Monday, February 28, 2011

Democracies Unite.....

If the Middle East has taught us anything it is the need for true democracies to unite within an Organization similar to the United Nations - with one notable exception - in the new organization non-democracies need not apply.

When I say true democracies I am referring to those democratic states based on the Rule of Law. Without such Rules, you risk Tyranny by the Majority. Don`t forget that Hitler was first elected as a result of the democratic process and this is likely to occur in many of the Middle Eastern States following the Revolutions.

In past Blogs I have expressed the need for such an Organization - this need is greater than ever given that America is broke and in decline. It is now the time for similarly constructed nations to come together to relieve America of its burden.

And unlike the UN - this group would already have its own armed forces - NATO.

No longer would the world have to sit idly by while mad men and women slaughtered or starved or imprisoned their own citizens.

So deep six the United Nation.

Not at all.

Sir Winston Churchill said it best - Jaw Jaw is better than War War.

So let the petty dictators and tyrants talk - is does not cost that much and it keeps them from being totally isolated in their respective fiefdoms.

And it will provide ongoing comic relief to the world - seeing their important Organs such as the Human Rights Commission occupied by such notable Human Rights abusers as Libya and Cuba.

The new organization would work with potential members to strengthen their economies and set in place the intuitions needed to ensure democratic growth.

Will it happen - I am more confident today that it will and with the increasing threats throughout the world it cannot happen too soon.

As I see it...
