Thursday, February 21, 2013

Horwath supports Grit’s Throne Speech …


Why am I not surprised.

Certainly there is little reason for Horwath not to support the Grit Blue Print…

Other than the fact that:

  1. The Grits shut down the Legislature for the sole reason of allowing them to hold their Leadership Convention.
  2. And yes, they spent multi billions to stop the manufacture of power plants in Toronto for the sole purpose of bolstering their numbers in the face of the last election.
  3. And yes, their government invested in a Green Energy program that pays individuals to produce ‘green’ power at the cost of over 80 cents per kwh when the wholesale price for same is less than 4 cents.
  4. And yes, electricity charges under the Grit stewardship (?) have tripled for Ontario’s consumers despite it being available in surrounding jurisdictions for about 6 cents a kwh.
  5. Oh, and did I mention, this Grit Government has reduced this once great Province of Ontario – the former ‘Engine of Canada’ - to Have-Not Status.
  6. And this does not even deal with the $billions of dollars of screw ups left at the feet of its taxpayers nor does it deal with the 17 Billion Dollar deficit which is much worse per capital than experienced by bankrupt California.

I could go on and on, but suffice to say, never in the history of our once great Province has a Government so richly deserved to be booted from office.

But that brings us back to Andrea Horwath and her misguided Party … they obviously see little wrong with the Liberals or how else can you explain her unqualified support for Wynn and her fellow rascals.

There needs to be an election now – and in defence of Tim Hudak, he finally seems to have come into his own.  And this spoken by one of his earlier most vociferous critics.

I don’t know whether Horwath’s propping up Wynn will do either any good – given Ontario’s recent track record, it may well do.  But Ontario Voters are entitled to one more chance to set things right.

Let the Election Begin.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’