Friday, September 21, 2012

The Islamists….Part Two.


Okay, back to the Islamists and for a Solution.

Let’s begin this segment by being honest, the Arab Spring has really turned into the Arab Winter and things will get worse.  Simply stated, the Extreme Muslims hate the West and everything for which we stand and that will not change.

And the Extremists are consolidating their control throughout the Muslim World. 

Let me also say here, that I believe things will eventually improve but it will take Ordinary Muslims to see that happen and that will likely take upwards of 50 years or more to achieve. Modern Communications will greatly help to ensure this. But what is important to realize is that it cannot be imposed from the outside; it must happen from within. 

But in the meantime, what do we in the West do?  Stand idly by?

No, because we will continually see our collective noses bloodied.

So what’s to be done?

First things first.

We need to stop Iran cold in its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons.  Indeed, I honestly believe they have them now – they are merely perfecting their delivery systems especially as it relates to their plan to completely destroy nearby Israel.  Obama’s reluctance to do anything is at best due to a desire to see no action taken until after November’s Election; and at worst, it means he is prepared to sit back until it is too late – as was the case for Pakistan and North Korea under previous administrations.  But neither of those countries have sworn to annihilate Israel as their first order of business.

So that must be done first and the sooner the better.

Next, the West must work closely with our few allies left in the Middle East – most especially Saudi Arabia.  Again, bluntly speaking, we need their oil.

As a corollary to that, we need to become energy self sufficient a.s.a.p. – and thankfully we have the energy source to do just that and no Dalton, it is neither wind nor solar.  It is Natural Gas; there is hundreds’ of years supply.

Concurrently,  we need to rope off our Islamist Enemies – no two way intercourse whatsoever: no trade; no investment; no travel / tourism; no contact by air / sea; no immigration etc.

Pretty harsh stuff, but we are at war with these folks and extreme measures are the only ones that will work.  And dear reader, they will work.

Finally, I would establish the Coalition of Democratic States (CDS).  Membership open to only those countries engaged in True Democracy – i.e. those with a robust System of the Rule of Law – along with the Islamist Nations, countries such as Russia and China need not apply.

Part of the Mandate of the CDS would be to nurture potential members.  Should Moderate Muslims rise up against their Islamist Masters, CDS would be there to help guide them toward eventual full CDS Membership.

An isolated Islam, living back in the Middle Ages as they are, would be rendered totally unable to continue their terroristic war on the West.

Threats that may arise within their boundaries (e.g. future attempts to develop nuclear weapons) would be easily negated by Western Attack from the Air.

Let them come to us, we’ll no longer be going to them.  We have finally learned our lesson.

As I see it…

‘K. D. Galagher’