Friday, September 21, 2012

The Islamists….Part Two.


Okay, back to the Islamists and for a Solution.

Let’s begin this segment by being honest, the Arab Spring has really turned into the Arab Winter and things will get worse.  Simply stated, the Extreme Muslims hate the West and everything for which we stand and that will not change.

And the Extremists are consolidating their control throughout the Muslim World. 

Let me also say here, that I believe things will eventually improve but it will take Ordinary Muslims to see that happen and that will likely take upwards of 50 years or more to achieve. Modern Communications will greatly help to ensure this. But what is important to realize is that it cannot be imposed from the outside; it must happen from within. 

But in the meantime, what do we in the West do?  Stand idly by?

No, because we will continually see our collective noses bloodied.

So what’s to be done?

First things first.

We need to stop Iran cold in its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons.  Indeed, I honestly believe they have them now – they are merely perfecting their delivery systems especially as it relates to their plan to completely destroy nearby Israel.  Obama’s reluctance to do anything is at best due to a desire to see no action taken until after November’s Election; and at worst, it means he is prepared to sit back until it is too late – as was the case for Pakistan and North Korea under previous administrations.  But neither of those countries have sworn to annihilate Israel as their first order of business.

So that must be done first and the sooner the better.

Next, the West must work closely with our few allies left in the Middle East – most especially Saudi Arabia.  Again, bluntly speaking, we need their oil.

As a corollary to that, we need to become energy self sufficient a.s.a.p. – and thankfully we have the energy source to do just that and no Dalton, it is neither wind nor solar.  It is Natural Gas; there is hundreds’ of years supply.

Concurrently,  we need to rope off our Islamist Enemies – no two way intercourse whatsoever: no trade; no investment; no travel / tourism; no contact by air / sea; no immigration etc.

Pretty harsh stuff, but we are at war with these folks and extreme measures are the only ones that will work.  And dear reader, they will work.

Finally, I would establish the Coalition of Democratic States (CDS).  Membership open to only those countries engaged in True Democracy – i.e. those with a robust System of the Rule of Law – along with the Islamist Nations, countries such as Russia and China need not apply.

Part of the Mandate of the CDS would be to nurture potential members.  Should Moderate Muslims rise up against their Islamist Masters, CDS would be there to help guide them toward eventual full CDS Membership.

An isolated Islam, living back in the Middle Ages as they are, would be rendered totally unable to continue their terroristic war on the West.

Threats that may arise within their boundaries (e.g. future attempts to develop nuclear weapons) would be easily negated by Western Attack from the Air.

Let them come to us, we’ll no longer be going to them.  We have finally learned our lesson.

As I see it…

‘K. D. Galagher’


Wednesday, September 19, 2012



What were thinking?

Telling Americans that 47% of their numbers are on the take, so to speak.  Readers of my Blog will realize this 47% number actually understates the extent of the problem – but even so Mitt, do you have a death wish.

Readers will also know that I have a way of knowing when a politician tells a lie – ‘he or she opens her mouth and speaks’ but here we have the contestant for the highest political office in the world and – brace yourself –  telling the true.

Whatever was he thinking?

My own feeling is that he stated it awkwardly but he did state accurately the fact that the United States is split politically right down the middle and I have made the same point on numerous occasions. 

I would have worded it differently – something along the following lines: ‘this Election represents a watershed in the history of this great country not only in regard to our out of control debt, but also due to the fact that too many of our citizens have opted out – opted out of the work force, opted out of society, opted out of their civic duty and so on’. I would then go on to say that for the health of our country we need to get this ever growing portion of society reinvigorated and back into productive contribution ‘since we as Americans need all hands on deck if we are going to preserve our place in history.

But as I have also said before – this election will not be decided by the 47% that support Obama nor even the 47% that support Romney; rather it will be decided by the small % in between who are not allied with either major party.

In that regard, I am still hopeful that this small % will see Romney’s comments for what they are – the truth and a realistic assessment of how bad things have become.  The supporters of either candidate can rant and rail all they like – but it is with the middle, that the November Election will be lost or won.

Should the day after the Election show that Obama has won – I will be surprised and of course very disappointed for America itself, but I will have a bit of that ‘Dalton McGuinty’ feeling – i.e. Obama will have to live with the consequences of his winning and it will not be pretty.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’

p.s. part 2 of ‘What to do with the Islamists’ got bumped given the above. G 


Tuesday, September 18, 2012



How Did We Get To Where We Are ?…

But More Importantly, How Do We Get Away From There?

First off, for the record, let’s be clear here; Islamists are all Muslim but the majority of Muslims are not Islamists.  So that’s my politically correct statement; but the fact is, it is true.

Muslims date their religious beliefs back to their Founder, Muhammad (born around 570 A.D.).  Islamists are the Minority of Muslims who distort the Muslim Religion to justify their sadistic ways.  Moreover, most of their victims are fellow Muslims.  That said, Islamists have an especial hate for Jews /Israel and to a lesser extent, the United States of America.  But all Western Society is held in distain.

Islamists live in the past – the far past dating back to the Middle Ages.  It was then that Christians fought the Muslims in numerous Crusades between the 11th and 13th Centuries.  Christians were endeavouring to retake the Holy Lands which were lost when Rome declined over the latter part of the 1st Millennia. Christians have moved on from those distant years, but Islamists are still mired in the distant past.

So that’s where the Anti-Social Proclivities of Islamists began and today it runs rampant throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa. And even though in the minority, they are well organized zealots who succeed over the indifference of the majority. (Sadly, this apathy is prevalent here in the West as well).

After the Crusades, the West’s attention turned to matters of exploration, trade, industrialization so the goings on of the Arab World became of little interest; until of course the discovery of their vast reserves of oil.  But I am getting a little ahead of myself.

World War I came along an represented another watershed in the souring of relationships between Europe and Arabia.  The Arabs fought with the British in that War to get themselves out from under Rule by Turkey. These were the days of Lawrence of Arabia.  After the War, the Brits promised the Palestinians their own lands which was great save for the fact that they made the same promise to the Jews.  This led to fighting against the British by Jews and Arabs alike, ending in 1948 with the formation of Israel which angered the Arabs / Palestinians. They felt, for good reason, betrayed by the West.

When I say that, I am not diminishing in any way the Jews right to Israel I am merely pointing out that two very distinct cultures have legitimate claims to live in the Middle East. The Jews claim, like that of the Arabs, goes back thousands of years.

But it is these events of the last century and back to the middle ages, which fuels the current animosity between West and Middle East and the violence we are witnessing today has spawned from that. 

Since then, to keep the peace in this volatile mixture, the West has supported a number of strongmen – Dictators if you will – to keep the lid on hostilities. And just as importantly – or perhaps more importantly, to ensure Western access to Middle East Oil.

Some of these Dictators were benevolent; the Shaw of Iran, King Hussein of Jordan,  Anwar Sadat,  and Hosni Mubarak.  Some were bad; Gamal Nasser, Hafez and Bashar al Assad.  One was a clown – Muammar Gaddafi. One was bad – Iraq’s Saddam Hussein - but acted as a great barrier to the aspirations of Iran and  One was really bad – Iran’s Ayatollah Ruhollah Khamenei.

It is of more than of passing interest to note that when the Great Shaw of Iran fell and when the Ayatollah was allowed to enter Iran, it was Jimmy Carter who occupied the White House and when Hosni Mubarak fell it was Barack Obama who called that place Home. 

One can criticize the Dictators all he or she wants, but the fact remains, none of these countries were then or are today ready for the implementation of Democracy and the Rule of Law.

And with the Dictators gone, along came the Arab Spring which I have consistently referred to as the Arab Winter.  It is but a vehicle to allow the Islamists to take control of Muslim Government and Society.  Violence as we have seen recently will become the norm.

The greatest threat though will remain the danger that Iran will acquire Nuclear Weapons.  They most likely have them now and are just refining their delivery.  Obama, like Carter in the 70s, prefers accommodation over confrontation and if he continues to stick to this it will force Israel to strike Iran by air in an attempt to knock out their nuclear potential.   And if that occurs, as it most likely will – all Hell will break out in the Middle East.  It could very well end in the total destruction of Israel but then again, Israel is damned either way and better to go down fighting for their rights.

So that’s where we are – my next Blog will deal with how best to get out from under all this.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’