Saturday, October 6, 2012

Is It Just Me, Or Do You Too Believe …


That Canada has a Big ‘P’ on its forehead for ‘Patsy’.

In Today’s Liberal Organ, a.k.a. The Ottawa Citizen, Hugh Adami writes a column entitled ‘Canada Shrugs As Immigration Rulings Fracture A Family’.

Sounds awful … doesn’t it, but let’s dig a little deeper into the facts:

Mrs. age 69, was born and raised in the Soviet Union; Mr. age 70, in Cuba.  They subsequently married and lived together in Cuba.

Last year, they made application to Canada’s Refugee Board both claiming Refugee Status and both were rightfully turned down.

Before I go further, you need to understand what is entailed in a Refugee Claim.  Most immigrants coming to Canada come via the standard immigration application, that is to say, they apply in their home country to move and live in Canada for numerous reasons – to be with family, to better themselves economically etc. 

But there is a tiny exception to the rule; a person who has a genuine fear of Persecution in their Home Country can apply within other Countries for Protection under the United Nations Convention for Refugees – that is to say, they can prove they will be Persecuted for Reasons of Race, Religion, Political Opinion and so on. Surprisingly, about 40,000 people per year make such a claim within Canada’s borders.

I worked for the Refugee Board and I suspect less than only 5% of claimants have a genuine claim – it is probably closer to 1 or 2%.  The remainder are ‘cue jumpers’ – rather than apply the normal way to become an immigrant to Canada, they use the short-circuited route of making up false claims for Refugee Status. 

This is what Mrs. and Mr. did in the case at hand.  The Refugee Board correctly dismissed their claims and ordered them both deported – Mrs. to Russia since that is the citizenship she holds and Mr. back to Cuba – he being a citizen of that country.

Now the bleeding hearts.

Cuba arbitrarily refused to take Mr. back so we in Canada are stuck with him.  If I were Harper, I would say to the Brothers Castro – you take back your life long citizen or we in Canada cease playing tourist on your beaches.  I suspect that they would have him back on the next plane out.

But the Adami Article article really focuses on the Mrs. – the Russian Citizen.  Russia will take her back but according to the family she no longer has any ties in that country.  I wonder if that statement could withstand scrutiny but say it is true – so what?  He is Cuban and she is Russian and neither are entitled Refugee Status.  To compound the issue is the fact that Mrs. is in poor health and I need not point out to you that our Health System is now collapsing under its own weight.

The Bottom-line here is why is it Canada’s responsibility to step forward and be the boy scout in this sad but all too frequent a situation?

We always seem to be cast as such.

In the Mahar case, the United States sent him to Syria where he was allegedly tortured but Canada coughed up a cool $10 million dollars for his pain and suffering.

In the current Kahdr case, he cowardly killed a US Medic who left behind a widow and 2 orphans.  And yet, it is Canada he sues and if history repeats itself, he too will likely hit the $million dollar Canadian Jackpot.

So dear reader, I leave it to you to decide what is the right thing to do in regard to Mrs. Russia and Mr. Cuba.

As for me, I would probably reluctantly give in and let them both stay here. But it does make you, as a Canadian, feel used.

I would also like to think that some of our left wing papers would at least be a little more balanced when reporting on such cases – they treat each case like it was the only one – i.e. no big deal – but it is a big deal since, as I said in the beginning, 10s of thousands are making similar requests yearly without the facts to support their claims. The columnists should drop their inflammatory words and admit that the issue is not so cut and dry.

In the end, if we say let them all stay regardless of the facts – then at least shut down the Refugee Board to save a few quid. We’ll need the money.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Great Presidential Debates …


Have Begun.

I have been saying that the upcoming US Election is one of the most important in the history of the United States and indeed in the history of the West and permit me to briefly recap why:

  • America’s Debt now exceeds its entire annual GDP – $16 Trillion and counting;
  • It’s true Unemployment Rate is above 40% (that is to say, the percentage of those of working age who do not have a job);
  • 50 Million – 1 in 6, are on food stamps;
  • 100 Million – 1 in 3, are on government assistance;
  • The Fed is printing money like its confetti;
  • Europe is floundering, riots are occurring daily and the EU may well disintegrate;
  • The Middle East in on fire and is ready to explode;
  • Iran has the Bomb and is now perfecting its delivery capability;
  • Israel is its nearby target whom the Islamists have declared to drive out into the sea;
  • China has begun to flex its military might against Japan.

So unless things turn around dramatically, the United States will collapse in on its own weight at a time when the world is in great need of its leadership.

Obama has contributed mightily to this sad state of affairs.  His domestic policies have not staunched the red ink – they have greatly added to the flow.  His foreign policies have not brought about greater stability – just opposite.  And yet…

With an Election but a month away – he should be down in the single digits of support.  He is not –most polls (all?) up to last night’s debate, show him holding a lead over his Republican Rival.

(Even here in Ontario, at least the electorate has finally awoken and now places McGuinty and Company in the low 20s in support – but not so the electorate south of the border).

And there is a lot more at stake there, than here.

So back to last evening. Romney out shone Obama 2:1.  Thank Heavens.

And this being the first of three debates, I believe it to have been the most important one.  Within a few days I predict the polls will reflect better for the Republicans.  Not dramatically, because America is split right down the centre as Romney so aptly put it: ‘47%, the takers, are going to support Obama regardless of his disastrous policies’.  But my friends, the needle is about to move in Romney’s favour.

I have said from the very beginning that Romney will win on November 6th and I am standing by that.  Not just because I am conservative in my philosophy but because we collectively are not strong enough to endure another 4 years of a President who does not have a sweet clue as to the damage he is doing to us all.

 As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’



Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Part 3 … A Retraction.


Post Script Note:  I am going to keep track, under this note, of the other costs that come to light in view of Dalton McGuinty’s Liberal cancellation of the 2 Power Plants days before the recent Provincial Election – included will be costs related to their misguided Green Energy Program:

  • While this is heating up, our esteemed leader is heading out on a trade mission to China;  i.e. leaving his Energy Minister Chris Bentley to Twist in the Wind.  Some Leader.  Would you do that knowing Bentley was covering up on your order to do so?
  • first, I should have mentioned below that the Province of Ontario – although paying up to 82 cents per kwh – to Solar producers – it must sell “surplus” power each year to other jurisdictions such as New York ‘for a penny or two per kwh or often for free’  In 2011 this cost Ontario $420 Million Dollars.
  • $200 Million for constructing power lines from Napanee back to Mississauga where the genuine need for power existed before the Election and exists to this very day.
  • $210 Million being the cost of the Province’s purchase of one of the Contractors gas turbines.  Likely the result of the Province buying off a law suit for wrongful cancellation of the pre election contract.
  • $167 Million is what TransCanada Power will be paid annually – for 20 years - for operating the new Power Plant at Napanee even if it produces not one kwh of power over those 2 decades.  It is becoming more apparent that a host of other Power Plants – up to 19 throughout the Province – are in receipt of the same deal.


The numbers are beginning to clarify in regard to the McGuinty Liberals’ cancellation of the two Power Plants in Oakville and Mississauga days before the recent Provincial Election.

In my first part, I had indicated that the cost of these cancellations was $1.5 Billion Dollars despite the fact that McGuinty pegged them at only $40 million.  

Now I find out that the $1.5 Billion figure I used was incorrect and now must retract that figure.

You may have already guessed it– the cost is actually much higher…more than $4 Billion Dollars to be more precise.  And I expect before the dust settles on all of this – it will go even higher – much higher.

Let’s recap:

  • McGuinty offered the first Contractor – TransCanada Power, in writing, about $750 Million Dollars if it would refrain from suing for breach of Contract;
  • In lieu of this payment,TransCanada was given a new Contract, this one in regard to the Construction of a new Power Plant in Napanee Ontario.  The new plant is to be located directly beside an existing Power Plant which has more or less been shuddered for lack of need – i.e. it produces only 1 to 2 % of its generating ability per annum.  (presumably the $750 million payout will be recouped by TransCanada as part of the construction cost;
  • Added to that, the Province entered into a 20 year Contract with TransCanada to operate the new unneeded facility guaranteeing TransCanada some $3.3 Billion Dollars over  the 20 years irrespective of whether or not the new Plant generates even 1 kwh of power.
  • The Second Contractor, an American Hedge Fund group by the name of EIG Management was in turn offered by McGuinty $82.3 Million Dollars but it turned him down and is now suing the Province for $300 Million for its losses incurred due to the hasty and unexpected cancellation of their contract.
  • And added to all this is the fact that in total some 19 new Power Plants have been built by the McGuinty Government – most (all) operating well below capacity and most (all) likely protected by the 20 year sweet heart deal enjoyed by TransCanada. When more details are released with respect to this I will let you know but this is where the numbers can climb much higher.

Our Liberal Paper – the Ottawa Citizen finally deigned to give some coverage to this important issue in today’s paper – it allowed that the Government’s Officially stated cost of $40 million dollars may be somewhat understated and suggested that $240 Million would be more i keeping with reality.  As if.

So we have today the Minister of Energy, Chris Bentley, being censured by the Legislature for Contempt – the first time this has occurred in the history of Ontario.  Bentley – dear reader – could end up in jail while McGuinty is in full backpedal mode.

And speaking of McGuinty – I believe it is now apparent to all and sundry that he will never again lead the Liberal Party of Ontario in another General Election.  As you know, I am saddened by this since this one person has single headedly ruined our once great Province.

In his 9 years in power he has brought Ontario to its knees fiscally speaking – mainly because of his disastrous Green Energy Program.

And with his 20 year contracts noted above and similar ones given to generators of Wind and Solar – the damage will keep on building for two decades to come.

I can’t help but feel that this is so unfair; i.e. that McGuinty will walk away away from the mess and damage he has created, with a very large Public Pension to boot.  

Those who come in behind him, will be stuck with an unmanageable situation as well as stuck with the Lion’s Share of the Blame. 

As I see it…

‘K. D. Galagher’


Sunday, September 30, 2012

McGinty …Part 2

I would like to begin this second segment by recalling McGuinty’s first major lie prior to his being elected Premier in 2003.

No …not his promise to not raise taxes – that was his Second Major Lie.

The Lie I am writing about is his promise to Parents with Autistic Children to provide funding for IBI – Intensive Behavioural Intervention - for their Children over 6 years of age.

During the Election Campaign of 2003, Dalton McGuinty wrote to their parents and confirmed that one of the first things his Government would do – if Elected – was extend funding to their children over 6 years of age and at that time he noted, most sympathetically, that autism was on the rise and that “it is affecting the lives of an increasing number of Ontario Families.” 

He went on to say that the failure of past governments to grant funding for IBI for those over 6 years – was both “unfair and discriminatory”.

Once Elected, one of the first things his new Government did was to fight these same parents in the Courts to deny them his promised extended IBI coverage.  What a man.

It is in that context then that I would like to review some of his most egregious wastes of money – your tax dollars and mine down the drain:

1. First, let’s start with Dalton’s Green Energy Plan – the plan is approaching a cost to Ontarians of over $8 Billion dollars, according to the independent Auditor General.

    • The AG also notes that for every job created in the green energy field – 2 to 4 jobs are lost in the private sector.  And accordingly, the Province is headed into “Bankruptcy”.
    • Solar suppliers paid up to 82 cents per kwh while the cost of producing power from conventional sources averages but 6 cents.

2.  Next, the $1.5 Billion wasted on the cancellation of two power plants to Save Two Ridings for the Grits in the recent Election.

3.  Then there was Orange, another $Billion dollars wasted for the benefit of Grit Cronies – Helicopters purchased that could not hold stretchers, the President’s Ski Instructor hired to become a V.P. etc. 

4.  Plus don’t forget E-Health – another $Billion more or less.

5.  And the Health Premium he snuck in right after his first election where he promised in writing not to raise taxes.  That was nearly 10 years ago and we are still paying it. 

I checked on line before starting this Blog and discovered over 30 such examples of his duplicity but the above are what I believe to be the most outrageous examples.

Now think what could usefully be done with that wasted money?

Certainly a small portion of it could be used to address the very real concerns of parents trying to cope with raising an autistic child.

In the area of Health, we would have MRIs galore and Class Sizes , in our schools, could really become manageable.

And there would still be lots left over to reduce the growing Debt / Deficit which if left unchecked, will be our undoing.

In summing up, I could forgive McGuinty for breaking his initial promise Not To Raise Taxes – he is after all a Politician – but to have turned his back on Autistic Children – goes beyond the Pale.

As I see it …

‘K. D. Galagher’