Thursday, June 28, 2012

Obama 5 Public 4

The US Supreme Court ruled in Obama’s favour today by endorsing his controversial Health Care Bill.

The Court’s Ruling has 4 major implications:

First, it represents a major victory for this Democratic President – one that will rejuvenate his campaign in regard to the coming November Election. It could even propel him into office for another four (4) years;

Second, it will launch an avalanche of expenditure at a time when the United States of America does not have a spare penny to spend. Its economy will suffer even more.

Third, it represents another example of the Courts’ progressive bent. Simply stated, the hard issues are being dealt with by a small select group of judges and not by the peoples’ elected representatives. - and -

Fourth, the decision will place American Health Care on the same road as followed by we Canadians. In other words, on the road of middling care.

The Health Care Law will now become the major issue for this fall’s election and in that regard, I would like to deal with implications numbers two and three.

We are all familiar with what is transpiring in Europe and things there continue to worsen given the fact that France just elected a Socialist President. His motto for Europe is to spend its way out of the economic crisis. Germany, in contrast, wants to proceed frugally and move toward balancing the European Books. Until the recent French Election, both France and Germany stood together in that, in a common front. Now they are at odds with one another and the chances of success have greatly diminished even though they were never all that great to begin with.

And we here, across the pond, are not immune from the European contagion.

The United States has been propped up by investors fleeing Europe and looking for a safe haven. They may think that they have found one in America and yet that is only an illusion. Their last two Presidents have piled on the debt to the extreme and the new American Health Care Law will greatly add to it. It will also result in greater unemployment as employers cut their workforces to avoid the new steep health care levies.

The day is quickly coming when it will be evident, even to those panicking Europeans, that there is no safe place to hide their money.

My advice, stay clear of Stock Markets.

The other implication I would like to spend a few words on is number 3 – the rising power of the Courts. It is not just in the USA that this is happening – it is, as you know, also going on big time here at home. Politicians like to deal with trivial matters and leave the heavy lifting to the Courts.

The Courts should occupy themselves with interpreting the Law as produced by the Legislators rather they use their powers interpretation to extend the Law beyond its intended meaning e.g. expand the definition of marriage to include gays.

There is another way they can extend the Law and that was evidenced in today’s decision. The Court endorsed Obama’s Health Care Bill which was clearly Unconstitutional, especially as it pertained to the Bill’s requirement that all Americans must take out mandatory health care coverage or face sanctions. If government / courts can order individuals to contract for health care – what is left that cannot be imposed upon the hapless? Forced purchase of broccoli?

That said, it is most sad to see that the American Courts – once the guardians of fundamental freedom – have also been drinking the progressive cool aid. I have said on earlier occasions that the USA is our last hope to see freedom prevail. Canada I believe is split one third true conservative and two thirds leftist. The US is in my opinion is split right down the middle – 50/50.

But sadly, I think the pendulum is ever moving toward the progressives. Today’s Supreme Court Decision is but another indicator of this gradual movement left.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’