Thursday, August 25, 2016


But first... Do you get the feeling that we in the West are becoming immune to the daily onslaught of killing and raping going on throughout the world - most notably, but not exclusively, in the Middle East and Africa.

Each day it seems the newspapers contain many articles documenting the atrocities carried out by ISIS - a 100 there, 50 here, 30 somewhere else. These stories have something in common - beside the fact that they relate to the Barbarism carried out by ISLAMIC Extremists - they all are buried deep in the paper itself. What should be front page stories no longer warrant that coverage because they have become so common place. 

It reminds me of the olde saying:  First they came for the Jews etc etc.

Now Back to today's Blog:

As a Democrat and a Libertarian I believe that wherever and whenever possible, accommodation be made to incorporate minorities.

Take for instance our own Royal Canadian Mounted Police decision this week to allow Female Muslims to wear Hijab as part of their uniform.

A similar decision was made by the RCMP 25 years ago when they decided to allow Sikhs to wear Turbans.

At that time, I was opposed to this for reason of Tradition.  The RCMP dates back to 1873 - 6 years after Confederation and although its distinctive Stetson was not officially adopted until 1903 - it was its unofficial head-dress for many years prior.

You cannot get much more Canadian Authentic than the RCMP Red Serge - with Stetson and Sam Brown Belt.

To  me - Tradition is so important because it binds past, present and future generations and to tamper with that can cause the unraveling of our Identity. 

That said, I am not opposed to the Force's recent decision in the case of the Hijab because the precedent has already been made in the case of the Turban.  

So if Tradition did not trump Accommodation in 1990 why should it be any different in 2016.

The other issue in the news of late relates to what has been dubbed the 'Burkina'.   And this relates to the second part of today's blog - Freedom vs. Discrimination.

Several parts of France have banned the Burkina from their beaches - preferring as it were - half naked women in bikinis to fully covered Muslim Women in Burkas.


My philosophy - as I believe everyone else's should be - if your activity does not interfere with the rights of others - do not interfere with it.

In other words in the case at hand - if you like swimming in a bikini - go for it and by the same token if you are more comfortable covering up - so to speak - that's okay too.

That does not mean there is no place for exceptions. For instance, I believe a teacher should not be clothed in a Niqab since it impairs the learning experience.  Same for giving testimony in court - it is imperative that the Judge and or Jury are able to determine credibility and that cannot be done properly when a person is masked. 

So there you have it - Traditions are important to societies and should, unless there are very good reasons to the contrary be maintained.  Freedom is even more important and should not be restricted unless the reasons for restricting it is self evident.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'