Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Promises, Promises.


I know that I promised not to deal anymore with issues relating to our once proud…, now backward country known as Canada.

So I won’t.

Rather I will deal with a country similar to Canada – let’s call it Backwater Pays.

And let’s say the issue of the day relates to the reform of Backwater’s Senate.

That is to say, in the words of its Left Leaning Government – to make it more representative – more open, more respected and so on and so on ….

…You know, the usual Bull.

So that is the theory of the proposed reform – let’s see how it will work in practice:

The current Backwater Senate is composed of Hacks, Flacks and Ne’er-Do-Wells.

What the Government has promised to do in its recent Throne Speech is to create a Distinguished Panel consisting of Five (5) Distinguished Personages.  This Distinguished Group of 5 is task with identifying Distinguished Canadians for inclusion in the about to become Distinguished Senate.

You know the Order of Canada types – the Maude Barlows and the Margaret Atwoods.

Sounds great – does it not?

So you might ask what is wrong with this – aren’t Distinguished Canadians an big improvement over Hacks and Flacks?

Well no, not really.

You see Hacks and Flacks know they are Hacks and Flacks while Distinguished Canadians think they are… well… Distinguished.

As such, Hacks and Flacks will not unduly challenge legislation passed by the Elected House of Commons whereas Distinguished Canadian Senators are most likely to think they are at least equal to and even better than, the Commoner Member of Parliament elected by the Great Unwashed.

The only problem with this is that in a true Democracy the Peoples’ Representatives should be Elected and Accountable to them. 

In an Unelected and Non-Accountable Senate – the Distinguished Members are neither.  They would though fit quite nicely in with Communist China.

So, dear Reader, Backwater Pays is going from Bad to much Worse.

On a positive note – thanks to the Senate’s upper age limit of 75 years – we need not worry that either Maudy or Maggie will make the cut.  That is not to say they are not still totally Distinguished … only that they are Distinguished Elderlies and thus too olde for the cut and thrust of Senate Politics.

Oh, and one more thing – any similarity between Backwater Pays and the Country situated directly north of the US of A is purely coincidental.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Monday, December 7, 2015

It Pains Me So To Say…


Note: after this Blog – Donald Trump came out recommending that all Muslims be denied access to the Unite States for which he has been skewered from all sides  – my recommendation pertains only to immigration as I am okay with access for travel, holidays, business and so on.  I must admit though that I am somewhat uncomfortable about sharing this issue with the Donald but know too that the average person – the Silent Majority if you will – is on side with me – and sadly, on side with Trump’s more extreme approach as well.  For me you can liken this to a virulent virus affecting a significant minority in the Middle East; it would only be prudent to take steps Medically to contain the virus in place for the benefit of all.

So too with Religious Radicalism – not to isolate them will only invite more death and destruction throughout the West. And in my Blog below – I am only referencing Terrorism – it does not mention the third class treatment of women / girls nor even worse - genital mutilation – abortion of female babies etc.  Good Muslims need to discredit the radical jihadists as well as those who continue to hold onto such out-dated convictions in situ.  To import this virus now will only serve to dramatically under-mine or way of life.

In the meantime, we need to reserve a place here for Muslim immigration in the future for the benefit of us all – Muslims, Christians, Jews and Atheists alike.   G


Muslim Immigration is just not working.

The current Saw spells it out quite clearly; not all Muslims are Terrorists, but all Terrorists are Muslim.

The recent attacks in Paris and last week’s attack in San Bernardino aptly stamps ‘proved’ to the saying.

In recent years, Muslim Immigrants have relocated to Europe in large numbers but tend not to merge into general society. For some reason, their religion tends to keep them separate and apart.

At the same time ISIS and others are trying to establish a Caliphate in the Middle East, with their eventual goal to conquer the World.

As the ‘Saw’ states - not all Muslims are sympathetic to their objectives, but a significant minority appear to be okay with it.

In the past century the common thought was that radical Islamic thought existed but it was confined to the ancient Arab Homelands still living in the 12th Century. But recent history has shown us that this way of thinking has taken root in Muslim Communities throughout the West even to the point where it is now infecting native born Muslim-Europeans and North Americans.

Our Politically Correct Leadership though continues to turn a blind eye to this and tell us that we cannot discriminate on the basis of religion.  US President Obama has carried this to the extreme by having Muslims comprise nearly 100% of Middle Eastern Refugees entering over the last few years.

It comes as little surprise to us that this political correctness coincides with modern secular societies’ antipathy to Christianity.

And dear Reader things will only worsen with the millions fleeing from Syria and Iraq to the West to flee the carnage going on there. Middle Eastern Societies are suffering breakdown. And via Immigration and acceptance of Refugees, the West is merely importing the problem which if unchecked will see our own civilization go down the tubes. 

Call it Discrimination if you want – since it is,  but the fact remains if the West wants to remain the Beacon for the World we cannot allow ourselves to be destroyed from within.

Many remark of late that the Terror of the Middle East cannot be subdued by bombs alone and they’d be right.  But bombs do buy us time.

What is needed is for the moderates in Muslim Society to come forth in overpowering numbers to defeat the Islamic Nut-bars on their own turf. That requires Muslims to stay in place until they can bring these Radicals kicking and screaming into modern time.

When Radical Muslims have been truly and thoroughly discredited, the time will have come to welcome the Muslim Religion back into the fold. 

As I see it… 

‘K.D. Galagher’

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Donald Trump … Still Number One !!


As we get closer to the beginning of Primary Season, ‘The Donald’ continues to lead the GOP Pack by an ever growing margin.  The recent Islamic attacks in Paris and just last week in California have consolidated support for him and, in contrast to the dwindling ratings for Obama – the do nothing President of the United States.

Whether this will translate into ultimate victory for Trump remains to be seen but what is no longer in doubt is that he is in a much better position to win that he was when he announced his candidacy this past Spring.

I said then, and I say now – Trump has been good for American politics; he has shaken up the complacent, politically correct establishment and has focused America no election issues of importance to the average Joe and Jane.

That said, I would still not vote for Trump if I was an American; unless, of course, he was running against the opportunist Hillary Clinton.  Let’s face it, the only reason that dear Hillary is even a factor in the Democratic Party is the fact that she is married to the more popular former Prez. Bill – even with his many peccadillos.  Accomplishments in her own right are barely better than they were for Obama 7 years ago.

My favourite continues to be Marco Rubio and I fully suspect he will in the end attain the Republican nomination.

The Trump factor has been a plus for not only Rubio but for all the many Republican Presidential Candidates – his Star status has also greatly enhanced all of their profiles and from my perspective anyone of them are head and shoulders above the motely Democratic Contingent. 

But all of this does not change the fact that the Republican Party is at a disadvantage – it is rightfully viewed as being both Olde and White.  There are over 50 million Hispanics in America and more than 75% of them vote Democratic.  It is even worse for the 30 million plus Blacks since 90 plus % of them do likewise. With those odds against you it is virtually impossible to win.

A Rubio candidacy though would address this problem in a big way – as a Hispanic he would certainly cut into the Latin vote and would likely do well in the Black Community as well. Imagine a ticket of Rubio for President and Black American Dr. Ben Carson running as his V.P.  That would most certainly shake things up big time.

My preference for V.P. though is the only woman Republican Candidate, Carly Fiorina.  She’s tough and she knows her files cold. The US would be so much better off with this combo heading up the State.  - 

So its on to the Primaries in the early Spring – let the best man or woman win out – that is to say – Rubio and Fiorina.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’