Thursday, July 18, 2013

“There You Go Again” …


As per Ronald Reagan’s reply to Jimmy Carter during the 1980 US Presidential Debate.

But I use his comment today to apply equally derisively to CBC’s lead item on last night’s news complaining about nutritional studies allegedly carried out on native children in the early 1940s.

This ties in with the the operation of Residential Schools of the same era and I believe the main purpose of yesterday’s CBC coverage is to once again poison relations between natives, the government of the rest of Canadians. 

(It was interesting to note last eve CBC’s failure to mention that the government of the day was headed by one Liberal Mackenzie King).

As anticipated its coverage caused great indignation amongst the aboriginal community which is now – surprise / surprise - demanding an apology from the Stephen Harper government despite the fact that none of his government was even alive when these ‘atrocities’ took place.

Money demands are sure to follow.

What CBC fails to grasp in all of this is that the only group it is hurting with its report are the Indians themselves since such old news items only serves to delay the day when they begin to take responsibility for themselves.

I say that since this reporting only further entrenches their perceived victimization which may well have a basis in history but does nothing whatsoever to help them now. 

So why does CBC go out of its way to cause such hardship and poisoning of the well?

First off, it is seen by the CBCers as another golden opportunity to embarrass the Tory Government an opportunity they are not apt to pass by;

Second, it cannot resist poking a stick in the eye of organized religion prepared as it is to go back over 70 years to do just that.

And third, it sees itself as the keeper of all things politically correct regardless of the harm it does to those finding themselves in difficult circumstances.

Harper and company can take care of themselves but organized religion is at a disadvantage in that it is not in their makeup to fight back.

In fact, I can easily see why the Residential School Systems were established in the first place ; native children faced a very bleak future on the reserves and in many respect this sad state of affairs remains to this very day.

That there was abuse – I have no doubt – but that it occurred on the large scale reported – I doubt it very much.  It is obvious to me why it would be overstated and I expect you can guess why too.

I have heard some natives kids that went through the system so many years ago report that they owe their success and happiness in life due to the good work done in those very schools.  You are not likely to see those types of reports ever appear on programing of nation’s broadcaster.

In my wish list in a recent blog I hoped for the day when CBC T.V. was defunded and yesterday’s segment only serves to reinforce my wish.

One final comment.  James Moore’s name has been bandied about as a possible heir to Stephen Harper – but I can tell you this will never happen – given his soft spot for CBC.

I guess I should never say never – indeed he could become Leader but it would have to be with the Liberal Party and certainly not the Tories.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It’s High Dudgeon…


In Ottawa.

All over the Prime Minister’s Office asking outgoing Ministers to list who their friends and enemies were for their incoming replacements.

Why, Canadian Press Journalist Jennifer Ditchburn was beside herself with delight; you could tell by the glint in her eye that she thought she was on to the biggest political scandal in Ottawa since Senator Mike Duffy fudged his expense accounts.

(Never mind that it has just been confirmed that Ontario’s orange ambulance fiasco resulted in avoidable deaths)

As a former Minister’s Chief of Staff, I can tell you that I would have welcomed such a list coming into my new office.  Sadly, the vacating Government was Liberal and they did not see fit to leave me with any such valuable intelligence.

So we had to take months trying to sift the wheat from the chaff on our own.

But back to our story, it does not surprise me that The Liberal Media is trying to classify this as Nixonian in scale but that said, I do find it a little rich in that they steer clear of calling it Obamaonian since it is his administration that recently sicked the IRS on their Teaparty enemies.

But sadly too is a fact that this is the state of media in the Western World – it tilts solidly to the left and goes out of its way to play gotcha politics against any Conservative. 

That said, if it comes out that the Tory’s had any sinister intent in regard to their lists – such as that which happened south of the border – I would be horrified and would be the first to commend the Ditchburns of Ottawa for their journalistic integrity.

But between you and me – but given their reputation, don’t expect this to happen.

Harper too has made it clear that he has little use for the media as he recently demonstrated by announcing his new cabinet via twitter.

In that, I am reminded of Joseph Heller’s quote in Catch-22 – “just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they aren’t out to get you” since in the case of our Media that would not be an unreasonable assumption to make.

But to return pettiness for pettiness is not the answer either.

If I was advising Harper, I would encourage him to play nicer with them and if they continue to get that glint in their eyes, then let the people decide what best be done.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Monday, July 15, 2013

Not With A Bang…But A Whimper.


As in today’s Harper Cabinet Shuffle.

The key spots all remained unchanged – not that it matters though since the only real change needed is in Stephen Harper’s mind.

In other-words, breakout the Hidden Agenda!!

So following is my wish list for the Prime Minister over the second half of his mandate:

  • reduce the civil service salary / benefits by 10 – 20% across the board (this to apply to MP and Cabinet as well);
  • reduce the size of cabinet by 10 – 20%;
  • sell off the Crown Corporations;
  • jettison the green energy nonsense;
  • impose a term limit on abortion;
  • put through the pipelines;
  • balance the budget;
  • reserve the term ‘marriage’ for heterosexual couples only;
  • introduce private medicine into medicare;
  • deep six the Senate;
  • no more corporate welfare;
  • expand NATO into an economic, as well as military, union for Democratic Nations which respect the Rule of Law;
  • drop the requirement that federal employees need be bilingual;
  • cut income taxes across the board by 25%;
  • stop funding CBC television;
  • freeze Muslim immigration for 5 years;
  • put the right of property ownership in the Charter of Rights;
  • make all votes in the House of Commons free votes unless it pertains to the budget vote or a vote of non-confidence;
  • give MPs real power by increasing the power of Parliamentary Committees with the resources needed to make that function properly.

I could go on and on – but you get the idea.

No doubt I have missed one or more of your own pet wishes – and if so, please let me know and I will publish those as well.

This would put the C back into Conservative and give us something to be proud of.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’