Tuesday, February 2, 2010

'Galagher's' Top Four

The following 4 shorts do not deal with the major stories / issues of the day but they do deal with major irritants to us all.

1. Haiti & The Group of Ten:

  • The news outlets are full of the story of the Group of Ten Baptists involved in "Child Trafficking" in Haiti. Indeed, the President of that poor and broken country has cast these 10 Traffickers in Jail. As a former bureaucrat, who dealt personally with the issue of Human Trafficking, I can tell you that the Baptist Ten were not engaged in that activity since their motivation was humanitarian and not criminal. It begs the question though as to why the Haitian President and the major media would occupy themselves with such minutiae in the face of hundreds of thousands dead, injured and destitute. It would be quite funny if the situation was not so desperate.

2. Prorogation:

  • This is another example of where the Media has its antenna skewed. Prorogation has been used over 100 times since the time of Confederation - three times alone during Chretien's recent administration, all without much ado. I understand why the Opposition makes an issue of it; they have nothing of substance to use against the Prime Minister. That said, I was surprised to see the Polls drop for the Tories and believe that much of that drop was due to the traction this issue has received in public thanks again to the Media. I do not see this issue as sticking since it has no basis and fully expect to see the polls rise again soon for the Tories.

3. Deficits - Ontario and California:

  • California has 3 x the population of Ontario (36 to 12 million) and yet they have something in common - the same deficit; $26 Billion Dollars each. California though, with 3x Ontario's population, is seen as being the basket case of the United States. Many view it as being bankrupt: it has issued I.O.Us; borrowed heavily from the Feds; and levied a 10% surcharge on all income tax withholdings. In contrast, in Ontario it remains business as usual albeit our Province has for the first time in its history sunk to have-not status. In all of this, what do the people of California know that we here in Ontario seem oblivious to?

4. Ottawa City Tax Increase:

  • Another year another tax increase - this time an additional 3.77% not counting the numerous user fees levied beneath the covers. This figure, as with increases in past years, far exceeds the increase in the rate of inflation (i.e. by almost 3 fold). This affects us all but is really noticeable for those on fixed incomes. OAS and GIS for 2010 did not increase at all them, while CPP payments increased by a paltry .4%. And yet our Mayor and Councillors pat themselves on the back for a job well done. This being Election Year you would think for their own self interest they would have tried harder to balance the books. Hopefully the voter will send them a well deserved message come October.

As I see it...
