Thursday, September 16, 2010


How can one argue about government initiatives that 'just make good sense'. It is fool-hardy to even try.

As I have stated on previous occasions, It All Started With Seat Belts..

It really didn't, it started much earlier than that - but the Seat Belt Requirement stands out in Government's attempt and to date - successful attempt - to take us into the Nanny State.

As a Libertarian my major belief, outside of the Realm of Religion, is that Individual's should be free to do what he or she likes, unfettered by government control ..AS Long AS - his or her actions do not directly harm another person.

Back to Seat Belts.

If an Individual does not buckle up and is thrown from his vehicle and is injured or dies - it is that individual alone who suffers directly. I say, let him or her make that decision for themselves. The State has no role here.

The Elitist / Statist though would say, oh but if he or she is injured the cost associated with their care is borne by all taxpayers and hence "others do suffer" for that person's stupidity (i.e financially). And of course, It Just Makes Sense.

Now let's look at another situation where Libertarians more or less agree with the Politically Correct Class (PCC) - Drunk Driving. In this case, measures are needed to stamp out drunk driving because there is no guarantee that only the Drunk Driver will be killed or injured as a result of his or her stupidity. ( I do take exception to the very low .05 threshold that the PCC has established to infer that a driver is drunk but that is a matter for another time). In essence - their basic premise is sound because the actions of a drunk driver can lead directly to the suffering of others.

I remember saying at the time Seat Belts were made mandatory that soon we would have the State telling us what to eat. In fact, I thought this most unlikely. Silly me - since this is exactly what has been happening of late. "Junk" Food has already been taken out of our schools, Fast Food Outlets are now required to list the caloric count for their foodstuffs, and threats are now being made to force these Outlets like McDonalds to reduce the fat and salt content in their various products.

What the State is saying, is that it does not trust Adults, either for themselves or as Parents, to make the 'right decision'. That 'decision' of course is the one the State promotes.

I say let the People eat what they want and if they die of a heart attack - so be it.

But the Elitists / Statists would say, society is getting too fat, health care costs are skyrocketing and action needs to be taken to stop people from eating unhealthy foods. And of course, It Just Makes Good Sense.

As an aside, I find it interesting when these PCCers point to the costs associated with a heart attack and how much it burdens the health system. They imply that society would save all kinds of money if everyone was more healthy. I am not so sure that an objective study would support this. Indeed, most health care dollars are spent on end of life care - the care of seniors who linger months and years in bed long after their minds and bodies have worn out. Quebec and Holland are currently looking at ways in which to remedy this.

Cigarettes. If someone smokes and ends up ill because of their smoking - he or she is the direct cause of that illness. It affects no others. Libertarians are all for their smoking. They are after all - Adults and in a free society have the right to make their own decisions even if those decisions run counter to their health.

In come the Statists / Elitists - smoking is bad for you and if you are too stupid to realize it we will bring in measures to curb this activity. No smoking in or near public buildings - private or government- it makes no difference. Tax the living daylights out of tobacco - make it too expensive for the average Joe. (I do not agree generally with the illegal activities carried out by Natives in this country but I do agree with their efforts to smuggle smokes and booze because State Taxes are merely a back door attempt to ban these substances. If Government truly thinks these items are in need of banning - then be above-board and bring in legislation to do just that. (As I recall, the USA did just that in the 1920s).

In any case, there is no doubt that smoking is harmful to an individual and that any steps taken by the Government to stop this activity - Just Makes Good Sense.

I could go on and on.

And by the way - have you heard that the Ontario Government wants to ban barbs on fishing hooks. I can see they will soon want to ban gun powder in rifle shells In any case, It Just Makes Good Sense.

I can foresee the day when a future Government will require all of its citizens to enter into a plastic bubble before leaving their homes to venture outside. It will only Make Good Sense since studies will show that citizens outside of plastic bubbles are exposing themselves to injury and even to death. You certainly cannot argue with that.

As I see it...
