Saturday, March 17, 2018



After some astute moves such as dramatically curbing illegal immigration and substantially reducing corporate and individual taxes, Donald Trump now appears to go out of his way to do dumb things.

For instance, the specific tariffs he has placed on steel and aluminum, and the tariffs he is contemplating to levy on a host of other products against U.S. major trading partners such as China which also happens to be their Banker.

The cashiering of a number of his closest advisors all the while speaking publicly about dumping more. Thus, I had to laugh when a Trump spokesperson said they were assured by his Chief of Staff, John Kelly, saying there were no more firings planned for the time-being.  Yuk, Yuk, Yuk...since there has been much speculation that even Kelly is on the chopping block.

Me thinks The Donald still believes he is hosting The Apprentice rather than being the President of the United States. 

If I suspected I was on such a firing squad list, I'd be out of there faster than you could say "you're fired".

And then to add insult to injury, Trump via his Attourney General Jeff Sessions, fired Ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe yesterday and by so doing denied him his pension.

How mean spirited.  And Sessions too is one of the top candidates to be dumped next by Trump.  Had I been Sessions I would have told Mr. Trump, 'I will not fire McCabe' while handing him my own resignation'.

There appears to be a consensus that McCabe may well have been engaged in illegality and if that turns out to be the case, criminally charge him and let the courts decide.  But to take away his pension is simply much too much.

And we won't even get into his planned face to face with the lying, murderous Young-un of North Korea. 

The Republicans of late have lost two election races in Congress they should have easily won. 

If Donald Trump keeps up with his erratic behaviour between now and November, both Houses of Congress could well end up back in Democratic hands.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


The Ontario Conservative Party elected a new leader this past weekend and his name is.................


I can just hear some of my American readers saying ...that name rings a bell....wasn't he the out-of-control cocaine using former Mayor of Toronto?

And for that you'd be close... but no cigar.  Rather it is the out-of-control cocaine using former Mayor Bob Ford's older brother ...Doug, who won this past Saturday.

Both men were on Toronto City Council and both kept the local media occupied with their antics of the day.  Many of those antics, especially on the part of brother Rob, made the headlines south of our border in the United States.

Rob Ford died of cancer in early 2016 or he might very well have run and won last week's Conservative Leadership.  Another historical what-if?

Anyway, back to Doug.

Like his deceased brother, Doug is a populist...he speaks for the common people much the same way Donald Trump does.  Indeed, his campaign was styled in the Trump mode.

His literature stated that he was the only conservative running in a field of 4 candidates and in that he was right.  We in Canada have lost Real Conservationism... all our parties have become different shades of Liberal.  And we are paying a dear price for it. 

Under Liberal-type leadership our Debt and Deficits have swollen, government has grown to unimaginable size, millions of manufacturing jobs have been lost, politicians have drunk of the green coolaide, interest groups - such as the public service unions are controlling the politicians and our health and education systems are on life-lines.   

We desperately need a Conservative at the helm and hopefully Doug Ford will be the man for that job.  Time will tell.

But for the Opposition Parties that think their prayers have been answered with Ford's election permit me to put the record straight.

The next General Election in Ontario must be called by June 7th of this year, when the dust settles, it will be Premier Doug Ford at the helm of Ontario.

Ford hails from the City of Toronto which historically has been a core constituency for the Liberals. But given his popularity there, he will take a good portion of that away from them.  Rural parts of Ontario historically go conservative and these two factors combined will ensure his electoral success come June. 

As a reminder to all, it is no coincidence that I call my Blog ...Real Conservatives.

As I see it...

K.D.  Galagher

Sunday, March 11, 2018


On a recent trip to Florida my friend Pat and I went shopping for prescription glasses.

We arrived at the optometrist's office shortly after 12 noon only to find out that it was closed over the noon-hour.

So to kill some time as well as to fuel up, we headed out to find a nearby restaurant that served sandwiches.  Being a commercial district, it did not lend itself to much (anything) in the line of restaurants but we did stumble upon a Bar....a genuine for real Biker Bar and in we went.

There was absolutely no one there save for the barmaid who introduced herself as Genie and said that she had been tending bar since 'before the war.' We were both polite enough not to inquire as to which one.

We asked Genie what type of sandwiches they had.

"We do not have Food of any kind" she pronounced, "it's Booze or Nothing".  

So Booze it was, we both ordered a Beer.

To keep the conversation going I asked her what she thought of The Donald?

"We don't talk politics in here...only Sex" she impishly replied.

And by the decorations that adorned every square inch of the Bar, one could readily see the truth of her statement.

At that point 2 Biker Patrons roared into the Bar's Parking Lot on 3 wheeler's, albeit Harley-Davidson's.

They dismounted with obvious discomfort, with one even pulling out a cane from underneath his seat.

They had to be in their 80s if they were a day.

They then cozied up to two bar stools and ordered their drafts.

They turned out to be the nicest guys imaginable.  Whatever happened to the fearful Hell's Angels or even the lawless Satan's Choice?

Then in came 3 more, one of whom rode a real bike.  Again, all three were most gentlemanly and were most interested in the fact that Pat and I came from Canada.  

"We road with some Canadians in our day" they allowed, "wonder if any of them are still alive." 

I then asked Genie what was her most busiest time?

"Commemorative Days by far" she opinioned.

You mean like the 4th of July?

"No, I mean when one of our boys gets needlessly killed on the road by those irresponsible, inattentive blankedy blank drivers."

She went on.

"We had one just yesterday, the Bar was packed"

I looked around, the place was quite small so by "packed" I guess she was talking at the most 20 patrons.

I also wondered whether these 'Commemorative Days' had more to do with the Bar's bottom-line than it did for commemoration of the recently deceased Biker... but kept those thoughts to myself.

Pat then piped up and asked Genie how long did her shift last?

"I'm here till closing each and every day" she offered.

What time is closing then?

"7 p.m."

A Biker Bar that closes at 7 p.m. !!

"These guys are not as young as they once were" she quickly responded.

Those assembled merely nodded their heads in agreement.

Well after-all this is Florida.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

P.S.  When we finished our beers we returned to the Optometrist's office which had now reopened.  The Optometrist turned out to be a veteran of the Vietnam War and for the next hour or so regaled us about his War Experiences. At one point I asked him if he had ever come across a Barmaid over there by the name of Genie?  He said he had not but that there was a cute young thing by that name who tends bar just down the street...