Friday, December 19, 2014

Some Quickies …



Or as the late JFK would say – Cubrr.

Obama has for once in his Presidency done the right thing although it will do nothing to help his image that he continues to sell out to dictators and evil generally.

I will still not go to Cuba – even if I was paid to go - since it remains a repressive regime.  I feel the same way about Red China.

My stomach churns when I hear fellow Canadians say that Americans will now ruin Cuba given what boors they are.  Maybe my fellows should look in a mirror first.


Appears to be disintegrating as most of their Alberta MLAs have crossed the floor to the Ruling Tories.

How dishonourable and how short-sighted when what our country needs is a truly conservative party – one that stands for the smallest government as possible and balanced budgets.

It is far too early to determine whether or not Jim Prentice and company will in fact achieve that and unless and until this happens the Wildrose should just stay in place.


One of the traitors who crossed the floor was none other than the Wildrose Leader herself.

If the woman had even a smidgeon of conscience she should have resigned and gone knitting.


A big kerfuffle here in Ottawa when the General Hospital announced that after 100 years it would not be putting up the Nativity Scene in its lobby.

‘Religion has no place in secular society .. don’t you know’.

The hospital got it part right – if it was a new hospital – there’d may no need for Christ at Christmas – but they forgetting history – custom and tradition.

The Ottawa General Hospital was founded by Elizabeth Bruyere – a Roman Catholic Nun and the tradition of the Nativity Scene in her honour has gone on for over 100 years.

And we today are but a collection of our traditions and customs that have gone on before.

Happily the Hospital announced today that it had rethought its position – i.e. after fielding complaints from many outraged patrons – and has decided to erect the Scene once again.




Monday, December 15, 2014

The Ontario Separate School Board…


Caves… again.

There is something out there that does not like the Roman Catholic Church operating its own System of Schools and I fear that the day is quickly coming when it will exist no more.

I say this in spite of the fact there is a constitutional basis for its existence.  My fear is that society would lose since the Catholic system is a far superior to the public one run by the Provincial Government; scholastically it outperforms the provincial system by a wide margin, it instils morals and values in its students and these results combine to attract students from all sectors of society including large numbers from the ethnic communities.

And dear reader, it spends only $8,000 per student annually compared to the provincial boards annual average of over $12,000.

I have said many times that what the province needs to do is give vouchers to parents – e.g $10,000 per student and let the parents decide where best to send their children. You would quickly see the provincial run system shape up as well as see true competition for the education bucks allocated to our children.

But sadly we are talking power here – power for the teachers and their unions and Provincial Government - so the likelihood of this happening is most remote.

But I am getting away from what I started writing today about … i.e the cave-in.

Over the past few weeks, a Separate School here in Ottawa has been entangled in a media frenzy over denying two of its grade 6 students from doing a school project on homosexuals and how society discriminates against them.  If completed, the project would then be presented by these two students to children in grades 4, 5 and 6.  Quite young all things considered and surely there are more age appropriate things to occupy their young minds.

But in the face of such opposition, the Board caved and let the presentation proceed. 

And bear in mind, that the Roman Catholic Church finds homosexuality to be abnormal; although it does not though believe homosexuals to be either bad or of lesser value.

And I share the Church’s opinion.

I believe, as does the Church that our society is best served when a family consists of a mother, a father and a child(ren). Indeed, until very recently, that has been society’s position for millennia.  It is just been with the coming of the 2,00s that our politicians stopped proclaiming this from the mountain tops.

Boy what a difference a decade or two makes.

But the traditional family has been under attack for much longer than that.  Today American stats show that over 70% of Black Women have children out of wedlock – with multiple fathers. This breakdown has led to millions of Blacks dropping out of society into a life of crime.

Even with white society this number has climbed to a third.

A question for you – do you think society is better off in the face of this development?

Nor do I.

And now we layer on ‘marriage’ for non heterosexuals.

I may be wrong but I cannot help but think society will be poorly served by this latest development.

Maybe for the last many hundreds of years humanity got its priorities all wrong when it came to marriage and the rearing of children.

I doubt it, but maybe I am just being an olde foggy here.  But one thing is for certain, there is much at stake here and, for better or worse, future society will be dramatically different from the way it was in 1960 and how it is today.

And it is not very likely the Roman Catholic School Board will be part of that future. 

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’   


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Are There No Prisons … No Workhouses …


Just Call Me Scrooge

My wife and I just returned from grocery shopping and we had to negotiate the usual line-up of ‘good causes’ vying for our charitable dollars.

Tables at the entrance – cashiers with their hands out for this, that, or other donation and even charity packers for their pet organization.

Last eve the same when I went for some dinner wine – the cashier asks in front of a cast of thousands for money for the local hospital.  I grit my teeth and say no thank you. (this after running the gauntlet of beggars lined up at the entrance and exit of the store).

I am tired of it –plain and simple.

Last week’s big fundraiser at Loblaws was for the Food Bank and we gave generously to that despite my belief that food banks in general are demeaning.  There pitch is that “no one’s plate should be empty at Christmas”.

So what are we to take from that – empty the rest of the year is A-OK?

The first chain store that outlaws begging within its 4 walls can count on me to patronize their store.

I view food – like water and air to be a human right and as such should not depend on charity.  The States use food stamps and I think we should go that type of route.

Here in Ottawa recent studies show that there are some 35 separate organizations tending to the needs of the homeless.  It all seems like just a way to generate employment; the homeless must be outnumbered 3 to 1 .. perhaps more.  

A major story appears in today’s National Post saying there are some 86,000 + Charities in Canada alone and that too many consume most of their charitable income in overhead and fundraising.  In other words – their real motivation if not a scam is to line the pockets of a select few.

According to Revenue Canada statistics my wife and I donate much more than most – we give to our church and through a branch of the church support needy children overseas where real poverty exists.

When there is trouble overseas we give to Red Cross, when crisis at home – to the Salvation Army and for good causes in our local city – to the United Way.

So here is what I suggest, we all band together and when those numerous hands reach out  (unless it is one you know and want to support) – just say “we give to the Red Cross, to the Salvation Army and to United Way ...thank you very much’'.

As I see it…

‘K. D. Galagher’


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Michaelle and the Francophonie…


Last week we learned that our former Gov Gen’l, Michaelle Jean, has been appointed the Secretary General of La Francophonie – a most aptly named organization given its infestation with crooked, human rights abusing leaders of state.

In fairness, the Commonwealth has its share of these bozos but not to the same extent.

From its Web Site, the following:

The International Organisation of La Francophonie was created in 1970. Its mission is to embody the active solidarity between its 77 member states and governments (57 members and 20 observers), which together represent over one-third of the United Nations’ member states and account for a population of over 890 million people, including 220 million French speakers.

Canada supplies three (3) of those 77 member states.

How so, you might well ask? Well there is Canada of course as well as the States Quebec and New Brunswick.  Will Ontario - with its 4% Francophone population - be next?

(When I wrote the above about Ontario - it was more tongue in check,  but minutes later I discovered the following in my additional research on this august body: As of 2004, a government representative from Ontario also attends as part of the Canadian delegation, although Ontario is not yet a participating government in its own right).

How much does Canada pay to support La Francophonie?

Good question – I searched and searched and could not find the answer to this most reasonable question.  All I could find is that in 2013 Canada paid out more than $1 Billion Dollars to a number of La Francophonies’ Member States.

As a guess – I’d bet that next to the Mother Country itself -France, Canada is the Organization’s major benefactor and would not be that surprised to learn that we pay in even more than does France.

Enough said here other than it appears that Jean and the Francophonie make a good match.

By now you have probably guessed that I am somewhat biased against the newly minted Secretary General.  This dates back to her appointment as Governor General when I believed her to be sorely lacking in qualification. To add insult to injury you may recall at that time that there was much speculation that our newest GG was also a separatist like her husband.

But in fairness to the dear woman – this was not entirely her fault but rather that of her benefactor – the Rt. Hon. Paul Marin.  Are you listening sir?

But she secured a subsequent appointment which I  supported;  her June 2010 designation as the UN’s special envoy to Haiti.  Here is what Ms. Jean had to say then:

“ The Time has come for a change of paradigm in Haiti. We have to break away from the logic of assistance, dependency and quasi-trusteeship which has made Haiti a laboratory of all experiences, trials and errors and deficient strategies that have never produced anything that endures.”

I take it that with her latest gig – she must believe she has helped in changing the old paradigm to something new and more sustaining?

And let’s not forget her November 2011 appointment as Chancellor for Ottawa University. 

Does it seem to you as it does to me that once these types get in the public trough it is virtually impossible to get them out?

But my real displeasure in this is in regard to Haita since as mentioned – that was one appointment where I thought Madame Jean might in fact do some good – her being an immigrant from the poor country and now well connected throughout Canada and indeed the world.

So if she thinks her work there is done – as she must since I cannot otherwise fathom how she could move on from that important role – here is what the experts have to say:

NPR New from earlier this year – 4 years after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit Haita destroying its capital Port au Prince and killing more that 200,000, Haiti looks much the same today as it did then – Nearly 150,000 still live in temporary plastic and plywood structures.

So if Madame Jean thinks her work there is done – she is sorely mistaken.

And where did all the money go that poured into Haiti in those fearful days after the quake.

I am not suggesting Jean has anything to do with that issue since I believe her to be honest if not somewhat naive but I think she could have done a better job and could still if she would just focus on the most important job at hand.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’ 


Thursday, December 4, 2014



When it comes to dealing with the West’s Oil.

Andrew Coyne writes a great column in today’s National Post – indeed most of his columns are great – about the Feds being Missing in Action when it comes to the Oil Debate and more particularly the establishment of pipelines to take that oil safely and speedily to both internal and external markets.

Sadly his dithering may have been an even more costly mistake given the recent collapse in the price per barrel.

Everyone is in the fight – the loudest are those opposed – the environmentalists both here in Canada and the United States – oil producing nations such as Saudi Arabia and of course many of our provinces including our two largest Ontario and Quebec – both of whom are have-nots as in $.

It has been said many times but is worth repeating here that Canada’s transfer payments to our 7 have-not and 3 Territories comes from oil money generated primarily in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

So these dear have-nots would rather cut of their collective noses to spite their faces than support the hands that feed them.  No more clichés - I promise.

The recent collapse of in oil prices is also now putting in jeopardy Canada’s next year’s anticipated budget surplus.

Harper has only himself to blame for this.

He and his Government has stood by while everyone else has entered the ‘oil pipeline’ fray.

And dear reader – it is his and only his Government that has the power to deal with this most important issue.

More recently the only thing Canada has had in its favour economically is its resources – primarily its oil and natural gas.  More recently our collapsing dollar has given a much needed lift to the ailing manufacturing sector.

And yet thanks to the Government – this advantage has been squandered.

Why so?

I think Harper and company are afraid of a left wing backlash if he / they were to get dirty so to speak and get directly involved.

But you what – that is what leadership is all about.

And I would be if he had got directly involved – the majority of Canadians would have backed him to the hilt.  Leftist Activists can wallow unemployed in the dark but the most of us – good jobs and warm houses trumps all.

All this said- it is still not too late for Harper to get off his rump and do what is right. Even if it involves invoking the War Measures Act to get those pipelines through and even if it entails posting soldiers along every inch of those lines to protect them from terrorists.

If I was Harper here is what I would do:

I’d go on national television to say to the Canadian People that the time has come to put through our pipelines from Coast to Coast to Coast and to the US Border.

I would mention all of the studies including the McKenzie Pipeline Study that expended decades to no avail.

I would also mention the millions of foreign money coming into Canada to fund the opponents.

I tell Canadians that we are most fortunate to have been able to help the less fortunate areas of Confederation in the past – but that with so many of our Provinces in have-not status and with falling oil revenue the day is quickly coming when these transfers will have to be seriously cut of disbanded with entirely.

I would end the program by saying our very economic survival as a nation is at stake and that accordingly our Government is going to use every ounce of its strength to see that our oil gets to market.

Harper would be guaranteed a majority government in the following election.

But even if he did not – it would be the right thing for him to do as leader and more importantly – the right thing to do for our country.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Where Have All The Tories Gone …


Long time passing?

At the federal level Harper is by far the best of the lot but even he and his cohorts cast a shade of pink.

He put the country in great debt and then on the cusp of a surplus – spends every nickel.

Could not some of it gone to reduce the outrageous debt – $600+ billion?

And then the godfather of Reform – none other than the revered Presto Manning has come out for cap and trade.

He who upon election was not going to live at Stornaway, was not going to have a car and driver, was going to renounce the rich MP Pensions etc etc etc until he quickly decided to do otherwise.

And his co pig at the trough – the first Reform MP – Debra Gray too renounced the MP pension – up to the point when she retired - at which time dear debbie pounced on it like red meat.

And now we find ourselves in a Tory Leadership race in Ontario.

The main contender – Christine Elliott leans way to the left.  The only two who may have real Tory credentials are Monte McNaughton and Patrick Brown but it remains to be seen just how deep those credentials go.

You may well say Galagher – you are cutting off your nose to spite your face given that 2/3 rds of Canadians see themselves as left of centre – and you may well be right but for me that is not the issue.

Rather the issue comes down to the fact that Canada is broke – Ontario is broke as are the majority of the other provinces and yet our governments continue to grow and suck more and more money from the private sector where it could be used to create real jobs and real economic growth.

We don’t need more pink and red – rather we need leadership that points out the best government is the least government – one that pays its way and leaves the taxpayer with more of his or her own money.  Today figures indicate that the average taxpayers are paying 50% of their income in various taxes.

No wonder more and more people are opting out of the workforce and living off the avails of others who are more ambitious.

And without someone representing the right side the voter will continue to think that Big Is Better and that the Gravy Train Will Run Forever.

As I have said in other blogs – there are worse things than losing and one of those things is winning without principle.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Monday, November 17, 2014

Another Judge … Another New Law


As in an 11 year old native girl now has the legal right to refuse white man’s medicine which would in all probability cure her.

Can you just imagine if the reverse was true – what if an 11 old native girl was denied white man’s medicine which would in all likelihood cure her. 

There would be hell to pay.

But here we have a Judge deciding the Charter of Rights can be interpreted to give the little girl and her parents the right to sign her death certificate and this is just what the medical experts say will happen if she does not receive timely chemo therapy.

The only good that will come out of this is that finally a Judge will have to live publicly with his boneheaded decision.

Not that this good in any way compensates for the girl’s loss of life.  It won’t.

But it will look good on a Judge having to live his life knowing that a decision of his – where he made new law through interpretation –as is their want – has snuffed out a young life.

We have laws on the books now that compel parents and those in parental authority to provide children with the necessities of life. This should be the test applied here and the fact that it is not, is simply a tragedy.

At 11, the girl is far too young to even have a say in this.  If we were dealing with an adult – it would be entirely different – an adult can make such decisions for themselves.

So dear Judge – continue to interpret away but know that there are some dire consequences for your so doing.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’


Friday, November 14, 2014

They Are All In … HIGH DUDGEON.


The Generals – both Active and Retired; The Politicians – of all stripes; The Mass Media; and of course - The Man / Woman on the Street.

And exactly what has gotten their collective knickers in a knot – why some poor dude dressed up in pseudo military attire and had the nerve to attend Remembrance Services here in the Nation’s Capital on November 11th. 

I take a different tack – I feel sorry for the poor sod – obviously he is not happy in his own skin and for a moment was trying to be ‘somebody’. 

And in that regard, he got his 15 minutes of fame when interviewed by CBC at the War Memorial.

But he got more than that – he was outed and shamed.  The Police are looking into the possibility of laying Criminal Code charges against him and there are reports he may lose his menial employment consisting of building wooden steps for a local contractor. His marriage could well be in jeopardy too.

But that is not enough for the easily offended – one caller suggested he be put in jail for at least 10 years, another called for him to be forced to undergo basic training to ‘see what the military is all about’. 

Where is their charity … where is their compassion?

I try to think what my late father and his father – my grandfather would have said – veterans of World War 2 and 1 respectively.

I believe they too would have shown sympathy for him – not that they would have approved of what he did, since they would not.  But in the scheme of things such as ISIS creeps cutting off heads and terrorists killing unarmed soldiers here in our own country – his offence is really very small potatoes.

Many have even argued that our safety was threatened by this chap’s mascaraed – but how so - unless he came armed - which he did not. 

And it would be entirely different situation if he impersonated a cop.  Now that would be going too far since the public look to the police for protection.

So let’s call it for what it was – a pathetic little guy who for a few minutes tried unsuccessfully to be someone important. 

It is to pity him not destroy him.

Postscript:  Is it not somewhat ironic that an event where the underlying fear was that a terrorist would be found among them – the only one found was a would be soldier.  And wouldn’t it have been even more ironic had the would be soldier been killed by a jihadist?

I wonder what the chattering classes would have said then?

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Union Government In Canada


Over the years, there have been only a few Union Governments where two or more parties have come together to run the affairs of state.  The most famous was the Union Government headed by Robert Borden in 1917 during the latter days of World War One.

But do you happen to know the most recent example of this?

If you guessed this year’s Ontario Election … you’d be absolutely right.

The two parties which came together in victory were the Unions of Ontario’s Public Service and the Liberal Party of Ontario.

And is it not ironic that the term Union Government in our most recent example, contains just that – Unions.

If you are as old as me, you will recall a time when Unions really represented the over-worked and under appreciated – those who often worked under dangerous conditions and for the honour were paid a very modest wage.

Today though, Big Unions represent those who they would once have ridiculed – the overpaid and most privileged civil servant.

You might quibble with my contention that a Union can join forces with a political party and form Government but of course this is exactly what has happened.

Unions are not restrained by nuisance election laws that limit or cap spending and indeed spent multi millions in assisting the Grits to victory. Even the police union piled on against the hapless Tories.

And speaking of the Tories – do you really think anything will change with a new leader.  Look at the numbers: there are 1.5 million on Ontario’s payrolls.  Add spouses, adult children etc. and that number quickly turns into over 3 million all of whom have a vested interest in seeing the current arrangement prevail.

Juxtapose that to the number with the number who actually voted this past June – some 4.5 million or roughly half of the 9 million who were eligible to vote.

So if you start off with 3.5 million bureaucrats and their families in your pocket all anxious to preserve their entitlements -  it becomes virtually impossible to affect the status quo.

It reminds me of the days when the Liberals federally won election after election since they started off with virtually all 75 seats in Quebec along with those ridings in francophone eastern Ontario and northern New Brunswick.  

But the real issue here or should I say issues, is the fact that all of this support is most undemocratic:

  • first, why should Unions be able to vote for one party when their membership is made up of voters who support numerous positions.
  • but even more sinister, is the fact that when Public Service Unions support tax and spend they are thumbing their collective noses at the voters who are also the Province’s Taxpayers who end up paying the freight. 

So what to call this coalition Government?

What about the Liberal / Union Party of Ontario?

Or better yet, the Union / Liberal Party.

And even better, the Union Party of Ontario since that dear reader -  says it all.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Should November 11th Be A Holiday …


Note:  I meant to say in the following Blog that the day of course should be given off to all veterans.  In addition, I am now more convinced than ever that a general holiday is a big mistake.  I say this because I learned today that the big Unions of Quebec take the long weekend as their remembrance so today – Monday the 10th of November - is a holiday for them.  How disrespectful but then again, the Ontario Teachers did something similar as per below.


Rather it should be a time of Remembrance… not party time.

Some of you will know that I once worked for the Minister of Veterans Affairs.  I vividly recall our first Remembrance Day then and still a holiday for federal employees. 

The staff was called together the day before and it went something like this:

Given that tomorrow is November 11th, wouldn’t it be nice if we all met at the office at 10 am tomorrow and then walk down to the War Memorial together.”

There were over 20 staffers present and the suggestion was met with dead silence.  Obviously  they had no intention of spending 11 am in remembrance, despite the fact that for the rest of the year, they worked directly on behalf of Canada’s veterans.

Ontario teachers have shown that they too hold Remembrance Day in questionable regard.  Once upon a time Schools here had November 11th off but teachers, in their wisdom, traded the day for more time off at Christmas.

So no, I am not in favour of a day off and I would even be inclined to rescind the holiday for Canadian government employees.

Rather, I would like to see the tradition begin to have all commercial enterprises closed between the hours of 11 am and noon.  And that everyone come to a stop for two minutes at the strike of 11.

Someone suggested earlier today that the two minutes silence be concluded with the peeling of church bells across the country.

I like the idea since it would touch everyone alike – those who would go to services and those who would not.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’ 


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

PM has acquired a little more competition.


In the form of Premier Kathleen Wynne …she thinks she is the Prime Minister.

This is not that new of an affliction, many Quebec Premiers in the past have also suffered from it but I do believe this is the first for an Ontario Premier.

As as aside, it has also afflicted others in a different way; we have had three Governors General who believed themselves to be the Queen – Sauve, Clarkson and Jean.

So why do I say dear Ms. Wynne believes herself to be Prime Minister?

First she brings in a Bill to create a Pension Plan to compete with the Canada Pension Plan.  It is so unnecessary.

Then she travels to China on a Trade Mission which in my opinion is and should be the propagative of the Feds.  To make matters worse, she does so in the face of the Hong Kong demonstrations for Democracy.

She then sends money to Africa to fight Ebola – albeit a most worthwhile endeavour but one the should be led by the Government of us All.  In reality her job is to get her province ready in case this epidemic spreads here to us. 

There is only so much money to spread around as she should well know.

And most recently, the dear lady is advertising in the media about Remembrance and Canada’s role in wars around the world.  I thought matters of veterans was the exclusive preserve of the Federal Government.

I guess Wynne is not happy confining herself to ensuring high hydro rates, loss of high paying manufacturing jobs, wasting money on numerous scandals …she now wants to branch out to the federal level.

Prime Minister Wynne… it has a nice ring to it.

But Heaven help us all.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

It Beats Me How …


One little twerp – albeit a ‘terrorist’ little twerp, could cause so much mayhem in and for our society.  I cannot recall more print and film being expended on one petty, vile individual; the 24 hour news cycle at its worst.

The following comments abound – end of innocence, this changes everything…  Not.

Ever hear of World War One when Canada lost over 1 in 10 of its male youth?  Heaven help us when we suffers a more significant terrorist act like that sustained by America on 9/11. 

That is not to say that a lone gunman cannot wreck havoc and affect the course of history – think of Lincoln and Kennedy.

But let’s not overstate it and to cut the chaff from the wheat, the only real issue that emerges from last week’s killings in both Montreal and here in Ottawa is what should we do with the 90 or so other little twerps freely roaming around..ready to strike?

Lock them up for Treason comes immediately to mind even though that would take a legislative change and I say this as a retired lawyer and a Libertarian to boot. 

Dear reader, we are at war and this will likely continue for some time to come. Our enemy is the World’s Terrorists …primarily the Muslim Extremists of every ilk and kind.

And know, these Bully Terrorist Groups are not doing it for Religious purposes – that is just to  shield their real motives of power and prestige.

They want to see Western Societies and indeed all Societies in their own image and will not rest until those ends are achieved or until they rest a good 6 feet under. In regard to the latter, let’s do our bit to help them along.

So that brings us back to the infamous 90.  They spout their venom and mimic their foreign twisted masters in the wish that our Society come to an abrupt end.   

This is a new phenomenon – we are not dealing with foreign armies but rather with organized guerrilla groups intent on inflicting as much pain on us as they possibly can.

If we have those amongst who support those objectives, they are our enemy – plain and simple.

Round them up with a view to deprogramming them.  If that does not work – keep them under lock and key until their masters abroad are defeated.

Harsh?  You bet, but sadly necessary.

The bottom line here is that although we should not fear terrorists, we should not leave them alone to their own devices.

Freedom of speech and thought is still paramount but there are limits; you cannot let someone like Hitler speak freely about the need to kill all Jews nor can you allow Islamic Terrorists to speak freely about the need to kill “infidels” like you and me.

The left will howl but as P.E.T. famously said, let those bleeding hearts bleed.  Your life and my life is more worthy than the lives of petty, cowardly terrorists.  Full stop.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

On One Of The Proudest Day’s Of His Life -


Corporal Nathan Cirillo, 24, married - with one young son, was cowardly shot dead this morning while he stood guard over the Grave of the Unknown Soldier at the War Memorial in Ottawa, Canada’s Capital. 

Cpl. Cirillo was a Reservist with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders based in Hamilton, Ontario. He had joined army cadets when only 13.

His death follows by only two days the equally senseless and cowardly murder of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent in Saint-Jean sur Richelieu.

In regard t these deaths, the first question on everyone’s lips is understandably – Why?

And to that I offer the following:

In both cases, it appears that these murderers were born and raised here in Canada. And given their actions, they would have been raised on violent and soul destroying computer games that depicted killing, rape and maiming as normal daily activities.  A toxic mixture itself, and then overlay that with extremist messages from the Internet and you have a very potent and volatile situation.

In essence, the murderers become brainwashed and in a sense are victims themselves.  Not said to excuse their acts but to explain how they are being used by extreme terrorist groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda.

They are not core members for the simple reason that it is power that fuels the Bin Ladens of the world – they want to be in a position to tell you and me how to act.  Rather the home grown terrorist is much like Stalin depicted them – useful idiots.  They are and can be just as deadly though.

The next natural question naturally to arise is what do we do?

Another soft one.

We are at war with Terrorists throughout the world - especially in the Middle East.  When our security forces uncover those living within our borders expressing sympathy for these murdering barbarians – we lock them up for the duration.  Simple as that.

I am not a big fan of the late Pierre Trudeau but I do very much appreciate the following comments he made during the height of the FLQ Crisis in the 1970s:

A. Well there are a lot of bleeding hearts around who just don't like to see people with helmets and guns. All I can say is, go on and bleed, but it is more important to keep law and order in the society than to be worried about weak-kneed people who don't like the looks of ...

Q: At any cost? How far would you go with that? How far would you extend that?

A: Well just watch me.

Q: At reducing civil liberties? To what extent?

A: To what extent?

Q: Well, if you extend this and you say, ok, you're going to do anything to protect them, does this include wire-tapping, reducing other civil liberties in some way?

A: Yes, I think the society must take every means at its disposal to defend itself against the emergence of a parallel power which defies the elected power in this country and I think that goes to any distance. So long as there is a power in here which is challenging the elected representative of the people.

So Terrorists, whether home grown or from afar bring it on, you will find us more than up to the task.

As I see it…

“K. D. Galagher’


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

One Thumb Up …


One Thumb Down.

The Upped Thumb:

Yesterday, in the House of Commons, Prime Minister Harper did not hesitate whatsoever in announcing the Terrorist Attack in Quebec which took the life of one of our force’s members and badly injured another.

The Jihadist, was shot to death when he plunged at police with a large knife.

The cowardly killer had run down the two soldiers with his car, a method of killing recommended to these domestic creeps by Islamist Extremist.

Just before he was killed, the Terrorist called 911 to boast about his despicable act all of course in the name of Allah.

Had this happened below the border,  the Little Guy in the White House most likely have written off the incident as an unfortunate automobile accident.  Indeed that has been his modus operandi in numerous such incidents to date – spewing such nonsense as ‘workplace violence’.

So well done Mr. Harper for calling this inhuman act for what it is. 

Too bad you are the type of Leader the West needs – all you lack is an army as opposed to the Little Guy who has an army but lacks leadership.

The Downed Thumb:

Rona Ambrose, the Minister of Health announced today that Canada would not be sending medical personnel to the Ebola infected parts of Africa until … are you ready for it “we have a guaranteed medical evacuation (plan)”.

So here we have thousands of Africans dying from a disease that has no known cure and are in desperate need of the type of modern medical help that only  countries like ours can provide.

And what a weak excuse – no evacuation plan. 

I say that because the key to stopping this outbreak is to contain the outbreak where it now exists and the only way that can effectively be done is by sending expert medical help and treatment to the source.

Sure it is dangerous but so is sending our troops out to fight bad guys around the world.

In our supposed civilized world there are some things that just have to be done and the poor souls fighting for their lives from Ebola are deserving of our humanitarian best.

I would not force medical personnel to do this – rather I would ask for volunteers and knowing us Canadians I suspect there would be lots of takers.

In the meantime get the army working on needed evacuation plans – they are fully up to the task.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Blood Is Thicker Than Water …


  Note:  In the spirit of fairness I must point out that although I am critical of Muslims who betray their non Muslim neighbours, it was not that long ago when Christians in Germany did the same thing with respect to their Jewish neighbours.  Sadly, I fear, if given another opportunity, it would happen again; Civilization appears to have a very thin veneer.

It certainly appears that way for Tribal Members in the Middle East.

Recently, I was part of a small group which organized a Rally on Parliament Hill intended to support our Government in its efforts to stop the Killing, Raping and Pillaging going on throughout the Middle East and many parts of Africa.

The worst offender is the Barbarian Group known as ISIS.

During the course of the Rally, one of the clergy with strong ties to Mosul, Iraq told us that when ISIS invaded Mosul they had no idea where the Christians lived.  They were soon identified by their hereto peaceful Muslim neighbours.

These neighbours painted signs on their Christian neighbours’ doors thereby conveniently identifying them for persecution at the hands of ISIS.

Mosul today is totally bereft of Christians despite the fact that Christians there dated back to the 1st Century A.D.

More recently, the Kurds fighting for their collective lives in Syria have seen this too.  Invading ISIS has been helped by Muslim Neighbours marking Kurdish abodes for slaughter.

All this seems fly in the face of conventional wisdom that states the vast majority of Muslims abhor ISIS and their minions and that if only given a chance, they would come out and publicly say so.

But they certainly don’t appear to be doing so when given the chance in either Iraq or Syria.

So what are we to take from this?

I am not sure – especially as it relates to us here in the West.

One thing I do think we need to assess – and quickly – is whether major reductions are needed in the flow of Muslim immigration to our shores.  Sad to say, but it appears that this will be necessary until peace is restored in these war torn parts of the world

And that peace will only come when the Muslim Majorities demand it.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Death and Dying …


Better said - Dying and Death …

Or Best said – just Death.

All in keeping with the fact that the Supreme Court of Canada is about to hear a case involving the right of Canadians to Death by Assisted Suicide.

Without getting into why the courts are dealing with such issues of social import rather than our elected Parliament - let’s deal with the matter itself.

That said, I believe the Court will rule in favour of expanding this manufactured ‘right’ – it just can’t seem to help itself - and in so doing, will mirror the wishes of today’s society.

Indeed, recent polling reports that 84% of Canadians are in favour of such; count me though as a 16%er.

Some attribute such high support to the decline in organized religion but realistically thinking – the religious have nothing to fear from death; the atheists everything.  Rather, I see it more as a fallout from society’s great propensity to dispose. After all, it’s much easier to use pampers than cloth diapers as our over-full landfills can attest.

When I grew up in the late 40’s and 50’s families took care of themselves – households were often multi generational – grandparents, aunts and uncles. That generation took care of their own.

Then in the 60s we came along – along with  nursing homes.  We could now warehouse the sick, the elderly and the infirm.

And with the ever rising cost of health care, this warehousing has itself become inconvenient…and  dear reader, it is all about convenience.

We – us boomers - are ‘me generation’ – and we want for society what we perceive as good for us individually.

I saw a woman interviewed recently who complained bitterly about having to be care giver to an elderly relative.  Apparently no beds were available in the community and she was angry that the government did not financially compensate her for her efforts.  Her patient was her elderly father.

Now the overwhelmng cry is for a permanent solution.  Reminds me of the Nazis era.

The Pro Suicide folks  – like Pro Choice – couch it as providing a choice but the choice really comes down to death.

So bring us your sick, your dying, your infirm and did not financially compensate her for her efforts. we’ll happily send them on their way into the abyss.  All the while, we comfort ourselves in the mistaken belief that we are being humane.

Modern medicine has advanced to the point where no one needs to suffer – so the need for choice is a hollow one.

Either life is sacred or it is not; there should not be qualifiers.

But for 84% of us – and likely the SCC, let’s just get rid of those who don’t measure up – or are used up – it is much cleaner and of course so much more convenient.

And with us baby boomers getting longer in the tooth – it will most certainly save money at least for those of us who remain healthy.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’ 



Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Is There A Solution To The Muslim Crisis?



Certainly not in the short or medium term – i.e. not within the next 10 to 20 years.

And do you know who shares much of the blame?

You and I and more specifically, we in the West who have paid $ Trillions of dollars to Middle Eastern Sheiks for our energy .. primarily oil.

We had a chance in the early 70s – when OPEC was formed, to put in place a crash program to become energy self-sufficient but we let that opportunity pass – some 40 years ago.

Our cash over those subsequent years – has been used to terrorize us abroad, and innocents in their own homelands.

So if there is no solution to the ‘crisis’ – why are we and our other allies sending CF 18’s to bomb ISIS et al?

Glad you asked.

There are three (3) main reasons:

First, it is to degrade (destroy) ISIS the most despicable and barbaric bunch of bastards the world has seen in many a century.

And they can be destroyed from the air since they are not only detested by our friends but by many of our enemies as well.

Second, to give those innocents who are currently trapped by ISIS a chance to run to freedom.  Most notably among these groups are the Christian minorities.  - and -

Third, to give those troops on the ground – the Kurds, the Shia etc. an opportunity to regroup and renew their fight against these ISIS maniacs.

That is why Canada and so many others have joined the US led coalition.

But as the title of this Blog states, this will not bring peace to the Middle East or so many troubled spots in Africa.

Nor will our boots on the ground do any good – as some propose.  Indeed, it has been over 60 years when boots on the ground did any good and that was Korea.  Since then, it has been once big disappointment after another and the consequent loss of life, maiming and loss of treasure.

The only way peace will come to these tragic areas is for the people there themselves to rise up themselves and demand change.

Until that happens – nothing of substance will happen.

In the West we can help things along first by becoming energy self sufficient so we no longer find ourselves funding our own demise.

Second, we need to cut off these troubled areas as much from the rest of the world as possible - not only to prevent the spread of this cancerous terrorism but to force the Muslim populations generally to look inward at themselves for solutions. (can’t you just hear the loony left screaming at this one). 

That’s it from here – bomb ISIS into oblivion while helping native boots on the ground to do the clean-up work – all the while letting those innocents trapped by ISIS an opportunity to escape.

It will not be a fix for the problem but it will at least set the stage for a real fix and drop the issue squarely into the laps of the locals where it properly belongs.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’


Saturday, October 4, 2014

Beg Your Pardon ?…


Say Again.

Mssrs. Mulcair and Trudeau will vote against Canada’s involvement with the coalition of over 40 other countries against ISIS because …

‘Harper has not adequately explained to these two gentlemen the need for it’.

A reality check for them – ISIS has already explained the need to do so by their public beheadings, other vicious modes of killing, raping and sexual slavery and the burying alive of children and babies.

Here is what this week’s UN Report had to say on the subject:

ISIS forces have committed gross human rights violations and violence of an "increasing sectarian nature" against groups including Christians, Yazidis and Shia Muslims in a widening conflict that has forced 1.8 million Iraqis to flee their homes, according to the 29-page report by the UN Human Rights Office and the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

"These include attacks directly targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure, executions and other targeted killings of civilians, abductions, rape and other forms of sexual and physical violence perpetrated against women and children, forced recruitment of children, destruction or desecration of places of religious or cultural significance, wanton destruction and looting of property, and denial of fundamental freedoms."

A reputable poll out this weekend states surprisingly that Mulcair and Trudeau are not alone in their bizarre thinking since 26% of Canadians say they share their myopic vision.  

And it is not as though Canada’s contribution is significant … it is not.  Indeed our help to the mission is below modest even – a half dozen aged war planes and a refueler.

Even so, ISIS has made the case for countries like ours to get involved and even the left leaning United Nations concurs – so Harper’s two cents worth is really redundant.

But doesn’t one just shutter to think of either opposition leader as PM – other than I guess for their 26% public supporters.

Let’s be clear here – Canada’s contribution and indeed the entire mission will not succeed in cleaning up the Middle East – it can’t.

The only way the Middle East will be calmed is when the inhabitants of those war torn countries say they have had enough and work together to restore peace and prosperity and the likelihood of that remains years (decades?) off.

What Canada and the others are doing is to curb (degrade) ISIS, the most ruthless group of barbarians the world has known in many of centuries. 

The Mission gives the good guys on the ground such as the Kurds a chance to regroup and fight these cancerous terrorists on their own.

And finally, it gives the victims of ISIS brutality, the opportunity to flee for safety.

That is why Canada is joining on and that is why Mulcair and Trudeau are so misguided in their thinking.

As I recall, was it not Young Trudeau’s dad who rode the streets of Montreal during the Second World War wearing a Nazi helmet?  And was it not Mulcair who came out after 9/11 to say it was an inside job?

Stellar men both.

As I see it …

“K.D. Galagher’


Friday, October 3, 2014

Mine is bigger than yours …


As in Young Trudeau and his macho comment of yesterday.

Apparently Trudeau thinks it’s macho to see who can whip out the biggest …… jet fighter.

Well I hate to break it to the young lad but in Canada’s case we are dealing with aging CF 18s that no longer measure up – so to speak – to current day state of the art air machines.

And if he thinks Harper is dumb enough to play such a macho game with out-dated fighters, it makes you wonder how small his point of reference is?

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’

Thursday, October 2, 2014



This new century was supposed to be one of peace and prosperity and instead has recycled back to the mid half of the last century some 50 – 60 years ago.

And I vividly recall those troubling days:

Communism was our common foe, the USSR was act its pinnacle of power and Red China was considered a most sinister albeit sleeping giant.

The World had undergone several hot wars, WW I and WW II as well as Korea and was then entangled in Vietnam, the latter, a product of the Cold War with Russia.

Nuclear War was a constant threat back then but as the Century progressed that concern declined in the lead up to the end of the Cold War with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the accompanying disintegration of the USSR.

China began to awaken and in so doing, jettisoned radical socialism in favour of capitalism while retaining its totalitarian way of governing.  The hope though was that as consumer goods became available to them – things like cars, homes and money in the bank, totalitarianism too would gradually fade into history.

Boy were we wrong.

Flash ahead to today and Russia is on the move again trying to reinvent their Socialist Soviet Republic.  Its former satellite states sit ripe for the plucking.

All the while, the little guy in the White House sits idly by offering nothing but a bewildered look on his face and all the while professing it is “not my fault”.  I have never in my life come across a person who could so readily find someone other than himself to blame.  (Have to wonder if he does that at home with Michelle?)

In a matter of a few short years, China will be the world’s largest economy replacing the once almighty US of A.  To make matters worse, China has now positioned itself as America’s banker and is using its new found profits to dramatically expand its military. Her neighbours shutter.

This is occurring while Chinese authorities ruthlessly crush protest throughout the country and are now engaged in a stare down with Democracy Advocates in Hong Kong.

And yet things are not as bad as they were back then… they are far worse.

The Middle East is on fire.  Terrorists there and throughout many parts of Africa are butchering and raping at will while the supposed civilized world stands idly by awaiting a most reluctant America to come to the rescue.

The little guy tries to screw up the courage to do something while avoiding the fact that had he acted sooner … drawing real red lines in the sand in Syria and retaining troops in Iraq, the chaos the Middle East could have been avoided.

What a mess.

But dear reader, I have avoided the real danger issue and that is with respect to a Nuclear Iran.

Iran for all intents and purposes now has the bomb and is working diligently on perfecting its delivery.  Moreover, it is on record as saying its goal is to entirely eradicate Israel and with these bombs, the small State of Israel could be vaporized in a matter of minutes.

All hell would then break lose with the likelihood of war too catastrophic to imagine.

The US is currently engaged in negotiations with Iran in regard to seeing its nuclear program limited but as things look now, these negotiations are likely to end in failure with no adverse repercussions for Iran.

Our only hope is that Israel acts unilaterally to set back Iran’s program (i.e. bomb their sites) to give the west more time to get it right. 

As I said, things have never looked so bleak and yet many in the West continue to advise against getting involved.

It is to cry … or to laugh.

Where are the Winston Churchills and the FDRs when you need them?

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’



Monday, August 11, 2014

ISIS Butchers Christians…


And yet the World remains silent; eerily reminiscent of the Nazi reign of terror against the Jews in the 1930s and 40s.

This past year alone saw 165,000 Christians martyred for their beliefs, and there’s every indication that this number will be much higher this year given the magnitude of their current slaughter in Syria and Iraq.

Indeed, throughout Africa and the Middle East, Christians are under attack by Extremist Muslims and ISIS is the worst of the worst.

Rape, beheading, burying alive is their standard fare.

All in the name of their beloved Muhammad; but it really comes down to their lust for power. 

And while the World turns its head, it tut tuts about Israel’s attempt to defend itself from the equally misguided and murderous Hamas.   

The goal of Radical Muslims is to unite Muslims into a Caliphate or State ruled by an appointed successor to Muhammad.  From there, the extremists will branch out to conquer the world.

So if you are neither Jewish nor Christian, fear not ..your turn for persecution will most certainly come … as in the immortal words of Martin Niemoller, and when they came for me “there was no one left to speak out.”

A small group of us are not prepared to sit idly by and watch their annihilation go unchallenged.  We met together this past weekend to begin planning for a massive demonstration on Parliament Hill, here in Ottawa.

Time is of the essence and I will keep you posted with respect to our progress.





Saturday, July 5, 2014



He is to blame but … he simply cannot help it.

This is my final Blog for over the summer unless something really, really important comes up which I cannot resist blogging about.

We, in Ontario, have the worst government in our Provincial history but its negative effect is contained specifically to our province and more generally to Canada.

The disaster known as Obama though affects the United States of America – the greatest nation on earth and as a result, negatively impacts the entire world.

I will not recite all of his failings – I simply do not have the time nor inclination to do so.

Suffice to say, the World is a much more dangerous place to live since the little guy was elected but 6 short years ago:

The middle east is on fire, Russia has returned – if not to cold war status – at least to cool war.  Iran, the most dangerous country on the face of the earth has – for all intents and purposes, the Bomb.  North Korea – run by a mad man, continues to perfect its Atomic Bomb Delivery System.  China is becoming more and more belligerent with its neighbours and uses American money to fund its massive and ever growing military.

Obama started his presidency with a world tour to apologize for America’s actions in years gone by.  He sucked up to his enemies and demeaned his friends including stalwarts such as Israel and our own country.

Indeed, today no one trusts America anymore – neither friend nor foe.

Extreme Muslims are out of the bottle and will not be put back for a long, long bloody time to come.

On the domestic front, Obama has met with equal success:

One in Three – One Hundred Million Americans are now on welfare.

One in Six – Fifty Million receive food stamps.

In the aftermath of the financial collapse of 2007 and 2008 which caused massive unemployment, Obama brought in his job killing Health Plan.  He has had to delay its implementation time and again to avoid all out layoffs.

More recently, he imposed draconian conditions on coal fire powered which in turn will lead to even more unemployed.  Today coal accounts for 40% of US energy production and unlike oil is mostly mined in the States itself.  It is conceded that the new restrictions on production will lead to the shut down of this industry.

Each year the US deficit goes up another $Trillion Dollars and by the end of his term, the Debt will total over $20 TRILLION.

And as touched on earlier, America’s new banker is Red China.

Simply stated, America is quickly going down the tubes as 50% of the populace and most of the media cheer on.

So is Obama responsible?

Yes he is.

Can he help himself?

Not at all.

When he was first elected I was most happy for him and especially for the Black population of America generally. It helped mark ‘paid’ to the rancour surrounding American Civil War.

That said, I would not have voted for him since I am conservative but I was rooting for him nonetheless.

But it was not long before things started going poorly and it was not long after that I figured out just why.

Simply stated, being President is not in Obama’s genes.

Like so many of today’s Black kids, his father abandoned both he and his mother.

As a minority person, he grew up in a ‘them vs. us’ society, which would have embittered him toward the white establishment.

As a social worker in the slums of Chicago, he would have acquired a bias against the capitalist system.  For him, Big Government …not Big Business was the answer.

And like many from the outside, it was and continues to be ‘someone else’s fault’ when things do not go as planned.  Indeed, I have never seen an individual more adept at failing to take responsibility though Dolton McGuinty does come in a close second.

He sat in a church pew where for 20 odd years his Minister regularly condemned America as being “Gxd Damn America.  And then after the service, the self same Pastor retired to his gated white community and $20 million dollar homestead. One could barf.

His dear wife said she only fell in love with her country when it elected her husband.  This despite the fact that both had carved out successful careers and life styles well before any Presidential Campaign.

So for me, and although it is all his fault and no one else’s, he is not to blame, he simply cannot help himself, it is not in his makeup.

As such nothing will change over the course of the 2 years left in his mandate.

The only question that remains is whether or not the damage the little guy has done … everywhere, can be undone by the administration that follows him.

And I am most fearful that the answer is it cannot.

See you in the Fall.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’ 


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Few Quickies Before I Skewer …once again…


The Little Guy in the Whitehouse with my final blog … for a while.

#1.   Ontario Tory Leadership

It appears that the Provincial Tories are hell bent for an early leadership convention.

It would be a big mistake.  They have 4 years to get their act together and part of that process should be to see who might be best to lead them.

The Tory public also needs to get behind the new leadership and have been sorely disappointed by the offerings of the last 10 years. 

Lets wait 2 years or so and allow for a dry run between the potential leaders … Elliott, MacLeod et al.

#2.   Randy Hillier

I have been critical of Mr. Hillier in earlier blogs but the chap has come out with some good ideas of late.

Hillier, the MPP for Lanark – Frontenac, has come out with solid common sense ideas on how to involve the grass roots.  He sees the Tory apparatus being pyramid like … that is to say, ruled from the top down and is advocating rule from the bottom up.  This is exactly what the Tories need if they ever hope to return to power.

Hillier has announced that he will not be in the running for new leader but I suggest he reconsider.  Even if he does not win, which is most likely, at least his running would provide a valuable platform for his refreshing ideas.  And I would offer my advice for gratis if he chooses to do so.

#3.   The Egyptian – Canadian(?) Journalist

The Tory of Government of Canada is under fire for not aggressively coming to the defence of Al-Jazeera Journalist Mohamed Fahmy.

Fahmy was sentenced this week to 7 years by an Egyptian Court and the left in Canada is livid that Canada has not done more to help him.

But my reply to these dear and misguided folks is no damn way.

As you know, I am fundamentally opposed to dual citizenship – it is an oxymoron.  How can one be loyal to two or more Sovereign States at the same time.

The fact is they cannot.

But in Fahmy case, I am doubly opposed to Canada’s involvement due to the fact that one of his claimed citizenships is Egyptian.  Hence when he goes to Egypt, he is in one of his mother lands and must abide by their laws.  If this had occurred in Iran say, there may be some onus on Canada to act.  But not much.

But to add insult to injury, the guy has lived, worked and made his home in Egypt for a dozen years.  Doesn’t sound like much of a Canadian to me.

Leftist loons … call of the attack dogs; you are only making yourselves look silly.

#4.  Iraq

Iraq is in a state of collapse and the blame goes back to the treaties ending the First World War.

There are, as you know 3 distinct sects comprising that beleaguered country – the Kurds in the North, the Sunnis in the Center and the Shiite, who make up the majority, are primarily located in the South.

The Shittes and the Sunnis are at each others’ throats across Islam and have been since the middle ages.

So what to do.

The US has an obligation to do something given its military incursion into that hapless nation.

It cannot guarantee the peace but it could have and still can stop / slow the advance of the radical Sunnis to give time to the majority Shittes to get ready to withstand the Sunnis assault.

The fact that America is not taking such action is another knock against the Little Guy in the White House as my final Blog will point out.

But longer term, Iraq needs to be sectioned…as, believe it or not, Vice President Biden earlier proposed.  Indeed, it was one of the only times that I can recall being in sync with the mentally challenged VP.

As an aside, there is much to compare between Biden and Justin Trudeau, both have nice hair and nice teeth but not much upstairs.

But I digress.

Back to Biden’s idea of creating three states out of the current Iraq:  A Kurdish nation in the North; A Sunnis nation in the middle; and A Shiite nation in the south.

It, dear reader, is the only way to go.

#5.  The Solution To Islam

I have said it before but it is worth saying again, the only solution to the problems in the Middle East is to draw a ring around Islam and let them fight it out.

No more loss of life and wasted money for the West.

No one gets in and no one gets out.

No immigration from any of those states until those states come to their senses.

No flights, no boats, no rail, no roads, just closed borders.

Sounds harsh doesn’t?  Well it is.

And yet, it is the only thing that is going to work…otherwise the death and misery being experienced there now will only continue to spread to our fair lands.

Once the last men and women standing so to speaks come to their senses, they will be glad that the West is still there in tact to guide the Middle East into the 21 st Century.

#6.  Dearth of Leadership

Have you noticed that lack of true leadership in the world around us?

Where are the FDRs, the Churchills, the Kennedys, the Reagans, the Iron Ladies?

No wonder things across the planet are in such a mess:

The middle east in burning;

Africa is terror central;

Europe / Russia are at each others’ throats;

Iran has the bomb by now despite what the little guy is saying;

Nuclear North Korea continues to march to its own twisted drum;

China is flexing its muscles and sooner, than later will be causing even more fear and unrest for their peace-loving neighbours.

As to want of leadership, we need look no further than to our own deficient leadership:

Ontario has just re-elected the worst Government in its over 200 hundred year history;

At the top, we have Sullen Stephen (he who is light on conservatism); Angry Tom (who is light on separatists) and Little Between The Ears Justin (who fortunately got his mother’s looks … but sadly, also her brains.)

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Friday, June 20, 2014

All Tories Are Racists …


So said a caller to one of the local radio stations here in Ottawa yesterday.

My reply to him is that ‘all those thinking such are Morons’.  So there.

But first and just to confirm, I am going into a siesta state but first have decided to get one or two Blogs off my chest…so to speak.

The nimwit’s comment would have ordinarily fallen on my deaf ears but it was the second time in two days that I had heard more or less the same thing; the first time was by a Chinese Canadian woman who up until then I had respected.

It happened during our Wednesday discussion group and the topic was the Northern Gateway Pipeline.

I had led off the discussion by saying it had to go through and fast given that the centre – Ontario and Quebec, were rapidly losing their manufacturing, which was not likely to ever return.

Oil and Gas, especially from the West were the things that would keep our economy afloat.

Others joined in, and not surprisingly the issue of native opposition to the pipeline came up.  The essence of their concerns was that native groups should not be allowed to disrupt the process by way of violence, as some of their Chiefs have threatened to do.

I too added to the discussion by saying that natives who did interfere in such a way, should have their Government of Canada funding cut off.

The discussion continued.

It was then that our Chinese Canadian woman piped (pun?) in by saying ‘Canada consists of many racists as is evident by the discussion here today’.

I was dumbfounded on two accounts:

First, I was saddened that such a bright lady would stoop to invoking racism for the sole purpose of shutting down the discussion. 

Second, I was angered by her suggestion since it is totally false.

It was the second result that caused me to reply to the dear lady.

I said, “if being critical of those who would use civil disobedience to defy the Will of the People is racist, then call me a Red Neck”.

“My only concern is for the welfare of all Canadians –be they red, black, blue and white as I truly believe we will all benefit by having our oil and gas reach world markets”.

I made my point but probably made an enemy in so doing.

The fact is though, the World runs on oil and will do so for the better part of this current century. And we in Canada are blessed to have it in abundance.

As stated above,Canada, like the Western World generally, is losing its manufacturing.  It is relocating to parts of the world that provide cheap, abundant labour.  But those countries are not self sufficient, they need oil and gas to operate and if Canada does not meet this need, other countries will gladly do so.

We therefore have an opportunity to move forward or fall back.

And in that regard, to say that we will not condone violent native protests is not racist; it is only common sense and in the end will be best.

Later I got in another relevant point.

I pointed out how bizarre it is for such projects as the Northern Gateway Pipeline to literally takes decades to get approved. “If it were China – the about to become largest economy in the World – approval can be obtained within a day”.  I also stated that in saying this I was not defending dictatorship but only voicing the need for these types of decisions – for or against – to be made more quickly.

Our lady piped up again to say that she was from China and their projects were done in such a way as to cause needless death to its workers.

Once again, the dear lady missed the point but sadly I know that she is not alone in her misguided thinking but I do think they are in the minority.

As such, the Conservatives have a golden opportunity to push the pipeline through to completion and in doing so re-set the political agenda in their favour as both Young Trudeau and Angry Tom have come out against it.

The Conservative’s tepid support of late for the project causes me to wonder though if they are smart enough to seize the moment.

It would be a shame.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Happy 104th Mr. Hees !!


Today, June 17, 2014, is the birthday of our former boss and much loved politician, the Honourable George Hees.

A year ago, I wrote a belated Eulogy for this late great Statesman, and it seems fitting to publish it once again:

When we see how politics has fallen into disrepute in recent times, we consider ourselves most fortunate to have worked for one of Canada’s last great statesmen-politicians, the Honourable George Hees.

Mr. Hees passed away in Toronto on June 11, 1996 at the age of 85.  This Monday, June 17th, would have been his 103rd birthday.

Married in 1934 to Mabel Dunlop..’the Pembroke Pearl’, the Hees’ had three daughters and a life together full of interesting times and adventure.

Save for a brief interlude between 1963 and 1965, our Boss was continually a Member of Parliament from 1950 until his retirement in 1988.

His accomplishments were legend: all star athlete culminating with his being on the 1938 Grey Cup Champion Toronto Argonauts; a war hero wounded in the heavily fought battle for the Walcheren Causeway in Holland in 1944; a most successful businessman having had to take over the family business at a young age after his father was killed in a riding accident; he served as Cabinet Minister in the Diefenbaker Government of 1957-1963 both as Minister of Transport and Minister of Trade and Commerce;and, later in life served in the Mulroney Government as both Minister of Veterans Affairs and Minister of State for Seniors.

The list could go on and on but for us, Mr. Hees was far more than these biographical entries.  He was a gentleman of the first order.

Always cheerful and never critical he inspired his staff to do their utmost simply by the fact that we never wanted to let him down.  On those occasions when we did, he encouraged us to shake it off “we all make mistakes” he said, “and no one more than me”.

When asked one time what best prepared him for a life in politics he replied simply, “that’s easy, sports, in sports you have to depend on your teammates and with sports comes both victory and failure and the lessons learned in how to successfully deal with each”.

He did not view the Members of other parties as the enemy, rather he considered them friends, all working in the interests of a better Canada and he lived that philosophy by example, as well as by word.  When we came to work for him as the newly appointed Minister of Veterans Affairs his first order of business for us was to get to know the Veterans’ Opposition Critics. He asked us to find out what he could do for them to make their jobs easier all with the goal that this would benefit veterans whom he viewed as the most special of Canadians.

We can hear him now … in his speeches … telling audiences of the sacrifices made by these young men and women, “they risked their lives, risked having their heads were blown off and too often their limbs destroyed, all so that we might enjoy the many freedoms we have today.”

Our Boss was fond of mottos; while Minister for Trade and Commerce in the early 1960s he promoted the phrase You Can’t Do Business Sitting On Your Ass and neckties of a donkey accompanied with the letters YCDBSOYA soon flourished.  While Minister of Veterans Affairs he coined the phrase Courtesy, Generosity and Speed (C.G.S.). Both these mottos encouraged his departments to double their efforts on behalf of their respective clientele.

Mr. Hees was very much from the old school in that he was proud of his profession and proud of his colleagues on all sides of the House of Commons. Often he would coach newly elected M.P.s regardless of party just because that was the way he was. Few know this, but he met often with Pierre Elliott Trudeau to discuss issues of the day.

Also of interest, was the fact that he was offered a Senate position by both the Liberals and the Conservatives but dismissed them by saying “I’m too young to retire.”

Perhaps the best way to sum up this Eulogy is to refer back to Hansard on the last day George Hees appeared in the House of Commons, the date was September 1, 1988:

Neil Young the NDP Critic for Veterans Affairs stood and asked the Boss a rather soft question – he began with the following lead-in – “My question is to the Minister of Veterans Affairs, and it may very well be the last chance I have to ask the Minister a question in the House or indeed for him to give a response.  And I regret that very much Mr. Speaker, because the Minister has been appreciated by all members on all sides of the House and certainly by the Veterans of Canada”.

Mr. Young’s question was met with thunderous applause throughout.

George Hees then replied -

“To start with, Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank all Honourable members for their very kind and generous expression of good will that they accorded me a few moments ago. This is one of the reasons that makes serving in Parliament the finest profession that anyone can have. I’ve enjoyed it tremendously not only because of the work that we’re all able to do,but because of the associations that we make, not only with members of our own party, but with members of all other parties.”

This was followed by several standing ovations.

It has been a quarter century since the voice of George Harris Hees echoed in the Halls of Parliament but for many and most especially for those like us who had the honour to have worked for him, those words will never be stilled.

Respectively submitted by:

Keith Bell … Former Chief of Staff

Shirley Cheevers … Former Executive Assistant

Monday, June 16, 2014

It is all about the Children …


I have decided to take a break once again from Blog writing.

Before I do however, I want to leave you with two more blogs – today’s and then one to follow about the little gaffer in the White House.

Today’s is about the future … for our once proud Province of Ontario.

Kathleen Wynne, in her recent campaign, urged voters to forget the past – you know the numerous scandals and such … and to focus on the future.

The past, said Wynne, was all about her predecessor Dolton McGuinty.

So okay, let’s do what dear Kathleen wants and focus on a Wynne Ontario.

And let’s do it from the perspective of the future … namely our children and our children’s children.

First … Sex Ed.

As Minister of Education, dear Kathleen tried unsuccessfully to introduce radical sex education into our schools.

This was something that even the Dolster could not stomach and, to his credit, quickly shelved the idea.

But now Wynne is in the driver’s seat, she has announced that one of the first things she will do, as Premier, is to bring back the ill fated Sex Ed Program.

Now some background is in order to better understand the curriculum to follow:

1st., Wynne is a lesbian;

2nd., the person she hand picked to introduce the new sex ed program, while she was Minister, has been charged with being a pedophile, and,

3rd., the most recent study in the United States found only 4% of Americans self identifying as homosexual.

Begs the question what is fuelling this most controversial initiative.

And Controversial It Is:

Starting in Grade One the little gaffers will be exposed to graphic lessons and pictures of sexual body parts.  (as a aside this alone could run educators afoul of the criminal code… but I digress).

In Grade 3, the little urgings will be taught gender theory, that is to say, that it is normal to question whether or not a you are a boy or a girl, regardless of your physic.

In Grade 6, you will be taught how to masturbate and,

In Grade 7, your studies will focus on oral and anal sex.

(And to think, I was always of the opinion that there was not enough history being taught in our schools.)

And at a time when our youth – Grades 1 and 3 should be playing cops and robbers or with dolls.

And then the lessons for Grades 6 and 7 go even further afield.

Bet you did not hear much about all that in the recent election campaign?

So that’s bad, but so is the fact that our children and their children will have to pay off our debts racked up under 4 successive Grit terms.

The Debt is approaching $300 Billion Dollars, our Deficit is slated to climb this year to over $12 Billion Dollars and the Liberal Promise to balance the Budget within 2 to 3 years is … simply pie in the sky.

It won’t happen.

So hug a kid today and thank him or her or whatever, for their kindness.

Talk about a reverse inheritance.

Sadly though, there will be less of them to thank since our Energy costs are three times the norm and rapidly climbing, there will be less jobs for them and the lucky ones will continue, as they do today, to escape the Province for jobs elsewhere – primarily in the West and in the United States.

So go girl go – you are the Wynner; let’s see what you can do.

We can afford to wish you well since it will be our children who will get the bill.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’

Friday, June 13, 2014



On the night of April 30th 1900, ‘Casey’ Jones and his Cannonball Express collided with a stalled freight train on the tracks of the Illinois and Central Railroad.

We in Ontario too have a train wreck in motion and one being engineered by none other than ‘Casey’ Kathleen and her Gritty Crew.

And like the night of April 30th one hundred years ago, things will end in disaster.

But, the Voters of Ontario have spoken and none can later say they were not warned. 

Pundits today, are suggesting that Premier elect, Kathleen Wynne will be forced to be fiscally prudent by the Bond-Raters.

They’d be wrong … they do not realize how inculcated Wynne and her followers are in the obsessive need to spend massive amounts of other people’s money on hair brained schemes and general waste.

The day will come when the party is over – so to speak, but the Liberals will do their best to delay taking meaningful action as long as possible.

So do not expect any quick fixes in the near to medium future and that, dear reader, is what the voters of Ontario are content with in any event.

I do expect Wynne will soon announce a freeze on hiring and salaries but things are so bad economically in Ontario that that would be like spitting in the wind and hoping to put out the fire.

Jobs will continue to be lost with energy rates 3x what they are in neighbouring provinces and states.  Wynne’s new ill advised pension scheme will create even more incentive for businesses to pick up- and go elsewhere.  All, will cause more and more unemployment in all sectors of the economy.

It is for that reason I am not happy with yesterday’s election results but I am happy that the voters were given the opportunity to have their say.

And I am also absolutely delighted by the fact that it is Wynne who, for the next 4 years, will have to live with the disaster created by her Grit forebears over the course of the last decade and more.

So keep your hand on the Throttle dear Kathleen and remember, like the ill fated ‘Casey’, when the crash ultimately occurs … you will be riding right up at the very front of the Train.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’