
As I see it...
'K.D. Galagher'